Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Investimentos de MAIS DE R$ 3,5 milhões para SAP - NPDiário
O Governador do Paraná, Carlos Massa Ratinho Junior (PSD) abriu oficialmente o Fórum Paraná Mais Cidade, no último dia 13, contando com a presença de ...
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Logging on from different states
At /r/netflix
I’m in the US and my wife will be working out of state for a couple of months. Is there anything I need to do so we can both use the account without risking getting blocked?If it matters, we’re on the premium plan.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 10:53AM by gordopotato
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ELI5- Why would old games like Sims 1 (non legacy edition) have trouble running on newer versions of windows?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I just don’t understand what would make a old game difficult to run on windows if you have enough ram.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 07:45AM by PikachuTrainz
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Official Discussion - American Murder: Gabby Petito
At /r/netflix
American Murder: Gabby Petito Official DiscussionI remember when this story was somewhat happening in real time. Crazy to think we are now in the era of tik Tok murder docs. I am only one episode in, but I thought this would be an interesting place to discuss the series.Feel free to share your thoughts.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 07:21AM by Worldpeacee007
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The åre murders
At /r/netflix
Does anyone know why the åre murders is gone from netflix? I was almost finished watching but now its gone… yesterday it was still watchable and now I try to watch but if I click on it I can set a "remind me" and only watch the trailer :(
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 06:53AM by Sandroox
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ELI5: What is really going on when we say a person "can't swim"?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I'm fully prepared for the possibility that this is a dumb question, but it's a sincere one. I grew up on a coast and have been in the water from a very young age so maybe I'm just lacking a reference point for what it means to not be able to swim? Like, your body is buoyant, it floats, and then any movement against the water in turn moves your body. What's to "know" exactly? And how do people drown when they "can't swim" what do they fail to do? This is not a flex or an attempt to condescend to people who can't swim.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 05:41AM by DeanKoontssy
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Is there any way to restore a deleted Netflix account?
At /r/netflix
So earlier my stepmum discovered that our shared family Netflix account had been hacked. Someone had changed the email address and she wasn't able to sign in. She had to delete the shared account. We've had the account for years and now all the movies and show I've watched have been erased. I'm kinda sad but I completely understand why she did it and don't blame her one bit. Is there any way to get the account back with all the stuff restored? Any tips are greatly appreciated.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 06:31AM by Connor977
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Was watching episode 3 of Watchers and I started laughing at the scene where John Graff gets beat with a pile
At /r/netflix
I just thought I had to share this, but I can't take this scene seriously. Why? They used the falling metal pipe sound effect in the scene where John gets attacked by someone with a metal pipe. That's all. Just thought I'd share.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 05:27AM by SomePerson47
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ENEOS、S/4HANAの基幹システムをクラウドに移行、AIなどの活用を容易に | IT Leaders
ENEOS(本社:東京都千代田区)は、「SAP S/4HANA」によるオンプレミスの基幹業務システムをクラウドERPの「SAP S/4HANA Cloud」に移行し、2025年1月に稼働を ...
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A+ to the filmmakers of Cassandra.
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 04:56AM by an1maver1ck
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Best Kdrama to Watch on Netflix Today
At /r/netflix
In your opinion, what is the best kdrama to stream on Netflix today? I'm currently watching Marry You and When the Stars Gossip and they're both okay. I like WTSG better though. The story is quite interesting than what I normally watch. It's refreshing to see Lee Min Ho playing a character that is very different from his usual rich or powerful guy roles. He is kinda an underdog here. Shows a little bit of his range as a actor.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 01:25AM by Brilliant_One9258
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Fake laughter on one of the Nate Bargatze special
At /r/netflix
The special "Your friend Nate Bargatze" is really funny, and I don't believe there is anything added to the production of that, BUT for the "Greatest Average American" special on Netflix, it's actually frighteningly comical how much canned laughter they added to the top of that. The beginning starts out with so much canned laughter added in post production that it's just on repeat like a laughter machine gun over every three words he says. Mind you, you'll see no reaction shots from the audience, just some movements of silhouettes. With non stop incessant canned laughter. The special is funny, and you start to see reaction shots from the audience a bit into the special, and you seen it's during the pandemic with social distancing and masks, but I think they took some laughter sounds from the middle and PILED it onto the top haha.- am I wrong? LMK
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 12:53AM by FlightBeneficial2833
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ELI5: What does it mean when people say that most Americans can't read above a sixth grade level?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
The only thing I've seen is people saying they can't read complex sentences, but what's considered a complex sentence? Words with too many syllables? Too many different types of punctuation?
Submitted February 16, 2025 at 11:33PM by ChadJones72
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ELI5 Why Central Asia is so important to “world domination” aka The Great Game and World Island Theory?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
It just seems to be very inhospitable and isolated so control of it doesn’t buy you much. No ports. No harbors. No large cities. Trade Crossroads went the way of Marco Polo.
Submitted February 16, 2025 at 10:16PM by Tannhausergate2017
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Manifestantes entram em shopping de Curitiba em protesto contra a escala 6×1; veja o vídeo
Diversas cidades do país registraram mobilizações pelo fim da escala 6X1 da jornada de trabalho neste domingo (16). Os atos fazem parte do ...
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Eli5 : Why do we mix baking soda (basic) and white vinegar (acidic) to clean with a neutral solution ?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Sorry, i’m not an english speaker so I wasn’t sure how to properly formulate my question.My point is, when i look for advice to clean online it often come down to mixing baking soda and white vinegar, i don’t know much about chemistry, but doesn’t it make a neutral solution ? Would a clearly acidic or basic solution be more efficient for cleaning than a neutral one ? Thank you.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 11:04AM by Baronovsky
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ELI5:Do spammers take weekends and holidays off?I have noticed over the years that my inbox receives little to no spam on weekends and holidays in the US.
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 09:02AM by Found-my-fetish
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What’s a show you randomly started watching on Netflix and ended up loving?
At /r/netflix
I started Blacklist on a whim, not expecting much, but it completely pulled me in. Whether it was the story, characters, or just the overall vibe, I ended up binge-watching the whole thing.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 07:45AM by mmprobablymakingitup
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YSK Spotify's shuffle algorithm repeats because it uses cached data and deleting it allows a higher variety of your playlist
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Sick of listening to the same 30 songs on repeat? So was I! I can't believe this "feature" still exists. Whether it be to save Spotify money by playing less expensive songs, or just because it plays what you always listen right through, it's annoying. I want to listen to my whole playlist!To delete your Spotify cache go to Settings / Storage / Delete CacheEventually, your preferences will be re-cached and need to be re-removed. For a more permanent solution use something like this
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 07:19AM by ultavulta
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ELI5 What does it mean “bank of England has defaulted on physical gold delivery” ??
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 04:43AM by padmanabh10
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The Whole Pantry cookbook on eBay.
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 06:35AM by Owlwarrior777
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John Kreese was originally supposed to survive his shocking Cobra Kai death in deleted scene
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 06:07AM by ellie_gina
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SAP-kunder tøver med at flytte over på S/4 Hana - foretrækker at bliver hængende på det gamle ECC
Kunderne er ikke hurtige nok til at skifte over til SAP's nye ERP-system S/4 Hana, og det kan få konsekvenser for selskabet, som har planlagt at ...
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SAP Launches Business Data Cloud to Unify Enterprise Data and AI - The Fast Mode
It delivers fully-managed SAP data products across all business processes – from finance, spend, and supply chain data in SAP S/4HANA and SAP ...
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Daybreak and How To Sell Drugs Online (fast) theme similarity
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 02:09AM by SignificantFuture453
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THE OA season 3 PLEASE
At /r/netflix
THE PRODUCERS WANT TO FINISH, MILLIONS OF FANS WANT IT TO. I know y’all at Netflix have things to do a business to run. But this show would KILL right now… oh my lord I’m so mad it wasn’t concluded. PLEASE listen to the producer and give it a shot. Geez it was SO good and would do so well now.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 01:16AM by Coorb
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Is it possible to import watch history?
At /r/netflix
Moving out of my parents' place and figure I'll get my own Netflix while I'm at it. Just wondering if there's a way to import my current watch history from my profile on their account to my account.
Submitted February 17, 2025 at 12:30AM by Afraid-Win-5685
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ELI5: Why is injecting I-131 into my hyperthyroid cat harmless to her, but unsafe for me just from secondary contact?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Title says it all. I don’t understand how it can directly be injected into her body in a way that only targets her thyroid without damaging her other tissues, but somehow I’m at risk just by coming into contact with her. Edit: I guess I’m asking 2 related things…1) how does it “know” to only destroy her thyroid and not any other tissues, and b) if it’s not also destroying the rest of her own body tissues, then why is it a risk to me? Her own esophagus and lungs are a lot closer to her thyroid and can’t avoid being in proximity, yet I’m told to avoid letting her sit in my lap.
Submitted February 16, 2025 at 09:58PM by Mewnicorns
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Tried starting Outlander, can someone recommend a similar show but without all the damn sexual assault?
At /r/netflix
I am 1.2 episodes in and I hate this show already. It’s got nice camera work and acting but that’s it, so far the plot has refused to grab my attention and the male characters are all so rapey. I hate it. Which is a shame because I love period pieces and thought perhaps I could stomach the more mature themes but just an hour or so in and I can tell it’ll be one of those shows that romanticizes women’s pain. I googled some reviews before deciding not to continue watching, and apparently it’s like this the whole show so it’s an absolute no from me. I’m down for any better recommendations if you can spare some please and thank you💗
Submitted February 16, 2025 at 11:03PM by Poorteenwannabe
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YSK: About Dry Rot in Shoes
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: there’s been an influx of posts recently about people’s rubber shoe soles disintegrating. This is called dry rot, and it’s caused by shoes sitting in storage for a while after being worn out once or twice, or not at all. Moisture is trapped in the PU rubber, and if it is not squeezed out by wearing, it rots the sole from the inside out. It can also be cause by your foot sweat rotting the soles.What can you do to prevent it? Buying higher quality shoes, with either leather soles, or Vibram or Dainite rubber soles, can go a long way toward preventing dry rot. Taking care of your shoes after wearing by putting in cedar shoe trees can also greatly extend the life of your shoes. Cedar shoe trees absorb moisture and odours very well. If you were in the rain with your shoes, you can take care of them afterwards by wiping them down with a dry cloth, and stuffing them with newspaper for a while, then replacing the paper with cedar shoe trees.Wearing your shoes on a regular basis and keeping them in a well ventilated area can also extend the life of your shoes.
Submitted February 16, 2025 at 09:52PM by 2ndfloorbalcony
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