Watching Netflix while traveling for several months
At /r/netflix
Hi there !I currently am traveling for a few months and Netflix is telling me that i wont be able to keep using it in 14 days because i'm not home.I can't set a specified adress since i am not long enough in the same place.How do i manage to keep my services going?
Submitted November 30, 2024 at 02:08AM by No-Parsnip-8080
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ELI5: Why is London so much bigger than any other city in Britain?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Even cities like Birmingham, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Cardiff, York, and Bristol are nowhere close to London's size. I know London is incredibly wealthy, but it hasn't been around as long as some other cities. So how has it grown so much?
Submitted November 30, 2024 at 01:17AM by daisy_divine58
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba tem mais de 1,7 mil vagas para cursos gratuitos
Mil e setecentas vagas para cursos gratuitos para diferentes áreas são oferecidas nos liceus de ofício e inovação de Curitiba durante todo o mês ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
ELI5 Why do automobile headlights keep getting brighter and stronger every year?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I just did the whole holiday drive thing this week(Thanksgiving) and couldn’t help but notice I’m getting blinded by oncoming traffic all the time now. It used to be that driving a pickup placed me up high enough that I wasn’t blinded like in a sedan, but not so much anymore. It seems to be all newer cars that are super bright, is it led headlights? LEDs not being focused? Lack of a standard, like ASTM? Who says when headlights are too bright?
Submitted November 30, 2024 at 12:02AM by jjtitula
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ELI5 - Why do passengers in light aircraft and helicopters always wear headphones?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Do they nee
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 10:08PM by aurxrastars
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Greta Gerwig Kimdir? | Oyunculuktan Yönetmenliğe Yolculuk - Sinema Hanedanı
At /r/netflix
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 08:22PM by sinemahanedani
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ELI5: What is a "medically-induced coma"? When would that ever be preferable? How is it done, and how is it undone?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 07:15PM by OmitsWordsByAccident
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ELI5: Is “deflation” in an economy always bad?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’ve read that deflation leads to prices dropping, rents and costs stay the same, and many businesses go bankrupt. Is there a way to control the descent, so to speak, and maintain a healthy economy?Thank you. (Canadian ;) )
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 06:16PM by DadMoment
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Black Friday em Curitiba: lojas chegam a 70% de desconto
Com decorações amarelas e chamativas, os comércios prometem de 10 a 70% de desconto em diversos itens. A vendedora Francine Bonamigo afirma que a ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
ELI5: In math when using order of operations, does multiplication and division have the same priority?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Like in this problem: 8 / 2(2+2) I can’t figure out the divide symbol so it’s a slash. Per PEDMAS, you start with parentheses. The problem becomes 8/2(4) Here’s where my question comes in. Do you now work left to right because mult and division have the same priority? Or do you have to do multiplication first because it’s before division in PEDMAS ? If possible, I’d like references so I could look into it!!
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 11:01AM by LovelyGiant7891
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Can’t take a screenshot?
At /r/netflix
I’m watching Arcane on my iPad and I’ve been taking screenshots of scenes I want to draw. A few hours in I check my photos and all of my screenshots turned up black. Is there anything I can do to fix this? Is there another way I can take screenshots?
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 05:29PM by Sardonyx-LaClay
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Acesso a crédito ainda é desafio para empresários - Diário de Curitiba
Uma pesquisa do Serviço Brasileiro de Apoio às Micro e Pequenas Empresas (Sebrae), por exemplo, revelou que 60% dos pequenos e médios empresários ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Widvine Level on Tablet
At /r/netflix
Hello, so if I have a tablet that has Widvine L1 but it might not have the Netflix certification can you still download Netflix for offline viewing? If so will you be allowed to download in FHD or will they be in 480P like it would be if you were to stream it.Thanks,
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 04:35PM by bbgarnett
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S/4HANA with perspective - KPMG Belgium
While the transformation to S/4HANA has evolved significantly compared to a few years ago, a recent survey we conducted of 112 companies across 18 ...
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Arcane season 2
At /r/netflix
Arcane Season 2 was a significant departure from its groundbreaking predecessor. As with the later seasons of Game of Thrones and True Detective, Arcane Season 2 seemed to lose its unique identity, taking heavy inspiration from Marvel's Age of Ultron. The once-captivating soundtrack felt generic and unmemorable, a far cry from the enchanting melodies that defined Season 1. Additionally, the plot felt rushed and convoluted, failing to build upon the strong foundation established in the first season. It's as if Netflix tried to replicate the success of Season 1 without understanding the core elements that made it special.What have you done Netflix?
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 03:32PM by TheGuyWithG
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"Our Little Secret" (2024) | Movie Discussion
At /r/netflix
OK, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I can't tell if I enjoyed this more than "Hot Frosty". Either way, it still didn't scratch that rom-com itch like I was hoping. It's always nice to see Lindsay Lohan and Kristin Chenoweth, and there were parts here and there that were enjoyable, but I think this leaned a bit more toward rom-drama than rom-com. The high-at-church bit was probably the highlight (no pun intended), but an accidentally-on-drugs scene isn't exactly breaking new ground. The dog thing just gave me anxiety (I always worry about ppl feeding my dog things he can't eat, so even her pushing the cookies near the dog made me uneasy), so no laughs for me there. The end honesty reveals with everyone was fun for a second before it became really sad. I guess like a lot of downers in this one between all the cheating and the mom's death, so just not exactly what I was expecting going into this kind of movie. So yeah, at this point, I don't know if anything is going to be topping "Nobody Wants This" this year for my favorite rom-com. Recommendations very much welcome!
Submitted November 30, 2024 at 01:16AM by KakoiKagakusha
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2 reliable methods for Picture-In-Picture (PiP) on Windows 11/10
At /r/netflix
If you're anything like me, you often have Netflix on while you do routine tasks or play casual games. Picture-in-picture (PiP) was wonderful. The "upgrade" away from version 6.99.5 has effectively crippled the Netflix app -- downloads are no longer supported, and PiP is not readily available.There are 2 reliable methods to enable PiP with Netflix in its current state. I expect these solutions to continue to work, since they're supported by Microsoft/Google/Mozilla developers for non-Netflix applications too. Here's your options:Use web browser's built-in PiP functionality. (Prefer MS Edge)Microsoft Edge has the same video quality as the Netflix app, though subtitles will not show in the PiP window, nor will the arrow keys function to skip forward/backward. Firefox/Chrome/Chromium is intentionally capped in bitrate by Netflix. Reduced video and audio quality compared to the app/Edge. Specifically, it tags video for lower quality and older codecs, and often 128kbit vs 192 kbit audio. It may not make a difference in every show/movie or in conjunction with windowed mode and mixed audio.Firefox specifically supports subtitles while in PiP mode, a must-have for foreign languages or quiet dialogue.Browser PiP often needs to be reset when playback skips to a new video (next episode). Close PiP window and re-open it for the new episode."Always On Top" function provided by Microsoft PowerToys. Install first, then enable via setting and shortcut keys.To enable this module, turn it on under the Context Menu (Windowing & Layouts) or Dashboard (Disabled Modules).To put Netflix above all, have PowerToys open in the background/minimized, click the Netflix window so it's focused in the foreground, and use the "WIN + CTRL + T" shortcut to enable "Always On Top". Change the shortcut bind if you must, in settings.Borders generated by PowerToys can be disabled by clicking on AlwaysOnTop header to open settings in the PowerToys interface. However, the Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons and the window title bar cannot be hidden without editing the Netflix app itself.Microsoft PowerToys on Microsoft Store: Games and other apps must not be in exclusive Fullscreen mode. Windowed or Borderless will allow Netflix to stay on top.IMPORTANT: Microsoft Edge's PiP button is occasionally hidden unless you pause-play the video. Something about the menu option depends on playback being started by the user (not auto-played). When in doubt, pause-play the video first, right-click on the window tab for Netflix and choose "Enter picture in picture"; specifically it should be nestled between the "Mute" and "Send to device" options.Happy multi-tasking!
Submitted November 30, 2024 at 12:53AM by extreme_pufferfish
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can you log into someone else's netflix without connecting to their wifi?
At /r/netflix
My friend and I share a Netflix account but it’s saying he needs to connect to my WiFi with his devices in order to continue to use the account we share is this a new thing? We don’t live near each other so it’s a big inconvenience! Right now it says he has 14 days to use the account until he needs to login under my WiFi please if you have any info on how to get around this !
Submitted November 30, 2024 at 12:34AM by hiroinson
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can someone suggest beginner horror shows for someone who doesn't do great with it?
At /r/netflix
I really like the trope of "people in a world they aren't familiar with" like The 100, Umbrella Academy, Lost Resident Alien, etc, but I've run out of all the family friendly ones on Netflix, and there are a lot of horror movies and tv shows that are in this genre, but I can't handle horror for the life of me. Can anyone suggest some shows (or movies) that are light on the horror to get me used to the genre before I get to the heavier stuff? Also maybe some stuff in between heavy horror and light horror too. Thank you!!
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 11:59PM by TheSibyllineBooks
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Hot Frosty
At /r/netflix
I absolutely loved this movie. It was so much fun and nice eye candy! Anyone else love this movie? I have explained it as Netflix’s answer to a Hallmark movie.
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 10:25PM by Guacamole_is_Life
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Tech | SLICECOM - Impulsionando a gestão de comissões - YouTube
Na série Tech, o foco é a tecnologia e sua infinidade de vertentes. Assim como a Cast group, os convidados dominam o assunto, sempre trazendo ...
ift2push RpgM7j84
Need help selecting Netflix plan
At /r/netflix
Hey guys! I’m thinking of getting a Netflix subscription but I can’t decide on which one. I think the premium plan is overkill for me as I don’t have anyone to share my plan with but the 4K resolution and Spatial Audio sounds like bait (that I’m trying not to fall for). The standard plan sounds the best but it’s still quite expensive and Netflix is extremely ambiguous about the quantity of ads in the ads plan and the quality in the standard plans. Does anyone habe suggestions on which plan to pick? Thank you!
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 04:11PM by Individual-Barber903
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Show de drones: Espetáculo de natal acontece neste domingo (1) - Band News FM Curitiba
Um espetáculo de luzes com 600 drones vai iluminar a inauguração da maior árvore de Natal de Curitiba. O evento acontece neste domingo (1) no ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Black Friday com chope em dobro na Bodebrown - Folha de Curitiba
Já no sábado, a atração é mais uma edição do já tradicional Growler Day. Os dois eventos têm entrada franca e contarão com shows ao vivo. BLACK FRIDAY.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Looking for Christmas “show”: Gingerbread House
At /r/netflix
I’m looking for a Christmas “show” that was on Netflix last year. It looked like a show but it was more like a long Yule Log type program, except it was hours of a Gingerbread house at a Christmas party. You couldn’t see faces or bodies but there was light jazz (I think?) and a punch bowl, a giant Gingerbread house, and you just see the party guests walking by and breaking off parts of the house to eat with the punch. It was really nice and relaxing and by the end of a few hours the Gingerbread house has been eaten by everyone.
It’s hard to find because it’s not really a show and I don’t remember what it was called. But it’s got to be on Tubi or YouTube or something since it’s not on Netflix this year. It was really cute, lmk if you know what it was called.
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 05:12PM by Oldtimeytoons
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Mais um Policial Penal agredido! Desta vez em Tupi Paulista - Sifuspesp
... SAP tem o menor efetivo de Policiais Penais desde 2013 quando a secretária tinha 29500 Policiais Penais cuidando de 158 unidades prisionais e 207 ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Black Friday: cosméticos e produtos de farmácia podem ter descontos de até 70% - Ric
Farmácia Panvel Black Friday: até 70% de desconto e promoções além da data ... 60% off no departamento de higiene. A Black Friday da Panvel também ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
SAP S/4HANA in the manufacturing industry - KPMG Belgium
Unlocking the future: 11 key insights for mastering S/4HANA conversion.
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ELI5 - Why was asbestos so conspicuous and so hard to get rid of?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Did people think it was some kind of magic material, why so many applications? Why do people have such a hard time eradicating it?
Submitted November 29, 2024 at 03:20PM by pulyx
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Inovação aberta é questão de convicção, aponta CIO da SAP - Jornal do Comércio
Matheus Souza destaca o amadurecimento do ecossistema de inovação no Brasil, a importância da inovação aberta e como a SAP tem apoiado startups ...