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IFTTT General

ELI5: How is evidence that is illegally obtained handled in court? (Spoilers for The Wire season 5)
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I just got done watching The Wire, and don’t really understand how illegally obtained evidence is handled? In the final season two characters finally catch a major drug kingpin using an illegal wiretap in order to raid his supply. If police raided his supply and see that he is in posession of a large quantity of drugs, how does the illegally obtained evidence come into play?
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 05:15PM by PlasmaGod1971
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IFTTT General

ELI5: what is the benfit of having both baby teeth and adult teeth as opposed to starting out with adult teeth?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 05:04PM by GamingCatGuy
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is the tape in VHS and Betamax tapes pulled out of the cassette to read it, when audio cassettes don't have this requirement?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 04:25PM by Astronius-Maximus
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Canadá está chocado com tarifas de 25% dos EUA, diz ministra de Relações Exteriores
O senador democrata dos Estados Unidos Andy Kim destacou que mais de 70 ... 60% dos norte-americanos as desaprovam. “Trump está tentando fazer a ...
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IFTTT General

"Projeto 'Transformar' Busca Mapear População LGBTQIA+ No Sistema Prisional Do Ceará ...

A iniciativa é uma colaboração entre a Sediv e a Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP), visando a criação de dados ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: is there a major difference in Boxing/UFC/ETC when a fighter is 1-2 pounds over weight?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 02:36PM by evariell
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IFTTT General

ELI5: how particle accelerators capture the data of the collision of particles?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I believe there is no photos being taken since but don't understand how the results are translate to real data.
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 01:13PM by Adventurous-Bid3731
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IFTTT General

Home office: 119 vagas para trabalho remoto [14/02] | Mercado - TecMundo

Consultor SAP SD Junior na Vetta; Coordenador de Operações de Franquias na Magazine Luiza; Estagiário Controladoria na Brivia; Estágio Financeiro ...

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IFTTT General

Dead Boy Detectives
At /r/netflix
Did anyone watch Dead Boy Detectives? Did you like it? It's in the same universe as Sandman. I really enjoyed both shows and was really looking forward to season 2 of Dead Boy Detectives but found out it was canceled due to low views. I feel like Netflix cancels so many shows super quickly.
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 03:38PM by Upstatealphamama
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IFTTT General

Need help with this survey! :’)
At /r/netflix
Hi guys! We’re doing a quick survey on Netflix adding news as an option. help us out with this!
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 02:50PM by curiouschild_2
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IFTTT General

Feel like there is nothing for me to watch, help me out!
At /r/netflix
A list of some of the things I’ve watched. 13 reasons why, breaking bad, TWD, better call Saul, stranger things, Bojack Horseman, avatar, on my block, school spirits, squid games, dark, the end of the fucking world, umbrella academy, everything sucks, beef, cyberpunk, insatiable, i am not okay with this. I am probably missing a couple but most of these shows had me somewhat hooked and I’m looking to find that in another show. It feels like maybe I’ve watched all there is for me on Netflix so if anyone could help me out that would be great!
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 02:18PM by SlothSnoozes
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IFTTT General

Watch list question...
At /r/netflix
Am I the only person that fills their watch list of shows and films that I would love to watch. And as soon as I want to watch something, everything looks like a load of crap I wouldn't ever want to watch?
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 02:10PM by AnthologicalAnt
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why don’t doctors and staff in hospitals wear masks most of the time, and why are medical masks used during surgery just the basic flimsy variant?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Undergoing multiple surgeries and recoveries during the pandemic, this seemed very strange to me?
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 11:51AM by Difficult-Ad-1221
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What is the difference between seeing black and seeing nothing?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I keep hearing the argument that a person who is born blind doesn't see black, but can't see anything.Since black is the absence of light, isn't it the same thing as nothing? If a person that is not blind experiences "black" when their photoreceptors don't detect light, shouldn't a blind person also experience "black" as their photoreceptors aren't detecting light?For instance, it makes perfect sense to me that a deaf person experiences quietness, and a person with CIPA experiences painlessness, not so different from how a person who is not deaf nor has CIPA would experience quietness and painlessness. Why does experiencing the absense of light for a blind person have to be any different from experiencing the absence of light for a person that is not blind?I've also heard the argument that what a blind person sees is like what my elbow sees. Well my elbows aren't detecting light, so it must be experiencing blackness too right? What else could black be, if not simply the absence of light?Edit:I understand the difference now. Even if I'm in a pitch black room with bo visible light at all, my eyes are still sending visual information to my brain, which I perceive as black, that is different from not receiving any signal at all. Tbh though, none of the attempts at describing what that experience is satisfy me, but I get the idea that there is a clear difference.
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 12:09PM by Jay35770806
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is it not recommended to use body lotion on your face?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Pretty much what the title says. In my experience, body lotion is usually more moisturizing (at least for me), it’s a lot more affordable, and it comes in bigger sizes so it lasts a lot longer. Is there science behind it? Is it due to the facial skin vein more sensitive? Or is it all a big marketing scheme to get us to spend more money on expensive face creams?
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 03:59AM by princess_katybug
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do we have chess engines for years now that crush humans but not in other games?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Strategy games or RTS like Civ, warcraft. Saw a video today of a guy beating 23 bots on the highest difficulty in warcraft 3 reforged. Especially considering the last several years with the advancement to AI that can do things like code, make music, write, etc.
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 06:01PM by chappelles
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IFTTT General

Bitrate/resolution Bad on Windows client
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 05:33PM by bitcoin_10
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IFTTT General

Games with friends?
At /r/netflix
Every Sunday we have friends come over and I see our subscription gives us games. Is there a recommended game that you would say would work for a crowd of all ages??
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 04:58PM by Ok_Group_1322
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why were changes to the shape/connectors of computer data cables needed to achieve new higher speeds? Couldn't existing cables still have been used, with the data just being sent and encoded differently?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 04:24PM by kepler1
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IFTTT General

Netflix pricing in Europe (as of February 2025)
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 04:36PM by Practical-Creme-6025
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IFTTT General

Canada Pricing Increases (again) Feb 2025
At /r/netflix
Netflix year over a year continues to increase their prices and they are no longer competitive. (in my opinion.)Because of this ongoing increase last year we downgraded to the standard with ads plan, which has been fine . The cost was $5.99.Here are the changes - Standard with ads $5.99 to $7.99- standard $16.49 to $18.99- premium $20.99 to $23.99Absolutely unacceptable . We have cancelled our membership . I encourage others to do the same in solidarity.
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 03:53PM by fermulator
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What does the US government and people achieve by having no debt and a balanced budget
At /r/explainlikeimfive
There is a pretty big push in the US for slashing budget to try to balance our debt sheet. At face value I get it, you don’t want to have more debt than you have incoming funds to pay off said debt. The cuts to budget are dramatic which will upend the status quo and wouldn’t that make our bonds less of a safe investment( I barely understand this but I’ve heard this before).What does this balanced sheet actually get the US?What are the fiscal reasons for this to be accomplished, will people in the US suddenly get access to better loans or is there some other reason to do this?
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 02:33PM by Wonderful_Rest3124
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Home office: 119 vagas para trabalho remoto [14/02] | Mercado - TecMundo
Consultor SAP SD Junior na Vetta; Coordenador de Operações de Franquias na Magazine Luiza; Estagiário Controladoria na Brivia; Estágio Financeiro ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Mastering the Art of SAP Solutions: Over Two Decades of Experience of Pavan Kanchi

... S/4HANA. The client lacked standardized processes, which required a complete workflow redesign. The project spanned two company codes under a ...
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IFTTT General

netflix is ass
At /r/netflix
Because I cannot even search what movies and tv series it has without subdscription. Wtf is this bs? Just let me look what you offer ffs and then ill decide whether its worth the premium or not, now i am buying a pig in a poke
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 03:08PM by Ill_Baker_9712
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IFTTT General

Ways you connect over TV
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 02:20PM by Inquisitive_Peruser
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IFTTT General

Is there a list of shows that are NOT cancelled?
At /r/netflix
Has anyone made a comprehensive list of all shows on Netflix that currently have 1 or 2 seasons out and are NOT cancelled? I want to watch something new but I don't want to get invested in a show if it's never going to be finished. Knowing how the geniuses at Netflix keep cancelling 99.99% of anything new, I avoid even opening the app/website because I know I'll see a glimpse of something amazing that will inevitably leave me disappointed, miserable, and angry, once I find out it was cancelled. I don't want to waste my time and feelings so I'm looking for a list of the 0.01% of shows that aren't cancelled. I could just google every single show Netflix recommends before watching it, but it would be way more convenient to have a list of active series to choose from, where none of the choices would make you question if life is worth living when even escapism lets you down. The one thing that's supposed to distract you from how shit life is. But anyway, I digress. Feel free to share any info you guys have or any recommendations.
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 01:39PM by ellie1398
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Cast group no LinkedIn: #ceudebrigadeirosap #castgroup #brejeiro #sap #digital
Brejeiro decolando para o futuro digital com a Cast group! Em um ano especial, celebrando os 30 anos da SAP no Brasil, temos orgulho de ...
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IFTTT General

YSK: Why Listening Is the Most Underrated Skill in the World (and How to Master It)
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: This will help you be a much more powerful communicator in all areas of life.Why Listening Is the Most Underrated Skill in the World (and How to Master It)I’ve seen it over and over—people breaking down because I listened.That’s the power of real listening.The Moment Everything Changes“How are you?” I asked.“Fine, thanks.”But I didn’t accept the automatic response.I said, “Are you sure? Because last time we spoke, I felt like something was on your mind.”She starts crying.Her father had stage 4 cancer.It happens all the time. Someone puts on a brave face, but beneath the surface, they’re drowning.And when nobody else notices—but you do—something incredible happens.They feel seen.That moment of deep connection is rare. But when you master it, you build relationships that run deeper than most people ever experience.The Art of Seeing What Others MissOne night, a friend texted me a casual update about her day. Buried in the middle of her message, she mentioned she’d had suicidal thoughts—like it was just another mundane detail.I could tell she had already told others, and I’m sure they responded with kind, supportive words.But something in her message set off an alarm in my mind.This wasn’t a text conversation.I called her.In today’s world, where people hate phone calls, that simple act meant everything.She was blown away. Because I heard her pain.That call lasted an hour. She cried. She talked. She let it out.And she lived.That’s what real listening can do.Most People Never ListenHere’s the truth: Most conversations aren’t really conversations.They’re just two people waiting for their turn to talk.They aren’t fully present. They aren’t absorbing the meaning beneath the words.And people feel it.But when you make someone feel heard?That’s a superpower.Why This Skill Is Life-ChangingMost people feel unseen by default.We go through life craving validation. Hoping someone will reflect back our beauty, struggles, and hidden fears.A great listener helps you understand yourself.And that’s unforgettable.People don’t remember everything you say.But they will never forget how you made them feel.How to Be a Better Listener (Starting Today)1️⃣ Give them your full attention.Put the phone down. Make eye contact. Be present.2️⃣ Ask questions that open them up.“And what happened next?”“How did that make you feel?”“What kind of impact did that have on your life?”3️⃣ Notice what they aren’t saying.Watch their eyes. Their body language. The hesitation in their voice.4️⃣ Help them name their feelings.“Are you feeling frustrated? Sad? Hopeful? Relieved?”Even if you guess wrong, they’ll clarify. And that deepens the connection.Why This Is Rare (And Why It Makes You Powerful)Most people aren’t looking to understand.They’re looking to be understood.That’s why most relationships are so shallow—because neither person is truly listening.But when you become the rare person who sees people clearly, everything changes.Your relationships get stronger.
Your influence grows.
People trust you.Because when someone truly listens, it’s unforgettable.And that’s why this skill is one of the most powerful things you’ll ever learn.Until next time,
Dancer, Writer, BuddhistPermission to Be Powerful is a reader-supported publication. Subscribe to get new posts and support my work.
Submitted February 15, 2025 at 12:30PM by realrudeboy87
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IFTTT General

SAP Business Data Cloud : une avancée stratégique majeure | LCDG - Le Café du Geek

Les produits de données SAP, comme ceux de SAP S/4HANA ou SAP SuccessFactors, restent fidèles à leur contexte initial. Les dirigeants peuvent ...
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