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IFTTT General

Mignow consolida plano de internacionalização com escritório nos EUA - Inforchannel

A Mignow, empresa brasileira especializada em migração de sistemas SAP, inauguraou um escritório em Miami, nos Estados Unidos, um movimento ...

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IFTTT General

Matrix Energia adota SAC com SolvePlan - Baguete

A Matrix Energia, especializada no fornecimento e comercialização de energia limpa, implementou o SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), uma solução que reúne ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
São Sebastião: Prefeito Anuncia Mudanças na Estrutura da Polícia Municipal - 012 News
... SAP indica que 162 detentos não retornaram das saidinhas de fim de ano no Vale e Litoral. Leia +.
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Para garantir a excelência em inovação, você precisa agir agora - SAP News Center
Por Andre Bechtold, Head of Solution and Innovation Experience da SAP. Empresas no mundo inteiro estão encarando transformação significativa e ...
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IFTTT General

5 cargos de tecnologia em alta para 2025, segundo o PageGroup - IT Forum

Perfil da vaga: sólida experiência em módulos SAP (como FI, CO, MM, SD, PP); conhecimento em integração de sistemas ERP; habilidades analíticas para ...

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IFTTT General

Para garantir a excelência em inovação, você precisa agir agora - SAP News Center

Por Andre Bechtold, Head of Solution and Innovation Experience da SAP. Empresas no mundo inteiro estão encarando transformação significativa e ...

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IFTTT General

Peak content from Netflix if you dislike the Shaman and like the song that plays during Mingle in Squid Game Season 2.
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 08, 2025 at 03:21PM by matthewjn
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IFTTT General

IBM e SAP colaboram para acelerar a transformação com SAP S/4Hana - Inforchannel

“O Rise with SAP surgiu como uma prioridade de negócios para empresas de todos os setores, à medida que migram para o SAP S/4Hana Cloud”, disse Anurag ...
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IFTTT General

Faster migration to RISE with SAP on IBM Power Virtual Server

It contains outcome-driven services, Cloud ERP on SAP S/4HANA® and platforms that help customers focus on driving value for their business instead of ...
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IFTTT General

Stonebranch Universal Connector erhält SAP® -Zertifizierung für die Integration von RISE ...

... S/4HANA® Cloud erhalten hat. Die Integration hilft Unternehmen, automatisierte Arbeitslasten über alle SAP-Anwendungen hinweg und darüber hinaus ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
5 cargos de tecnologia em alta para 2025, segundo o PageGroup - IT Forum
Perfil da vaga: sólida experiência em módulos SAP (como FI, CO, MM, SD, PP); conhecimento em integração de sistemas ERP; habilidades analíticas para ...
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IFTTT General

Governo do Ceará monitora 10 pessoas acusadas de envolvimento no '8 de Janeiro' em ...

Conforme a SAP, os outros não são monitorados por impedimentos na tornozeleira eletrônica, como o fim da bateria. Entre os deveres dos monitorados ...

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IFTTT General

If you mention the only effective way to encourage Netflix to address the issues we have with it, it gets deleted.
At /r/netflix
They won't listen to complaints. They'll only listen to subscription cancellations. I made another thread about this yesterday. It was deleted in around 13 hours. Let's see how many mentions it takes to get me banned.
Submitted January 08, 2025 at 02:51PM by EnSulin
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What really causes us to wake up from sleep?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Does my body just decide i’ve had enough rest for the night and wakes me up? Also, why is it that i sometimes wake up earlier/later than normal? And what is the reason for me usually waking up at the same time?
Submitted January 08, 2025 at 02:29PM by Legitimate_Treacle_6
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IFTTT General

Shows/Movies that are originally in spanish?
At /r/netflix
I am trying to learn Spanish and I've heard one of the best ways to learn is to watch with subtitles. So far I have watched Narcos and Soy Georgina. Any other suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Submitted January 08, 2025 at 02:07PM by blondeboss101
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IFTTT General

São Sebastião: Prefeito Anuncia Mudanças na Estrutura da Polícia Municipal - 012 News

... SAP indica que 162 detentos não retornaram das saidinhas de fim de ano no Vale e Litoral. Leia +.

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mignow consolida plano de internacionalização com escritório nos EUA - Inforchannel
A Mignow, empresa brasileira especializada em migração de sistemas SAP, inauguraou um escritório em Miami, nos Estados Unidos, um movimento ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Matrix Energia adota SAC com SolvePlan - Baguete
A Matrix Energia, especializada no fornecimento e comercialização de energia limpa, implementou o SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC), uma solução que reúne ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5: If a kilogram means 1000 grams, then why does a kilobyte mean 1024 bytes?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 08, 2025 at 02:58PM by DTKiller13
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IFTTT General

Balanço registra que 24 presos não retornaram aos presídios da região após saidinha

Foi o que registrou o balanço da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (SAP). Eles são considerados foragido. Quando forem recapturados, passarão ...

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IFTTT General

Squid Game, Alice in Borderland, The 8 Show. What’s your favorite and why?
At /r/netflix
Which is the standout among the survival dramas Squid Game, Alice in Borderland, and The 8 Show? Squid Game offers a poignant look at desperation with its deadly childhood games, becoming a global phenomenon due to its storytelling and character arcs. Alice in Borderland combines sci-fi with survival, setting its narrative in a deserted Tokyo with an intriguing card game twist, noted for its visual appeal and plot twists. The 8 Show examines human psychology within a grim reality show, tackling themes of greed and morality with a touch of dark humor. Considering their unique elements - from social critique to innovative game concepts - which do you believe excels in narrative depth, character development, and cultural impact? Share your thoughts on these compelling series.
Submitted January 08, 2025 at 03:20PM by Alternative-Earth325
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IFTTT General

Will Cloud ERP, AI, And Sustainability Converge For Success In 2025? - Forbes

For example, HanesBrands Inc. unified their multiple ERP platforms under SAP S/4HANA Cloud to streamline their business processes and reduce ...
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IFTTT General

SAP Clean Core and JiVS One Click Transformation: The perfect match for SAP S/4HANA migration

The SAP Clean Core approach, coupled with DMI's One Click Transformation, enhances data quality and agility in migrating to SAP S/4HANA.
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IFTTT General

Stonebranch Universal Connector erhält SAP -Zertifizierung für die Integration von RISE mit ...

Stonebranch stärkt seine Partnerschaft mit SAP durch eine zertifizierte Integration für RISE mit SAP S/4HANA Cloud und ermöglicht so die ...
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IFTTT General

Stonebranch Universal Connector Achieves SAP® Certified... - AccessWDUN

... S/4HANA ® Cloud. The integration helps organizations to centrally ... S/4HANA Cloud. This certification builds upon Stonebranch's numerous ...
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IFTTT General

Carry On does not make sense to me
At /r/netflix
don’t get me wrong, I was intrigued at first by the movie but I can’t help not understanding some things. Firstly how can The Traveler (Jason Bateman) have a gun with him? as soon as the plot develops we can see that Ethan and the Traveler meet in the airport toilet and he particularly has a sort of transparent gun; how is it possible that this gun can even exist in the part of the terminal after security checks? Let’s just say that somehow he did not go through the security checks yet, how is it possible that in one of the last scenes, when he goes in the cargo bay to stop Ethan, how can he have, again, a gun (different one, black)?In a scene of the film we can see that the Traveler has a backpack in which he has stored essentially a parachute and a anti-gas mask. Again, how did no one question why he was boarding with these particular items, I mean i think this must be a valid reason to be questioned.If we suppose he somehow found a way to sneak his backpack without the X-Ray scan, couldn’t they do the same exact thing for the luggage with the bomb?Lastly, how can the FAA not ground every plane departing from LAX when it was declared a threat at the airport?
Submitted January 08, 2025 at 03:01PM by PIVAG07
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Pesquisa: empresas vão ampliar investimentos em PR em 2025 | Diário de Curitiba
Este movimento é sustentado por um índice de satisfação que subiu de 70% para 75% em relação à última edição da pesquisa, realizada em 2022. Entre ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Governo do Ceará monitora 10 pessoas acusadas de envolvimento no '8 de Janeiro' em ...
Conforme a SAP, os outros não são monitorados por impedimentos na tornozeleira eletrônica, como o fim da bateria. Entre os deveres dos monitorados ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5. What does it mean when you own stock but get diluted? They can just take away part of your ownership / shares?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 08, 2025 at 02:26PM by lsarge442
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IFTTT General

165 detentos não retornaram para o presidio Campinas/Hortolândia - HortoNews

Segundo a Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária de São Paulo (SAP-SP), dos 32.397 que saíram, 1.334 não retornaram em janeiro.

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