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IFTTT General

When does the price increase happen?
At /r/netflix
My Standard no Ads plan renews on Feb. 7th. No indication that the price is increasing, nor communication from Netflix about it. Will it just charge me $17.99 on 2/7?If so I may change to the ads plan before then.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 10:22PM by gullzway
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why box Office stats are not given in terms of tickets sold?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Please ELI5 why box office stats are listed only in $$$ terms but not also in terms of actual numbers of tickets sold?I understand that it's important to know how much money was made by cinemas, but why aren't the number of tickets sold akao discussed?Considering inflation over the decades, surely knowing the number of tickets would make it easier to compare the performance of films released in different eras?
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 08:38PM by lx_gregor
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IFTTT General

American Primeval - character inconsistency *some spoiler*
At /r/netflix
Hi I'm only 3 episodes in.
so expect spoilers for 3 Taylor kitsch' character for some reason decides to follow the woman and he son, stake out their party to see if they are attacked and then save the day and while under payment still decide to travel with them.Now 2 episodes later we find and even younger child alone in the woods, and his instinct is the leave the child behind.Soo..... did his character just suddenly develop in a totally different direction?
does he only have the urge to save some kids but not all kids ?
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 09:39PM by Research_Tasty
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IFTTT General

Vagas na Samarco: mineradora realiza processos seletivos com vagas em MG e no ES

SAP R3P – MÓDULO PM;; Registro no CRT-ES. Requisitos desejáveis: Experiência em equipamentos máquinas de pátio: retomadoras, empilhadeiras e etc ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Vagas na Samarco: mineradora realiza processos seletivos com vagas em MG e no ES
SAP R3P – MÓDULO PM;; Registro no CRT-ES. Requisitos desejáveis: Experiência em equipamentos máquinas de pátio: retomadoras, empilhadeiras e etc ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

I need a show to watch
At /r/netflix
I have not watched much shows so there is lots for me to watch. I have seen the big hits of stranger things, Wednesday, and squid game plus a few miscellaneous reality shows like squid game the challenge. What are your top recommendations.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 07:37PM by Aware-Leg-6725
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IFTTT General

„KinderHelden“: TSG und SAP machen Kinder glücklich | OneFootball

... SAP machen Kinder glücklich. Rund um das Bundesliga-Spiel gegen Borussia Mönchengladbach hat die TSG Hoffenheim in Zusammenarbeit mit der SAP und ...

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IFTTT General

Black Summer is terrible
At /r/netflix
They spent more time trying to make shots cinematic than actually be good. I wasn’t a fan of the non cuts. Camera work like that can be great but when you unnecessarily do it and overuse the shot it gets tiring. So many things happened that would just go unanswered. Like what happened to the kids in the school or what happened in the stadium? We get introduced to so many things and then we move on the next second. So many characters are killed off and we never revisit it either. Like no one feels bad that our friend just died? Or how spears is a criminal? Sun is the only enjoyable thing about the show and it’s funny because she can’t even speak English. On top of that does anyone know how to close a door? Maybe if the seasons had more episodes we could get more answers. On S2E5 and feel like I wasted so much time. I do realize that I have 3 episodes left and questions can be answered but I doubt it.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 07:16PM by ItsUrBoiTyga78610917
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IFTTT General

YSK: Exercise can be self sustaining.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: It's easy to talk yourself out of starting some form of exercise regimen because you're worried you don't have the motivation to keep it going. But the energy and good feeling you get from doing it once can provide the motivation for the next time, and the next, and the next.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 06:07PM by RepulsiveLoquat418
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IFTTT General

YSK: if you use scented laundry products, you reek and your house reeks
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: if you use products such as Gain, Tide, and Downy, you are likely nose blind to it and might not be aware of the affect you’re having on other people as well as your own reputation.To people who don’t use these products, you probably smell like waxy, cheap and synthetic chemicals. It is unpleasant to visit your home, and when you visit a home that doesn’t use these, you leave a residue on furniture than lingers for a very long time. Even if you use the correct amount (which most people use way too much), you still smell strongly enough to cause headache and migraine, or just cause people to move away from you if they can.Many people are disgusted with these smells and will not tell you because that would be rude.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 05:34PM by bleshlight-baggins
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IFTTT General

Presos selecionados para participar do Sana tiveram as maiores notas no Enem e Encceja

SAP teria selecionado internos que apresentaram as melhores notas do Enem na Unidade Prisional do Aquiraz e no Encceja.

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IFTTT General

Sand Castle: When 'psychological' means 'nonsensical'
At /r/netflix
Spoiler alert!The first half: vibes of thrill and a beautiful family working together to survive. Then it all turns for the worse. The mom delves into the water to save her drowning kid. And from this point onwards, little to nothing made sense. Suddenly Jana(?) turned out not to be in the water. Then the mom drowned? Although it was never clear, because they dragged her into the cabin(?). Yep — dead I guess? She never appeared again, so. But the brother (Adam) tells Jana nothing. The dad asks for a cup of coffee. Then a bit later he crawls out to the shore and appears to have some sort of strange seizure. The son (Adam) puts on his headphones. Is the dad dead now too?"We'll see mom and dad soon," the son tells his sister. Ehm . . . okay, is that a look back to when they were alone in the boat, before it capsized (mentioned in the beginning)? Nope, they seem to be on the island still, so it's the present. And then too much psychological randomness to handle. Pictures flashing by, views into different places without context. All kids in a school being bombed (seemingly on the island too?). And Yara, which I thought was Jana's late sister, wearing that shoe. Suddenly the island is covered with water, rising and rising, and from the lighthouse a blow-up boat suddenly unfolds — which had previously been underneath the sand on the shore. That's right after they managed to communicate their location on the radio and saw help pass by, upon which Adam thought he could swin out to the boat with a short rope for safety. What am I missing?
Why was it so incomprehensible to me?
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 04:52PM by No-Cantaloupe2132
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IFTTT General

Hidden gem
At /r/netflix
My gf and I have recently stumbled across the show Loudermilk. It’s about a substance abuse counselor also an ex addict, meetings that he host. Triggers, along with his events that take place in his life. As a child of two alcoholic parents this series appeals to me. I find it very entertaining. Ron Livingston, who plays the main character Sam loudermilk is an excellent actor . I feel as if he isn’t acting that’s just the type of person he is and I love it. If you haven’t seen it I encourage you to watch at least 2 episodes. Each which are 30 minutes long definitely worth the watch IMP.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 04:44PM by Lil_Slice_PJ
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IFTTT General

Thank you Netflix for supporting Hectechfix.
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 04:06PM by Any_Space3636
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Naval command during the 18th century. How did getting orders to ships work, when a single ship could be anywhere in a thousand mile radius?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 03:15PM by reallygoodbee
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IFTTT General

Night Agent Season 2 = Massive Disappointment
At /r/netflix
I loved the first season and did not expect much from it, which might have been key. I was hoping for more of the same understated approach with brief bursts of action and situational resolution. This was not that. This was a convulsed mess of overly complicated ideas and plot lines, with random characters that are just an inch deep on development. I’m not even gonna mention the whole first couple of episodes of him being a basketball coach protecting a kid from an abduction. They sooooo loosely tied it in with the main story that they might as well of labeled it as the “Peter is a great guy, remember?” Prologue. The story is generally boring. They made Rose sadly annoying and inexplicably demanding and entitled. It got so stupid and lost that the head of the program was forced to say, in literal dialogue “Night Agent missions often hit deadends” as if accidentally being caught on a hot mic trying to explain away why there are so many dumb unnecessary twists. Watch season one and pretend this doesn’t exist.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 10:24PM by HehroMaraFara
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IFTTT General

Did Netflix remove the season recaps?
At /r/netflix
Is it just me or do some of the season recaps seem to be missing? For example, Cobra Kai would often have recaps at the start of the seasons if it had been some time since you've watched. I checked the section that has the trailers and recaps and there don't appear to be any recaps listed. Not a big deal. It had just been a while since I've watched and it caught me by surprise.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 10:17PM by superpowers335
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IFTTT General

SAP S/4HANA(R) CloudによるERP変革を加速するRISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual ...

日本IBM]. - 新しいオファリングにより、SAP S/4HANAのワークロードをIBM Power Systemsのオンプレミスからクラウドへ90日以内に移行可能
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IFTTT General

Question on Netflix with Ads
At /r/netflix
I would like to save money every month and go to the ad based service but what is holding me back are the types of ads. We have a 4 year old and I am amazed at the ads other services are showing during family shows and even kids shows. Heck even the banner at the top of Disney isn’t appropriate for their kids account…kid shows listed under a scary monster 🙄Anyone unhappy with the ad content their child might see?
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 08:35PM by Shinola79
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IFTTT General

YSK This Strange Nighttime Habit That Transformed My Sleep - And Why Scientists Say It Could Work For 80% of Poor Sleepers
At /r/YouShouldKnow
YSK: Mouth taping at night significantly improved my sleep apnea, snoring, and dry mouth - and there's scientific research backing this up.Why YSK: Many people suffer from sleep apnea, snoring, and dry mouth without realizing there's a simple, non-invasive solution that could help the first night of trying.Hey everyone, I wanted to share my journey with mouth taping because it completely changed my sleep quality. I used to wake up every morning with a desert-dry mouth and my partner would constantly complain about my snoring. Plus, I always felt tired no matter how long I slept.After researching and finding some studies, I decided to try mouth taping . The difference was incredible! The first night, I stopped waking up with dry mouth, my partner said my snoring was way down, and I actually felt refreshed in the morning. Initially i was very nervous about covering my mouth so i looked into breathable brands and decided to go with SayLess Mouth Tape. Its made by a girl dentist for sensitive skin and to hold over your nightly skin care routine. But theres simpler options for those who just need to simple safe option like 3m micropure - also hypoallergenic and medical grade. According to a recent study (2022): "nose breathing is significantly healthier than mouth breathing as it warms, moistens, and filters air while also increasing oxygen uptake by 10-20% compared to mouth breathing. Additionally, nose breathing facilitates the production and inhalation of nitric oxide (a molecule that helps lower blood pressure and increases lung oxygen absorption) and helps maintain proper carbon dioxide levels in the body, while chronic mouth breathing can lead to various health issues including dental problems, sleep disorders, and reduced oxygen delivery to tissues.";jsessionid=7113AB912DA7635D2D95300DFD573933?sequence=1Even more interesting, another study showed that "mouth-taping during sleep improved symptoms in patients with mild sleep apnea, reducing both the apnea/hypopnea index (AHI) and snoring index by about 47% (from 8.3 to 4.7 events/hour and 303.8 to 121.1 events/hour respectively)." you have severe sleep apnea or congested often or have a deviated septum, definitely talk to your doctor first. But if you're dealing with snoring, dry mouth, or mild sleep apnea, this might be worth trying. It's cheap, non-invasive, and you can stop anytime if it doesn't work for you. Just wanted to share because I wish someone had told me about this sooner.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 07:28PM by leofedz
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IFTTT General

What Inspired the Squid Game Sets? Discover the Architectural Influences Behind the Iconic Design!
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 07:41PM by Old_Investigator_427
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IFTTT General

YSK: Sleeping without your phone can transform how you rest, think, and stay motivated
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: studies show that excessive screen time, especially at night, suppresses melatonin production—the hormone that helps you fall asleep—and can disrupt your circadian rhythm. This can lead to poor sleep quality, increased stress, and reduced mental clarity during the day. I used to fall into this trap regularly—mindlessly scrolling on my phone until 3 a.m., only to wake up groggy and dreading the day ahead.Related to this, I recently decided to do a challenge: I give my roommate my phone for the night, or I lose money.Not gonna lie, the first few nights were really, really tough. It almost felt like my mind was constantly racing, searching for something to numb itself to. I often reached for my phone out of habit, which was pretty embarrassing in hindsight.But over time, my nights slowly became peaceful. I began using the extra time to focus on my breathing and visualize my goals for the next day. Doing this set a calm and positive tone for the night, which helped me relax and sleep better.In the morning, I hated that once I got my phone back, I would sort of "relapse" in a way, scrolling a ton to catch up on what I missed. So, I decided to set up an app that makes me chat with an AI to unlock any distracting app. I can only unlock them now if I say why and for how long. Can't believe I ever used so many apps in the first place, honestly. Pretty happy with this habit as well.My sleep quality and mental headspace have dramatically improved. I wake up feeling refreshed and restored, my mind feels clear, I have energy, and I don't really get stuck in cycles of doomscrolling anymore.It's incredible how much a simple challenge can lead to such a profound impact on your life. If you're struggling with doomscrolling at night, I highly recommend this. I think we all can improve our wellbeing if we focus on clearing up our nights, away from our screens.Let me know if you have any questions, or similar experiences!Citation: On the impact of screen time on sleep and melatonin: Chang, A. M., Aeschbach, D., Duffy, J. F., & Czeisler, C. A. (2015). Evening use of light-emitting eReaders negatively affects sleep, circadian timing, and next-morning alertness. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(4), 1232–1237.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 07:11PM by WompTune
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
„KinderHelden“: TSG und SAP machen Kinder glücklich | OneFootball
... SAP machen Kinder glücklich. Rund um das Bundesliga-Spiel gegen Borussia Mönchengladbach hat die TSG Hoffenheim in Zusammenarbeit mit der SAP und ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: With 86 billion neurons, why can we only retain 7 numbers in working memory on average?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 05:17PM by No-Result-3830
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IFTTT General

Saiba quem pediu derrubada da decisão que autorizou presos irem ao Sana 2025 - Revista Ceará

A pedido do promotor Nelson Gesteira, que interveio junto à SAP-CE e a direção da Unidade Prisional de Aquiraz, foi derrubada e revogada a ...

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IFTTT General

EXECUÇÕES EM MATO: Polícia Civil continua investigações para buscar apurar autoria

... Baggio fala sobre seu período na Operação Verão · Próxima NotíciaEsclarecido pela Polícia Civil o primeiro homicídio do ano em SAPNext. Publicidade ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Outdated military tactics
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I often hear that some countries send their troops to war zones to learn new tactics and up their game. But how can tactics become outdated? Can't they still be useful in certain scenarios? What makes new tactics better?
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 03:58PM by Moscoman13
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IFTTT General

What is everyone's obsession about Stranger Things?
At /r/netflix
I recently started to watch this show for the first time because I heard so much good about it.Season one and two had me hooked, season 3 was awezome too but season 4 is really bad...This season has been very slow and boring, the only fun parts are the brief moments when Vecna appears. I need to really force myself to watch more than one episode at a time because 10 minutes in and I am almost falling asleep. My attention keeps going to the phone while the episode is playing in the background.I have episodes 7, 8 and 9 left to watch of season 4. Please say it gets better and more exciting than what it has been up until now or else this has been the worst season so far.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 04:46PM by ProfessionalGoat92
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IFTTT General

Thank you Netflix for supporting Hectechfix. #thenightagentseason2
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 04:08PM by Any_Space3636
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IFTTT General

Carta aberta é lançada após manifestação da “A SAP é Nossa!”; disputa pela posse do ...

O movimento “A SAP é Nossa!” lançou uma carta aberta para reforçar sua posição quanto a efetivação da transferência do prédio da extinta Sociedade ...

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