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IFTTT General

Ajinomoto gere despesas com SAP Concur - Baguete

A Ajinomoto, gigante da indústria alimentícia, concluiu a implementação do SAP Concur, solução de gestão de viagens e despesas corporativas, ...

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IFTTT General

Lab2dev adquire 50% da Kinesis IT - Baguete

A Lab2dev, empresa brasileira especializada em consultoria e implementação da SAP Business Technology Platform (BTP), anunciou a aquisição de 50% da ...

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IFTTT General

CDP de Taubaté soma três apreensões de ilícitos em dia de visita - PortalR3

(Foto: Divulgação/SAP). A Polícia Penal do Estado de São Paulo ... Todas as visitantes foram imediatamente suspensas do rol de visitas da SAP ...

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IFTTT General

Rui Altieri assume a presidência da Apine - CanalEnergia

Expansão. Light vai ampliar UHE Fontes Nova para Leilão de Capacidade. 20 de janeiro de 2025 · Comercialização. Matrix Energia adota SAP Analytics ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Consultoria empresarial impulsiona crescimento das PMEs | Diário de Curitiba
De acordo com a pesquisa Cabeça de Dono, realizada pelo Itaú Empresas e Instituto Locomotiva, 60% dos líderes das PMEs brasileiras têm a intenção ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

CDP de Taubaté registra três apreensões de ilícitos durante dia de visita

Todas as visitantes foram suspensas do rol de visitas da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) e encaminhadas para a delegacia local ...

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IFTTT General

Defensie zet met SAP S/4HANA stap naar een slimme krijgsmacht - Frankwatching

Deloitte begeleidt als regiepartner de implementatie van SAP S/4HANA. SAP is geen onbekend terrein voor Defensie. Al decennialang zitten alle ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Back in history, ladders and siege towers were used when besieging cities. But how was it determined how high the ladders / and especially the towers should be?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Back in history, ladders and siege towers were used to besiege cities, but how is it determined how high those towers / ladders should be?I can still understand ladders, you can make them bigger yourself and still get onto the walls. But I think those Siege towers really have to be perfect in terms of height
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 07:54AM by hunter0950
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IFTTT General

Looking for show
At /r/netflix
Its an old show im assuming its probably not on netflix anymore but it was about a school for musically gifted students and all i remember is a character named leah who was kinda bratty and i think a girl bamed maggie and a boy named theo
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 07:31AM by UpliftHarbor
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is Ganges treated so terribly when it's considered holy?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 05:47AM by Vacuum_reviewer
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IFTTT General

Eli5: What is a stall and how can a pilot recover from it?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Just saw a documentary about Air France flight 447 and thought it was crazy how an airplane could lose altitude so quickly , from 35k feet to hitting the ocean in 3.5 minutes
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 02:57AM by flatbushz7
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IFTTT General

Netflix is expected to add 8.2 million subscribers in the quarter, reaching 290.9 million
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 04:51AM by LauraEats
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IFTTT General

Account sign out w/o my permission
At /r/netflix
Is this normal? Opened the app on my phone and it is signed out, tried logging in using pw it says wrong pw so i tried sign in code and said no account in this email. But when I opened netflix on my browser to check my account profile it uses my first email. Also verified it. I was scared and changed my email and pw. Now it is ok. I just want to know if it happened to you guys. My guess is hackers or those sell netflix accounts. Also 3 months ago, someone's device was added on my account. I really think I was compromised
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 03:17AM by Far-Transition3110
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What does World Health Organization do exactly? Why are global organizations like WHO/UN so important?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 02:15AM by kiraesss
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What an Executive Order, as opposed to a Law, Act, or another type of ruling?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 01:06AM by sparrrrrt
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IFTTT General

Famílias vítimas das chuvas precisam de colchões, alimentos e produtos de limpeza

Movimento "A SAP é nossa" quer retomar prédio histórico tomado por boliche em Piçarras · Pelada dos Amigos arrecada mais de uma tonelada de ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is there a good vanilla artificial flavor, but not an artificial chocolate flavor?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 11:02AM by LordLaz1985
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IFTTT General

ASML vs. SAP - BR Investing


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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Peças por até R$30 brilham no 1° Encontro de Brechós Saí do Armário 2025 - HojePR
Com entrada franca e ambiente pet friendly, o evento promete atrair ... Fundado em novembro de 2021, o Encontro de Brechós Saí do Armário nasceu da ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Watching American Primeval. Episode 3 is not translating/showing subtitles like the past 2 episodes did. Anyone else??
At /r/netflix
This show is awesome so far! In my opinion. But I'm about 20 minutes into episode 3 and the little bit of Shoshone that has been spoken so far is not being translated like the last 2 episodes were.Not too much has been spoken so far, but the little bit they have spoke has not had the automatic translated subtitles appear. So I attempted turning the subtitles on even though it hasn't been necessary, but no go there either.Has anyone else experienced this issue with this show? Or are some parts not translated on purpose?
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 11:14AM by badchoices134
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IFTTT General

SAP promove palestras sobre fiscalização do sistema prisional e combate ao racismo ...

SAP promove palestras sobre fiscalização do sistema prisional e combate ao racismo institucional para alunos do curso de formação da Polícia Penal ...

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IFTTT General

Hindi dubbing is not accurate on Netflix
At /r/netflix
Today I watched "The Brothers Sun" Series And I always keep subtitles On to get accurate dialogues.I like to watch in hindi because it makes thing enjoyable because of familiarity with language.So, today in Opening scene of the series there was important dialogue about the name of the mother of protagonist but in Hindi dubbing he said something else instead of mother's name.Further in the same episode, a few more dialogues were changed which were not important but still accuracy should be maintained.Why is this happening ??
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 09:51AM by sukh345
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IFTTT General

Anyone got Netflix reccomendations working on google tv?
At /r/netflix
It's annoying to have to get on the Netflix all everytime I want to put something on that's not in my continue watching listWhat's even more annoying is that my android tv in the other room has Netflix reccomendations
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 08:11AM by lenny_ma_boaaaaaaaah
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IFTTT General

Mulheres são impedidas de entrarem com drogas em unidades prisionais da Baixada Santista

Segundo informações da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (SAP), na primeira apreensão, que ocorreu no sábado (18), uma mulher de 28 anos ...

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IFTTT General

《產業》五鮮級導入SAP雲端ERP 加速IPO及國際化布局 - Yahoo股市

【時報記者林資傑台北報導】台灣思愛普(SAP)宣布五鮮級國際餐飲集團導入SAP S/4HANA雲端企業資源計畫(ERP),實踐營運核心轉型上雲,串聯旗下門市每日百萬筆 ...
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IFTTT General

Fast forward thumbnail not showing.
At /r/netflix
Hi. Recently I've noticed when forwarding (on TV) that the thumbnail preview is missing when skipping ahead. When I do forward I have to guess when to stop and start playing again and can't see it what I am skipping past. I remember having this enabled before but don't see any setting that changes this. Any ideas on how to get this to work again? Is it dependant on the show you are watching? Any help is appreciated.
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 05:04AM by IntrepidHawk7396
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IFTTT General

Why does 720p looks sharper and brighter on my 4k tv than 4k Hdr?
At /r/netflix
I ve been watching 4k content on netflix ever since I upgraded my TV. I ve a sony X 90k . For some reason the picture quality on netflix in 4k hdr looks so dull and washed out when compared to apple tv , Disney and prime so I tried the 720p plan and it is much brighter and sharper. Is there a setting for 4k that I missed. .When I go to picture quality it says calibrated. Is there a way to improve the experience? Please help a brother out.
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 03:49AM by crashb996
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IFTTT General

At /r/netflix
so, i’ve been a netflix member since 2011. I recently switched to FIOS and recevied the offer for netflix. Lo and behold, somehow I had to use my wife’s email account and I did not realize that my other account was active also. I contacted netflix after noticing that i had been billed for last month and this month. I asked them to apply a credit to my account for the 2 months. They refused and told me to take it up with my bank. According to them, one of my tvs was still using the old account. Now, I could be mad at myself, or my wife, for failing to catch it myself, and I own that. But seriously, they can see that we are paying on two accounts with the same freaking profiles. 14 years and this is how they treat their customers? I used to be too lazy to cancel my subscription, from now on, but now, they may get me to pay a month or two out of a year, assuming I dont just find a different service. Well at least Im throwing less money away.
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 03:19AM by Ybcause
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IFTTT General

What everyone missed about La Palma (SPOILERS)
At /r/netflix
So I just finished re-watching La Palma for the sixth time and I hopped on reddit to see what people were saying about my new favorite cinematic masterpiece, and I'm absolutely amazed at how wrong everyone seems to be about Erik's "death". Just thought I'd clear up any confusion on the matter.Erik never died. In the final scene Erik was revealed to actually have been a sea turtle the entire time, who ended up surviving the gunshot due to his hard shell blocking the bullet. In the last scene of the final episode it literally shows him reuniting with his sea turtle family and slowly fading away as he swam off into the distance 🙄There were actually several signs throughout the show to hint at this being the case:Erik's obsession with sea turtles and the many boat trips he took to visit them.
He even divulges that he was in debt to the boat guy because of this.Erik's need for his sister to take care of him.
Towards the beginning of the story he asks his sister for $100 to buy vegetables (sea turtle diet)Halfway through the series the police start to arrest Erik but eventually realize he is a sea turtle (you can't arrest sea turtles) and then switch to arresting Marie when she gets involved, giving away that she was his owner and therefore responsible for him. In the jail when he finally gets ahold of the keys, he struggles to unlock Marie's cell due to his lack of opposable thumbs. She even has to steady his flippers to help him out.(I honestly debated whether or not to even include this one it was so obvious, I seriously hope no one missed this)I could go on but I really feel like those are the main points and if you still can't see it then I don't know what to tell you.All in all I really loved this series and thought it had a really heartwarming ending and message about how Sara should've died when the tsunami absolutely turbo-fucked the shit out of the airplane like seriously what the fuck was that
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 01:46AM by VanQuackers
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What are the impacts of leaving WHO? Implications to both US and other countries?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Economical wise? Global heath wise? Will it impact certain pharmaceutical companies or insurance?
Submitted January 21, 2025 at 01:52AM by kiraesss
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