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IFTTT General

Eli5 Why are we the only breed of humans
At /r/explainlikeimfive
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Submitted March 15, 2025 at 11:29PM by Forsaken-Contract173
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IFTTT General

Pin entry is no longer hidden
At /r/netflix
Does anyone else have this problem?Up until a day or so ago, when I typed in my PIN number on my tv remote, the numbers were discrete on the screen and you wouldn't know which numbers were being entered.Now, the number being entered is highlighted as soon as I select it.
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 11:01PM by No_Tune_7240
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Red Bull Showrun atrai famílias de todo Brasil e da América do Sul e anima o comércio
“É um evento magnífico para a cidade com a presença de cerca de 100 mil pessoas. Curitiba volta ao calendário internacional de eventos de esporte a ...
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IFTTT General

ELI5 how and why did Sweden develop an aeronautic and automotive industry
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 09:51PM by AccountAny1995
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IFTTT General

Student survey: help me out!!
At /r/netflix
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 09:51PM by EbbPhysical7246
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IFTTT General

Please suggest disturbing / horror movies/shows/ documentaries!
At /r/netflix
What i have watched- Dahmer Adolescence Black mirrorThe haunting of bly and hill houseGacy tapesHouse of usher Gabriel Fernandez docBack on Netflix after a few years and would love some new recommendations. Thank you 🙏🏼
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 09:38PM by Worn-Out__Wishes
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
No Dia da Escola, Prefeitura comemora contratações de professores e melhorias em mais ...
Para a volta às aulas, em 12 de fevereiro, a Prefeitura de Curitiba fez o chamamento de 285 agentes de apoio educacional, além da convocação de ...
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IFTTT General

Cobra Kai Finale
At /r/netflix
Finished the final season of Cobra Kai recently and have to admit I'll miss it on Netflix as it was one of the better shows available on the streamer. While the dialogue may not be great and the plot can be very clichéd it also had some great humour especially from William Sabka as Johnny Lawrence. The young cast were also very reliable and it had some great recurring characters especially Paul Walter Hauser as Stingray. The fight scenes were well choreographed and it was nice to see so many of the cast from the older movies return. I wouldn't be surprised if there is a spinoff too considering how popular it was.
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 08:19PM by ECO_FRIENDLY_BOT
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IFTTT General

Hot Take: Shows like The Ultimatum/ Temptation Island are a recipe to Disaster for people in the show
At /r/netflix
Although fun to watch drama as a viewer, i don't understand how couples are brave enough to sign up for such shows when they are 99% sure they will break up after.Somethimes I think couples shown were never together and made up for the show for drama that is supposed to happen.Also Netflix controls the view angle of the show so they can sabotage a career of any person and no one would trust them ever with thier actions shown on the show. Although they all still become instant celebs after premiere.What do you guys think?
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 07:50PM by FearlessDirection129
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IFTTT General

Episodes disappearing
At /r/netflix
As the title says. I've been watching Attack on Titan, and the episodes 88 to 94, which were there not even a week ago, have disappeared, the last episode that I can watch is 87. I have tested to see if this problem persist on other profiles of my account, and it does. Has Netflix removed those episodes ? Is it a bug ? I inquire your help, people of reddit.
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 06:15PM by The_Pretorian
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Red Bull Showrun reúne 100 mil pessoas para espetáculos em Curitiba - RIC
Dados do Sindicato Empresarial de Hospedagem e Alimentação de Curitiba, Região Metropolitana e Litoral (SEHA), apontaram que 75% das vagas em hotéis ...
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IFTTT General

Adolescence - The Motives : SPOILERS AHEAD
At /r/netflix
Everyone has talked extensively about how great the acting was, which it was, and how the camera work is superb, which really elevated the quality of the show but one of the things I'm most interested about are the motives, and how they would be interpreted both from a psychological and legal POV.Now that I've written this paragraph so that people don't get spoiled, let's get into the bread and butter of my post.We are told in two instances that Jamie was a victim of bullying, being accused of being an incel, first directly by Adam and secondly in a more indirect way by Jamie himself.Here's where I start to get some questions:Was he actually an incel though? The story doesn't spend long developing the motives and whatnot and most information we get about the murder is either indirect or underdeveloped. What would a psychologists evaluate him as, with the information that was acquired in EP3. I'm aware psychologists avoid diagnosis below 18 years old, as the brain isn't fully developed, but we see both some concerning signs, such as him kind of admitting he asked her out as a way to exert power over her (by only asking her out when she was vulnerable/undesirable), but also some mitigating factors such as the fact that, again, he was bullied. It was also concerning how he said "other boys would touch (SA) her in this situation but I didn't"In general, he seemed like a bright boy that made a very big mistake, one that 99.9% of kids don't even ponder when being upset. Could it be narcissism? He seemed to only care about his image and how people perceived him (asking the psychologist if she liked him, for example, or killing someone for not liking him).Could he be a psychopath? He seems to be very intelligent and know fully well what he was doing.What charges would he face, and how long would his prison sentence be? Would it be a mitigating factor the fact that he was bullied, if that was proven? Would it make it even worse for him that he followed her and had a knife, potentially indicating that he left home to commit premeditated murder?Why?
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 05:07PM by NepentheZnumber1fan
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why were monarchs so powerful?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Monarchs were not the wisest person in their kingdoms, ministers were. Monarchs were not the strongest in combat, military generals were. Monarchs couldn't even get wealthy like several prominent merchants if left to their own devices.Then what made the ministers, generals and merchants bow down to the monarch inferior to them in skills and talents? On what foundation did monarchs wield such enormous power? I'm not discounting the several coup attempts, whether successful or not, on weak monarchs. Curiously, what made a monarch appear weak, whether apparently or not, to warrant such coup?
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 03:36PM by LoLusta
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IFTTT General

YSK If you used to be a fan of Cracked website a decade or so ago before they fired all the good writers, there’s a new place to get content from the very same writers.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: It’s called 1-900-Hotdog with at least one new article daily and a weekly podcast. Seanbaby, Brockway and a few others are mainstays but there’s frequent appearances by the beloved Daniel O Brien, Jason Pargin (David Wong) Michael Swaim, etc. Check it out!
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 03:38PM by Unlikely_Dinner_1385
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Pilotos curitibanos destacam impacto do Red Bull Showrun na promoção da cidade pelo mundo
“Quem sabe a Stock Car seja disputada um dia nas ruas de Curitiba”, disse ele, que é um atleta apoiado pelo Programa Municipal de Incentivo ao Esporte ...
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IFTTT General

Black Mirror
At /r/netflix
Looks like a new season is coming out soon. What’s your favorite episodes? Some of them are great and some are not so good. Thinking about rewatching some episodes. Suggestions welcome.
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 11:19PM by Objective-Effort-614
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Red Bull Showrun: cachorro invade pista e diverte público em Curitiba; vídeo - RIC
A Red Bull Showrun foi realizada neste sábado (15), em Curitiba, e um cachorro invadiu a pista e divertiu os mais de 100 mil presentes.
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Eduardo Pimentel celebra sucesso do Red Bull Showrun, que levou cerca de 100 mil ...
O prefeito de Curitiba, Eduardo Pimentel, celebrou a realização do evento, destacando sua importância para a cidade.
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IFTTT General

At /r/netflix
I hadn't ever heard of this show until about a month and a half ago. I absolutely love it. I'm sad that there are no more seasons. What are some similar shows to this? They don't have to be on Netflix, they can be on any streaming service. (tia).
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 10:10PM by MamaMia1325
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IFTTT General

Where the episodes between 2 and 5 go...
At /r/netflix
Was watching "The Cage" and after finishing the second episode it felt off. After looking about why i found out that episode 3 and 4 were missing and therefore i was sent to episode 5 right away. Anyway to fix this?
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 09:32PM by Smurfritow
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IFTTT General

YSK If your pet is reluctant to use one leg without a reason for a bit, please take them to the vet; bone cancer kills quickly
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: I lost my girl about 3 years ago, and i want to put this out there because i didn't know. A lot of critters develop limps because of an injured tendon, sprain, or injury to their paws. But if your pet starts limping without any reason you can identify, go to the vet for x-rays sooner than later. Osteosarcoma (bone cancer) is more common than people recognize and causes significant pain to the critter that you can't tell from palpations. If it is in the extremities, that can cause a limp or refusal of your pet to use that leg at all, and lead to a loss of muscle mass. Unfortunately it is fast spreading. If you can identify it before it spreads, amputation may save your critter's life and eliminate the pain. Don't wait to get it checked out if your buddy is not improving. Life on 3 legs beats the heck out of the alternative.
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 09:42PM by dickalopejr
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do widescreen movies not fill the entire screen on modern TVs?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
No text found
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 08:25PM by Fitzer6
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why OpenAI needs half-a-trillion-dollar STARGATE in order to train GPT-5
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Training large AI models like GPT-5 requires massive amounts of computing power. This means thousands (or even millions) of powerful GPUs (graphics processing units) or specialized chips like TPUs (tensor processing units) working together for months.Running all these GPUs non-stop requires a huge amount of electricity, cooling, and data center infrastructure. Some estimates suggest that training future AI models could cost billions of dollars in electricity and hardware alone.The idea of a "STARGATE" is a fun way of exaggerating how extreme the requirements are. Instead of just saying “We need a really big supercomputer,” people joke that OpenAI needs a sci-fi-level portal to another dimension just to train the next AI.Is it all just a marketing "joke" ? Do they really need THAT MUCH compute?
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 07:25PM by SINGULARITY_NOT_NEAR
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IFTTT General

Probkems with new LG TV
At /r/netflix
I'd really need some help.Got a brand new LG 65QNED85T6C Smart TV. All streaming apps work perfectly fine but Netflix doesn't work at all. No problems on startup and login but the streams don't work.The previews are either black or completely glitched, the streams themself glitch out, buffer, glitch out, and so on. Internet speed is 140 Mbit (in Netflix app)The Infobox during stream shows 0.3 Mbit / 720p / Codec AV1On my second TV (also LG) there are absolutely no problems and the box shows 1.1 Mbit / 720p / Codec HEVCMaybe the codec is the problem? But is there something i could do? Or any other guesses?EDIT: Yeah typo in title.... embarrassing...
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 06:52PM by TheTornado121
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IFTTT General

Google Search Curitiba stuff
Evento no centro de Curitiba causa bloqueios de trânsito
Agentes da Setran estarão no local para orientar motoristas e pedestres. A recomendação é evitar trafegar pela região e buscar rotas alternativas.
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IFTTT General

ELI5: Why do they build sidewalks to nowhere?
At /r/explainlikeimfive
Sometimes there are sidewalks that just abruptly end in the middle of the grass, rendering them useless, since they do not connect to any point of interest or road. They are just dead ends.Why build incomplete sidewalks in the first place that do not lead somewhere useful? If there are insufficient funds to finish building, why do they start building?
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 05:49PM by BlockOfDiamond
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IFTTT General

Jacket worn by Stephen Graham in Adolescence
At /r/netflix
Anyone have a link to it or its name/colour?Been googling for a while and can't find it!It was the light blue canada goose one in episode 4, unsure of the exact colour and style/nameThanknyou in advance
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 04:40PM by timm20017
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IFTTT General

What’s the best way to watch a show?
At /r/netflix
I am currently watching a show right now and I don’t want to binge watch it but I also don’t want to take forever to finish it, I think it’s got around 40 total episodes so how often should I watch an episode to get the most out of it? Once a week? Twice?
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 03:29PM by AdhesivenessOne8758
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IFTTT General

YSK: That staying calm and using silence strategically can help you handle difficult or aggressive people more effectively.
At /r/YouShouldKnow
Why YSK: When dealing with rude, stubborn, or bossy individuals, reacting emotionally gives them control over the situation. Instead, pausing, speaking in a calm and measured tone, and refusing to be drawn into their negativity forces them to adjust. This technique is used in healthcare, law enforcement, and negotiations to de-escalate conflicts and maintain control. If someone keeps interrupting, stopping mid-sentence and restarting calmly can frustrate them into listening. If nothing works, walking away denies them the reaction they seek.
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 03:09PM by enlightenedmonk00
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IFTTT General

Netflix app and edge black screen with audio
At /r/netflix
Keep getting no input every few minutes watching hdr 4k content on netflix. Happened on my previous pc too so I know it's not a hardware issue unless it's the monitor specifically. Anyone been able to fix issues like this?
Submitted March 15, 2025 at 01:55PM by jamyjet
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