Matrix Energia adota SAP Analytics Cloud - CanalEnergia
... SAP Business One, sistema de gestão utilizado pela organização. Segundo ... Segundo ele, a companhia queria uma ferramenta da própria SAP, visando maior ...
SAP tenta descumprir intimação e Ministério Público do Trabalho ressalta competência
Com intimação feita pelo MPT, a SAP se recusou a atender à notificação do órgão trabalhista, citando, inclusive, súmulas do Supremo Tribunal Federal ( ...
Autoplay issue
At /r/netflix
For the past like four days Netflix hasn’t been auto playing episodes. It’ll play an episode, play the next, and then autoplay stops and gives me the screen options like it’s the last episode of a series (instead of moments/speed/episodes/audio and subtitles/next ep/full screen it’s just moments/speed/audio and subtitles) I’ve tried deleting my profile and making a new one, shutting down my iPad, deleting and redownloading the app, and nothing is working. Plz help lol
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 07:18PM by Cat_2025
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ELI5 - What does Marcus Garvey’s pardon mean?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I understand who Marcus Garvey is and what he did, but I'm not fully understanding what a pardon means for him today.
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 06:07PM by pamplemousse321
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ELI5: When one person in a household gets sick and passes it to someone else in the house, why doesn’t the sickness just keep going around in a loop?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 04:54PM by Thick-Diamond-1052
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Estão abertas as inscrições para o processo seletivo de estagiários da Prefeitura de SAP ...
Venha se desenvolver profissionalmente trabalhando pelo nosso município! Cursos: – Biblioteconomia – Direito/Ciências Jurídicas e Sociais – Magistério
HSVP incluiu o primeiro paciente do Brasil em pesquisa internacional sobre o câncer de pele
Com foco na prevenção e promoção da saúde mental, o Hospital São Vicente de Paulo (HSVP) está desenvolvendo ações relacionadas à campanha Janeiro ...
Defensie zet met SAP S/4HANA stap naar een slimme krijgsmacht - Emerce
Defensie zet met de implementatie van SAP S/4HANA belangrijke stappen richting een technologisch hoogwaardige krijgsmacht. Dit ERP-systeem stelt ...
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GROW with SAP auf AWS: Agiler und innovativer durch KI-gestütztes Cloud-ERP
Die reichhaltige Lösung vereint das Beste aus SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition und den Cloud-Funktionen von AWS und ist auf die sich ändernden ...
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SAP e IMPECT transformam análises esportivas - Azores News
SAP e IMPECT transformam análises esportivas ... Até recentemente, a previsão de resultados desportivos baseava-se geralmente em dados históricos ...
ELI5: When a note is played on different instruments, even if it is the same pitch and volume, it sounds different. What is physically happening here, in terms of the sound waves?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Is it multiple different frequencies all happening at once?
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 07:40AM by thunder-bug-
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ELI5 how does avoiding fast fashion benefit the people working in sweatshops and production factories?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
If these people have already found the best job available to them locally, isn’t reducing demand for their labour going to force them into a worse job with probably worse pay and conditions? Wouldn’t this also bring less money into their local area for schools and medical treatment etc?
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 06:36AM by No-Stuff-1320
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Netflix has nabbed the rights to adapt Twisted Love, which sort of gives vibes of Hulu’s Tell Me Lies – sounds a little more dark than the usual Netflix romance show
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 07:49AM by hospitalsinwinter
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low resolution on most shows
At /r/netflix
can't get past 720p on most shows on netflix, have already tried different browsers and netflix app... the same movie (the equalizer) I'm trying to watch on netflix is on amazon prime as well, I'm getting 1080p no problem there, as on any other content, so I can guarantee it's not my internet, but netflix bottlenecking me... I'm unsubbing from the service rn
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 06:54AM by Voliver6
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Limited series vs. multiple seasons - pros/cons for each, which do you prefer?
At /r/netflix
Limited series are getting more and more popular recently, especially on Netflix. I guess people have less and less time, and finding a title they can finish during the weekend from start to end is a pretty good format. What do you think? Which do you like more? Why?
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 05:01AM by Robemilak
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Preso foge de hospital onde estava escoltado em Bauru
Ainda segundo a SAP, "as forças policiais da região foram de imediato acionadas e estão empenhadas na captura do foragido. Houve registro de Boletim ...
Projeto Verão AGAS 2025 chega a Imbé - Portal Serra e Litoral
Estão abertas as inscrições para o processo seletivo de estagiários da Prefeitura de SAP para diversas áreas. 20/01/2025. Todos os pontos do ...
VÍDEOS: MG Inter TV 1ª Edição desta segunda, 20 de janeiro de 2025 - Jornal Floripa
... SAP · GALERIA: Veja as imagens da posse de Trump como 47º presidente dos Estados Unidos ». Os comentários estão desativados. RSS Facebook Instagram ...
Series or movies similar to shogun/Vikings
At /r/netflix
Hi all, I really love immersive movies and series that play in times long ago like medieval times or similar to shogun or even ancient rome/greece, whatever - you get the idea.. So I'd really appreciate any recommendations on shows or movies that might fit these requirements.Vikings is another show that I really like, just so you guys get an idea,So really any show/movie that plays many years ago and is fairly immersive and cool
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 06:35PM by Infinite_Cricket_633
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ELI5: The US has ESTA, Canada has eTA, now the EU is getting ETIAS and the UK is getting its own ETA: how is it different from a visa?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
How do any of these differ from a visa? I though the point of visa free travel was to allow people to move between friendly countries without additional paperwork, but if more and more of the western world requires pre-authorisation, how does it differ from visas elsewhere?
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 10:54AM by SiDtheTurtle
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Động thái mới của bà Kamala Harris: Xuất bản sách? - Znews
Phó tổng thống Mỹ sắp mãn nhiệm còn nhiều điều để kể về chiến dịch tranh cử tổng thống kéo dài 107 ngày vừa qua từ chính góc nhìn của bà, ...
Roger! Defensie wil eind 2025 naar SAP S/4 Hana -
Het ministerie van Defensie wil eind dit jaar overgestapt zijn op een S4/Hana-omgeving voor alle materiële en financiële processen.
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Defensie zet met SAP S/4HANA stap naar een slimme krijgsmacht | Medianieuws - Drimble
Defensie zet met de implementatie van SAP S/4HANA belangrijke stappen richting een technologisch hoogwaardige krijgsmacht.
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP e IMPECT transformam análises esportivas - Azores News
SAP e IMPECT transformam análises esportivas ... Até recentemente, a previsão de resultados desportivos baseava-se geralmente em dados históricos ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
Visitante tenta fornecer drogas a penitenciário em Iperó - Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul
Segundo a nota da Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária (SAP), a ocorrência foi registrada ontem (19), na Penitenciária "Odon Ramos Maranhão"
As 10 mais lidas da semana – IPNews – O Portal da Conectividade
Zenvia anuncia novo ciclo estratégico; Associações se opõem à decisão da Anatel sobre destinação da faixa de 6GHz; RISE with SAP vai ser ...
Google Search SAP LANG_pt
As 10 mais lidas da semana – IPNews – O Portal da Conectividade
Zenvia anuncia novo ciclo estratégico; Associações se opõem à decisão da Anatel sobre destinação da faixa de 6GHz; RISE with SAP vai ser ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC
ELI5: Why is the earth's orbit around the sun not considered as perpetual motion?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Same question applies to asteroids drifting at space endlessly. I mean those things kinda move on their own until they crash into a planet or something.
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 06:44AM by A--h0le
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What on earth are those Netflix noises?
At /r/netflix, my dad called me yesterday.. Something is wrong with his Netflix, the speakers make some weird noises. He has this TV and stereo system for a few years, but since yesterday it makes some werid noises. And it's only on Netflix. When he uses his DVD player, or normal TV, the sound works great. It's just the Netflix App.If he turns the stereo system off and uses his TV speakers for Netflix, it works again and doesn't make this werid noises.I told him to check if there is a Netflix or TV update but both are on the latest versions. Then i told him to delete the app and then install it again, but he said, you can't deeinstall it... So I don't really know...Anyone has a clue?Thanks
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 04:48AM by Imaginary_Stomach139
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A24’s Psychological Horror "Hereditary", Becomes a Major Hit on Netflix’s Top 10
At /r/netflix
Submitted January 20, 2025 at 05:08AM by techfinpro
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