Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Água doce no Norte Pioneiro atrai turistas - NPDiário
Ribeirão Claro e Carlópolis são exemplos do potencial do setor · Compartilhe isso: · Curtir isso: · Deixe um comentárioCancelar resposta · S.A.P. · Água ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP nomeia Adriana Aroulho Presidente para América Latina e Caribe - Valor Agregado
Adriana substituirá Cristina Palmaka, que está deixando a SAP para atuar em Conselhos de Administração de diversas empresas e organizações na América ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Adriana Aroulho é a nova presidente da SAP para América Latina e Caribe - IT Forum
A SAP anunciou Adriana Aroulho como a nova presidente para a América Latina e Caribe (LAC). Ela substituirá Cristina Palmaka, que está deixando a ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP nomeia Adriana Aroulho presidente para América Latina e Caribe | TI INSIDE Online
Adriana substituirá Cristina Palmaka, que está deixando a SAP para atuar em Conselhos de Administração de diversas empresas e organizações na ...
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SAP nomeia Adriana Aroulho Presidente para América Latina e Caribe - Valor Agregado
Adriana substituirá Cristina Palmaka, que está deixando a SAP para atuar em Conselhos de Administração de diversas empresas e organizações na América ...
Adriana Aroulho deixa SAP Brasil e assume SAP América Latina e Caribe. Cristina Palmaka ...
A SAP nomeou Adriana Aroulho como a nova presidente da SAP para a América Latina e o Caribe (LAC). Adriana substituirá Cristina Palmaka, ...
Detento tenta fugir por necrotério do IJF, mas é capturado pela Guarda Municipal
"A SAP reforça o compromisso com a segurança e a vigilância contínua sobre os internos, garantindo a integridade e a ordem pública". Reprodução.
ELI5: Why does video editing require high end specs?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Aside from rendering (which i can just wait) it doesn’t seem like it’d be that hard.
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 10:27AM by Immediate_Ebb_2261
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SAP nomeia Adriana Aroulho presidente para América Latina e Caribe | TI INSIDE Online
Adriana substituirá Cristina Palmaka, que está deixando a SAP para atuar em Conselhos de Administração de diversas empresas e organizações na ...
ELI5: How Do Wires Actually Provide Power?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So I was watching this video earlier: it completely broke what I thought I knew about electricity. My previous understanding was that it was the flow of electrons, going through a wire and being "consumed" by whatever that wire was plugged into. The video states though that there is no actual flow of electrons in wires, but the electricity being provided to them just makes electric and magnetic waves around the wires, and that's what provides power to whatever's at the end of the wire. I kind of understand it in principal, there were some good visuals in the video, but what I don't understand is how that actually provides power to whatever's at the end of the wire. Like if it were a lightbulb for example it made sense to me that electrons would be "consumed" and turned into photons, but with this video stating that there is no actual flow of electrons, how can these electric and magnetic waves provide power? is there some kind of particle being exchanged? Thanks!
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 01:45AM by SailingLemur12
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Concurso SAP SP: seleção para 1.100 vagas de policial penal já em fase de escolha da banca
O novo concurso da SAP SP (Secretaria Estadual de Administração Penitenciária de São Paulo) cobra ensino superior, com R$ 4,4 mil.
ELI5: How can the moon be tidally locked but orbit the Earth in a different number of days, 27-29?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
There’s no way the speed it’s spinning around its own axis is changing, so how come the elliptical orbit doesn’t cause things to get out of sync?Also, if I was looking down at the Solar System from the North Star, would the ellipse of the moon’s orbit point towards the earth? Towards the sun? Or always in flux?
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 03:20AM by bringthelight2
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Sebastian Steinhaeuser to Join the SAP Executive Board - ADVFN
SAP SAP SE Sebastian Steinhaeuser to Join the SAP Executive Board - Executive Board Member Thomas Saueressig's Contract Extended.
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ELI5 What exactly is hacking?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Although I'm someone who couldn't tell the first and the latest iPhone models apart, I always thought hacking looked so cool in movies, but know that it's not how it really is done. I'm aware it's just cool movie stuff, so what exactly is it and how do people do it?
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 06:53AM by fake-flower
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How do I stop getting the same Home Screen ad?? PLS STOP COCOMELON
At /r/netflix
Every time I open Netflix on my computer AND TV, the same ad starts playing on my homepage above everything else. The default media at the top. No, it’s nothing interesting, but instead is the f-ing “Underwater Melon - Fruit Merge” game. I have shown NO interest in games at all, let alone kid-like media. EVERY TIME I open Netflix I see this Cocomelon inspired game. HOW DO I GET RID OF IT?I have downvoted it, but it still shows up first and starts playing audio…EVERY time I open Netflix. WTF?!?For context, I have the ad-enabled subscription. This shouldn’t matter, right?! UGH I DONT LIKE COCOMELON
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 05:54AM by ApprehensivePoetry34
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Baile histórico festeja os 90 anos do CLUBE PLATINENSE em SAP - NPDiário
Elson Marcelo Eleutério da Rosa é vice-presidente do Clube Platinense, mas, o presidente, Celso Crespo Freitas, se afastou para tratamento ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Adriana Aroulho deixa SAP Brasil e assume SAP América Latina e Caribe. Cristina Palmaka ...
A SAP nomeou Adriana Aroulho como a nova presidente da SAP para a América Latina e o Caribe (LAC). Adriana substituirá Cristina Palmaka, ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Saindo mais uma JET S zero km,esse vai para Sra.@celma_modas1e Aurélio , parabéns ...
... toda região com total garantia ,(88)999396111 SAP. more. View all 2 comments. 6 days ago · lizanyolinhares's profile picture · lizanyolinhares. •.
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Detento tenta fugir por necrotério do IJF, mas é capturado pela Guarda Municipal em Fortaleza - G1
"A SAP reforça o compromisso com a segurança e a vigilância contínua sobre os internos, garantindo a integridade e a ordem pública". Assista aos ...
Água doce no Norte Pioneiro atrai turistas - NPDiário
Baile histórico festeja os 90 anos do CLUBE PLATINENSE em SAP · STRADA e caminhão batem em Wenceslau · Jacarezinho terá o melhor Carnaval de Rua de ...
Adriana Aroulho é a nova presidente da SAP para América Latina e Caribe - IT Forum
A SAP anunciou Adriana Aroulho como a nova presidente para a América Latina e Caribe (LAC). Ela substituirá Cristina Palmaka, que está deixando a ...
Saindo mais uma JET S zero km,esse vai para Sra.@celma\_modas1e Aurélio , parabéns ...
... toda região com total garantia ,(88)999396111 SAP. more. View all 2 comments. 6 days ago · lizanyolinhares's profile picture · lizanyolinhares. •.
ELI5: What is Freemasonry?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I truly don't understand it. People call it a cult but whenever I search up about freemasons on google it just says fraternity and brotherhood. No mention of rituals or beliefs. I don't understand.Sorry for bad English not my first language.
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 09:37AM by GentryDawn
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CEO da SAP vê crescente demanda por serviços de IA em meio ao sucesso do modelo DeepSeek -- A SAP, multinacional alemã de software, compartilhou na terça-feira sua perspectiva positiva para a demanda de seus serviços de ...
Continue play on same device
At /r/netflix
I understand they have a service to keep track of point of time I'm watching a movie or series. But at times it plays a previous time when i resume on same device. I guess it makes sense of i played on device 1 then resumed on device 2, then went back to device 1 and there was a sync error. But I have noticed this even when I play back on same device. Suggestion:On same device save time played till locally & don't overwrite that with server time if not played on different device.Anyone else experience this?
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 08:58AM by qna27
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Sebastian Steinhaeuser to Join the SAP Executive Board - ADVFN
SAP SAP SE Sebastian Steinhaeuser to Join the SAP Executive Board - Executive Board Member Thomas Saueressig's Contract Extended.
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
CEO da SAP vê crescente demanda por serviços de IA em meio ao sucesso do modelo DeepSeek -- A SAP, multinacional alemã de software, compartilhou na terça-feira sua perspectiva positiva para a demanda de seus serviços de ...
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ELI5: Why is it so common for healthcare workers to have way longer shifts than the rest of the workforce?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Nurses, ER Physicians, Paramedics, etc. The most common (and sometimes the only) schedule options are 12, 14, 24, and 48 hour shifts.I’m sure it has to do with money and greed and corruption.. but why induce such torture for such an essential service?! Emergency medicine in particular is a 24/7 need which complicates things when you’re not scheduling for a business that’s only open to the public from 9-5. Is that all there is to it?
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 07:50AM by MebsHoff
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Netflix got rid of Breaking bad and Better call Saul from Slovakia
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 06:56AM by supercoolnamehere08
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Move Netflix Account Abroad
At /r/netflix
I'm thinking about moving my Netflix account to another country for cost reasons. Specifically, from Switzerland to Turkey. As far as I know, I have to have a local credit card, which I have. I was also told that I can't use the account abroad for a month after the move. Is that true? That wouldn't be a problem for me.As far as I know, it always shows the content that is valid in the country in question. Is that correct? Are there any restrictions if I always watch from abroad?
Submitted January 28, 2025 at 05:07AM by AnwetLegEt
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