Eli5: Why do animals never need haircuts?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I rarely see most household pets getting haircuts and animals in the wild never seem to need to deal with excess hair.When humans don't get haircuts, it can grow to be 10 ft long. Why?
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 06:25AM by Crazy_caveman
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1inn63o/eli5_why_do_animals_never_need_haircuts/?utm_source=ifttt
Sanepar vistoria imóveis da regional de Santo Antônio da Platina - NPDiário
Preso ex-padre por ESTUPRO em S.A.P. · Assista: Apreendida MEIA tonelada de maconha em Ribeirão · Sepultado corpo de acidentado(vídeos) · Polícia ...
ELI5: Can someone’s body odor be transmitted to me?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I have a roommate who stinks to high heavens. He insists he showers (but I suspect not regularly—his hair is always greasy) and it’s gotten to a point where other roommates have also complained about the smell. Whenever he uses the bathroom, comes in through the front door, or walks in the hallway, the smell lingers for a fucking hour even though all the windows are open. I usually make sure to avoid going outside of my room when I hear him but sometimes I don’t notice. So my question: Is it possible for his body odor to be transmitted to me? I’m extremely worried that it might bleed into my clothes and that, like him, I’m not going to be self-aware.
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 05:44AM by java-bleue
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1inmmf9/eli5_can_someones_body_odor_be_transmitted_to_me/?utm_source=ifttt
Glass Heart is coming to Netflix this July.
At /r/netflix
When a drummer is unexpectedly kicked out of her band, a brilliant musician stumbles upon her talent and invites her to join his new ensemble. Starring Takeru Satoh, Yu Miyazaki, Keita Machida, Jun Shison, and Masaki Suda.https://preview.redd.it/8uyy7id5snie1.jpg?width=1073&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=427729cb8fc119549ef15157a64ea3fa6d0f12c6
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 04:14AM by Robemilak
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1inlf65/glass_heart_is_coming_to_netflix_this_july/?utm_source=ifttt
ELI5 Why does a two-tailed significance test makes it harder to reject the null hypothesis?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How can it be possible that, using the same data, you can reject p >= x using a one-tailed test, but using a two-tailed test you cannot reject p = x? Does !(p >= x) not imply p != x?
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 12:13AM by CraftoftheMine
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1inheo7/eli5_why_does_a_twotailed_significance_test_makes/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba vai ganhar uma fábrica de R$ 120 milhões que produzirá milhares de peças por dia
Com crescimento de aproximadamente 80% nos últimos anos, a Neoortho amplia sua estrutura, com capacidade para produzir até 5 milhões de peças por ano.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
YSK that Reddit is now letting companies use your personal information, like your name, in ads.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Because this is a huge infringement on your privacy and anonymity on this platform.
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 10:09PM by Tom_Foolery2
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/1ineyf4/ysk_that_reddit_is_now_letting_companies_use_your/?utm_source=ifttt
Eli5: how are deadlifts safe?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Aren’t you still putting a lot of weight on your back?
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 04:10PM by GigglesGG
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1in6kkk/eli5_how_are_deadlifts_safe/?utm_source=ifttt
Snooker Geek seen in Belgium 😍
At /r/geek
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 02:05PM by Antoine-Ser
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/geek/comments/1in3hel/snooker_geek_seen_in_belgium/?utm_source=ifttt
I can't get rid of the underwater melon when I open netflix
At /r/netflix
Hello guys, For a while already, everytime I go to netflix in my computer's browser it opens with the underwater melon game and song that got to a point where is irritating, before it used to show shows and movies suggestions, now only this kid's game. Does anybody knows how to get rid of it? maybe in some settings I can't find or something.
Otherwise I will start having nightmares with this watermelonhttps://preview.redd.it/tuzvi8r97lie1.png?width=1910&format=png&auto=webp&s=0a52c1d1b75bb32c6c9904f2954263a0f85fb6e3
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 07:38PM by kevinut27
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1inbnq0/i_cant_get_rid_of_the_underwater_melon_when_i/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Curitiba lidera valorização imobiliária: preços sobem 80% em 9 anos - Tribuna do Paraná
A capital paranaense liderou o índice FipeZAP de valorização de imóveis entre as capitais brasileiras, com alta de 18% no último ano.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
SAP responde ao ofício do SIFUSPESP sobre o Programa Moradia Segura
Em 21 de outubro de 2024 a CDHU publicou uma resolução com as regras para adesão ao programa, nessas regras estava especificado que a SSP e a SAP ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Sanepar vistoria imóveis da regional de Santo Antônio da Platina - NPDiário
Preso ex-padre por ESTUPRO em S.A.P. · Assista: Apreendida MEIA tonelada de maconha em Ribeirão · Sepultado corpo de acidentado(vídeos) · Polícia ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Policiais Penais estão à frente das apreensões de drogas no sistema prisional paulista
Assessoria de Imprensa - SAP | Fotos: Divulgação/SAP. Franco da Rocha. A Penitenciária II "Nilton Silva" de Franco da Rocha fez uma apreensão no ...
now i can download 15 episodes MONTHLY
At /r/netflix
i was downloading some shows to watch in a long car trip and suddenly netflix told me that my subscription only allow me to download 15 episodes monthly in 2 cellphones. wtf? now i cant download more episodes. thats new? i never saw that before.
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 04:17PM by Wrong-Knowledge-2002
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1in6qzg/now_i_can_download_15_episodes_monthly/?utm_source=ifttt
Season 3 of Bridgerton was the only returning show to grow its audience in 2024
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 06:32AM by Whobitmyname
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1inn97r/season_3_of_bridgerton_was_the_only_returning/?utm_source=ifttt
Alice in Borderland released first art teasing season 3, coming in 2025
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 05:50AM by S4v1r1enCh0r4k
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1inmpdo/alice_in_borderland_released_first_art_teasing/?utm_source=ifttt
Just watched Mother of the Bride on Netflix, and damn, I feel old now
At /r/netflix
This movie was just ok, but dude, I didn’t realize how old I was until I saw Brooke Shields and Benjamin Bratt…and then I didn’t even recognize that it was Chad Michael Murray until the credits. Where did all the time go??!
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 04:40AM by No_Olive_3310
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1inlrn3/just_watched_mother_of_the_bride_on_netflix_and/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Previsão do tempo aponta dia chuvoso hoje (12) para Curitiba (PR)
... 75% de chance de chuvas ao longo desta quarta. Tempo durante o dia em Curitiba. Curitiba começa o dia com termômetros marcando 25°C de madrugada e ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
The Witcher: Sirens of the Deep
At /r/netflix
Soooo, is it just me or was this basically R rated the Little Mermaid? Ursula, a mermaid in love with a Prince offered legs. Did they….did they think no one would notice?Don’t get me wrong, it’s really not that bad as far as original content and some anime light content. But it’s…it’s literally the Little Mermaid plot if it had been made by Uwe Bol instead of Disney back in the day.
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 01:34AM by HehroMaraFara
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1inive5/the_witcher_sirens_of_the_deep/?utm_source=ifttt
What if Netflix had a Broadcast schedule for shows? Just hear me out
At /r/netflix
So I had this idea come out as a solution to when people have lots of shows backlogged on Netflix (any other streaming app tbh) and shows they’ve been planning to watch becomes too overwhelming for the person. So the solution is that Netflix would have like a broadcast schedule of all the shows they have on their catalog and treat it as a normal cable broadcast schedule, so if you feeling bored one day, or don’t know what you want to watch, then you put on the channel and a random episode of a random show in their catalog would be playing and it’d have a list of the other shows it plans to play next, if you find that episode really good, you’d either leave the channel and go binge the show or you watch it to the end and when the next show comes on,you watch smth new and refreshing. It’ll basically take out the decision making process of what shows to watch but also makes it easy to find new shows to watch. It could also help you finish backlogged shows, as it would have a regular time slot on the schedule, so you don’t have to find time to watch a show yk. And here’s the bait for Netflix, they can promote shows they wanna promote and also show love to the shows they’ve tried to murder (indirectly), but still have a dedicated fanbase, easily without putting too much effort, so it’s a win-win for all parties. And the the best time for them is that they have more Ad slots to sell, for more money, I’m not a fan of that, but the worlds based on Give and Take (and money) unfortunately.The ideas not fully fleshed out but I’d like to hear what people think about this and the pros, cons, the changes needed to make it feasible. Honestly, your thoughts on general, would be greatly appreciated.
Submitted February 12, 2025 at 12:57AM by Dale_Akinpelu
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ini885/what_if_netflix_had_a_broadcast_schedule_for/?utm_source=ifttt
Two things
At /r/netflix
1) So i just accepted the price raise. I hope it'll be worth it. I do notice their originial seriries are improving so lets hope..2) any thoughts on the series 3%
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 07:12PM by Ok_Soup6320
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1inb0uf/two_things/?utm_source=ifttt
YSK that many minor issues with your car can be fixed yourself by going to a Pick-A-Part lot and pulling the parts off an older vehicle with a basic toolset for much cheaper than a bodyshop or dealer might charge you. This often requires no prior knowledge of cars and no specialized equipment.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK- Obviously, if you don’t know much about cars, it may be better to leave advanced work to a mechanic. This is not advocating for going out of your scope and fixing small issues to cover up larger issues caused by accidents or other damage. But for many issues like: broken mirrors, torn upholstery, dented hoods, faulty buttons or switches, and other minor problems that a dealer might charge you hundreds of dollars to fix can be fixed for sometimes less than $20 yourself with a $15 socket wrench that will last you years. Here is a good example: the mirror on my 2014 Chevrolet Cruze was knocked off by someone in a parking lot, I need to get it fixed ASAP to go to work. I went to a pick a part with a socket wrench and unscrewed no less than 3 bolts on a mirror the same color as my car and had it replaced in 5 minutes in the parking lot. It did not need to cost more than $100 and it did not need to take weeks to get done. A basic wrench and a socket set can save you hundreds of dollars and weeks of time.
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 08:03PM by Tall_Ant9568
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/1inc7tq/ysk_that_many_minor_issues_with_your_car_can_be/?utm_source=ifttt
ELI5: Average Atomic Mass?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
From what I understand, average atomic mass is the weighted average of the occurrence of isotopes for that element found in nature. What are the parameters for this? For example, is it calculated by all of the isotopes found on earth? In the universe? Let’s say, hypothetically, we discovered a planet with so much of one isotope that it would shift the average atomic mass? Also, hypothetically, let’s say we were to bring a significant amount of those isotopes back to earth, would we then change the average atomic mass of the element? Assuming that you can make isotopes, which I think you can, would the average atomic mass ever change then? I assume not since it’s only calculating naturally occurring isotopes?Thank you.
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 06:25PM by FigNewtonNoGluten
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1in9wj9/eli5_average_atomic_mass/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Solteiros buscam amor Eco-consciente. Entenda - Bem Paraná
O Trendbook 2025 do happn mostrou que, globalmente, 75% dos solteiros consideram essencial que um parceiro compartilhe valores relacionados à ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP responde ao ofício do SIFUSPESP sobre o Programa Moradia Segura
Em 21 de outubro de 2024 a CDHU publicou uma resolução com as regras para adesão ao programa, nessas regras estava especificado que a SSP e a SAP ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5: how does your body differentiate regular noises from "dangerous" noises when asleep?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
A lot of people can sleep through things, but other things they can't, surely there must be some rhyme or reason right?For context: I have a box fan in my room. This morning around 2am a string got caught in the blade, making it make a thumping noise every rotation. I woke up immediately and began investigating, but my girlfriend slept right through itBut on the flip side I can sleep through her gaming or watching TV. How does my body differentiate the two? Why will one wake me in a moments notice but the other leaves me unphased? How does that work?
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 04:13PM by guarddog33
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1in6nbo/eli5_how_does_your_body_differentiate_regular/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Grupo Obragem apresenta o monólogo “Breves palavras línguas e outras vozes”
Com dramaturgia de Olga Nenevê, a peça terá entrada franca, no Teatro Novelas Curitibanas.
ift2push ERzTLdDr
À vista dos elementos de instrução constantes dos autos, em destaque o contido no Parecer CJ/SAP n.º 509/2024, da d. Consultoria Jurídica da Pasta ...
Cassandra: yay or nay?
At /r/netflix
Watched it in one sitting and I have to say it's pretty interesting. Not my favorite sci-fi/dystopian series but it could've been executed better, I think. It wasn't clear as to how the house was sold and why did the Prills' picked this house when they know it's an old smart home. Was it the cheaper option so they got it?I loved Cassandra's backstory, I think the flashback scenes were way better than the ongoing plot. The plot about her daughter Maggie is also interesting and I didn't see that coming. I don't see a lot of discussions about this and I'm not sure if there's a subreddit for this but I'd like to hear your thoughts on this!ps. This was my first German series on Netflix and I'm interested in watching more lol.
Submitted February 11, 2025 at 04:24PM by asdfghanjkl
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1in6xqx/cassandra_yay_or_nay/?utm_source=ifttt