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IFTTT General

why a reboot of "Welcome to the Family"
At /r/netflix
some years ago, netflix had a fantastic spanish show called 'Welcome to the Family' with a perfect cast (Melani Olivares was great, and Yolanda Ramos as Victoria was the highlight) and, of course, a cliff-hanger. Cue today : an all new show called 'Welcome to the Family' is released, with a cast that (at least judging from the trailers), doesn't hold the water to the original cast, and apparently the exact same story as the original S.1.Anybody knows why? When I saw the title my hopes went up for a long-due second season, but this is just stupid :(
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 10:31AM by SocialNetwooky
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IFTTT General

YSK many mortgages are assumable, so you can still get sub 3% mortgages.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: FHA, VA, USDA loans are assumable as long as you qualify. So don't assume you'll have to be paying 6% no matter what. You'll have to hunt a bit more because only 25% of all mortgages are under 3% but that's still a lot of homes.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 10:29AM by Rapid-Engineer
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IFTTT General

Processo contra procurador que espancou chefe e teve frangofilia é arquivado pela Justiça

A Secretaria de Administração Penitenciária de São Paulo (SAP-SP) confirmou a transferência de Demétrius para o hospital psiquiátrico.

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IFTTT General

YSK: it’s never a good idea to “upgrade” your medical complaint in the Emergency Department to try to a room quicker
At /r/YouShouldKnow
I work in an Emergency Department. It’s not uncommon for people to come in for one thing but add “chest pain” or “feeling short of breath” because they think it’ll get them a room quicker.Why YSK: there are several reasons why it’s not a great idea:1. It doesn’t get you a room quicker. Chest pain is not an emergency. The types of scary things that could potentially cause chest pain—such as a heart attack — are an emergency. The staff will get an EKG and if it’s normal you’ll probably go right back to the waiting room. 2. It will probably lengthen your overall stay. If you report chest pain we are legally obligated to get extra labs and a chest x-ray, and they won’t discharge you till all the results come back. And if you have a serious medical history, they might admit you to the hospital even if all your tests come back normal. Also, most ED’s have 2 sections, a main ED for serious stuff and a fast track for non-serious stuff. If you’ve led the staff to think you may be having a heart attack they probably won’t put you in the fast track where you could be treated and discharged earlier.3. Extra expense. All those extra tests cost money. Your bill might be pretty expensive if they have to order extra tests.4. Your original medical complaint may not get addressed. If you come in for knee pain but add “chest pain” to your complaint, I really only care about the chest pain. The purpose of the ED is to identify and treat medical emergencies, not address 100% of your medical complaints. And the staff are especially unlikely to care about your knee pain if they think you shaded the truth about your chest pain to get a room faster.So it pays to be truthful. If you really do have chest pain you should DEFINITELY tell us. But don’t shade the truth to get a room faster
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 09:58AM by FriedrichHydrargyrum
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IFTTT General

ELI5: how does rabies make a human hate water
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 08:26AM by Junior-Mouse-7250
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IFTTT General

ELI5 Why faster than light travels create time paradox?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I mean if something travelled faster than light to a point, doesn't it just mean that we just can see it at multiple place, but the real item is still just at one place ? Why is it a paradox? Only sight is affected? I dont know...Like if we teleported somewhere, its faster than light so an observer that is very far can see us maybe at two places? But the objet teleported is still really at one place. Like every object??
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 08:07AM by Bobolomopo
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IFTTT General

Language in rebel moon soundtrack
At /r/netflix
Hi guys! Does anyone know what language “a call to courage” is sung in? I imagine it’s a language made up for the film but can’t find anything anywhere.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 08:30AM by romrotten
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Previsão do tempo em Curitiba hoje 12/03/2025 - Clima
Atualmente é noite na cidade. A umidade relativa do ar está em 98%, com 75% de cobertura de nuvens. Não há previsão de chuva, e a velocidade do vento ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do old people have that distinctive old people smell? can other old people smell that smell?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Whenever I am around old people (I'd say 65+) they have that distinctive smell. It's not BAD it's just different to a normal adult, no matter the culture or if they have just washed.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 07:38AM by cherriesdeath
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IFTTT General

Has anyone else noticed Netflix's obsession with red-dominant content?
At /r/netflix
I've been noticing a peculiar trend on Netflix lately. It seems like they have a strong affinity for movies and series that feature predominantly red color schemes.From the recent addition of WWE RAW, to popular series like Money Heist, stranger things, and many more, it's uncanny how many titles feature reddish hues. Even their UI and promotional materials seem to lean heavily on red accents.On the other hand, I've observed that Amazon Prime tends to favor lighter, bluer color palettes in their content selections.Is this just a coincidence, or is there something more at play here? Are these streaming giants using color psychology to influence our viewing habits?Share your thoughts, and let's discuss!Edit: I'm curious to hear if anyone has noticed similar trends on other streaming platforms!
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 03:23AM by Educational-Maybe706
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IFTTT General

Court of Gold: More than just Team USA
At /r/netflix
I watched this miniseries mostly because I'm a fan of Steph Curry and I knew how things were going to go at the end. Given the name of the series, I expected that it would be mostly a documentary about Team USA, which wasn't necessarily my primary interest, but I was fine with if I got to see some Curry highlights.I was pleasantly surprised at how the other countries were featured just as significantly, probably pretty close to even time with the US (in accordance with the depth of their run in the tournament). Besides interviews with the players and coaches talking about their lives and about the games, they also followed the teams in the locker room, training sessions, and off the court before and during the Olympics. Team France and Team Serbia were followed very extensively. Team Canada was highlighted quite a bit too. Only Team Germany got the shaft in terms of how much it was featured given their 4th place.I think the players that were followed the most (in terms of interviews, behind the scenes camera time, family life, etc) were probably (in no particular order) Durant (USA), Batum (FRA), and Bogdanovic (SRB) followed by 2-3 other players and coaches from each of those countries and Canada.Don't be turned off from this Obama executive produced miniseries because you thought it would just be a Team USA chest thumping piece. It's much more than that.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 04:04AM by ProtossLiving
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IFTTT General

Old Netflix show
At /r/netflix
It was like a TEDTALK type show, with different stories and animations and it was called something like "Please Start Recording" and in the intro it was this voice and I remember it saying "And please take out your phones, and start recording" something along those lines, I've tried searching Google but it just gives me tutorials
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 03:01AM by Ok-Boysenberry2129
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IFTTT General

Rosemary-Pepper T-Bone Skillet Steak
At /r/GifRecipes
Submitted March 11, 2025 at 12:26PM by smilysmilysmooch
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IFTTT General

ELI5 helium in balloons
At /r/explainlikeimfive
(i guess this is chemistry?)usually you put helium in balloons, right? you’re at a party and balloons are in the air. slowly, the balloon starts to fall with no way for the helium to escape. where does the helium go???
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 12:15AM by whereisMousie
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IFTTT General

I actually want to see the closing credits of Zero Day, episode 6
At /r/netflix
Does anybody know how to turn off the automatic jump to previews of other programs? For what it’s worth, I was trying to finish Zero Day on a Samsung Android tablet, and we usually watch on a Google Chromecast. I couldn’t readily find any settings. THANK YOU!
Submitted March 11, 2025 at 10:23PM by yeswab
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IFTTT General

ELI5: what makes a tattoo permanent?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
how deep into the skin does a tattoo needle go, and since it’s permanent, how and why does it fade over time? very slowly and never completely, but can fade nonetheless, especially colored tattoos.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 10:06AM by diamond-princessa
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IFTTT General

Empresas voltam a apostar em viagens de negócios. 2024 aproxima-se dos níveis pré-pandemia

... SAP Concur. “O regresso às viagens de negócios é impulsionado pelo entusiasmo dos viajantes de negócios. O mais recente Inquérito Global sobre ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Empresas voltam a apostar em viagens de negócios. 2024 aproxima-se dos níveis pré-pandemia
... SAP Concur. “O regresso às viagens de negócios é impulsionado pelo entusiasmo dos viajantes de negócios. O mais recente Inquérito Global sobre ...
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IFTTT General

Pour ses besoins, Doctolib calibre SAP S/4 Hana - Le Monde Informatique

Après avoir déployé, début 2023, SAP S/4 Hana dans le cloud public, afin de structurer ses processus financiers en France et en Europe, Doctolib s'est ...
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IFTTT General

Netflix's Former Gaming Boss Mike Verdu Has Officially Left The Company Following Earler AI Role
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 09:13AM by Somethingman_121224
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IFTTT General

Conheça a cidade que vive flutuando - Correio Braziliense

Em vez de casas fixas, vivem em estruturas flutuantes que sobem e descem com o nível do lago. Esse lugar existe e se chama Tonle Sap, no Camboja, a ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Conheça a cidade que vive flutuando - Correio Braziliense
Em vez de casas fixas, vivem em estruturas flutuantes que sobem e descem com o nível do lago. Esse lugar existe e se chama Tonle Sap, no Camboja, a ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

I'm using Netflix with ads
At /r/netflix
For some reason on my Netflix subscription where I use my laptop and my smart tv....i only get ads on my TV...why is that...and on my laptop there is a still add only when I press pause
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 07:32AM by StefanStandUp
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IFTTT General

ELI5: How do truth tables work?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I'm kinda stuck on chapter one of "Discrete Mathematics and its Applications". I understand bits of the logic, 'and', 'or', 'XOR', and so on. The individual parts make sense, it's just filling them out, is what I'm struggling with. The formatting, translating it to English. The lectures aren't helpful, and the books isn't the best. It's just this little bit I need to connect the dots, then I can do the practice on my own to fully learn this stuff. Any and all help would be appreciated! Sorry about my grammar, I'm on one brain cell right now
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 01:52AM by Cloverfields-
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IFTTT General

Night agent season 2
At /r/netflix
I’m a bit late to the game but I just finished watching night agent season 2 and I gotta say, I liked season 1 better but this season wasn’t bad. Some things I could easily predict. Idk why people are hating on Rose’s character, I actually liked her. And I gotta say Farad really annoyed me, smh he literally was risking everyone’s lives FOR A GIRL….But i have to say THANK YOU for including the Palestinian flag in the last episode 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 05:04AM by Thin_Giraffe8599
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IFTTT General

ELI5: What is a wave function?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I'm regularly come across posts talking about quantum mechanics and entanglement here and one term i hear all the time is "wave function" and how it collapses and how some interpretations of QM (Many Worlds?) say that the collapse isnt real and I'm confused. So what exactly is the wave function of a particle anyways?
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 03:46AM by BigBoom-R
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IFTTT General

ELI5 - What exactly is yawning and hows it triggered?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 01:43AM by william_moriarty
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Empresários ampliam investimentos ESG no Brasil | Diário de Curitiba
A última edição do estudo International Business Report (IBR) apresenta um aumento recorde de 80% nas intenções de investimento das companhias de ...
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IFTTT General

'Let us rejoice:' Everybody's Live with John Mulaney Again [12-week series starts March 12]
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 11, 2025 at 08:32PM by Alan_Stamm
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IFTTT General

東ソー、「RISE with SAP」で基幹システムを刷新--「SAP Concur」も採用 - ZDNET Japan

大手化学メーカーの東ソーは、次期基幹システムプロジェクトの一環として、統合基幹業務システム(ERP)「SAP S/4HANA Cloud」を中核とするサービス「RISE ...
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