Monday Schedule
Dear Mentors, May the Grace and Peace of God be with you all! As we have informed already there is a 2nd year batch Inter-Mentorship get-together program Today and Tomorrow(Monday and Tuesday) from 10:30-1:00pm...please try to inform your kids their respective day and place...
Place: Zeni's place
Kaleb Wondessen
Metsnanat Tamiru
Dawit Getachew
Salem Sebsibe
Metasebia Tariku
Zerubabel Faska
Heden Tesfaye
Nigatu Belayneh
Mahlet Samuel
Yididya Getachew
Place:Fellow(Kilinto Mekane Eyesus)
Binyam Malota
Yonathan Tesfaye
Yonathan T/Senbet
Mastewal Anteneh
Nati Mengistu
Hirut Getachew
Abel Girma
Abel Abebe
Hana Yosef
🔜 #Released!! 🎤
🎉🎉 #ተለቀቀ🎤🎤
📇ርዕስ፦ #እፁብ_ሠላም
👤ዘማሪዎች፦ ምህረት ተስፋዬ እና ዉድነሽ ተስፋዬ
💾 ሙዚቃ፦ እምቢልታ ስቱዲዮ
📟📟 ተለቀቀ 📟📟
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Part 2
This seems like such a personal statement to my self so I'm gonna make it broader by listing a few specifications.
* If you are desperate for a relationship because you are lonely
*If your hoping the relationship you're in is going to be the reason you grow spiritually
*If you think you can change the person you are with into a good Christian
*If you are dating someone because its the trend
*If you can't see a future that ends in marriage
*If being with that person leads you to sin and to compromising on the beliefs you built in God
*If your life revolves around that person
*If the person you like isn't a Christian (or inherited it from family)
*If you aren't self aware ( Don't know your identity) or vise versa... and a number of other reasons you need to evaluate your relationship and your self.
Here's why:
1. The blind can't lead the blind. There is no man/woman on the planet who can fill the void of an identity crisis. As Christians our identity is built in Christ. Not in the fact that he died to save us from our sins although that starts it but, in slowly getting to know him and in turn knowing the God we are supposed to reflect. This works for friendships too. If you are falling you have to put your pride aside and ask for help from someone more stable. Because its easy to talk about your struggles with someone whose struggling too. you just learn pretty quickly its absolutely useless. But, once you take the first step God works in your life. but, that doesn't mean it ends there.
2. See now you have some common ground and you're excited but, then the real world hits and you feel lonely. loneliness is not a good reason to start a relationship. It is a good time however to stop for a second and reflect on the things that are happening in your life. I cant tell you it'll disappear but, I can tell you whatever you ask God to give you in the form of a boy/girl, he has been doing for you himself. The emotional stability and the little things.
3. Now let's be realistic. This time is a struggle. The decisions you make to wait will make no sense to most of your friends. Even the Christian ones. And they'll come up with a million plausible ways to do it. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what they believe or what I believe. The fact of the matter is a relationship affects more than you. Many of my friends hate relationships because of the things they've seen in their families. when you make decisions today you make decisions about your children's futures. so putting opinions aside and praying about it protects you all.
የቀጠሮኣችን ሰዓት ደረሰ!!
ጥቂት ሰዓት ነዉ የቀረን!!
ምን ለማለት ነዉ #ማርፈድ ፈፅሞ የተከለከለ ነዉ!!
🕤 7:00 ላይ በር ላይ እንገናኝ!!
ከጊቢ ዉጪ የምትመጡ ልጆች ከ8:00 ሰዓት በፊት ገርጂ ባለዉ #FBI ቤተክርስቲያን እንገናኝ!!
♐ በቱሉ ዲምቱ መዉጫ(የጀርባ በር)
♐ #መደምደሚያ
ዉድ የ #AHAVA_4_SOLACE ቤተሰቦቻችን እንኳን ለኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የትንሳኤ መታሰቢያ በዓል በሠላም አደረሳችሁ !!
በዓል እንዴት ነበር?... ጥሩ እያሳለፋችሁ እንደሆነ ተስፋ እናደርጋለን።
ላለፉት ተከታታይ ❼ ቀናት ስናካሂድ በነበረዉ ቻሌንጅ ላይ አብራችሁን ስለነበራችሁ እና በንቃት ስለ ተሳተፋችሁ ጌታ ኢየሱስ ይባርካችሁ ልንል እንወዳለን።
✧ በተለይ ደግሞ የተሰጠዉን መመሪያ ተከትላችሁ መልዕክቶቻችሁን #በፅሁፍ ፣ #በግጥም ፣ #በዝማሬ እና ሌሎችም መንገዶችም ተጠቅማችሁ የዚህን ቻሌንጅ ቆይታ ዉብ ላደረጋችሁ ፣ የሁላችሁንም ስም ለመጥራት ቢከብድም የእግዜር በረከት ግን ካላችሁበት ያግኛችሁ ልንል እንወዳለን!!
🎇 እስካሁን የነበረን ቆይታ እዚህ ላይ ያበቃል!!
በቀረላችሁ ዘመን መፅሐፍ “በሕይወት ያሉትም ለሞተላቸውና ከሙታን ለተነሣላቸው እንጂ ከእንግዲህ ለራሳቸው እንዳይኖሩ እርሱ ስለ ሁሉ ሞተ።”— 2ኛ ቆሮ5፥15 (አዲሱ መ.ት)
እንዲል ለሞተልን ጌታ በፀጋው ብርታት ራሳችንን አብዝተን የምናቀርብለት ጊዜ እንዲሆንላችሁ እንመኛለን!!
♊♊ #Ahava_4_Solace ♊♊
#Holiday_Wishes!! 🎉🎉
1 Peter 1:3-5
3: Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you, Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.
All His goodness to us begins with mercy, and by his mercy all our hopes begin. We are born again to a living hope because we have eternal life in a Savior who has conquered death Himself. So we celebrate this day because we are saved and get an hope.
መልካም የትንሳኤ በዓል
#Kalkidan Main Leader
#Holiday_Wishes!! 🎉🎉
By His 'Death' we get life, By His 'Blood' our sin Cleaned, Because of this, we are said to be the Sons & Daughters of 'GOD'!
Praise be to Jesus!
Happy Resurrection Day!
#Liya Main Leader
#Holiday_Wishes!! 🎉🎉
This Easter, may God bless you with his choicest blessings. A very Happy Easter Sunday to you and your loved ones.✝✝✝
May the Almighty shower you with good health, peace, happiness, joy and prosperity, this Easter Sunday.
ay you and your family have a blissful Easter Sunday.✝✝✝
May God bless you with good health and long life. Happy Easter Sunday.✝✝✝
Happy Easter! Here's wishing one and all a very blissful Easter Sunday.
Easter represents the renewal of life. Hence, be hopeful, be cheerful, be thankful and grateful—happy Easter to one and all.✝✝✝
Remember Jesus, the great Son of God, on the auspicious day of Easter Sunday.✝✝✝
The egg symbolises new life, and on Easter, it represents the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb.✝✝✝
Happy Easter ✝✝✝
❤️Easter is a festival that teaches us to be hopeful. Never lose faith. 💖💖💖
This Sunday is not just about Eggs and Bunnies but about resurrection. Easter reminds us that God is above all of us. Happy Easter✝✝✝
The eggs made of chocolate and candies are not just desserts. They signify new life. A very Happy Easter Sunday!✝
Be hopeful, be joyful and have faith in God. Happy Easter.✝✝✝
#በከንባትኛ የተዘመረ መዝሙር
Song shared by tesfatsion
ውለታውን ተናግሮ ያበቃ
እግዚአብሔርን አክብሮ የረካ
ማነው እርሱ ምሥጋና ያለቀበት
ያልተረዳ የዛሬውን ምህረት
ከትናንቱ በላይ እንደሆነ
በብዙ እጥፍ በዝቶ እንደገነነ
የዛሬውን ቸርነት/ደግነት የረሳ
ለማመሥገን በፍጥነት ይነሳ (2x)
አዝ፦ እኔስ ከትናንቱ የዛሬው ባሰበኝ
ካለፉት ዓመታት የሆነው ላቀብኝ
ፍቅር ደግነቱ ምህረቱ ገነነ
ከማስበው በላይ መልካም የሆነ
እያስገረመኝ እያስደነቀኝ ሁሌ እያሳቀኝ
አፌን ምላሴን በዕልልታ እየሞላብኝ
ነፍሴን የሚያረካ ክብሩን እያሳየኝ
እንዴት ዝም እላለሁ
ዘወትር በየለቱ ሁልጊዜ ጌታዬ አመሠግናለሁ (5x)
ተናግሬ ሳልጨርስ ተዓምሩን
ይገልጠዋል በድጋሚ ክብሩን
በላይ በላይ እየጨማመረ
እያበዛ ደግሞ እያከበረ
በዘመናትና በዓመታቱ
ሳያጓድል ሳይሰስት ምህረቱን
ያስጉዘኛል/ያስኬደኛል በድል ሰረገላ
ምን ልበለው ከተመሥገነ ሌላ (2x)
አዝ፦ እኔስ ከትናንቱ የዛሬው ባሰበኝ
ካለፉት ዓመታት የሆነው ላቀብኝ
ፍቅር ደግነቱ ምህረቱ ገነነ
ከማስበው በላይ መልካም የሆነ
እያስገረመኝ እያስደነቀኝ ሁሌ እያሳቀኝ
አፌን ምላሴን በዕልልታ እየሞላብኝ
ነፍሴን የሚያረካ ክብሩን እያሳየኝ
እንዴት ዝም እላለሁ
ዘወትር በየለቱ ሁልጊዜ ጌታዬ አመሠግናለሁ (5x)
ማዳኑን ስላየሁ አመሠግናለሁ (3x)
ፍቅሩን ቀምሼ እንዴት ዝም እላለሁ (3x)
ቀኖቹ ቢያወሩ ቢመሰክሩት (3x)
አቤት ለእኔ ያደረገው ድንቅ ተዓምራት (3x)
ሥሙን እባርከዋለሁ (3x)
ሥሙን እቀድሰዋለሁ (3x)
ነፍሴና ሥጋዬ ምሥጋና ለእግዚአብሔር አቅርቡ
አጥንቶቼም ጭምር ምሥጋና ለእግዚአብሔር አቅርቡ
የሰራላችሁን የማዳኑ ሥራ አስቡ (2x)
አልበቃኝም አመሥግኜው (2x) አልበቃኝም
እኔ አልረካሁም አመሥግኜው (2x) አልረካሁም (2x)
Singer- MKC Choirs
Title - ተነስቷል
Size - 5.1MB
አሜን! ጌታችን ተነስቷል
📟 ከመዓዛህን እወደዋለሁ አልበም
📇ርዕስ፦ መዓዛህን እወደዋለሁ
👤ዘማሪ፦ ዶ/ር ለዓለም ጥላሁን
🈁 @gracecampaign 🈁
🈁 @gracecampaign 🈁
Part 3
Now here is a very important detail I've learned. we pray about relationships and we think about relationships and we chase relationships and then we wonder why they don't work. Pray about you first. Its not selfish to ask God to grow you. Its actually the sensible thing to do. A relationship is not the solution to your problems. Your relationship should be a reflection of the relationship between Christ and the church. How are you gonna do that without an identity?
Lets learn to be stable. Its ok to wait. Life wont pass you by. God is not gonna let you miss out on anything because you spent too much time with him. If you're depressed and desperate get a productive hobby. Make some good Christian friends who will add to your success as a Christian. seek help. But, don't make decisions in that mind set. Its not good for you and its not worth it. Work on your self as a person. Ask God to make you more like him and make decisions everyday to be closer to him. Read the bible when you're not in the mood. Put your head phones in when you hear things you shouldn't be listening to. Close your eyes or walk out to avoid thing you shouldn't be watching. Forget the responsibility of a relationship and work on you as a person. And work on loving God. When the time comes he will remind you of that responsibility. And this time instead of keeping you from your purpose in life and making you doubt yourself it will help you become stronger in your faith. Instead of being a heavy load for you to carry it'll be a good support system. It'll be what a relationship should be.
So I urge you to take a look at your self and the person you want and make decisions for yourself as a Christian. Maybe, the reason its not working is because you're not ready yet.
Hey guys,
Today's topic is a new one for this channel but, definitely not a new one as Christians. We hear about it all the time; relationships. most of us here are teens or older so we've had some relationships or we've seen our friends get into a few. Its definitely not a new concept.
👉 I know I said this was a topic that we would discuss but, I've been reluctant to get around to it for a few reasons. For starters, most of what I know about relationships came from my most dominant example of one; my parents. They have been happily married for the past 25 years I believe and they are still as happy as ever. Its really hard not to let that influence me. And I grew up with the repeated reminder to pray for my future family and its sort of given me a distorted world view on things. (not saying its wrong but, there's room for improvement...I'll get back to why later.)
Secondly and the biggest reason for my reluctance was my experience as a freshman in college. Watching the kids around me start relationships before I did made me doubt if there really was a point in my waiting for "the right time." and "the one". My previously existing insecurities grew because my attempts at keeping things "Christian" kept me from being a teen and enjoying myself as a college student. I never wanted to out right sin mind you. Drinking and drugs were still things I would never do but, that had little to do with God and more to do with my need for controlling the things in my life. So it was easy for me to doubt myself and ultimately to doubt God and the plan I believed he had for my family.
🕤 This quarantine I rose and fell so many times it made my head spin. I was constantly confused and irritated by the concept of it. Because we can say what we want but relationships play a big role in our lives. I wasn't even in an active one and it affected my mind set so completely. You don't realize how similarly many girls think until you share a building with them and all you hear about is that. And I don't know if its exactly the same but, I know girls make up at least a fraction of the conversations between boys.
But, after a long struggle with it two things happened. First of all I came back to my original belief that its important to pray for your family and to let God be the deciding factor in your relationships. because there is such a thing as the one and the right time. I know some people say that God wont tell you who the right guy is unless your already dating but, I don't believe that because until recently dating wasn't even a thing. But, as a reference I'd like you guys to read the story of how Isaac and Rebecca were introduced in your own time. But, like I said most of my beliefs about marriage are based on my parents and their friends who are happily married to people they prayed about and the many unhappy marriages I've seen from people who marriages weren't prayed about. But, I'm not gonna get into any more detail about this topic right now although if there is a need for it I will come back to it some other time. todays discussion is mainly about the second thing I learned; I'm not ready yet.
ሠላም በጌታ የተወደዳችሁ ብሩካን እንዴት ቆያችሁ!
በበዛ ናፍቆት እና ጉጉት ስንጠብቅ የከረምነው የአንድነት #የአምልኮ_ምሽት (#Worship_Night) ሊካሄድ አንድ ቀን ብቻ ቀርቶታል!!
ታዲያ እናንተ በዚህ #የአምልኮ_ምሽት ለመካፈል ዝግጅታችሁ እንደጨረሳችሁ በማሰብ ወዳጆቻችሁ እና የክላስ ጓደኞቻችሁን በመጋበዝ አብረን ጌታን በዝማሬ ዉስጥ አብዝተን እንድናዉቀዉ እና እንድንወደዉ ስንጋብዛችሁ በታላቅ ደስታ ነዉ!!
እንግዲያዉስ በተቀጣጠርንበት ሰዓት (እሁድ ነሀሴ 16, 7:00) ላይ በጀርባው በር መኪኖች ስለሚጠብቁን በዚያ እንገናኝ!!
One More 👉 የበዙ ወጪዎችን ለመሸፈን በሚል ለትራንስፖርት የሚሆን #20 ብር በመያዝ እንድትመጡ በፍቅር እናሳስባችኋለን!! ድንገት ግን በኪሳችሁ ባይኖር እንኳ መቅረት አይታሰብም!!
#Holiday_Wishes!! 🎉🎉
In ancient times the victory of a nation was achieved through the domination of the opposing nation. Which means in order for a king, there by a nation to be victorious in battle, crushing of the opposing nation was a requirement. And the death of a king in battle was a clear indication of the defeat of a nation. But the uniqueness of the way through which king Jesus Christ brought victory to his people was astonishing. He brought this victory to his people through defeat(death). And through that death his people were made free from debt and bondage of sin. And the ressurection of this king on the third day gave life to his people. His people claimed victory b/c he died. His people won b/c he was crushed. And his people live b/c he rose from the dead.
Isa 53 (NIV)
³ He was despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering. Like one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
⁴ Surely he took up our infirmities and carried our sorrows, yet we considered him stricken by God, smitten by him, and afflicted.
⁵ But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.
#Zeki Main leader
#Holiday_Wishes!! 🎉🎉
📜 “ኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ ከሙታን በመነሣቱ ለሕያው ተስፋና ለማይጠፋ፥ እድፈትም ለሌለበት፥ ለማያልፍም ርስት እንደ ምሕረቱ ብዛት ሁለተኛ የወለደን የጌታችን የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ አምላክና አባት ይባረክ”
— 1ኛ ጴጥሮስ 1፥3-5
🙏 ሰላም በጌታ የተወደዳችሁ
እግዚአብሔር ለዚህ ግዜ ስላደረሰን ዳግም የጌታችንና የመድኃኒታችን የኢየሱስ ክርስቶስን ትንሳኤን እንድናስብ ስለረዳን ክብር ለእርሱ ይሁን።
🎉 ትንሳኤው ከሞት የተሻገርንበት ፣ ህይወትን ያገኘንበት ፣ ሞታችን የተሻረበት ነው። ከላይ በጥቅሱ ላይ እንደምንመለከተው እግዚአብሔር በልጁ በኢየሱስ ክርስቶስ የሰው ልጆችን ዳግም ወደ ልጁ መንግስት የቀላቀለበት ነው።
👉🕤 በዚህ ግዜ በክርስቶስ የተደረገልንን ያ ፍቅሩን እያሰብን ለዚህ ፍቅር በህይወታችን ምላሽ እንድንሰጥ ጌታ ይርዳን።
♐ ክርስቶስ በመስቀል ላይ ሰለ እኛ ዋጋ የከፈለው እኛ ህይወት እንዲሆንልን እና እንዲትረፈረፍልን ነው ይህም ከሱ ጋር በመሆን የምናገኘው ብቻ ነው ። በክርስቶስ የተሰራልንን ይበልጥ አጥርተን ማየት እንድንችል ጌታ ይርዳን ምክንያቱም የክርስትና ህይወት ምንጭ የተፈቀርንበት ፍቅር ከመረዳት ስለሚጀምር ስለዚህ ጌታ በዚህ እንዲባርከን ፀሎቴ ነው።
#እወዳችኃለሁ 💗💗
ጌታ ዘመናችሁን ይባርክ
መልካም የፋሲካ በዓል
#Nehimiya Main Leader
#Holiday_Wishes!! 🎉🎉
1Pet 1 (NIV)
³ Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead,
⁴ and into an inheritance that can never perish, spoil or fade—kept in heaven for you,
⁵ who through faith are shielded by God's power until the coming of the salvation that is ready to be revealed in the last time.
We indeed have a LIVING HOPE.
#Bereket Main Leader
#Holiday_Wishes!! 🎉🎉
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
— John 3:16 (KJV)
Whenever you're feeling down remember that just as God judges us individually for our action he also loves us individually in spite of them. You are not just some part of a collectively loved society. YOU are precious to him. So remember that as you celebrate his death and resurrection. It was done for you. Happy easter!!!!
[Verse 1]
I once was lost in darkest night
Yet thought I knew the way
The sin that promised joy and life
Had led me to the grave
I had no hope that You would own
A rebel to Your will
And if You had not loved me first
I would refuse You still
[Verse 2]
But as I ran my hell-bound race
Indifferent to the cost
You looked upon my helpless state
And led me to the cross
And I beheld God’s love displayed
You suffered in my place
You bore the wrath reserved for me
Now all I know is grace
Hallelujah! All I have is Christ
Hallelujah! Jesus is my life
[Verse 3]
Now, Lord, I would be Yours alone
And live so all might see
The strength to follow Your commands
Could never come from me
O Father, use my ransomed life
In any way You choose
And let my song forever be
My only boast is You
This Easter, may God bless you with his choicest blessings. A very Happy Easter Sunday to you and your loved ones.✝✝✝
May the Almighty shower you with good health, peace, happiness, joy and prosperity, this Easter Sunday.
ay you and your family have a blissful Easter Sunday.✝✝✝
May God bless you with good health and long life. Happy Easter Sunday.✝✝✝
Happy Easter! Here's wishing one and all a very blissful Easter Sunday.
Easter represents the renewal of life. Hence, be hopeful, be cheerful, be thankful and grateful—happy Easter to one and all.✝✝✝
Remember Jesus, the great Son of God, on the auspicious day of Easter Sunday.✝✝✝
The egg symbolises new life, and on Easter, it represents the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb.✝✝✝
Happy Easter ✝✝✝
❤️Easter is a festival that teaches us to be hopeful. Never lose faith. 💖💖💖
This Sunday is not just about Eggs and Bunnies but about resurrection. Easter reminds us that God is above all of us. Happy Easter✝✝✝
The eggs made of chocolate and candies are not just desserts. They signify new life. A very Happy Easter Sunday!✝
Be hopeful, be joyful and have faith in God. Happy Easter.✝✝✝
Before 2000 years ago this happened. I was in my darkest 🌑. Nobody loved me. I was unwanted, uncared for, and nobody looked into my smile. I hated myself. I felt like my existance was worth nothing. And there was a man who had to be killed regardless of His innocence. I didn't know why? I was busy with my life and did not ask for details. But then, people told me that He died for me. 😳 I was shoked to death!
Who is He? Why did he die for me? Am I worth His life? Wait!.... How did He knew me in the first place?
I kept asking these questions.... and more... because I knew I never deserved His life. A life free of death (John 11:26). A rightousness free of condemnation (Romans 8:1). A joy free of sorrow (1 Peter 1 :8-9). A peace that passes understanding(Philippians 4:7). What a life have I been given?? Hallelujah! Glory to the risen!
(Romans 5:7) Another person might have died for me incase I was a nice person. But, I doubt if he/she could have given me such a life after his/her death. But, the Lion of Judah was able to! Again, Glory to the Risen!