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しかし丸紅はR/3からS/4HANAへと、SAP ERPを飛ばした直接移行を断念した。理由は技術的な難易度や他社の導入実績を鑑みた結果、「プロジェクトリスクが高かっ ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Proposta apresentada para PMI da Arena Joinville não alcança índice suficiente para ...
... SAP e Secretaria de Esportes (Sesporte). Os técnicos constataram que a maior parte dos estudos, como por exemplo, os de arquitetura e engenharia ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Agente penitenciário é encontrado morto em favela de Osasco (SP) - CNN Brasil
Ainda de acordo com a SAP, o policial penal exercia suas funções no Centro de Detenção Provisória de Osasco, e ingressou na pasta em 2002, na ...
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IFTTT General

"Saidinha de fim de ano" tem mais de 48 registros de fuga em SC, e presos seguem foragidos

... (SAP). Destas ocorrências, 39 presos seguem foragidos do sistema prisional. Continua depois da publicidade. Clique aqui para receber as notícias do ...

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IFTTT General

American Primeval feels like watching "The Revenant"
At /r/netflix
Randomly stumbled upon this show and wow. This had no bussiness being THAT GOOD. The Revenant is my all time favorite movie and the way this is shot instantly reminds me of the movie. 10/10 for me!! Finally a great show I really enjoy watching!
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 07:02PM by AdmirableOx
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IFTTT General

ELI5: I've been told that blocking the exhaust of a car will make the exhaust back up into the car. There is no connection between the exhaust and the cabin of the car, how does this happen?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Or, were we all lied to?
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 03:24PM by 605pmSaturday
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IFTTT General

Agente penitenciário é encontrado morto em favela de Osasco (SP) - CNN Brasil

Ainda de acordo com a SAP, o policial penal exercia suas funções no Centro de Detenção Provisória de Osasco, e ingressou na pasta em 2002, na ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5 why can't humans shake themselves like dogs (and other animals) can?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Humans shudder involuntarily, a whole body shudder. The muscles move quite fast. That is sort of similar to a dog shaking off water or stress. But why can't humans shudder voluntarily at such speed?
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 05:14PM by truly_killjoy
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IFTTT General

Netflix viewership overtakes BBC One for first time
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 05:43PM by footballersabroad
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mais de 250 mil atendimentos foram realizados pelo Centro de Atenção à Saúde de ...
Atualmente, o SAP possui 10.222 pacientes dos 74 municípios do estado, onde um representante legal, denominado preposto, é indicado pela Secretaria ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Vinícola Legado comemora dez anos da Festa da Colheita - Bom Gourmet
Situada em Campo Largo, é uma das poucas vinícolas da Região Metropolitana de Curitiba que possui vinhedo próprio. A programação acontece desde 2015.
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IFTTT General

The fires in the Netflix "Fireplace For Your Home" footage are awful.
At /r/netflix
They're so badly built only half the logs burn properly and it is the most frustrating thing because you want to rearrange it or at least take a poker to it.I mean the whole point of the whole thing is just a fire. One job. Build a decent fucking fire.But nooooooo. Build a shit fire and none of the crew ever notice that it's a shit fire. Assuming any of them stand aloft and have opposable thumbs, any one of them should be able to build a better fire than that.
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 04:55PM by DavidC_is_me
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IFTTT General

Integrantes do Consesp se reúnem para discutir e planejar novas ações de segurança para 2025

... SAP), Carlos Alexandre Oliveira Leite, que também integram o conselho, estiveram presentes. Os assuntos destacados foram as reduções nos ...

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IFTTT General

Preview Club Questions
At /r/netflix
So I just got my first screening invite for preview club. I was super excited and then saw who is starring in the movie. This is someone who is in my personal top 5 list of most hated “celebrities”. I would absolutely not waste time watching something with this person in it, in fact I would thumbs down it on Netflix without watching it, and I don’t do that. If something was playing at the dentists office with this person in it, I would ask for the remote.So if I don’t watch the movie, will I be sent any other previews? I really want to be in the preview club, but this is worst case scenario. I would rather watch a presidential debate. How ironic is it that I’m open to literally anything but this dumb b. So do I skip… or watch it, bleach my eyes and ears, and then shit all over the survey?
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 03:57PM by bennylilfluff
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IFTTT General

Pavei Brands adota B1 e Senior - Baguete

... SAP, com a H&Co, multinacional estadunidense da área de consultoria tributária. Para a folha de pagamento e ponto eletrônico, a empresa implantou ...

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IFTTT General

Panaya Announces Strategic Partnership With Cognizant To Improve Migration And Digital ...

This partnership is designed to speed up organizations' transformation process to SAP S/4HANA ... S4HANA transformation journeys. Read More: WiMi ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Presos engolem objetos para tentar inseri-los em penitenciárias de SP após saidinha
... (SAP). Ao todo, 72 detentos que fazem parte do regime semiaberto foram flagrados pelos escâneres corporais e raio-X. Os equipamentos conseguiram ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Proposta apresentada para PMI da Arena Joinville não alcança índice suficiente para ...

... SAP e Secretaria de Esportes (Sesporte). Os técnicos constataram que a maior parte dos estudos, como por exemplo, os de arquitetura e engenharia ...

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IFTTT General

Presos engolem objetos para tentar inseri-los em penitenciárias de SP após saidinha

... (SAP). Ao todo, 72 detentos que fazem parte do regime semiaberto foram flagrados pelos escâneres corporais e raio-X. Os equipamentos conseguiram ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Acesso via Enem: instituição de Curitiba aceita nota dos últimos dez anos - Bem Paraná
Segundo pesquisa divulgada pelo Instituto Semesp, fazer uma graduação é o sonho de 80% dos jovens brasileiros. Para 40% deles, a graduação é ...
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IFTTT General

Netflix quality sucks
At /r/netflix
I'm trying to watch "Venom" right now and the resolution is awfull, im tired of this, some movies have a 1080p resolution which looks nice, but other movies have more like a 480p resolution and it's awful, it only happens on my PC, when using netflix on the TV all movies look nice, I have tried everything and nothing seems to fix it, some years ago the solution was to use netflix app instead of browser, but some updates ago the app now uses an integrated browser so it dosen't work anymore, I'm going crazy everytime I try watching a movie
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 06:04PM by Sebas442
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IFTTT General

Mais de 250 mil atendimentos foram realizados pelo Centro de Atenção à Saúde de ...

Atualmente, o SAP possui 10.222 pacientes dos 74 municípios do estado, onde um representante legal, denominado preposto, é indicado pela Secretaria ...

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IFTTT General

What to watch after Alice in Borderland ?
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 05:32PM by Boom767
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IFTTT General

YSK: using fuel additives occasionally can save you thousands in car repairs
At /r/YouShouldKnow
I have an old Toyota Highlander with 230k km on it. I've been noticing occasional misfires at idle for a few months now. No code yet but I could feel it, and it was getting worse over time. I used a full can of 'Gumout multi system tune up' (A fuel injector cleaner) in the gas tank, and soon after there were no more misfires. Why YSK: This could have been a nightmare to diagnose. Some mechanics would start by replacing the spark plug, then when that doesn't work they'd replace the coil, and finally replace the injector when all else fails. On my engine, those parts are very difficult to access on the rear 3 cylinders. If I was unlucky enough to have a misfire back there, it would be upwards of $300 in labour each time they replaced a part. So I could be looking at close to $1000 in labour and a few hundred in parts as well, just for diagnosing and fixing an injector issue in one cylinder. The mechanic might recommend replacing all the injectors, coils, and plugs just to be safe, which could cost over $1000 in parts alone.I've been running Gumout once every time I do an oil change, but now that I have proof it's helping I might bump it up to 2k or 3k.You can find videos on YouTube of fuel additive working in real time. I saw one where a mechanic had a car that was having issues with the fuel injection. He added the injector cleaner, then took it for a drive with his diagnostic tool plugged in. You could see the numbers in real time going back to normal.
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 05:04PM by Treenut08
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Exército proíbe evento de bolsonaristas em Clube de Sargentos em Curitiba - Você bem informado
O Exército vetou a realização de um seminário organizado por um grupo conservador no Clube dos Sargentos e Subtenentes de Curitiba, no Paraná. A..
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IFTTT General

Netflix without TV subscription
At /r/netflix
I am from Belgium and planning to cancel Proximus TV subscription. But I am wondering will there be an issue watching Netflix if I pay for them separately. I always went into netflix with their TV connecting apps. Please shed some light as I am eager to understand befor I cancel TV subscription. Thanks for your time.
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 04:45PM by Tom2Travel
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IFTTT General

SNP amplía su colaboración con SAP - Fortuna - Perfil

... S/4HANA Public Cloud. Basándose en un exitoso historial con clientes conjuntos como BMW, Pfizer, E.ON o TE Connectivity, SNP intensifica ahora su ...
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IFTTT General

Policial penal executado morreu por morar perto da cadeia em Osasco, diz colega

Em setembro do ano passado, a Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (SAP) de São Paulo interceptou uma carta do PCC que pedia um levantamento ...

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IFTTT General

Tecon Salvador abre vaga para Supervisor Administrativo - Empregos na Bahia

1. Atuar como ponto focal do sistema SAP, Sistema Jurídico (Jurídico Online), Rainbow e Qualidade elaborando e revisando procedimentos da área, ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do leftovers smell bad when they’re cold but smell good when you reheat them?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I just heated up some corn, rice and beef tips for my lunch and the beef tips smelled bad when they were cold but they smelled really good once they were heated up, why does that happen?
Submitted January 15, 2025 at 02:28PM by Miserable-Button4299
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