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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do we use the terms "right" and "left" when describing political views?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 05:58PM by MrPassionateMan
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Cast group está contratando para o cargo de ASSISTENTE ADMINISTRATIVO I em: São Paulo, SP
Cast group São Paulo, SP. Há pouco Seja um dos 25 primeiros a se candidatar. Veja quem a Cast group contratou para este cargo. Candidatar-se. Salvar.
ift2push RpgM7j84

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IFTTT General

[Partially lost] Inspector Gadget New Years Episode
At /r/netflix
Hi. Does anyone remember the Inspector Gadget New Years episode that aired for 2016? I do, but this particular episode isn’t available on Netflix anymore. There is a video on YouTube that does show some pictures from that episode but there is no other video that shows the full episode. Does anybody have a clue on how to find this?
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 07:49PM by Less_Exercise_3324
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IFTTT General

「S/4HANA」に移行すべきか? “2027年問題”の対処法を徹底解説:“ - TechTargetジャパン

SAPの旧世代ERP製品が2027年にサポート切れを迎え、ユーザー企業は次世代ERP「S/4 HANA」への移行を迫られている。本稿は「なぜ移行すべきか」「移行すべ ...
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IFTTT General

Netflix HR Director Recommends Cutting Off Underperforming Employees To Keep The Best Ones Happy
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 06:18PM by esporx
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IFTTT General

YSK that nonfatal pediatric fentanyl exposures reported to US poison centers increased from 2015-2023
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: According to a new study pediatric fentanyl exposures have surged 1,194% since 2015. Over one-third of cases are life-threatening, with unintentional ingestion common in young children. Please inform anyone you know that uses opioids to keep them out of reach from children.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 06:03PM by Inquiring_minds42
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
BH, DF e Curitiba ganham Selo Betinho por ações contra a fome | Agência Brasil
Para receber o Selo Betinho, as cidades deveriam cumprir pelo menos 70% das 36 metas estabelecidas em parceria com o Instituto Comida do Amanhã.
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why is upload speed never as fast as download speed?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 04:40PM by DescriptionFuture851
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Red Bull Showrun movimenta economia de Curitiba; setor hoteleiro aponta crescimento de ...
Ele afirma que a taxa de ocupação da rede hoteleira para o fim de semana do evento atingiu 75%, um crescimento de 40% em relação a um período sem ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

ELI5 how do you get the feeling and know someone is behind you without seeing them?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
So like you’re at a public place and someone is behind you and you know they’re there so you turn around and look and see them but you already knew someone was there. How do we sense this ? It’s kind of cool honestly.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 03:57PM by Dew-fan-forever-
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IFTTT General

Suggetion to (possibly) improve Duolingo and Netflix. Message to the Duolingo team.
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 03:25PM by niranjanV6Turbo
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IFTTT General

Subtitles and Languages
At /r/netflix
Currently living in Germany. A lot of the media that Netflix offers has subtitles either in the original language or in German only. Why can't they just release the subtitles in all available languages?
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 03:03PM by Specialist-Tiger-234
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
"O modelo não lê sua mente": 5 dicas de especialistas para usar IAs como um profissional
Sap apresentou um exemplo: quando alguém diz “vou ler um milhão de ... “Os modelos também têm dificuldade em antecipar as intenções e reações das ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
75% dos brasileiros vão aproveitar Semana do Consumidor para quitar dívidas, revela ...
Pelo menos 75% dos brasileiros pretendem aproveitar o período para quitar pendências financeiras e se livrar das dívidas. Produzido pelo Instituto ...
ift2push ERzTLdDr

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IFTTT General

What is the customer support email and/or phone number for the UK? I can't find them on the website
At /r/netflix
My account has been hacked. So I tried cancelling my debit card and getting a new one, but that started getting charged again (I found out the reason online, it automatically updates apparently and I never knew), so I need them to close the account permanently.I cancelled the subscription through my bank straight away, but it apparently doesn't work like that.Both my email and password have been changed by the hacker, and I tried searching for my account with my details and it no longer exists, so they must have changed my name too (and kept my card details).
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 02:34PM by Ice-Guardian
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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Conservador de Ambiente - São Paulo - Cast group - beBee
Publicado às 5:21:50 AM. Cargo: Conservador de Ambiente Localização: São Paulo Empresa: Cast group ou... Veja este e outros empregos similares no ...
ift2push RpgM7j84

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IFTTT General

Google Search: SAP e Consults
Trends de Fevereiro | Cast group - LinkedIn
Vem conferir o que rolou na Cast group no mês de Fevereiro! #castgroup #castlover.
ift2push RpgM7j84

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
'Fantástico feminino' no Catete
... (SAP) deste ano. "Fantástico feminino: a arte de Rosana Pereira" oferece ao visitante um percurso, no mínimo, divertido, do artesanato tradicional ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

ELI5 - What is the catch on diet sodas?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
I know diet sodas have 0 calories and are supposed to be a good alternative when trying to lose weight. It's just flavored soda, and the ones with caffeine also help suppress appetite. But it sounds too good to be true, right? I have also heard that it disturbs the gut microbes, which are linked to physical and mental well-being. I just want to know if they are safe to consume, and if so, what is the limit, because I tend to have 2 cans of Diet Coke some days.Can someone explain how diet sodas have 0 calories? How is that even possible?
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 05:22PM by niga100
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IFTTT General

Mulher é flagrada com droga ao tentar visitar irmão preso em Taubaté - Band

Após a apreensão, a visitante foi suspensa do rol de visitas da Secretaria da Administração Penitenciária (SAP) e encaminhada à delegacia de plantão ...

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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
SAP: Brasil é o país mais otimista com IA na América Latina, mas ainda há barreiras relevantes
Segundo a pesquisa inédita “Inteligência Artificial no mundo corporativo”, da SAP, 52% das empresas nacionais tem percepção totalmente positiva sobre ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

How do I block indian content
At /r/netflix
hi I want to block all endian shows and movies, I never watched or selected any of their media and it still shows up I just want to block them so I don't see them posters when searching for something to watch how do I block it forever?
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 05:20PM by xkamp
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IFTTT General

Google Search SAP LANG_pt
Mentoria Preta: iniciativa visa fomentar desenvolvimento de profissionais negros - Panrotas
... (SAP Concur), Jurema Monteiro, Reifer de Souza Jr (Copastur) e José Guilherme Alcorta (PANROTAS). O palco do Fórum PANROTAS costuma ser o local de ...
ift2push rwWvB9FC

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IFTTT General

Why There aren't spin offs of Attack On Titan on Netflix?
At /r/netflix
It's not that they remove them and occasionaly move them back, there were never the spin offs on Netflix and There's no way to Watch them, that's odd becuase they're Canon to the main anime.If you know the reason behind this or you're wondering Just like me, feel free to comment.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 04:47PM by ContentFun7323
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IFTTT General

"O modelo não lê sua mente": 5 dicas de especialistas para usar IAs como um profissional

Sap apresentou um exemplo: quando alguém diz “vou ler um milhão de ... “Os modelos também têm dificuldade em antecipar as intenções e reações das ...

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IFTTT General

BBQ Steak Lettuce Wraps
At /r/GifRecipes
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 02:29PM by smilysmilysmooch
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IFTTT General

"Device isn't part of Netflix household" whilst on the household network?
At /r/netflix
I've been getting this error on my PC whilst I'm connected to the WiFi through ethernet. I'm wondering if this is causing the problem and if there's anyway to fix it other than using a code every 2 weeks? My PC doesn't connect wirelessly to the WiFi and the ethernet cable goes directly into the router. Any help? Thanks!
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 03:07PM by euxiis
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IFTTT General

YSK You can still Chromecast on Audio and Gen2 devices using VLC
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK:A lot of people are currently unable to use their Google Chromecast Audio and Gen 2 Chromecast devices due to a bug on Google's end, likely an expired security certificate. This is a workaround that is useful in some cases.If you have VLC installed (either on a computer or on your Android phone), the casting option still works. This is likely because VLC has its own implementation of Chromecast that sends audio directly to the device rather than streaming from the cloud. The downside is that the media must be accessible locally - either on your device or on a network share. If that is possible for you then you can still enjoy Chromecast media.In the VLC app on Android this is as simple as using the Cast button. On a PC go to the Playback menu and select the Renderer option. It should list your Chromecast devices and device groups. Groups may not work but rendering to single devices definitely does (for now).I hope this is useful to some people. I have six Chromecast Audio devices around my house connected to various amplifiers and powered speakers. It's usually absolutely awesome to be able to sync music around my various rooms and this bug is causing me severe grief. I'm not sure why they stopped making them although I'm guessing it's something to do with the litigation with Sonos. I really hope they put out a new version before my ones start breaking down.
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 03:08PM by bitskewer
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IFTTT General

Caught (March 26th) | Official Trailer | Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 02:32PM by MysteriousDelay6266
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IFTTT General

Tyler Perry's 'Beauty In Black' Renewed For Season 2 At Netflix
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 12, 2025 at 02:46PM by MysteriousDelay6266
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