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WWE RAW | LIVE on Netflix | Starting January 6
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 11:13AM by LatterPick7252
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IFTTT General

Com salários acima de R$ 6 mil, Porto de Santos têm vagas de emprego no litoral de São Paulo

... SAP afim de garantir a integridade total dos registros das manutenções que foram realizadas. Salário: Não divulgado. Requisitos: Profissionais ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Com salários acima de R$ 6 mil, Porto de Santos têm vagas de emprego no litoral de São Paulo
... SAP afim de garantir a integridade total dos registros das manutenções que foram realizadas. Salário: Não divulgado. Requisitos: Profissionais ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why doesn't the ocean desalinate over time?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Salt is a mineral, so why doesn't it all eventually settle at the bottom of the body of water it is in?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 02:29AM by ComedyBum
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IFTTT General

problem with netflix on my browser
At /r/netflix
hi, so am using my netflix on browser and many movies dont appear that ive seen previosly. example i wanted to watch babylon. it aint there after i search. if i go to my mobile its there. i tired a different browser and same problem.some more movies where is problem occurs are the other guys, gifted, the interview.........and so onive added these movies to my list before in the browser itself and one day many movies just dissapear. i tried searching them as well but they dont appear. any fix?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 05:29AM by mister_alma_raynard
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IFTTT General

Subscription issue?
At /r/netflix
I have Netflix basic which renews every 27th of the month. I was watching multiple series like When the phone rings, Dan da dan, etc.Today when I logged through my pc and mobile, it showed they are not available in my region(India). When I logged through Jio STB (TV) it showed they are available? What is the issue?
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 04:31AM by aditya_35
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Although uncommon, why do seemingly healthy people suddenly die in their sleep?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 02:07AM by Mon_Calf
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IFTTT General

Eli5: What does it mean to pay full board?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m 22 and I’m in an unusual relationship with my mother. I live with her and she’s never taught me life skills on how to be an adult, for example she manages all my money because she doesn’t want me to know how to do it. I’m wondering what board is and what it means that I pay full board? She won’t tell me.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 01:33AM by anonymous9995
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How do independent/non-franchise businesses that sell goods that rarely need replacing (furniture, appliances, rugs) in small villages (around 5000 or less people) fund their month-to-month expenses like payroll and rent?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
When you buy a rug, it's going to stay there for the rest of your time living in that house barring rare accidents.Appliances even more so - one oven can last you decades, furnitures even more so.Given how rare it is to buy such - even at scale of a village of 5K or so - how do these various local businesses stay operational and open every month?
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 05:03PM by Hoihe
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IFTTT General

SPOILER: My thoughts on Squid Game Season 2
At /r/netflix
I'm not going to go super in-depth or make this spoiler-heavy but I thought I'd give my honest review on season 2 so... let's begin.First off, what would I rate this season? In comparison to the first season, I'm going to be generous and give it a 6/10. The pacing of the show felt slow at first. Starting off with scenes of Seong Gi-Hun then fast forwarding 2 years later. Pretty much emphasizing that Gi-Hun's on the hunt for the front man/the one in charge of the games to begin with. Puts up money and sends grunts to go on a wild goose chase to find the recruiter he came across in the subway back in season 1. After a long 2 years, they finally spot the recruiter then secretly follows him but things don't go as planned. Stuff happens, Gi-Hun then formulates a plan which failed and now we end up with end getting back into the game. Pretty much the "I will find you, and I will kill you" cliche except he doesn't plan on killing the head??... so... yeah. I'll leave it at that.Now that that's out of the way, let's fast forward. The failed plan that became an even bigger fail since there was a snake amongst him as he planned on going in and infiltrate the island with a group of people. This was realized during the first game that his backup no longer had a trace on him so his backup is... well... back on another goose chase. But instead of finding the recruiter, they're trying to find the island. And that's pretty much all we got out of them. Again, I'm not trying to spoil much.During the first game, Gi-Hun insists on helping everyone make it out in one piece. A lot more survived this time around compared to season one. Cool. After this, we now have a better look at the new players, a lot of which, are either just wimpy or plain annoying/obnoxious. Season 1 had its annoying characters too but they were done in a way where it felt just right and not over the top. A ton of "high school bully" type of characters. The new player(s) that were written well enough was the mom & son duo. That's all I can say about the characters.Now, onto the primary reason people are watching season 2, the games. We're first introduced with red light green light since it's a staple of the show. The games that followed after that were different which was quite nice. But that's where it kind of stops being nice. The game now introduced a new thing where players could vote to either stay or leave after EACH game. If I'm going to be honest, I feel like this took away what made season 1 so good. The weight/burden of choice. In season one, players had only ONE opportunity to vote, it made scenarios a lot more impactful and gave the players an option of joining. With that, players bared the weight of "the point of no return". Once you were in, you're staying until the end. In this season, with players given the option to vote after every round, it eliminated that impact and made it more of a "Don't join them, join me" ordeal. Pair that with the high school bullying, you're left with kinda of an "meh" feeling. There isn't much fear since players can just stay for the money or they'll just pair with Gi-hun since he's played the game before. Follow the leader. Once the games began, the pace suddenly sped up, leaving less room for you to have any sort of attachment to some characters. The games felt rushed/sped up making them not as fun and suspenseful to watch. With that, we're then back to scenes with Gi-Hun's muscle for hire are still looking for a way in and very little clue as to what's up with Triangle 11. The ending, being Gi-Hun's final plan which ALSO fails. Lots of gun fire, players are "offed", aaaaand we're left with a cliffhanger. Honestly, I would have preferred they made an additional 2-3 episodes to flesh it out a bit more and conclude it all as a whole but nope... many questions a left unanswered and it seems we may have to wait for season 3. Wasn't a bad season, but it wasn't exactly great either. To those who are well-versed with celebrities…

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IFTTT General

Squid Game: Season 1 vs Season 2
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 11:36PM by Zeroyhme
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IFTTT General

What are your honest thoughts on The Crown?
At /r/netflix
Hello, everyone.Lately I have been trying to find some new series to watch on Netflix and I have heard in the past a lot of talk about The Crown.I was wondering what some of your opinions on the show are and whether it is worth the watch.I like shows that are of a similar style to something like Suits, and I have a very fond interest in history and royalty.So if you could please leave your honest thoughts, reviews, comments and opinions, that would be really appreciated!Thank you all again!
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 09:33PM by Therealscorp1an
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IFTTT General

eli5 when people zone out and forget how they drove x number of miles, how did they arrive safely?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 07:42PM by Particular-Swim2461
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IFTTT General

My problem with La Palma
At /r/netflix
I will give lt a 5/0. It wasn't really bad, or good in my opinion. The acting could be better and the VFX/CGI wasn't terrible. The storyline was awful with the most unrealistic survival instincts. What bothered me the most was the tsunami hitting the plane. No way anyone would survive that. A good one time watch but they need better writers. What did you think? Also, i recommend watching it in Norwegian and not the dubbed version. If you like it, there is a much better movie named The Wave from 2015. Much better
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 05:17PM by PeaOk5697
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IFTTT General

eli5 Why do so many alphabets start with a and b sounds?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 03:05PM by Skuchubra
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IFTTT General

Eli5: Why are bots so prolific on the internet? Who creates and operates them? What are their motives?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 11:10AM by TheThreeMustaqueers
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IFTTT General

I animated Squid Game action figures in stop motion
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 09:23AM by StudioJamesCao
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my netflix is broken
At /r/netflix
everytime i try opening netflix on my laptop, this appears, and netflix is completely unusable, but when I log into a different laptop (ex. my sister's) it works just fine and like I have no idea why LMAOwhat pops up when i try to use netflix*
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 08:02AM by ConfessionSeeker
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is time not in base 10?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 02:31AM by East_Brush_1501
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IFTTT General

Squid Game's Season 2 - A Comprehensive Overview
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 04:19AM by EvelynClede
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IFTTT General

Hear me out.
At /r/netflix
I don’t know if this the right sub for this but Just hear me rant for a bit. When did TV series adopt this new format of waiting 2-5 years for a new season just to release 10 episodes or less?? I get that they are about an hour long but still.. What’s the point of waiting so long for a tv show for only to have such little episodes? When did this become the new norm?? What’s the reasoning for such long period of wait time for 10 episodes max? Compared to TV shows from the early 2000s and 2010s where they would have 20-30 episodes per season. Is it budget reasons? Or is it just to create more hype for the tv show? I hate it. -_-Or is it just me that feels this way?Example, season 2 of squid games released today with only 7 episodes, I finished it already and now going to have to wait several years for season 3… besides the rant I think season 2 was great.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 02:46AM by YRNERICK
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IFTTT General

Did I love squid game 2? Yes. Did I see Netflix influence? Yes.
At /r/netflix
I was a little worried in the beginning of the episodes that it was going to be to much about exposing and distroying the organizations that created the squid games and less about the "moral" games being played. But luckily that changed and they did started the fascinating moral complex games we(I) where so eager to watch. I think the story so far was really well thought out, I feel it's original in its scenes and dialogue. I love how they show more traditional childish Asian games and then turn it around as something letal again. Do I see the oversaturated representation of politics and trans rights, that I assume Netflix insisted on in this production? Yes But that doesn't mean it's not done right. Yes, there are so much new productions, movies, series, who are pushing a stereotype down our throats and then in return only cause more hate.But this is not one of them. Yes there is a trans woman in the series, yes there is a toilet scene of inclusion, but it's not done in a manner that seems unreasonable or extreme. Instead it's focused on human conversations and realistic reactions on multiple subjects.I love how they show the red and blue and how every side has their own reasons, good or bad but at least viewed from a human perspective. This series makes you question and that makes a good series in my book.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 02:12AM by Ijustcreatedthisbs
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IFTTT General

Netflix games not letting me log in?
At /r/netflix
When I try to select a profile when logging in, it gives me an error and doesn’t let me play the game. I’ve had this problem with all other or Netflix’s games, and I cannot fix it. This happened with Monument Valley 3 and Storyteller, but I’m sure it does the same with other games. No matter what profile I select or how many times I restart my phone, it still won’t work.
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 01:10AM by Mingming_143
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What are Drs. Listening for when they put a stethoscope to your back?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
As stated, then you are asked to take a deep breath in,hold it and exhale. I can speculate heavily geared towards lung health, maybe some heart rhythm and strength stuff but what is it exactly?Edit; thank you for the responses. I have been explained as if I’m five. Also sent down rabbit holes lol. Cheers 🍻 2nd edit; I am now listening to my lungs as a long term smoker and comparing the audio to files online. According to webmd I should be dead. 😂
Submitted December 27, 2024 at 12:26AM by mrme516
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IFTTT General

ELI5:Why is it easier to get fat as you age?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Does your metabolism really slow down or something else? It just seems as you get older its easy to get fat, men in their stomachs and women in their butts and hips. Why is that?
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 09:11PM by HedgehogOk3756
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IFTTT General

So La Palma absolutely sucked.. what other natural disaster movies or shows should I try next!?
At /r/netflix
Talk about plot armor... damn what a disappointment of a show. But now I'd love to watch any other natural disaster shows or movies- I've seen Greenland so many times but am not sure what else to watch that's actually good. I'd love any recommendations please!!
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 10:15PM by Cheddar18
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Squid Game Season 2 was actually good
At /r/netflix
i know a lot of people here hate the second season and admittedly sure its not as good as the first one, however its a pretty close tie. having our antagonist directly involved into the game a second time yet we now know the entire time who it is probably has to be the best writing switch in any series ive ever watched. it was very entertaining not knowing when he'll switch up back to his own side and felt oddly satisfying watching him do so at the end. granted there was barely any sad moments in the series like the first one had, not as memorable of characters but it still got the job done it set out to do. at the end of it all i still wanted to watch more and any series that makes me feel that way deserves a great score.i would rate the first season a definite 10/10this new season is definitely a 8/10could've done better, better pacing, better characters and more drama but definitely not bad at all.
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 09:36PM by alkosz
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Carry-on: Did I miss something?
At /r/netflix
When Ethan face-off with the antagonist at the end of sorting, Ethan find a similar case when the villain demands him to give him the case. My thought is that he swapped the case by putting the ribbon on that random case and leave his earpiece there for him to take.Later, when the antagonist board the plane to DC, it was by the time he settle down that he found the case is slightly bigger than his design and even already tagged for transport.Then it is not the real one right?Then why the hell is the chem weapon still in the case? I just can't wrap my head around it. Am I missing something here?
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 09:03PM by Chaosjoint
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IFTTT General

ELI5 How do languages that nobody can speak or read anymore get translated?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I get that coincidences like the Rosetta Stone for ancient egyptian can happen. But where do you even start for languages that aren’t even related to any existing languages like sumerian or the ancient american languages. Is it just brute force by trail and error ?
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 06:11PM by King_Crab_Sushi
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IFTTT General

My thoughts on Squid Game new season
At /r/netflix
I have just finished watching season 2 of squid game, and well. I think it was short. It was really good tho but the 2 ep less we got made it feel so much shorter and everything happened so slow. I would have wanted more to happen. Get to know more about those clients. See more what everything looks like around that place. I'm not saying that I didn't like it cause I did really love it. I just wanted more to happen. But hey, at least we are getting another season already next year. So that makes stuff better. Thank you for reading all of this. This is just my opinion. Can't wait for season 3. yay!random image from google. XD
Submitted December 26, 2024 at 04:51PM by Alafandri
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