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IFTTT General

ELI5 why when you wash fatty dishes, the fat rubs off on plastics but not on metal?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Here's the situation: I'm washing dishes with a dish sponge and liquid detergent. I pick up the frying pan, which has some oil residue in it. I wash it, and now the sponge has got lots of fat trapped in the detergent.Here's the thing - if I just wash metal dishes after the pan, they get washed just fine. But if I wash anything made of any plastic, the plastic gets coated with a layer of fat no matter what I do. I need to rinse the sponge and use fresh detergent in order to get the plastic clean.Why? Why doesn't the fat rub off on metal, only on plastic?
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 04:55PM by filwi
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How did Uber become profitable after these many years?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I remember that for their first many years, Uber was losing a lot of money. But most people "knew" it'd be a great business someday.A week ago I heard on the Verge podcast that Uber is now profitable.What changed? I use their rides every six months or so. And stopped ordering Uber Eats because it got too expensive (probably a clue?). So I haven't seen any change first hand. What big shift happened that now makes it a profitable company?Thanks!
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 03:29PM by JustOneSexQuestion
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP : Churrascaria do Pedrão muda de dono - NPDiário
Pedrão Buffet Grill, Espaço Pedrão ou Churrascaria do Pedrão. Não importa, virou marca de servimento profissional de comida de ótima qualidade há ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
GRU Airport aperfeiçoa solução de billing com o SAP BTP - Inforchannel
A GRU Airport, um aeroporto, desenvolveu uma nova solução de billing utilizando o SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP).
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IFTTT General

SAP : Churrascaria do Pedrão muda de dono - NPDiário

Pedrão Buffet Grill, Espaço Pedrão ou Churrascaria do Pedrão. Não importa, virou marca de servimento profissional de comida de ótima qualidade há ...

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IFTTT General

GRU Airport aperfeiçoa solução de billing com o SAP BTP - Inforchannel

A GRU Airport, um aeroporto, desenvolveu uma nova solução de billing utilizando o SAP Business Technology Platform (SAP BTP).

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IFTTT General

東邦ガス、財務システムを「RISE with SAP」でクラウド移行 - ZDNET Japan

東邦ガスは、財務シス「テムをSAP S/4HANA Cloud」を中核としたクラウドオファリング「RISE with SAP」で移行し、本稼働を開始した。
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IFTTT General

Is Kaiju no. 8 available in Netflix us?
At /r/netflix
I am traveling and I noticed that I can stream the show on Netflix. I will be back home soon and I want to continue watching it. So I want to know I can continue watching it on Netflix.
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 04:43PM by V_DataNerd
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IFTTT General

Static on Brooklyn 99
At /r/netflix
Watching this show and only this show I'm getting fuzzy static like I'm watching it on a vcr tape from 1995.Running Netflix on an Xbox X. Wondering of its like this for anyone else and if it is the source material. Like I said its only this show.
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 04:12PM by Midgar918
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why did America bother with the Vietnam War anyway?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I'm Canadian so my silent generation grandparents avoided that war, but I guess the experience for most on the north american continent was there was a draft.
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 02:59PM by Robbobot89
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IFTTT General

ELI5: in an underground nuclear test, why does the land implode
At /r/explainlikeimfive
just saw a video, the land imploded. expected a whole explosion.
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 02:42PM by No-County-4215
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IFTTT General

PSD saúda pedido de ambulância SIV durante 24 horas em Coruche - O Mirante

Cinco anos depois do encerramento do Serviço de Atendimento Permanente (SAP) de Coruche no período nocturno, a população pode estar prestes a ...

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IFTTT General

Adolescentes Trans Na Argentina Processam Governo Por Restrições A Terapias Hormonais

A SAP deixou claro que as intervenções médicas devem ser realizadas sob padrões científicos e éticos, e que a população adolescente trans deve ter ...

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IFTTT General

Il Porto di Rotterdam ottimizza i processi aziendali con SAP S/4HANA Cloud

Per garantire la continuità dei processi aziendali, la migrazione a SAP S/4HANA è stata una scelta logica. Scegliendo la soluzione cloud RISE with SAP ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Kimberly Clark abre seleção para novas vagas de emprego em Camaçari
Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica ou Engenharia de Automação; Conhecimento em SAP e Pacote Office. Power BI será considerado um diferencial; Mínimo 2 ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Eli5. How body decides that one've got enough sleep?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Imagine completely ordinary (regular) day. Sleeping conditions are perfect (room temperature, silence, humidity, darkness, softness and cleanness of the sheets, emptiness of your bladder, your overall health - you name it, everything that has a chance to be not perfect, is perfect). How does your body knows, that you are fully rested after exactly 7h42mins (or 9h56mins, or any amount of time) of sleep and it is rise and shine, iif there is no external factors thst disrupt your sleep? Nothing/noone woke you up - your body did. How and why now?does it differ if you take "15min power nap"?is it the same with the 2h midday nap?is it the same with the kids (my toddler once woke up at 6am Sharp, sat on his bed and said "lets gooo, i dont want to sleep anymore - he usually wakes up at 7am)when you are sleep deprived or after super Hard physical activities (sport, work, yard work, etc)?
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 05:18PM by ApacheHelicopterLTU
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
O carro que mais vai incomodar intolerantes na Sapucaí | VEJA Gente - Assine Abril
A escola da baixada traz um Exu abrindo os caminhos da Sapucaí e levando atrás de si um carro alegórico com os ebós – as ditas “macumbas”. “Sei que ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Onde assistir a São Paulo x Novorizontino ao vivo, na internet e na TV, escalação, horário e ...
Quando você compra um serviço ou um produto por meio desses links, nós podemos ganhar uma comissão. Paulista · team-logo SAP. 3 de mar. de 2025. 15:00.
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
“RESOLUÇÃO SAP, DE 20 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2025 ... Pedro Miranda Pedrosa, RG. 19.523.967, Policial Penal Nível VII, classificado no Centro de Detenção ...
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IFTTT General

Defensoria pede à Justiça apuração de denúncias de maus-tratos a 51 presos da ...

... (SAP), do governo Tarcísio de Freitas, cobrando explicações e providências sobre relatos de violação de direitos humanos na Penitenciária de ...

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IFTTT General


“RESOLUÇÃO SAP, DE 20 DE FEVEREIRO DE 2025 ... Pedro Miranda Pedrosa, RG. 19.523.967, Policial Penal Nível VII, classificado no Centro de Detenção ...

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IFTTT General

Onde assistir a São Paulo x Novorizontino ao vivo, na internet e na TV, escalação, horário e ...

Quando você compra um serviço ou um produto por meio desses links, nós podemos ganhar uma comissão. Paulista · team-logo SAP. 3 de mar. de 2025. 15:00.

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Bubbles appear in tap water after it sits in a glass for a few hours. Where do they come from?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I've noticed if I leave a glass of water on my desk for a couple hours or so, a lot of bubbles will gather on the inside of the glass. There were no bubbles before I neglected to drink these glasses of water. What are these and where do they come from.Note: I've seen my community's water quality report. It's fine to drink. I'm not worried about that, and uninterested in discussing that angle.
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 04:02PM by ViolentAversion
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IFTTT General

Netflix Is Using AI Upscaling on a 1980s Sitcom and the Results Are Horrific
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 02:57PM by FuturismDotCom
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
"Esta greve vai rebentar os serviços consulares no Brasil", diz sindicato. Adesão prevista é de 100%
Segundo Vieira, apenas em Curitiba será de 75%, porque um dos trabalhadores está no período experimental. "De resto a adesão é de 100% ou 80%", ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Kimberly Clark abre seleção para novas vagas de emprego em Camaçari

Graduação em Engenharia Elétrica ou Engenharia de Automação; Conhecimento em SAP e Pacote Office. Power BI será considerado um diferencial; Mínimo 2 ...

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IFTTT General

Defensoria pede à Justiça apuração de denúncias de maus-tratos a 51 presos da ...

... (SAP), do governo Tarcísio de Freitas, explicações e apuração sobre uma série de violações de direitos dentro da Penitenciária de Martinópolis, no ...

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IFTTT General

Asterix & Obelix: The Big Fight | Official Trailer | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 02:07PM by Atlast_2091
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IFTTT General

Eli5 how the earth can produce crops after crops throughout the year in different seasons? How does it happens without any effect on crops?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I always wonder how the earth kerps on producing crops. Doesn't it need some break for better production? How the quality of crop remains same after a repeated usage of soil in particular production.
Submitted March 03, 2025 at 01:50PM by arztnur
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
PSD saúda pedido de ambulância SIV durante 24 horas em Coruche - O Mirante
Cinco anos depois do encerramento do Serviço de Atendimento Permanente (SAP) de Coruche no período nocturno, a população pode estar prestes a ...
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