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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is Japan having a rice shortage right now?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 06:45PM by Picklejojolo
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IFTTT General

YSK: Using Tap Water in Your Humidifier Can Seriously Harm Indoor Air Quality
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Using tap water in ultrasonic or cool-mist humidifiers can create a significant amount of airborne particulate matter, drastically reducing indoor air quality. Tap water contains dissolved minerals like calcium and magnesium, which ultrasonic humidifiers aerosolize into fine particles (PM2.5, PM1.0, and PM10). This can raise indoor particulate matter levels to concentrations comparable to outdoor air pollution or cooking smoke.I knew that my humidifier manual recommended distilled water, but I figured it was to prolong the life of the unit and lead to less mineral build-up. But I didn't think it could be harmful to health. I used an air quality tester device to measure particulate matter and was shocked to see how much higher the numbers were with my filtered well water compared to distilled water.These tiny particles, often visible as "white dust" around your humidifier, can penetrate deep into your lungs, potentially causing respiratory irritation, coughing, or exacerbating conditions like asthma, especially for infants, kids, and people with respiratory issues.Why you should consider switching to distilled water:Using distilled or purified water drastically reduces particulate emissions and improves indoor air quality.Evaporative humidifiers are safer alternatives since they don't aerosolize mineral particles.Regular cleaning of your humidifier prevents bacterial and mineral buildup.The good news is that switching to distilled water quickly reduces particulate pollution, significantly improving your indoor air quality.Sources:
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 06:14PM by jpzsports
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IFTTT General

ELI5 why do cats follow us to the bathroom
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why do cats follow us into the bathroom?Why do cats join us in the bathroom? No matter if I’m peeing, bathing or showering Kevin has to join me. Even if he’s dead asleep and hears the shower being turned on he will bolt to the bathroom. Currently lying in the bath with my sleeping cat next to me.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 04:52PM by cowsarejustbigpuppys
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why the electron does not spiral and fall into the nucleus ?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I have understood the argument using Heisenberg's uncertainty principle that uncertainty in position cannot go below ℏ/∆p, where ∆p is the uncertainty in momentum. The angular momentum p of electron in the n=1 energy level is quantized, in any atom. But I am not understanding more than the mathematical part? I want to understand this more intuitively and the physical limitations of why this cannot happen. What will be the consequences if this happens? (one immediate thing is there will be no matter at all?)
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 12:51PM by rajinis_bodyguard
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How come no other species has developed human-like intelligence?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I understand species evolved the way they do based on whatever traits helped them survive (i.e. survival of the fittest), but why are Homo sapiens the only species to have developed such a high level of intelligence? Many, many species have evolved to have wings or gills or sharp teeth or whatnot, but only humans seem to have developed extremely high intelligence. How come humans "needed"/evolved this trait, but not any other species?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 04:06PM by IntrovertNeptune
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IFTTT General

Shows not showing up
At /r/netflix
Is anyone else experiencing shows are not showing up on my tv for Netflix where im not able to see gossip girl for example it shows as remind me but when I go into the app its there for me to watch. Its the same with switching profiles everything is there except for the shows on my profile
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 01:42PM by luvlils
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IFTTT General

Eli5 How do our eyes manage the light photons absorbed in retina? Where do the energy goes and the vision remains unharmed the entire life?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 01:35PM by arztnur
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why do Fritos and tortilla chips taste profoundly different?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
They have the same ingredients and both seem to be simple deep fried chips.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 12:23PM by LivingRemarkable474
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP Portugal regista um novo recorde no volume de negócios - Now
Em 2024 chegou aos 192 milhões de euros. Há dois anos um terço das vendas da SAP Portugal destinavam-se a mercados externos.
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
IDS apresenta solução de gestão de processos - Portal ClienteSA
A solução desenvolvida pela IDS foca a necessidade de melhoria de produtividade dos sistemas SAP instalados através da gestão integrada de processos e ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Ambipar vai negociar tokens de créditos de carbono na Bolsa - Brazil Journal

... SAP — onde o AMBI já é vendido — cada token representando uma tonelada negocia hoje por cerca de US$ 12. (No entanto, os tokens negociados na SAP ...

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IFTTT General

Millie Bobby Brown Confirms 'Enola Holmes 3' Filming Start Window
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 11:27AM by Pogrebnik
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IFTTT General

How to Sell Drugs Online (Fast): The Final Season | Official Trailer
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 11:08AM by Atlast_2091
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IFTTT General

Netflix saying not part of home network but the device definitely is?
At /r/netflix
So my partner went to watch Netflix on his PC and got a "This device isn't part of your Netflix household" other than his phone this is the only thing he's ever watched Netflix on, it's all within his home on his home network. Neither of us understand how the hell this has happened. How do we fix it? We don't have access to a TV to go the route that Netflix recommends.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 09:50AM by Aimzyrulez
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IFTTT General

IA e cloud levam faturação da SAP Portugal a recorde de 192 milhões - Negócios

Quadro de pessoal vai crescer – a empresa já está de olhos postos no número redondo de mil colaboradores. O diretor-geral da SAP Portugal estima ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Carnaval em Curitiba: bares e restaurantes comemoram aumento de 50% no movimento
“A pesquisa que 70% das pessoas não se deslocaram das cidades é verdadeira”, ressaltou Aguayo, ao citar um levantamento feito pelo instituto Hibou.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Doubting the authenticity of the "Top 10" list
At /r/netflix
I remember when 'Kinda Pregnant' with Amy Schumer released last month and for like two weeks straight it was showing as #1 on the trending movies and I just, straight up don't believe it. This isn't like some big takedown or the tired trope of "Amy Schumer is horrible and no one likes women comedians". Her movies aren't usually my cup of tea but I'm not here to hate. This one though, I just cannot believe it was actually number one. Especially with the scene that auto plays when you stay on it too long. It's hard for me to even imagine a demographic that would see that and decide to spend the next hour and a half watching it. Let alone enough to make it #1 for 2 weeks straight. So I guess I'm asking if anyone else feels like they just lie about the numbers to push their newest originals? If they put it as #1 someone might at least give it a try. Or do y'all think I'm just way off base here and imagining things or out of touch. Again to reiterate, I have a wide range of movies I'll watch and enjoy, even some of the Netflix original movie slop has its merrit for just turning your mind off and having a little fun. See 'Red Notice'. All this to see I don't just hate the actress or the genre, but still, this looks even worse than their normal original slop.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 05:02PM by Few_Pumpkin3666
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IFTTT General

Sam Worthington to Star in Netflix’s New Thriller 'I Will Find You'
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 04:53PM by S4v1r1enCh0r4k
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IFTTT General

Mobile App issues
At /r/netflix
Why is the app so bad? I tend to listen to shows when I’m at work and it’s been grueling using Netflix. First off, when an episode of a show ends I have to click next episode not once but twice to get it to actually go to the next episode. If I’m even a tiny bit off with the button click it takes me back to the main menu. I remember at one point it would auto play just like my TV does. It wouldn’t be so bad if it was at least consistent. Sometimes I have to push the button and it goes right to the next episode but other times the button will disappear and I have to use the timeline UI to click next episode there. Also, the ads are ridiculous. I’m not talking about the frequency of them or the content, the ads are just REALLY LOUD. Significantly louder than the program I’m watching. It gets to a point where I have to lower the volume by half and when the ad is over the show is super quiet. I’d understand these issues if it was a small operation but really? This is one of the biggest streaming services out there right now. You mean to say a multi billion dollar company can’t make an app work the way it’s supposed to? Mildly infuriating at the very least.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 03:52PM by BoozeLikeFrank
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IFTTT General

More anime is being added but closed caption only subtitles is ruining it
At /r/netflix
I was excited to watch Frieren only to discover it only has CC subtitles. I just can't enjoy it that way. But other shows like Dandadan have normal subtitles?Why is that? Why are some CC and some not?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 03:36PM by Blu-
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why and how does alcohol withdrawal cause seizures?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Saw a video of someone going through alcohol withdrawal shaking violently.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 01:22PM by kingmakk
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IFTTT General

EY announces move to SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private Edition on Microsoft Azure

LONDON, 5 March 2025 – The EY organization announces a strategic initiative, with SAP and Microsoft, to transition to SAP S/4HANA Cloud Private ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5 : Why does the United States have a much higher military budget than any other country ?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
It's common knowledge that the U.S. has the highest military expenditure in the world, what strikes me is the massive gap with all the other countries. In 2023, the estimated military expenditure of the U.S. was 916 billion US$, whereas China's (2nd highest) was "only" 296 billion US$. What's the reason for that gap ?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 12:46PM by exophades
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Ambipar vai negociar tokens de créditos de carbono na Bolsa - Brazil Journal
... SAP — onde o AMBI já é vendido — cada token representando uma tonelada negocia hoje por cerca de US$ 12. (No entanto, os tokens negociados na SAP ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Governo do Ceará institui Comitê Estadual de Políticas Penais - Badalo

Para o secretário da Administração Penitenciária e Ressocialização (SAP), Mauro Albuquerque, a implementação do Comitê é de extrema importância para ...

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IFTTT General

Instabilidade internacional não tem sido má para o negócio, diz o diretor-geral da SAP - Tecnologias

A imprevisibilidade do contexto internacional não tem sido uma má notícia para a SAP Portugal, admite o diretor-geral. Nuno Saramago explica que ...

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IFTTT General

My fanart de jinx
At /r/geek
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 07:08AM by Markoozart
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IFTTT General

Where did the download button go?
At /r/netflix
I usually watch content on my phone on my train ride in. The typical "my Netflix" does not have my downloaded content anymore and there's no more icons for downloading any show or movies. Did something happen?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 10:28AM by skidmarks731
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Instabilidade internacional não tem sido má para o negócio, diz o diretor-geral da SAP - Tecnologias
A imprevisibilidade do contexto internacional não tem sido uma má notícia para a SAP Portugal, admite o diretor-geral. Nuno Saramago explica que ...
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IFTTT General

How to access a movie available only in one country?
At /r/netflix
Hi All,I have Netflix in Poland, and now I travelled to Hungary for a short time. I can access my Netflix, but I think it's the same selection as back in PL. The point is, in Hungary, there should be a certain movie available on Netflix (and only here) but it's not coming up for me, even though my current IP is obviously Hungary. Is there a way to somehow access this movie? I thought the selection updates based on your IP, but apparently not? Is this another EU regulation?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 09:06AM by HisztisMyrtle
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