ELI5: Why haven't the cookie banners been replaced by a browser setting?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why do we see those incredibly annoying banners, when all they're asking for is basically the same thing for every website? Why can't we just decide once and the browser sends that to the websites?
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 08:19AM by tofagerl
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1ikl628/eli5_why_havent_the_cookie_banners_been_replaced/?utm_source=ifttt
My Top 5 Favorite Shows In Netflix
At /r/netflix
Hello! Just wanted to share my top 5 shows that I have seen so far in netflix. I've seen about 15 shows but here's my top 5. Feel free to share your thoughts or your top 5 in the comments as well!Cobra Kai (9.7/10)Never Have I ever (9/10)Alice in Borderland (8.5/10)Stranger Things (8.3/10)Sex Education (7.5/10)Honorable Mention/6th Place. XO, Kitty (6/10)Just my personal opinion! Would love to see your guys' thoughts
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 07:20AM by abrahameatspears
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ikkbd9/my_top_5_favorite_shows_in_netflix/?utm_source=ifttt
Baby Reindeer wins best limited series at critics choice awards
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 06:12AM by S4v1r1enCh0r4k
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ikjdkz/baby_reindeer_wins_best_limited_series_at_critics/?utm_source=ifttt
What a lively movie! Isn't it? ✨
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 04:46AM by okaybhaii
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1iki5at/what_a_lively_movie_isnt_it/?utm_source=ifttt
Eli5: Why is rally racing so European?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
This is something I've never understood. I know the history of NASCAR, it started with a bunch of moonshiners that wanted to see who had the fastest vehicle. And running moonshine involved outrunning cops on backroads.And while I've definitely never run from the cops before, I grew up in a rural town and the way we figured out who was the fastest was you race from here to here on this back road and we time it.I mean a bunch of teenage rednecks "came up" with rally racing, why did moonshiners decide on let's drive real fast in a circle for a long time?
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 12:27AM by BornToL00ze
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1ikdvyw/eli5_why_is_rally_racing_so_european/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Secretaria de Segurança Pública define detalhes do Plano Operacional de ... - Ceará Sporting Club
... (SAP/CE) o efetivo para a partida terá 613 pessoas trabalhando diretamente na segurança do evento. Havendo confrontos entre torcidas, a ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Eli5: How was the military affected during the Great Depression?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Were there less or more people joining? Did they get a pay cut? Did more people get kicked out? I tried searching about it but nothing comes up
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 12:23AM by DullSwing135
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1ikdta9/eli5_how_was_the_military_affected_during_the/?utm_source=ifttt
Baleias acumulam XRP: será o sinal de uma recuperação iminente? - Binance
O mercado de criptomoedas segue instável, e o XRP não escapou dessa correção. Nos últimos sete dias, o ativo caiu 23%, sendo negociado atualmente ...
Why doesn't Netflix see that shows that don't receive Stranger Things ratings can still be used as a way to grow their content library instead of just canceling them?
At /r/netflix
It seems pretty short-sighted to cancel shows just because they don’t pull in massive ratings like Stranger Things. With almost every major media company now running their own streaming service and fighting for subscribers, it’s more important than ever to have a variety of good content. Keeping shows with solid writing, even if they’re not huge hits, could help in the long run by pulling in niche audiences, keeping loyal fans around, and making the platform look better overall. Instead of only chasing big, instant successes, streaming companies should think about the long-term value of having a mix of different shows that keep people watching and stop them from canceling their subscriptions.
Submitted February 07, 2025 at 10:50PM by Dabomblol1231
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ikbzs2/why_doesnt_netflix_see_that_shows_that_dont/?utm_source=ifttt
Eli5: Why does depression make your body physically hurt and make you feel like it takes more.enwrgy then normal to do normal activities?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why does depression from things like bipolar disorder and major depressive disorder make your body physically hurt when you're experiencing depression?
Submitted February 07, 2025 at 07:24PM by niceenough1983
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1ik7jt9/eli5_why_does_depression_make_your_body/?utm_source=ifttt
Read more... ift2push (https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.ahaber.com.tr/resmi-ilan/2025/02/08/sap-s4-hana-sistemleri-destek-hizmeti-igdas-istanbul-gaz-dagitim-sanayi-ve-ticaret-anonim-sirketi&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDRhYTM0NTNmMGVjYjY3YmU6Y29tOmVuOlVTOkw&usg=AOvVaw0qoMKfzeS6n5jLUMjJfKbT)
SAP e Secretaria da Diversidade promovem capacitação sobre o público LGBTI+ para ...
SAP e Secretaria da Diversidade promovem capacitação sobre o público LGBTI+ para policiais penais do sistema prisional. 7 de fevereiro de 2025 - 19 ...
Google Search: SAP e Consults
Descubra o poder da inovação fiscal com a Escotta Consulting! Nossas Soluções Fiscais ...
7 likes, 0 comments - escotta_consulting on February 6, 2025: "Descubra o poder da inovação fiscal com a Escotta Consulting!
ift2push RpgM7j84
Netflix star's mum brutally slaughtered in France as 'burglary goes wrong'
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 07, 2025 at 04:29PM by dailystar_news
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ik3far/netflix_stars_mum_brutally_slaughtered_in_france/?utm_source=ifttt
Operação Divisa Integrada já prendeu quinze suspeitos nos estados do Ceará e Pernambuco
... (SAP-CE). A união de forças entre a Secretaria da Segurança Pública e Defesa Social do Estado do Ceará (SSPDS-CE) e da Secretaria de Defesa Social ...
SAP investe na reintegração social por meio da educação de custodiados
A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) viabiliza essas ações visando a reintegração dos apenados à sociedade. A formatura das Pessoas ...
Eli5: how it's impossible to interbreed between two species but humans and neanderthals did it?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 06:18AM by Playful_Effect
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1ikjgf7/eli5_how_its_impossible_to_interbreed_between_two/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search Curitiba stuff
Vídeo: Vento derruba motos estacionadas durante tempestade em Curitiba | Paraná - G1
Vento derruba motos estacionadas durante tempestade em Curitiba ... Pobreza infantil no AM com 60% sem saneamento e 10% fora da escola ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr
YSK: If you become a US citizen through naturalization, it is your responsibility to relay that information to government agencies such as the social security administration. The USCIS does not relay that information for you.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: if someone becomes a US citizen through naturalization, their social security number will not reflect that they are a US citizen unless they go to the social security office and show proof that they are now a citizen. This has the potential to cause issues if a person has one document that shows they are a citizen but looking up their social security number shows that they are a permanent resident. Additionally, if someone does not fix this discrepancy prior to applying for college financial aid, they will get a notification saying that they do not qualify for financial aid due to being a noncitizen. Naturalized citizens who get this notification when applying for financial aid should know that they are eligible for financial aid and can fix this by mailing a notarized copy of a document proving citizenship to specific colleges they are seeking financial aid from.
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 04:13AM by CakeDayOrDeath
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/YouShouldKnow/comments/1ikhomq/ysk_if_you_become_a_us_citizen_through/?utm_source=ifttt
Dark Forest Show?
At /r/netflix
A couple of years ago or so I got into a show about a small-town female detective with a few severed fingers from a traumatic incident in the dark woods in their town. Her trauma unfolds as other teenagers have traumatic events in the woods. I don't remember the title ... And I think it wasn't in English? Anyone remember anything like that?
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 01:55AM by pocketfullofprose
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ikfgv9/dark_forest_show/?utm_source=ifttt
At /r/netflix
Hey guys, I was thinking about David Lynch's tragic recent passing and thinking about his unmade animated project called snootworld which he was trying to get out with Netflix. What exactly did we know about it? What was the animation style? What was the plot? Was it for children or adults? What were the exact details we knew?If someone could make a list of what the project was supposed to be it would be endlessly interesting to readThanks!
Submitted February 08, 2025 at 01:20AM by aidanmansfield75
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ikeukb/snootworld/?utm_source=ifttt
Secretaria de Segurança Pública define detalhes do Plano Operacional de ... - Ceará Sporting Club
... (SAP/CE) o efetivo para a partida terá 613 pessoas trabalhando diretamente na segurança do evento. Havendo confrontos entre torcidas, a ...
Documentaries about the fall of a powerful man?
At /r/netflix
I've had this weird fascination with how men in positions of power get knocked off their pedestal. I just finished "Madoff: The Monster of Wall Street" and really loved it, so I'm looking for documentaries that are similar. Thanks in advance.
Submitted February 07, 2025 at 11:11PM by medinah66
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ikceyt/documentaries_about_the_fall_of_a_powerful_man/?utm_source=ifttt
“Não há registros de ameaças”, diz SAP sobre segurança de hacker - :: Itamaraju Notícias ::
São Paulo — A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) afirmou nesta quinta-feira (6/2) que não possui registros de ameaças ou fatos que ...
SAP étend le support d'ECC pour certains gros clients - LeMagIT
Cette option doit accompagner les grands groupes dans leur migration vers S/4HANA, l'ERP cloud de l'éditeur. « Nous SAP faisons cette annonce ...
Read more... ift2push (https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.lemagit.fr/actualites/366619114/SAP-prolongera-le-support-dECC-pour-certains-clients&ct=ga&cd=CAIyHDRhYTM0NTNmMGVjYjY3YmU6Y29tOmVuOlVTOkw&usg=AOvVaw2wTbDDI6SCStkFO8FMx1DP)
ELI5: My tea gets weaker/watery over time if kept at a high temp. Why?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
TLDR: My tea gets weaker/watery over time if kept at a high temp. Where does the tea go if it's not in the condensation and not in the remaining cup?I bought a heated ceramic mug (brands online) that works via the coaster ie ceramic mug has metal within, the coaster plugs into the mains and keeps the temp hot as long as the mug is on it. I love it as I usually have a few sips, forget and then the lovely piping hot tea becomes tepid undrinkable slop. But this creates a new problem in that the tea does get weaker over time, and my guess is that this is due to condensation. For instance the mug comes with a cute little ceramic lid.. I used it once as the tea was far too watery 30mins down the line. So now I don't use the lid (the coaster still works effectively on its own) and make the tea a bit stonger to make up for when I inevitably forget about the tea.My question is where does the tea go, please? I hope I made sense.. TY!
Submitted February 07, 2025 at 05:56PM by mebeat
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1ik5h4l/eli5_my_tea_gets_weakerwatery_over_time_if_kept/?utm_source=ifttt
Google Search: SAP e Consults
FC Eventos on Instagram: "Decoração com Balões para o @cast.group A melhor ...
0 likes, 0 comments - fceventoscwb on February 6, 2025: "Decoração com Balões para o @cast.group A melhor decoração para sua comemoração é com ...
ift2push RpgM7j84
Best New Movies Streaming on Netflix in February 2025
At /r/netflix
Submitted February 07, 2025 at 06:35PM by indiewire
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ik6e6p/best_new_movies_streaming_on_netflix_in_february/?utm_source=ifttt
ELI5 when the world has more debt than value, who is the debt owed to?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’m thinking about national debt and who nations actually owe the debts to?
Submitted February 07, 2025 at 06:11PM by No-Stuff-1320
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/explainlikeimfive/comments/1ik5u8r/eli5_when_the_world_has_more_debt_than_value_who/?utm_source=ifttt
Anyone else totally obsessed with Psych?
At /r/netflix
A few months ago I was browsing through the homepage on my Netflix prolife and I found out Psych. It was and old show whit eight seasons, so I didn´t hit play in that moment... but something later tolde me to give it a try and I watched first episode.Honestly I think it is a super fun and really fast-paced show, really hilarious! It has a bit of everyting! I loved all the characters and it became an obsession to me. I0m currently finishing season 7 and every time I watc an episode I feel like I'm close to the end, that's make me feel sad :(If you haven't watched it yet, I totally recommend it! And if you have, what did you think? Did you get as obsessed as I did?PS: I'm not really good writing in English so sorry If there is anything that is bad written ;)https://preview.redd.it/z254xtih4she1.png?width=718&format=png&auto=webp&s=3536771552c5955d46c5a8f193b7f5a073a92f8b
Submitted February 07, 2025 at 05:47PM by valentaain
via reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/netflix/comments/1ik59xa/anyone_else_totally_obsessed_with_psych/?utm_source=ifttt