Maxton Hall
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 07:36PM by No_Read668
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At /r/netflix
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 07:03PM by Astronaut-Tall
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Extra member from another country and activation?
At /r/netflix
I am trying to add another household (my parents that live in another country) as an extra member but I am being blocked by country restriction.I read a lot of posts and what I’ve gathered is that the account only needs to be activated in a OG country, but after that it can be used whenever.So realistically can I send a request to my mom, log in to her email through my laptop, activate it, and then give her access?Would that work?
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 06:24PM by aWicca
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ELI5: Is microplastic shedding from plastic appliances a concern?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I hear about microplastic in the context of ingestion a lot, but is abrasion a point of concern? Is it like every time I handle some plastic thing pieces of it come off? Skin is probably pretty strong and resilient I suppose, but I imagine if a kid plays with plastic toys all day long and then rubs their eyes, that could be something? Has it been researched and declared not a big deal? Or has no one bothered to look into it? Or do we not have the tools to understand it properly?
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 01:57PM by Plastic_Passage_635
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4k subscription
At /r/netflix
Hi, I bought a 4k projector, and I saw that there was an improvement in streaming quality to switch it to 4k. Is this really significant?And is it worth it? Thank you in advance!!
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 03:48PM by MellyMellTacoBell
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Easier way to login and other issues?
At /r/netflix
Hi so first of all, is there an easier way to login that typing the email and password on the TV? It was so laggy even though I have the best internet around.Secondly, as I watch the KC game, different family members at different TVs around the house, one is far behind the other. Why is that? Can it be rectified?
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 03:37PM by OkAdagio4389
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YSK: The 12 days of Christmas begin on Christmas Day, not end.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Christmas Day is THE day of Christmas, the first. The twelfth day is 5th January, during which some cultures celebrate Twelfth Night/the Epiphany/Kings’ Day.Why YSK:Some brands/influencers/Youtubers host a 12 days of Christmas event for promotional purposes, but they end on 25th December. This is incorrect and doesn’t make them look the most in the know/educated.It helps to save you from looking a bit of a fool if you ever discuss this topic with others.Merry Christmas, everyone!
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 02:56PM by reverse_mango
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Looking for some good netflix series recommendations.
At /r/netflix
I recently watched Ozark and it was the best series i have ever seen. I like thriller, romance and feel good series. I would love some recommendations. Thanks
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 03:05PM by Impossible_Good4644
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Christina Milian: "I do believe everybody has someone who's out there"
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 01:21PM by Extreme_Homework7936
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YSK: Being too polite can sometimes seem rude.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: When you're getting to know someone, when you're invited at someone's place, or if you find yourself in any situation where you feel the need to be polite, be careful not to overdo it.For instance, if you're invited over and someone offers food or something to drink, don't say no thinking "| don't want to bother them", as this could make your host feel that you're uncomfortable around them.Of course it depends on the culture and context you're in. For example in my culture it is common for the guest to say no thanks a few times, and for the host to keep insisting before finally accepting something offered by the host.In general, it’s good to keep in mind that what your host wants is for you to be comfortable. Be simple and easy-going, and it will make both of you more relaxed.
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 12:27PM by ArePigsReallyPink
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Automatically translated subtitles as an option
At /r/netflix
I often watch with my wife and she speaks Portuguese, I speak German and we speak English with each other.But very often there are movies that don't have subtitles, which is annoying and inconvenient. Why was there no automatic translation into all languages for the subtitles? Even freeware software for subtitle editing can do this, but not the big streaming providers like Netflix, Disney or Prime and it would be so easy. It doesn't have to be perfect, but sometimes a simple translation helps.
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 12:08PM by Melonuski
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NFL Christmas Gameday Megathread
At /r/netflix
1:00pm ET - Kansas City Chiefs @ Pittsburg Steelers4:30pm ET - Baltimore Ravens @ Houston Texans
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 11:01AM by AutoModerator
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Does Streaming Come with an Environmental Cost?
At /r/netflix
Netflix revolutionized how we watch, but have you ever considered the carbon footprint of streaming services? What steps can companies like Netflix take to offset this while delivering your favorite shows?
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 10:00AM by ramakrishnasurathu
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Por que Robinho não teve direito à 'saidinha' e vai passar Natal preso - Portal do Holanda
Somente os detentos em regime semiaberto dispõem das "saidinhas". A SAP (Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária) confirmou que ele não terá ...
Por que Robinho não teve direito à 'saidinha' e vai passar Natal preso - BOL - UOL
A SAP (Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária) confirmou que ele não terá programação especial para as festas de fim de ano. Além de Natal e ...
Any thoughts on the One Hundred Years of Solitude series?
At /r/netflix
Just been watching the series after reading the book several times. The series seems pretty accurate to the book, although Gabriel Garcia Marquez never wanted the book to be put into a movie. It seems that stretching the book into an 8 episode series gave a lot of opportunity to make it very faithful to the book.
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 06:59PM by tokyographer
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ELI5 Coaches protection in US college football games vs pro football games
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why do the college football coaches have police protection in their games when typically the pro football coaches don’t?When watching college football games I see the coaches get police escort on/off the field as well as when the coaches meet mid-field after the game. But I don’t generally see this happening in pro football games.
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 06:09PM by SirBastianSF
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Can’t stream live sports from phone to tv
At /r/netflix
I have a Chromecast I can normally stream Netflix shows from my iPhone to Chromecast just fine but when it comes to live sports it won’t stream anyone know why? Restrictions? If so it’s dumb!
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 05:26PM by Dry-Detective-8933
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ELI5: Why are most life forms carbon based instead of silicon?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
both carbon and silicon have similar lattice structure , 4 bonding electron but why are there only carbon based living organism ( at least as a primary component) but no silicon based life forms despite the similarities. thank you for your time.
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 03:51PM by karen_yeager_25_8069
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Dear Netflix,
At /r/netflix
If your infrastructure can't support live content, don't bid on live content. It's okay to stay in your lane. But staggering markets on a live game just to avoid lag? That's weakNetflix #NFL
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 03:35PM by diydoydoyfoy
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Netflix needs a “Live” button / option
At /r/netflix
There needs to be a way to jump to the live action when viewing a live event such as an NFL game.
Apple TV latest version, latest os, etc. When you switch away from the game and then come back, Netflix holds your spot. Which is great when watching regular shows and movies, but sucks when watching a live event.I understand that this may be baked into the core architecture of Netflix, but they need to at least add a button to jump to the live action. Currently the only way to do this is to fast forward until you reach the live spot. Hopefully someone from Netflix sees this and makes it happen.
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 03:32PM by AnonymousUser8476249
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Why is some content locked to the ad-free tier?
At /r/netflix
I recently re-subscribed to Netflix today, subscribing to the base $6.99 tier, to watch the NFL games. It’s been a very long time (at least 2 years) since I last subscribed to the service.I have been adding shows and movies to watch to my queue, and I was really disappointed that the movies No Hard Feelings and It Ends With Us require the $15.49 tier to watch.WTF, Netflix? Max and Hulu don’t require more expensive tiers to watch various movies and shows. I may be breaking up with you again in a month.
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 02:54PM by kdex86
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Horribly placed commercials
At /r/netflix
I'm so annoyed. I decided to get Netflix with commercials and they placed a commercial in the middle of the song "I'm Just Ken" in the Barbie movie. How hard is it to place commercials in programs so they don't ruin what you are watching?
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 02:17PM by CanIStopAdultingNow
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Richard Curtis on Crafting Holiday Magic with "That Christmas"
At /r/netflix
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 01:28PM by Extreme_Homework7936
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ELI5: Why do people with Dementia/Alzheimer’s suddenly remember everything and seemingly show their old selves shortly before dying?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m not sure if I questioned that correctly; but, I hope this does make sense? Ive seen this shown in media, as well as seen this in my own life, that people with dementia will suddenly revert back to their old selves and remember old memories that they had ‘forgotten’ whilst having dementia/Alzheimers, and then pass away shortly after. Does anyone know why this happens?
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 11:57AM by Migxr
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YSK: Rechargeable AA/AAA batteries might not work in all toys
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Parents, as your kids start opening their gifts this Christmas, be wary of any electronic/battery operated toys that use AA/AAA batteries. There are a few toys that require 1.5v instead of 1.2v. If you’re a parent that tries to save a little bit of money not buying hundreds batteries and instead goes for rechargeable ones, the majority of rechargeable batteries are set at 1.2v and could be the reason your kiddo’s new toy isn’t working right off the pop. Try the standard Energizer Max/Duracell/etc. first before you angrily rush back to the store to return a seemingly broken toy.Source: found out the hard way setting up a toy that refused to work on rechargeable batteries because the voltage was too low.
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 12:05PM by undflight
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Eli5: How do sewage system get rid of all the human waste?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
pretty sure they don't dump them in the ocean. so where are they?
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 09:42AM by made-with-Silicon
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ELI5: How did Kings become Kings during the Middle Ages?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How did Kings became kings? Im curious as to how the heirarchy (Kings, Nobles, Knights, Serfs) came to be. Was it a "surivival of the fittest" thing when Rome fell? How did they gain influence and power when there is no central authority?
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 06:51AM by laciaboy
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Eli5 Why is oil flammable?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted December 25, 2024 at 06:25AM by Glittery_WarlockWho
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ELI5: How do cats purr?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Hey there, I've always wondered this, so that's why I'm asking it. I honestly have several questions. How do cats purr? What causes the sound and the vibrations? It's strange, because I don't feel when my cat meows, but I can feel when he purrs. Does the purring happen automatically? Or do cats intentionally do this? Why do cats purr to begin with? And is it necessary? Do other animals per? Or is it just cats? And do bigger cats purr, like lions and tigers?
Submitted December 24, 2024 at 11:38PM by MikeLovesOutdoors23
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