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IFTTT General

HP e SAP reforçam parceria - Portal ClienteSA

... SAP (SOA Empresarial). O projeto SAP adaptável ajudará os clientes a utilizar hardware e software quando e onde for necessário, em vez de levar os ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: how do rain sensing wipers work?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
For example, sometimes it’s not raining and backing out of my driveway makes it trigger and sometimes it’s actually raining and they won’t trigger.
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 04:29PM by Hwhitfield2
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Formulário de monitoramento para o exercício da pesca amadora ou esportiva
As perguntas do formulário estão no anexo I da Portaria SAP/MAPA nº 616, de 8 de março de 2022, em vigor desde 1º de abril do mesmo ano. O artigo ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Well after reading this I'm staying away for good!
At /r/netflix
I don't want their (stinking Ad Plan in 1080p with crappy 5.1 surround and commercials! I want the 4k Plan with Dolby Vision and Dolby ATMOS without commercials! Just like I pay for on Max, Hulu, Disney+, Prime Video, Peacock and Paramount+. So Netflix wants me to lower my standards and go to the crappy ad plan by making the 4k Plan unafordable? Not happening! Goodbye Netflix that strategy is not going to work with me.
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 05:48PM by Paul_Deemer
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IFTTT General

YSK the reddit alternative, "Lemmy" has gotten much easier to use the past couple years and supported on the Boost app.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
WHY YSK: With reddit censoring more content. I recommend giving lemmy a try. its a decentralized open source community. Its not a single site. Instead it uses "instances" that communicate with each other. Joining one lemmy instance gives you access to all other instances. Nobody owns lemmy. No advertisements on lemmy. No manipulating algorithms. Its the future of a free and fair internet.I recommend creating your account on one of the more popular instances like lemmy.worldHere is a link to the reddit post about lemmy. Lemmy megathread
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 05:01PM by RtardBunny
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IFTTT General

I cannot find any of the shows i want
At /r/netflix
I recently made a netflix account. Today cannot find ANY of the shows i was watching. It is making so mad! Today i was watching gossip girl and my laptop shut down while watching because it got low on battery. When i opened my laptop i went to my netflix account and tried to continue watching but i couldn’t. I then tried to search some other series like Avatar The Last airbender Suits Then some other real estate shows. And i cannot find any of these. I dont understand why this happened! I need help. If anyone can help me please do. I already tried to log in and out. And delete the app on my phone ect.
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 04:01PM by StatementLonely5626
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Hotéis lotados e faturamento alto: Carnaval movimentou a economia do Paraná
Ainda segundo o órgão, Curitiba registrou uma média de 80% na taxa de ocupação de seus meios de hospedagem no mesmo período. A vice-presidente do ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Netflix Preview Club: Survey Ended Unexpectedly
At /r/netflix
I misinterpreted a question about technical problems; after I provided information about a line in the movie that was difficult to hear/understand, the survey ended. By answering that question it was assumed that I could not watch the film when, in fact, I watched the whole movie and would love to offer feedback. Is there any way that I can be sent a new link to the survey?Will this prevent me from being invited to future screenings?Thanks!
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 01:15PM by FeelingFun5100
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IFTTT General

is there a page for movies you cant remember the name of??
At /r/netflix
the main part:a bunch of mysterious crimes follow to someone dying, the first is someone dying in a bathtub and the second is getting hung. the police find a note in the deceased person's body in the bathtub, which helps lead them to find the killer. i remember it being placed in a winter setting as well??? i watched this movie a few years ago but i literally cant remember the name LOL. i just remember it was on netflix (i think).
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 12:51PM by brqinrot
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IFTTT General

Do you think Netflix is taking steps at making an AI Agent to be a Guide for us humans?
At /r/netflix
It seems we have been having a lot of talk about AI Agents and Manus just got released by a Chinese Startup.It made me think about the many conversations with people I have had and even own family members that find online streaming service content itself can throw people off balance because it is so much. Netflix was vocal about making a TV channel that was cultivated for people to offset the enormity some find with the catalogue, and as it keeps on expanding, it might become worse for people who have this feeling.Which then means an AI Agent would be perfect for the streaming services because you could just tell it to find the best movies of an actress or whatever genre you were feeling, and then it could go and search through the huge catalogue for you :D
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 12:05PM by HALdron1988
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Paraná recebe mais de 1,3 milhão de turistas no Carnaval e bate recordes
O Carnaval de 2025 impulsionou a economia do Paraná, com forte movimentação em Curitiba e no Litoral. Eventos como desfiles de escolas de samba, ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Netflix Windows App stutters, but only in fullscreen.
At /r/netflix
Recently built a new PC, added a 4K display to my existing 2K one and saw the only way to get 4k Netflix on PC was with the Microsoft Store windows app. Downloaded this, used the Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Q trick to see the stats and was excited to see it streaming at beautiful 4K. Once I went full screen I then noticed consistent stuttering, but strangely if I come out of fullscreen and play it in window (even maximised) it doesn't stutter at all.Endless reddit/googling has lead me to try the following, none of which worked:- Disabled HAGS (made no difference)
- Disabled AMD Freesync (wasn't enabled in the first place, tried enabling, disabling, no difference)
- Referenced against other programs, YouTube 4K stream no issue, VLC 4K media playback no issue. Issue seems isolated to Netflix alone.For reference specs are 9800X3D, 9070XT, 32GB DDR5, 2TB M.2. This is literally a fresh build with all latest drivers installed, thinking possibly:- As the GPU only launched a couple days ago maybe the drivers are so new this is a bug?
- I run a 4K 60Hz (on HDMI) and a 2K 165Hz (on DP) as my monitors (the 2k being my primary for gaming etc) I've read there's issue with windows and different Hz monitors, but I feel like I've gone down an endless rabbit hole of things it could be related too including HDCP? Any other ideas? I can watch maximised as a workaround for now, just really strange that the stutter only happens when it's fullscreened (as I understand it the windows app is built on edge so maybe related to that too?)
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 10:30AM by tomyom
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IFTTT General

ELI5: why is golfing a rich people sport?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why is golfing more often than not played by rich people?The equipment might be expensive but so many other sports also have expensive equipment. Why is golf in particular associated with rich people? Does it have a particular appeal? Is it a status statement? I never quite got it.
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 08:32AM by ErenAuditore
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Encontro em Curitiba: Jairo Ishikawa e Cristina Graeml falam sobre Política e Futuro para 2026
O encontro teve como pauta principal a atual conjuntura política, a perseguição enfrentada pela família Bolsonaro e os planos futuros de ambos no ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Are you able to watch the Mindy project on Canadian Netflix
At /r/netflix
Okay so I don’t have the premium plan, I have the ad plan and it says I can’t watch the Mindy project unless I upgrade. Those on premium subscription in Canada, are you able to watch it?
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 05:41AM by Funny_Actuator_947
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IFTTT General

Delicious (Movie)
At /r/netflix
The movie redefined the concept of "eat the rich" and brought it to this age.The movie slowly showed the pressing dangers to the wealthy, when the many "peasants" realize there's just a few of the rich which they can literally eat. The wealthy are treated as beasts for slaughter. A plague that must be dealt with.It was a brilliant movie with mild foreshadowing. Ultimately, it was a gentle nudge to the common folk to remember that the many will always outnumber the few. The many are everywhere and the few are helplessly stuck.
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 06:11PM by Leading-Bug-Bite
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IFTTT General

ELI5: how do electronics companies keep coming up with better chips and processors?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
as per my understanding, after a while, you would run out of space to put transistors on, so eventually you would have to spring for bigger chips, but wouldn't that also mean that slowly all phones, laptops would get bigger? or am i missing something here?also, there has to be a limit to which you can optimise something right?
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 12:31PM by judasXdev
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Complex investe no segmento de Utilities - Portal ClienteSA
A Complex, parceira oficial SAP, redesenha a estratégia de expansão no Rio de Janeiro e regiões Norte e Nordeste com a chegada do sócio-diretor ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

YSK: Use flax or chia seeds to replace eggs in baked items
At /r/YouShouldKnow
1 tablespoon of ground flax seeds or chia seeds + 3 tablespoons water = 1 egg. Mix in a separate bowl, let sit a few minutes to congeal, then use as you would eggs in baked goods.Why YSK: If eggs are expensive, this is a handy, cheaper alternative. I've noticed no difference in taste from using this instead of eggs.
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 05:34PM by More_catsss
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IFTTT General

720p on Edge. Please help!
At /r/netflix
Hi. It used to be fine and idk why but now even with edge I don't think I'm getting a good quality out of Netflix. I can see visible artifacts throughout the video. I checked logging in chrome to compare and there is no difference in the video quality. Edge is supposed to stream Netflix in full resolution, right? Then why is it capping out at 720p for me? Is there any work around to it? Please help!!
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 04:44PM by -wemakinit
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Warren Buffet is 94 years old with a ~$150 billion fortune. How much tax does he pay when he dies?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
His wealth goes into a trust. Trusts have to pay some tax, I think? Also will he pay inheritance tax?What happens to the money in the trust over time?
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 03:44PM by Scrapheaper
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why did older cars need a long metal antenna to operate the radio and newer cars don't?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 01:02PM by kepler1
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IFTTT General

SAP Brasil com foco em cloud em 2016 - Portal ClienteSA

A SAP Brasil anunciou que, para este ano, priorizará em sua estratégia de negócios os segmentos de nuvem e SAP S/4HANA. Segundo Cristina Palmaka ...

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IFTTT General

Ähnliche Serien wie Doppelhaushälfte
At /r/netflix
Ich bin gerade auf die Serie gestoßen und wollte mal fragen ob jemand so ähnliche Serien auf Deutsch kennt sowas in Richtung Discounter sowas in die Art mag ich an deutschen Humor oder diese eine Serie da auf Amazon Prime Victor macht’s
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 12:56PM by prettyflvckkoo
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How do animals know that non-living moving objects, like model trains or cars, aren’t animals, even though in the wild they shouldn’t have any experience (aside from things swept down a river) of things moving yet not being alive?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 10:55AM by Weegee256
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IFTTT General

Is there any way to have Netflix not infect every profile with the actions of another?
At /r/netflix
My wife and I decided to check out that show Too Hot To Handle on Netflix, just for shits and giggles, we had made a new profile just for that. Well, our 12 year old went to use Netflix on her own profile, and the recommendations are all filled with different regional versions of the show, and shows that are similar.She obviously didn't watch, and it's not like she's a little child who can't see an image of a woman in a bikini. But the point is, we were on our own profile, so why is Netflix recommending it on other profiles as well? What's the point of having separate profiles if they're going to leak into other ones?
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 10:22AM by Janawham_Blamiston
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IFTTT General

ELi5: What causes excessive sweating in people?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
The weather is warming up and bringing with it one of my greatest enemies: hyperhidrosis. I basically want to understand why is it that some of us just sweat excessively by the slightest touch of heat or high air humidity.
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 09:38AM by subuso
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Previsão do tempo em Curitiba hoje 09/03/2025 - Clima
No dia seguinte, a previsão indica chuvas esparsas com 80% de probabilidade de chuva. A temperatura varia entre 18°C e 16°C, com ventos a 2.59 km ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

Filmi Sunday #1: Nadaaniyan Review (Is Cbt worse than this?)
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 06:33AM by SelfAmbitious
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How do corpse flowers reproduce if they only open once every few years?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I saw a video talking about corpse flowers and how they have both male and female parts, but cannot self pollinate. They use flies and beetles to carry their pollen. One thing no one adresses is, if each flower opens between 3 and 7 years, how do they pollinate other flowers? It just seems like, if they bloom for just a couple days every few years, the likelyhood of another flower blooming at the same time seems low, THEN some type of pollinator has to go to both flowers to spread pollen? Am I missing something?
Submitted March 09, 2025 at 04:10AM by MeowNugget
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