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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Business Campus apresentará todo o potencial do portfólio com IA agêntica - SAP News
Accenture, EY, Jedi CRM, Mignow, Numen, KPMG, All Tax, Cast Group, Exed Consulting e Vistex são alguns dos parceiros que contribuirão para ...
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IFTTT General

Ramo e Loversoft anunciam fusão para expansão no mercado do Equador - TI Inside

A Ramo, parceira da SAP, e a Loversoft, parceira SAP no Equador para o SAP Business One, anunciam fusão nesta segunda-feira, 10, que tem por ...

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IFTTT General

Procwork amplia atuação - Portal ClienteSA

... SAP, fornecedora de aplicativos para gestão empresarial, uma nova ferramenta de gestão empresarial voltada especificamente para o segmento ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why does the value of a new car immediately tank once it is driven off of the lot?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Why specifically with cars? Is the value of a brand new car and the value of one that has been driven for a few miles really that different? This doesn't happen with other assets like a house that has been lived in for example.
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 09:32PM by Small_Balls_69
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP promove operação de limpeza e pintura em muros com inscrições criminosas na ... - Mais FM
TV Mais - Notícias e Entretenimento! - SAP promove operação de limpeza e pintura em muros com inscrições criminosas na cidade de Iguatu.
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Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP antecipa tendências no Ciab - Portal ClienteSA
A SAP também apresentará solução de gerenciamento do risco operacional, que permite mitigar os riscos dos bancos e possibilita maior controle sobre os ...
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IFTTT General

Doctolib ajuste SAP S/4 Hana à ses besoins - CIO-online

PublicitéAprès avoir déployé, début 2023, SAP S/4 Hana dans le cloud public, afin de structurer ses processus financiers en France et en Europe, ...
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IFTTT General

Netflix keeps asking to update household
At /r/netflix
My mother and I share a plan. She’s the main acct holder in another state. I also use the acct and we only have 2 devices on it. Her TV and my TV. It’s also the plan without commercials so we should get 1 out of household device right?Any idea what is going on? I keep having to ‘update household’ and send her a text to let me log in.
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 10:08PM by redsoxfan1845245
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IFTTT General

ysk Unlicensed dispensaries exist too
At /r/YouShouldKnow
So while there are licensed dispensaries everywhere in legal states, there's 1 unlicensed dispensary for every 5 licensed.The signs:They sell tobacco products as well. That's a smoke shop. There's no one stop shop.They don't even ID. Every legal state mandates dispensaries to ID everyone. They will eventually end up shut down.They break local state laws. Examples: Ohio measures by the 10th not 8th. Some states don't allow the product on display. Some ID multiple times.They sell clearly fake products. Examples: 1g or 2g hardware that the brand doesn't make. Or just counterfeits. The prices are too good to be true. No 2g disposable will only cost $10. In some states 2g disposables are illegal as well.Why YSK is because they sell sprayed buds and fake carts that could be laced.
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 09:25PM by CaregiverLive2644
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
10.03_ Vagas | Cast group - LinkedIn
Cast group em: Traverse City, MI. Expandir pesquisa. Vagas. Este ... Publicação de Cast group. Visualizar página da organização de Cast group.
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IFTTT General

Force highest quality for whatever I'm watching on netflix?
At /r/netflix
Is there a way to force 4k or whatever the highest quality of the video you're watching on youtube? On windows 11 what's the best way to watch netflix in a browser or using the app?
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 07:34PM by mikestergame01
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Business Campus apresentará todo o potencial do portfólio com IA agêntica - SAP News
São Paulo, março de 2025 – A SAP, líder global em softwares corporativos, abre as portas para uma nova imersão em suas soluções em nuvem, ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why are reheated French fries never the same as fresh?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 05:10PM by burntkumqu4t
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IFTTT General

Mignow entrega 24 migrações SAP e acelera Transformação Digital, com IA e gestão ágil

A Mignow, pioneira na utilização de IA na migração de sistemas SAP, exemplifica esse impacto ao concluir 24 projetos SAP em 2024 — tendo em média ...

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IFTTT General

ELI5 considering that the knowledge about creating atomic bombs is well-known, what stops most countries for building them just like any other weapon?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Shouldn't be easy and cheap right now, considering how much information is disseminated in today's world?
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 05:24PM by chidi-sins
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Onde assistir a Palmeiras x São Paulo ao vivo, na internet e na TV, escalação, horário ... -
team-logo SAP · ASSISTA COM O UOL Play logo · Mounique Vilela. 10 de mar. de 2025 00:01-07:00. Onde assistir a Palmeiras x São Paulo ao vivo, na ...
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IFTTT General

SAP promove operação de limpeza e pintura em muros com inscrições criminosas na ... - Mais FM

TV Mais - Notícias e Entretenimento! - SAP promove operação de limpeza e pintura em muros com inscrições criminosas na cidade de Iguatu.

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IFTTT General

SAP antecipa tendências no Ciab - Portal ClienteSA

A SAP também apresentará solução de gerenciamento do risco operacional, que permite mitigar os riscos dos bancos e possibilita maior controle sobre os ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Ramo e Loversoft anunciam fusão para expansão no mercado do Equador - TI Inside
A Ramo, parceira da SAP, e a Loversoft, parceira SAP no Equador para o SAP Business One, anunciam fusão nesta segunda-feira, 10, que tem por ...
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Procwork amplia atuação - Portal ClienteSA
... SAP, fornecedora de aplicativos para gestão empresarial, uma nova ferramenta de gestão empresarial voltada especificamente para o segmento ...
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IFTTT General

Netflix Household Mess with 94 y/o Mother
At /r/netflix
I have been paying for a separate Netflix account for my mother for a couple of years. She was in the hospital and is now in rehab. She's doing well and will be moving into Assisted Living shortly. She started getting the Netflix Household message when trying to watch Netflix on her iPad. I chatted with support and they sent me the instructions that need to be handled from her Roku at home. The problem is none of my siblings are in the same state at the moment. The support rep said that this is the only way to handle this issue. Period. I find it hard to believe they can't override it. Is there really no other way to resolve this? I see that I can add her on my account now, but that would involve her jumping through hoops on her iPad. She's never been very tech savvy so I don't want to ask her to log out and log into my account.
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 10:17PM by Bitter-Assistant070
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IFTTT General

Recommend Netflix shows or movies for a dental office
At /r/netflix
I work in a dentist office and I like to keep the tv in my operatory on, most of my patients are older folks and I need some Netflix shows or movies to play throughout the day that are appropriate and don’t have any awkward sex scenes or something, thank you.😂
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 09:40PM by cuzforwhy
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IFTTT General

ELi5 Why is blue so rare in nature
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I never see blue mammals or blue glass or even blue bees. Why is that
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 06:12PM by LUHIANNI
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How exactly is Musk the richest person in the world?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Literally nothing to do with politics, I genuinely do not understand how he's made so much money. Tesla is a big company, sure, but how would that be more profitable than something like Ford or Chevrolet? From some quick googling, Ford sold 4.5 million vehicles in 2024, compared to Tesla's 1.7 million. Wouldn't the CEO of Ford be richer? And that isn't even talking about bigger, more prominent companies outside of the automotive industry. Did all those hundreds of billions really just come from selling PayPal? I would love if someone could give an objective explanation.
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 08:43PM by Ok_Needleworker4388
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
#brejeiro #castgroup #sap #risewithsap #businesscampus | Cast group - LinkedIn
Cast group em: Traverse City, MI. Expandir pesquisa. Vagas. Este botão ... Visualizar página da organização de Cast group. Cast group. 423.426 ...
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IFTTT General

Business Campus apresentará todo o potencial do portfólio com IA agêntica - SAP News

São Paulo, março de 2025 – A SAP, líder global em softwares corporativos, abre as portas para uma nova imersão em suas soluções em nuvem, ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Mulheres representam mais de 60% dos servidores da PGM e são homenageadas em ...
Portal dos servidores de Curitiba, contendo informações e serviços destinados aos servidores públicos do município.
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IFTTT General

American Manhunt: Osama bin Laden
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 10, 2025 at 06:27PM by Josh1923
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IFTTT General

Mulher de detento tenta entrar com droga na Penitenciária de Junqueirópolis

Mulher de detento tenta entrar com droga na Penitenciária de Junqueirópolis. Publicado. 3 minutos atrás. em. 10 de março de 2025. Por: SAP. Share ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mignow entrega 24 migrações SAP e acelera Transformação Digital, com IA e gestão ágil
A Mignow, pioneira na utilização de IA na migração de sistemas SAP, exemplifica esse impacto ao concluir 24 projetos SAP em 2024 — tendo em média ...
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