SAP S/4HANA(R) CloudによるERP変革を加速するRISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual ...
マピオンが提供するマピオンニュースへようこそ。注目のトピックを紹介します。- 新しいオファリングにより、SAP S/4HANAのワークロードをIBM Power Systems ...
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[REQUEST] does anyone know this show?
At /r/netflix
Recent English language (American) Netflix drama about a suburban family where someone shows up out of nowhere to a party and won't leave or something. The trailer is a guy at a party and another guy asking him to leave. It's a drama, not a comedy. It was not popular, didn't get a ton of reviews, isn't talked about a lot on Reddit. Every time I try to google it the browser takes me to the stupid app. I saw the trailer at my in laws house. I think it was called the Stranger or the Invitation or the Gift or something but I know those are all other movies or shows. Ugh. Help please! Does not come up when you google any of this.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 01:00AM by Thin_Reward4843
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(プレスリリース)SAP S/4HANA(R) CloudによるERP変革を加速するRISE with SAP on IBM ...
新しいオファリングにより、SAP S/4HANAのワークロードをIBM Power Systemsのオンプレミスからクラウドへ90日以内に移行可能- IBMは、15万人のERPユーザーを ...
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
C5MI Launches First Successful SAP S/4HANA (S/4) Migration for the Department of Defense (DoD)
C5MI Completes S/4HANA Migration for the Largest Deployment of an SAP Warehouse Management System (WMS) at Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Recommendations for a Show/Documentary on Cartels from Mexico or Colombia?
At /r/netflix
Anywhere on Netflix and or anywhere else!Id appreciate some recommendationsI already have watched the main ones like narcos and the pablo escobar one on Netflix
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 10:40PM by cardboardboxbro
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Need help swapping “profiles” on two linked accounts with 2 different email addresses
At /r/netflix
Hey guys, I’m new to Reddit and I don’t know if I’m completely phrasing this question right but I’m hoping I can find an answer. Basically I have one primary account thats under my “sisters email”. Under that email, is three profiles, mine, my brother-in-law‘s, and my nieces.The secondary account, which is under my email, is the additional account so it is limited to only “one profile”. And the profile attached to that account is my sisters.So basically the issue is I need to swap the profile assigned under my sister’s email address (the main account) with my profile on the secondary account.I called up Netflix and they said there was no way to do this, but I just don’t buy that as an answer. If anyone has any advice or input at all, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 09:43PM by jay_jay_dee
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C5MI Launches First Successful SAP S/4HANA (S/4) Migration for the Department of Defense (DoD)
C5MI Completes S/4HANA Migration for the Largest Deployment of an SAP Warehouse Management System (WMS) at Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Amarante investe quase R$ 1 milhão em projeto SAP B1 - TI Inside
A administradora do Salinas Maragogi, Salinas Maceió e Japaratinga Lounge Resort, em Alagoas, prevê dois anos de implantação do SAP B1 para ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Juiz revoga decisão que autorizou ida de presos acusados de estupro e feminicídio ao Sana
De acordo com o juiz corregedor, a seleção dos internos que vão para os eventos é feita pela SAP. Os presos haviam sido escolhidos, pois obtiveram ...
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Sob o clima chuvoso em Curitiba: Como aproveitar o final de semana - RIC
O evento, com entrada franca, acontece das 9h até às 18h,com programações de música ao vivo, gastronomia e cerveja artesanal. O espaço vai contar com ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Is Netflix with 4K worth $7
At /r/netflix
As the title suggests, is it worth an extra $7 per month to get Netflix with 4K video and Dolby Atmos. I understand that value is in the eye of the beholder, and for me, it is worth mucho dinero to get rid of ads, but is this a bridge too far?
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 05:52PM by preskitt
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Is the Night Agent actually good man?
At /r/netflix
I’ve been seeing so much promotion for the new season and it’s starting to intrigue me. I need to know is this show good. Not average because I could watch other stuff if it’s just a regular show. With all the hype is it some of the best when it comes to Netflix shows? The name always threw me off.
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 05:19PM by Honest-Regular-9561
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[Fotos] Nos bastidores do Galaxy Unpacked 2025: como o Galaxy AI roubou a cena
A Samsung Electronics fez história no evento Galaxy Unpacked 2025, realizado no SAP Center em San Jose, Califórnia, ao apresentar a próxima ...
Esclarecido pela Polícia Civil o primeiro homicídio do ano em SAP - 2M Notícias
Esclarecido pela Polícia Civil o primeiro homicídio do ano em SAP ... Na ocasião, os suspeitos também tentaram matar o irmão da vítima, sem, no entanto, ...
Kevin Can F**k Himself
At /r/netflix
If you have some time to check out a very unique show, please give Kevin Can F**k Himself a chance. I don't want to spoil it for anyone, I feel it is best to just be surprised by the format.Small warning, you must make it past the first scene before giving up. Apologies if this has been posted before but I just haven't seen it mentioned here before.
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 05:04PM by mntgoat
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Terrible desktop streaming quality (even with Win 11 app) causes me to use alternate options
At /r/netflix
I was excited to watch EMILIA PEREZ tonight and resubbed to Netflix for the first time in a while. I only watch things on my PC Desktop (high-end machine, fiber connection). For years I was able to get a great bitrate (8+ Mbps) by using their Win 11 desktop app. I seemed to recall they'd lowered their computer-streaming bitrate recently so I chose to get the most expensive plan, thinking maybe if I opted for the 4k version it would give me a higher bitrate while streaming to PC. It did not. EMILIA PEREZ came through at 2.5Mbps. (insert grey death suffering meme guy). I gave it 25 mins of low-bitrate nonsense before I fired up [an alternate viewing option]. I'm writing this as I wait the 15 mins for it to download.I'm still happy to give Netflix my money for the month. I want to pay them for content that I want to watch. I want that content to get my views. But for some reason Netflix decided to regress in quality (I believe this bitrate downgrade came right around COVID, similar to Google removing the ability to play owned movies on YouTube.) At least we'll always have Apple - supporting 21:9 monitor-owners since 2010. I'm not going to ask: "Why do they do this?". I know. You know. It's because we don't matter, and they don't care. The amount of people who watch Netflix exclusively on PCs is probably 0.0001% of their user base and we're not worth catering to. That makes sense. I just wish they figured out some way for their service to be able to feed us a higher bitrate stream of their content. I get that people who own TVs probably don't notice or care about bitrate, but computer-streaming people would.
Submitted January 25, 2025 at 01:43AM by kukov
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ELI5- does talking real fast have any real benefits at an auction?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 11:40PM by lsarge442
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C5MI Launches First Successful SAP S/4HANA (S/4) Migration for the Department of Defense (DoD)
C5MI Completes S/4HANA Migration for the Largest Deployment of an SAP Warehouse Management System (WMS) at Defense Logistics Agency (DLA).
Help-Some contents won't show in other profiles
At /r/netflix
The netflix account is from my wife. We're from the philippines. After we visit hongkong and macau, my wife noticed that some content are not showing up like the Apothecary Diaries after we visit those places. However, for my profile, the series is shown and i can watch it. Btw, she used esim while i used a physical sim for internet. How to troubleshoot this issue on my wife's profile? thanks
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 10:24PM by verxram
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ELI5: what do drivers do on computers?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I'm not techy at all but i have a gaming computer (for Minecraft only) and I recently found out about drivers. But I don't really understand what they do. I just know they can be updated, somebody help me understand lol.
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 09:44PM by Automatic_Damage238
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C5MI Launches First Successful SAP S/4HANA (S/4) Migration for the Department of Defense (DoD)
PR Newswire. JACKSONVILLE BEACH, Fla., Jan. 24, 2025. C5MI Completes S/4HANA Migration for the Largest Deployment of an SAP Warehouse Management ...
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YSK in the USA your student can be removed by ICE without notifying a parent or guardian
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK it’s important to have a plan for what to do or say in the event that ICE takes your child.
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 08:40PM by freetable
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Amarante investe quase R$ 1 milhão em projeto SAP B1 - TI Inside
A administradora do Salinas Maragogi, Salinas Maceió e Japaratinga Lounge Resort, em Alagoas, prevê dois anos de implantação do SAP B1 para ...
SAP, Defensoria Pública e Secretaria da Diversidade promovem evento em alusão ao Dia ...
SAP, Defensoria Pública e Secretaria da Diversidade promovem evento em alusão ao Dia da Visibilidade Trans para internas LGBTQIAPN+ da UP Itaitinga 5.
ELI5: When making a smoothie, why do tiny blue and red fruits dominate the color palette after being blended?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Say you make a smoothie with a banana, mango pieces, pineapple, etc... why is it that adding ONE SINGLE cherry or just a few blueberries turns the whole smoothie a red or blue hue?Do certain fruits secrete more "dye" or something than others?
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 05:17PM by quickwitit369
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Looking for a series
At /r/netflix
The story starts with a teen girl getting rped but their parents didn’t care (maybe?). Few years later her best friend started to date with that man who rped her, and it ends with st*bbing that man in a park. I think the girl was declared innocent in the trial.That’s all i remember, it came out like a year ago. Anyone knows it?
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 05:56PM by girIsdontpoop
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Google Search Curitiba stuff
Lavanderias de autosserviço são opção para viagem em família - Diário de Curitiba
Segundo o balanço, compartilhado pelo site Panrotas, seis a cada dez (60%) entrevistados afirmaram que já estavam se organizando para as viagens ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
Amarante investe quase R$1 mi em troca de sistema operacional dos resorts
A administradora do Salinas Maragogi, Salinas Maceió e Japaratinga Lounge Resort prevê dois anos de implantação do SAP B1 para acompanhar o ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
[Fotos] Nos bastidores do Galaxy Unpacked 2025: como o Galaxy AI roubou a cena
A Samsung Electronics fez história no evento Galaxy Unpacked 2025, realizado no SAP Center em San Jose, Califórnia, ao apresentar a próxima ...
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ELI5: why do people start snoring the second they fall asleep
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Lying in the exact same position, there's no snoring when the person is up, but they moment they fall asleep, without any change in physical position, they start snoring? How is that possible? Edit: I have a follow up question too. Does weight have any correlation with snoring?
Submitted January 24, 2025 at 02:53PM by pistabaadam
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