How to access a movie available only in one country?
At /r/netflix
Hi All,I have Netflix in Poland, and now I travelled to Hungary for a short time. I can access my Netflix, but I think it's the same selection as back in PL. The point is, in Hungary, there should be a certain movie available on Netflix (and only here) but it's not coming up for me, even though my current IP is obviously Hungary. Is there a way to somehow access this movie? I thought the selection updates based on your IP, but apparently not? Is this another EU regulation?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 09:06AM by HisztisMyrtle
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'Bullet Train Explosion' Gets a Teaser Trailer, Releasing April 23
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 08:50AM by Robemilak
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ELI5 Why can’t anything move faster than the speed of light?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 07:39AM by Niowanggiyan
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SAP Architect Sr - VRIT Tech Inc - Fort Worth, TX - Dice
No Travel Required. Skills. SAP Architect. ABAP. Netweaver. S/4 HANA. HANA. Show 1 more. Job Details. Need SAP Architect, Dallas 4 days a week.
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Movies/shows with jungle adventures
At /r/netflix
Please recommend movies/shows like Jumanji, Lara Croft, Uncharted, Indiana Jones, The Lost City.Basically everything with treasure hunt, jungles, action, comedy that is available on netflix.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 06:57AM by heachx
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Eli5, why does food only release its nutrients if cooked, like say, sprouting beans and stuff. Aren't all the nutrients already there?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
It is hard for me to articulate what I mean exactly, but if all the amino acids and whatnot are present, why does changing the processing nature, affect how easy it is to digest?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 02:52AM by Gamerguy2542
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
IA e “cloud” levam faturação da SAP a recorde de 192 milhões -
Atransição das empresas para a “cloud” acelerou em 2024, catapultando o volume de negócios da SAP Portugal para um novo recorde: 192 milhões de ...
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SAP apresenta solução para o setor farmacêutico - Portal ClienteSA
A SAP lança a família de soluções mySAP All-in-One para o mercado brasileiro. Após o recente anúncio da solução para as verticais de Engenharia e ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP apresenta solução para o setor farmacêutico - Portal ClienteSA
A SAP lança a família de soluções mySAP All-in-One para o mercado brasileiro. Após o recente anúncio da solução para as verticais de Engenharia e ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
A antipatia de Emrat, modelo internacional, na Sapucaí | VEJA Gente
Modelo internacional, Emily Ratajkowski vem colecionando fotos em todos os cantos do Rio de Janeiro. Emrat, como é apelidada, no entanto, ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
A antipatia de Emrat, modelo internacional, na Sapucaí | VEJA Gente
Modelo internacional, Emily Ratajkowski vem colecionando fotos em todos os cantos do Rio de Janeiro. Emrat, como é apelidada, no entanto, ...
Elmano assina decreto que institui a criação do Comitê Estadual de Políticas Penais - Cn7
... (SAP), Mauro Albuquerque; do procurador Geral do Estado, Rafael Machado; O governador Elmano de Freitas assinou a portaria que cria o Comitê de ...
ELI5: If chromosomes are located in the nucleus of cells, does that mean every cell has the entire human genetic code or is the human genetic code divvied up between different types of cells?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If chromosomes are located inside nuclei, then how do we sequence them in their totality without calling upon every cell in the human body? Does, for instance, chromosome 9 belong to a specific type of cell? Or is it present in all cells?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 01:36AM by pomkombucha
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Give me show recommendations
At /r/netflix
My top 10 ( I like long shows)Bridgeton 2. Gossip girl3. Grey's anatomy 4. The vampire diaries5. Emily in Paris 6. Riverdale 7. The originals8. Hart of Dixie9. New girl10. How I met your mother
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 12:33AM by Curious-Ad-966
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ELI5: What gravitational force is pulling us away from the sun?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction, what's stopping us from plunging into the sun?
Submitted March 04, 2025 at 10:41PM by texashbk75
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ELI5: What is the great attractor?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 08:09AM by incamas225
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
IA e cloud levam faturação da SAP Portugal a recorde de 192 milhões - Negócios
Quadro de pessoal vai crescer – a empresa já está de olhos postos no número redondo de mil colaboradores. O diretor-geral da SAP Portugal estima ...
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SAPs neue Cloud-Technologien: Datasphere, ABAP Cloud, S/4HANA Cloud - Chancen und ...
Dieser Artikel analysiert SAPs neueste Cloud-Technologien, darunter Datasphere, ABAP Cloud und S/4HANA Cloud, und diskutiert Herausforderungen und ...
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IDS apresenta solução de gestão de processos - Portal ClienteSA
A solução desenvolvida pela IDS foca a necessidade de melhoria de produtividade dos sistemas SAP instalados através da gestão integrada de processos e ...
Ezra Edelman Slams Netflix for Scrapping His 9-Hour Prince Documentary. Says that Netflix and Prince's estate won't release it since it could "do generational harm to Prince"
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 06:11AM by S4v1r1enCh0r4k
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With Love Meghan thoughts...
At /r/netflix
Posting this with great trepidation as I am not a bot (and I'm really hoping I have enough karma points after all the downvotes that I don't get kicked off Reddit). I think there are good parts of the With Love Meghan series. The episode with Roy Choi is in particularly good as the Korean sauces and cooking techniques are interesting as is his brining technique. The series is not exactly Carl Sagan, but that it is not what the intention is. If you want light background entertainment, give With Love Meghan a chance.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 05:06AM by AnagnorisisForMe
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IA e “cloud” levam faturação da SAP a recorde de 192 milhões -
Atransição das empresas para a “cloud” acelerou em 2024, catapultando o volume de negócios da SAP Portugal para um novo recorde: 192 milhões de ...
Guysss , Never Have I ever / Emily in Paris / Ginny and Georgia .. Which one would you recommend other than the two .
At /r/netflix
I just wanna chill in-between by Studies tbh .If I kept studying I'd be drained .So which one of these is better to Relax and Enjoy at the same time ? Any Suggestions appreciated 👏 ❤️ !!!
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 03:57AM by AllisonBurgers_O
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Running Point Connections
At /r/netflix
Has anyone watched 'Running Point' on Netflix and 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'. Both starring Kate Hudson. I just finished 'Running Point' and there are SO many similarities (in terms of plot points/activities) to 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days'. First, the basketball. Like 40% of 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days' is spent watching basketball/at the basketball game, where the colors are similar to those in 'Running Point'. Second, the 'Game 7' importance. I'm not a basketball nerd, so that term has no importance to me, but it was a key piece in both movie and show. I had 2 more points that I forgot, so I'll edit it later when I remember, but if anyone has found more similarities, please tell. They were written by different people, so that can't be why. I was wondering if 'Running Point' was supposed to be this homage to 'How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.'
Submitted March 04, 2025 at 11:08PM by dAlembertFula
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Elon Musk leva socos em combate da Mocidade na Sapucaí | VEJA Gente
Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg e Jeff Bezos aparecem duelando em combates de videogame em um dos tripés trazidos pela Mocidade Independente de Padre ...
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Elon Musk leva socos em combate da Mocidade na Sapucaí | VEJA Gente
Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg e Jeff Bezos aparecem duelando em combates de videogame em um dos tripés trazidos pela Mocidade Independente de Padre ...
How to stop autoplay spoiling WWE events in progress/afterwards?
At /r/netflix
When clicking on a WWE live event either during or after its aired, as soon as I launch the item, the page loads with the cursor in the middle or the end of the event.
This spoils the event.
I like autoplay for non-WWE tv shows.
But for WWE, I want the page to load paused without it auto-playing at its live point/end credits.
How can I do this?
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 01:20AM by Eccentric1286
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Questions on adding an extra account.
At /r/netflix
Ok for years I have used my moms netflix (she knew) and we live in the same city. After netflix cracked down on that my devices like Roku said I could not log in since I was not at the registered home address. Thats fine. My pc netflix still let me log in. Now that no longer works either. I was thinking of getting my own netflix account, but wanted to ask about the new thing to add a second account to her existing account where I can register at my home. My questions are...Is there any real benifit money saving wise if I have an extra account under her?I would pay for my own, but wondering if it would make her pay for my new account if I made one under her? Can I use my own cc card or paypal?Does netflix servers still screw up when its an extra account under someone else? Does it still want me in the same address?If I get my own, that is fine. I just wanted to ask first.
Submitted March 05, 2025 at 01:01AM by nodakskip
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ELI5: What does it mean when a car is “made in America” when supply chains are all international?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 04, 2025 at 11:58PM by qalpi
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STILL not over this…
At /r/netflix
Is anyone else still salty about the ANNE WITH AN E cancellation ordered “jointly” by CBC and Netflix in 2019 just ahead to its season 3 premiere? I have never seen such fierce retaliation and clap back from a fanbase after a series cancelation ever, with a petition reading 1.5 MILLION signatures. Hello CBC and Netflix executives???? Still also salty about Netflix saving Manifest for 2 more seasons despide being originally cancelled. Who even asked for that? 😂
Submitted March 04, 2025 at 10:10PM by No_Culture7573
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