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... S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition」を前提にしているため、アドオン(追加開発)ソフトを利用した導入が可能だ。一方のGROWはマルチテナントのSaaS型ERP「S/4HANA ...
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IFTTT General

GRU Airport desenvolve solução de billing com o SAP BTP

A GRU Airport, um dos maiores aeroportos do mundo, desenvolveu uma nova solução de billing utilizando o SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: How in this world do people make cheeses like parmesan, and dough-starters like sour dough starter. Leave it for decades without rotting
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted February 26, 2025 at 05:14PM by MoltO0
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Carnaval: 326 mil veículos devem sair de Curitiba para SC
Mais de 1,6 mil de veículos devem passar pelas rodovias BR-376, BR-101, BR-116 e no Contorno de Florianópolis durante o Carnaval.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

THK様、SAP S/4HANA移行に必要なジョブ管理の中核に「A-AUTO」を採用! | ニコニコニュース

同社では、既存の運用を可能な限り維持できるよう、SAP S/4HANAを含めたRISE with SAPへの移行を検討していましたが、これまでSAPから推奨されていたジョブ管理 ...
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IFTTT General

Eli5: how can a computer be completely unresponsive but somehow Ctrl+alt+del still goes through?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 03:38PM by SteakAndIron
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Can someone explain gravitational time dilation in this special case?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
We know that time passes more slowly on Earth due to gravity than it does in space. For the sake of example, let’s scale up Earth’s gravity to the point where the difference in the passage of time between the planet and a satellite orbiting it becomes very significant.What happens if I look through a telescope from the satellite and observe the Earth, where time passes faster? Would I see events unfolding in fast-forward?What we see is the reflection of photons. Let’s assume there is no sun, and I am illuminating the Earth from my satellite, where time passes more slowly than on the planet. If I can only see what reflects the light I emit, then I am not actually seeing everything.This is because, in order to see everything, my light source would need to emit photons at a frequency corresponding to the passage of time on Earth. Therefore, in reality, I would see the Earth in a choppy, stuttering way.Am I understanding this correctly?
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 02:08PM by eliwhinte
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IFTTT General

ELI5 What’s the benefit of borrowing against billions worth of assets
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Recently I was looking into why owners of nfl teams rarely sell their teams and someone had said that the benefit of holding onto the team and its assets is that the owner can borrow against that asset.Why would someone with presumably plenty of money in their bank from earnings want to borrow even more money just bc they have a lot of assets to borrow against? Is it just even more cash for them? Or is it mainly to fund other investments?Also when paying back a huge loan will assets need to be sold off or is there something they can do to retain ownership and be debt free, loan free etc etc
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 02:11PM by chonkydallas
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How does shared A/C with individual thermostats work?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I'm looking at an apartment with building-wide A/C and heat, where management determines when the A/C system is turned on and off for the hotter months. In the parking lot, you can see a big A/C exhaust unit (huge utility box thing with fans). However, each unit has a thermostat where you can control the temperature of your own apartment. There are not any unit-specific heating/cooling units visible outside the units (on the ground or on the exterior walls).How do these systems actually work? Is air shared between units, or is there some other A/C magic that happens behind the scenes?
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 09:17AM by oceanpotatotoo
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why was the neo-nazi AWB party a thing in Apartheid era South Africa?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So, from what I can gather, the AWB was a white supremacist, neo-nazi (complete with their own weird swatstika) political party in South Africa that was founded in the 1970s. I get that the type of racists who would be in the AWB aren't the brightest bulbs in the draw, but they already had what they wanted in Apartheid in South Africa and the Afrikaners were on the top of the heap.Was Apartheid South Africa not racist enough for the AWB?
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 02:09PM by GiftedGeordie
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What happens if a Schengen citizen spends more than 90 days in another Schengen country without registering?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted February 26, 2025 at 01:29PM by Hopeful_Addition7834
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IFTTT General

What’s the Best Show or Movie You’ve Watched on Netflix?
At /r/netflix
With so many options on Netflix, it’s hard to pick what to watch next. From intense thrillers to heartwarming dramas, the platform has something for everyone.For me, "Money Heist" was an absolute game-changer—the tension, the characters, and that iconic Bella Ciao just made it unforgettable!What’s your top Netflix recommendation? A hidden gem, a must-watch series, or a recent favorite? Let’s share our best picks!
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 01:14PM by mad_max_mb
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IFTTT General

Hayden Schlossberg Reveals His Top Five Fighters in 'Cobra Kai'
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 11:53AM by Somethingman_121224
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Lula perde apoio e desaprovação ultrapassa 60% em vários estados brasileiros | XV Curitiba
Nos Estados do Sul, Sudeste e Centro-Oeste onde o levantamento foi feito, Lula enfrenta uma desaprovação superior a 60%. Goiás lidera com 70 ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos Explains Why Traditional Sitcoms Like 'The Big Bang Theory' Are Still Big Business
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 10:49AM by Sweaty-Toe-6211
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IFTTT General

Kaiju movies in Netflix
At /r/netflix
Are there any kaiju movies on Netflix? (Excluding any Godzilla film and Love and Monsters, as I've already watched those). Shows such as Gamera Rebirth don't count because I want a film to watch. Kaiju movies are my favourite genre, so I'm looking forwards to seeing if there's any. Thanks in advance!
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 07:02PM by TheLakeGuardian
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Região Metropolitana de Curitiba fervendo! Três cidades batem recorde de calor
Isso pode provocar alguns temporais em cidades do Paraná. Em Curitiba, os termômetros seguem elevados e há 70% de probabilidade de ocorrência de chuva ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
GRU Airport desenvolve solução de billing com o SAP BTP
A GRU Airport, um dos maiores aeroportos do mundo, desenvolveu uma nova solução de billing utilizando o SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP) ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Is it weird that the series I'm watching changes seasons/episodes while I'm away?
At /r/netflix
I'm watching Dark. I'm in season 3.When I go to watch again, it's back in the middle of season 2. It's happened 3 times now and returns to different points.Does that mean someone else is accessing my account?
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 05:30PM by sorrybroorbyrros
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IFTTT General

Issue with movie search
At /r/netflix
Has anyone else noticed issues with the title search?
When I search for a title in the Search (on PC, Firefox), select a title to look on the details and then close the details popover, the other titles can not be selected anymore.
The only Option I have is to relaod the Page.I could not find a place to report this bug, so I am posting it here, so maybe a Neflix employee sees it.
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 05:16PM by albert_er
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is money withdrawn from your account nearly instantly when making a card payment, but refunds take up to a week?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted February 26, 2025 at 03:39PM by MetalcorePrincess7
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How are number of days per month originally setup?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For example, why can't 1 day be taken from January and 1 day from March and both added to February giving all 3 months 30 days each?
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 03:17PM by SNAKEXRS
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IFTTT General

(Junior) Softwareentwickler\in im SAP S/4HANA/Fiori Umfeld oder (Junior) SAP S ... -

Job zu vergeben: (Junior) Softwareentwickler\
in im SAP S/4HANA/Fiori Umfeld oder (Junior) SAP S/4HANA ABAP/UI5/Fiori Entwickler*in in Wien bei der ...
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IFTTT General

The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window
At /r/netflix
I’m going preface this by saying I’m a complete moron. I had no clue this was satire until like the last or second to last episode. In my defense, I knew nothing about this show when I clicked on it and was slightly preoccupied when I watched it. But OMG looking back on it, there’s so much dumb stuff I missed that’s absolutely hilarious. I might have to watch it again.
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 02:36PM by Flat-Creek93
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IFTTT General

Need some good TV show recs
At /r/netflix
Hey, might sound kinda weird, but I’m looking for American or British shows with good-looking characters " especially the male lead" i don't want smth classic, Don’t really care about the genre, just need a solid story that won’t put me to sleep.Watched The Gentlemen 2024—loved it. Also saw The Hating Game. So yeah, my taste is all over the place Please don't suggest any shows with a lot of sexual content
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 01:39PM by Fit_Bee367
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IFTTT General

HAVOC | Official Teaser | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 01:22PM by MysteriousDelay6266
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Quaest: reprovação de Lula dispara em PE e BA e ultrapassa 60% em SP, RJ, MG, PR, GO e RS
Segundo pesquisa Genial/Quaest, divulgada nesta quarta-feira, 26, a taxa de reprovação do presidente ultrapassa 60% nos outros seis Estados onde foram ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Netflix begins adapting the best season of Avatar: The Last Airbender to live-action
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 12:00PM by Internal-Bed-3150
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IFTTT General

This season is bad ? (The Night Agent )
At /r/netflix
I really just couldn’t get behind this season. This romance between Peter and Rose just doesn’t give me life. She also doesn’t have any sex appeal as well (as does Peter), the storyline between the US and Middle East is a bit redundant. Noors character got on my nerves (& and man her brother same ) .I’m sorry for all the negativity, but I just couldn’t stand it. Does anyone else feel this way ?!
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 11:12AM by nycsbestkeptsecret
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What happens/could happen if you take consistently a lot of mosquito bites?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Hey, I don't know why but lately I am being targeted by the mosquito community. I live in a tropical country, it's hot and wet this time of the year and for whatever reason this month there are A LOT of mosquitoes around my house and my job. Some infestation maybe, idk.The point is that I'm taking easily 10 bites daily for the last 45 or 60 days and this seems to be going until it start to get colder. I know that probably 10 isn't a lot but every single day(?)... I also understand that mosquitoes can have diseases or viruses and of course the more you are bitten, higher the chances you get something. But is there any other major problem that could happen to me?
Submitted February 26, 2025 at 10:08AM by giocow
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