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YSK The Wayback Machine is a digital archive of the World Wide Web that allows users to view and interact with past versions of websites. Users can enter a URL and select a date range to see how a website looked in the past, even if it no longer exists on the live web.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: Ever have a website that you wanted to look up, but it’s no longer available? Use Archives Wayback Machine! It's an Internet archive that currently has billions of webpages saved throughout different periods of time. For example: you can use the Wayback Machine to see how Google looked back in 1998 or visit website that no longer exists.Archive also offers tons of legal to download books, stock footage, movies, music, software/videogames and Images/stock photos!Internet Archive Wayback Machine
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 07:53AM by PIatopus
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IFTTT General

Netflix just casually is missing the last episode of AARO?
At /r/netflix
Netflix was releasing episodes of the series 全領域異常解決室 (AARO in English) on a weekly basis, more or less around the same time as their availability in Japan. However, the last episode of the first season, which came out on December 18, is inexplicably missing. Of course, the episode is still available on a channel on the Japanese version of Prime Video, as well as some other sources, but it's strange that it is missing from Netflix. Has anyone seen this happen with any other shows? Is this a glitch in Netflix's automation, or is there a reason behind it?
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 04:52AM by Adventurous-Sport-45
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IFTTT General

Museu das cadeias expõe micro-ondas de maço de cigarro e “maria louca” - Metrópoles

O prédio é gerido pela Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP). Cadeia modelo. A ideia do museu até 2014, explica Josi, era apresentar às ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5 How does liquidation of assets work for the mega rich? Like if Musk decided screw it I'm out and sold all his stocks in everything tomorrow, how does that work? Could he actually acquire his entire "net worth" in cash tomorrow (or fairly quickly)?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 02:01AM by Sillysallyplainjane
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is washing enough for hands, while surfaces need to be disinfected?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why wouldn’t just washing surfaces with soap and water be enough?
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 11:58PM by TheBlueHypergiant
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why are quick blood tests always done with a finger poke?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why are quick blood tests always done with a finger poke? I used to donate plasma on the regular and was always curious why the poke had to come from the pad of my finger. Same with some of the tests at the docs. Because I do some delicate work with my hands I would have preferred it come from just about anywhere else. Is there something special about finger blood? I asked a couple of the phlebotomists and they didn't know either, it was just the way it was done
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 01:21AM by Osetinka
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Dezembro na Cast group - LinkedIn
Vem ver o que rolou no último mês de 2024! #Castgroup #Castlover. Dezembro na Cast group • 7 páginas 7 páginas. Modo de acessibilidade
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why do music streaming platforms have all music but video streaming platforms only have a limited amount?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So, I know Spotify/Apple Music/Tidal etc don't have every song ever, but they do have an extensive catalog with minimal differences. The thing is, why can we have music services that have all the songs but not video services that have "all" of the movies/series?
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 10:12PM by aldebxran
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is the cost of living so out of pace with average and minimum wages? Why was it better in the past?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
It seems like the cost of living is difficult for many people today in the United States, but the internet abounds with stories like "my [dad/grandpa] bought a [house / new car / supported a family] with his single-income wages from [a gas station / factory / blue collar job]." Some data bears this out:When you look at the federal minimum wage, it would have been $13.05 in 1970, adjusted for inflation. That's nearly double today's $7.25. LinkThe median house price was 3.5x the median income in 1985, vs. 5.8x today. Link Gen Z has 86% less purchasing power than baby boomers in their twenties, and the cost of public college education has increased by 310% since the 1970s. LinkFrom 1979-2019, worker productivity increased 59.7%, while wages increased by 15.8%; if wages had kept pace, the average worker would be paid an additional $9 per hour. LinkWhat is causing this? Is there an ELI5 explanation for why housing, education, and so many other things are wildly out of pace with median incomes over the last 40-50 years? Is there a simple set of factors, or is it a lot of things all at once?
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 05:06PM by menthapiperita
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IFTTT General

At /r/netflix
Sooo my wife and I have been watching Dexter lately everyday on Netflix, but we just opened the app to continue tonight's episode and it's gone?I don't recall seeing any notice about it being removed from rotation soon... are we SoL?
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 10:06PM by Mikethederp
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IFTTT General

Saída temporária: 39 são presos em flagrante no Natal e Ano Novo em SP | Metrópoles

A Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) divulgou que 31.856 detentos foram liberados e deixaram os presídios paulistas na manhã de 23 de ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Venda de milho à agricultura familiar por meio do ProVB cresce 70% em 2024 - Bem Paraná
As vendas de milho para pequenos criadores, por meio do Programa de Venda em Balcão (ProVB), da Companhia Nacional de Abastecimento (Conab), ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Interview with the vampire was surprisingly really well done.
At /r/netflix
Just going to say this was really well done with really good actors. I was pleasantly surprised! I enjoyed the back and forth between the vampire focusing on the telling of the story and the interviewer trying cut out the embellishments and go for the stuff he’s leaving out. In a way it feels like, yes the vampire wants to look good in his story, but also cares more about HOW it sounds something pretty important for stories that last the rest of time. Whereas the interviewer focusing on hard hitting facts that are cut and dry is something often focused on tonight news. Something not know for its longevity. Like each one wants a story but its style of storytelling reflects their age relatively. I’m used to Netflix being some quick on and done stuff and it’s nice to see something with a little more art and vision. Like comparing an album to a mixtape. Can’t wait for part 2
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 06:45PM by Eaglestark98
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Taking a shower when you’re sick
At /r/explainlikeimfive
ELI5 how come taking a shower when you’re sick helps you feel better. Is it the steam? What about when it’s not a cold and you’ve got a stomach bug or something?
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 05:08PM by OgunyemiCouncil
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IFTTT General

Removing unwanted shows/films/rows: is there a way to block Games or WWE at all? [ALL][USA]
At /r/netflix
There's entire rows of this stuff in the way of desired content now, and no easily visible way to mark it as "do not recommend" or anything.Why there's sketchy mobile games now being advertised through Netflix is a different problem; I just need to know how to mechanically remove it/reject these recommendations/block games from being accessible via our subscription. For the Karens who care: The very first game advertised is called 'Too Hot to Handle' and it's pretty clearly meant to be sexually titillating; our kids are older teens so they're not limited to 'child' Netflix, but games like this don't really need to be the very first thing they see when opening the app. More importantly, it's in the way of desired content. Is there any way to remove or block certain categories from showing up? Especially 'games'.There's also a whole row of live-streaming wrestling matches that can't be thumbs-downed to dissuade the app from trying to suggest similar content. (Some of the games advertised also have in-app purchases - !!! - and there's no way to block those from going through on the card on record for payment)The wrestling content is at least still tv programming; it's just a genre I'd like be to be able to de-prioritize (it should not be at the top, above my list, above continue watching, nor above the category I actually clicked on). The games are a cash grab that don't belong, but I know better than to think Netflix will get rid of anything that scrapes them a bit of profit, so I just need to know how to never see 'games' again via my own paid subscription. Especially not as one of the first rows, before I get to the content that I have actively engaged with. (and of course it's just crap mobile games expy'd, it's not even like we're being offered to demo Echo the Dolphin )I'm in the USA getting the games spam via Region 1 but I ASSUME they're hawking this to everyone so I also labeled it 'all'.
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 05:25PM by laeiryn
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IFTTT General

Stranger things
At /r/netflix
Dear Netflix, I’m always excited by the line up that you bring, especially the documentaries!But FFS, can you please help hurry along the finale to stranger things?!?!? We’ve waited long enough! The kids are getting old. We’re getting old…..I’d love to see the end before age catches up with my sight and hearing 🤦‍♀️ Yours sincerely, A Fan (that’s quickly losing hope)
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 06:05AM by Grumpy_001
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How did we cure infections before Antibiotics?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I’ve been sick for almost a week now, and just went to the doctor’s yesterday. He immediately saw my insane amount of throat and ear inflammation and diagnosed me with a throat and ear infection and gave me a large quantity of antibiotics to take. Within not even 12 hours from the first dose, i started to feel better. How did humans from, let’s say the 1800s overcome these infections?edit: eternally grateful that antibiotics exist now
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 03:12AM by Yallowbananas
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IFTTT General

In The Dark
At /r/netflix
Tonight, I wanted to try something different from my normal genres of Fantasy, Action/Adventure, and Sci-Fi, so I saw "In The Dark" and gave it a try. Now I'm hooked. I binged 7 episodes. The story line is unique. The actors make it all so believable. They really sell it.
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 03:06AM by hectorb3
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IFTTT General

Device not a part of the household issue
At /r/netflix
My parents have a Netflix account that they have upgraded to a larger family plan. I live in the same house with them and have my own profile on my phone and PS5 however Netflix will randomly lockout my profile on both these devices but works on the main computer my parents watch on and the only way to fix it is get a code sent to my dad, but the weird thing is it clearly states on their account that both my devices are apart of the household but they only work once he opens the link and goes through it. Any ideas?
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 02:31AM by MiserablePiano5211
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IFTTT General

Can I watch The Mire (Rojst) seasons 2 and 3 without watching season 1?
At /r/netflix
Wasn't feeling season 1 at all but with the time skips between seasons I thought it might be fine so I started season 2 and I like its first episode to far. Will I be unable to understand seasons 2 and 3?
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 01:51AM by wewereromans
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Google Search: SAP e Consults
Escotta on Instagram: " Contagem Regressiva: 1 Ano Para o Fim do Suporte SAP GRC ...
O SAP é uma ferramenta de ERP (Sistema Integrado de Gestão Empresarial). Por meio de projetos específicos pode-se promover uma gestão integrada da ...
ift2push RpgM7j84

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IFTTT General

'Lost' series disappeared, no info that it was leaving
At /r/netflix
I was watching S2 of 'Lost' and today, it's gone. There was no information that it was leaving, nothing online confirmed it was leaving. Is anyone else having this issue?
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 01:02AM by azguard4
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IFTTT General

Woman of Honour
At /r/netflix
Despite scrolling downward by over a week, I cannot find the last post on this show but I know I saw it. Maybe it was too short and the reddit moderators deleted it.What did people think of it?I was surprised Anna Kendrick directed it.I found her character very unlikeable.Of course "Bachelor #3" was more unlikeable. Creepy AF, in fact.I didn't know until the credits rolled that it was based on a true story. Glad the ahole died in prison.Thoughts, sub?(If the gets deleted because it's "to short" I will not be a happy camper.)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc
Submitted January 05, 2025 at 12:08AM by lockdownsurvivor
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IFTTT General

Pokemon taso card
At /r/geek
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 02:48PM by aspenzip
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IFTTT General

Audio stutters in App on Windows 11 in full-screen
At /r/netflix
Got a super weird problem on Windows 11 HTPC: when watching Netflix through the app and using "Dolby Atmos for home theater" as spatial sound in sound settings, everything works great, sound is great, Denon AVR says input is "Atmos", everything is fine to the moment I put the app in full screen. When Netflix app is in full-screen, the audio starts to mute itself and pause, while the video plays normally. The moment I exit fullscreen mode and leave Netflix app maximized, audio starts to works normally. It makes no sense that a change into fullscreen makes audio go silent every few seconds.Any ideas?
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 10:12PM by dakky21
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Want to watch squid games with my husband but he wants to watch it dubbed in english
At /r/netflix
I however want to watch it with the original audio and use subtitles. And ofcourse we want to be able to watch together. Is there anyway we can watch with two different audios if we use two different earphones?Or does anyone have any alternate suggestions?
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 08:07PM by Pristine_Student6892
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Is there an evolutionary reason why an ejaculation needs to be “coerced”?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Pretty sure this is a dumb and uncomfortable question that shows I didn’t pay attention in sex-ed, but I was just thinking it’s funny that sex is really recreational most of the time, and how it wouldn’t be able to be that if you could just ejaculate on command for the sole purpose of fertilization (at least not how it is now). I guess I’m uneducated on what functions make it take so much longer or shorter. Sorry, this post feels gross. Edit: Coerced is definitely not the best word, see quotation marks lol
Submitted January 04, 2025 at 06:58PM by _1979_twilight_
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IFTTT General

SAÚDE passa A funcionar à noite - NPDiário

Desde o dia 2 de janeiro a gestão platinense 2025/2028 colocou em prática o funcionamento da Farmácia Municipal (fotos abaixo) de segunda a ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Estudo mostra que Bolsa Família reduziu mortes por tuberculose - Diário de Curitiba
A redução foi de mais de 50% em pessoas extremamente pobres e mais de 60% entre as populações indígenas. • Clique aqui agora e receba todas as ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAÚDE passa A funcionar à noite - NPDiário
Desde o dia 2 de janeiro a gestão platinense 2025/2028 colocou em prática o funcionamento da Farmácia Municipal (fotos abaixo) de segunda a ...
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