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Hello, I'm Joe. Welcome to my Public Journal. Your journey to Consistent Profitability starts here. Enjoy the Learning Process. I wish you good luck, and good trading. 🥃 Enquiries: Chat with Joe - Support -

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Joe Miler

gonna be fun. plan for this friends.

gonna demystify the markets in a simple way.
education, simply.

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Joe Miler

read up. 📑

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Joe Miler

trading the financial markets is very hard.
difficult more so.

if you choose to go through it, you will definitely win one day. but if you stop, you take away the slightest chance to break free.

the slightest chance.

think about it.

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Joe Miler

life offers no security.

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Joe Miler

don't despise the days of small beginnings. good things come in small packages.

. bishop TD Jakes.

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Joe Miler

insane obsession.


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Joe Miler

dollar Index. 1d.

annotations on the chart. read up.

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Joe Miler

economic calendar - nov 6-10.

use this data for the rest of your week, friends. safe trading. ❤

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Joe Miler

weekend learning..

ready for this one? here you have it.

like, and retweet for others to learn. also, hit the follow button for more.
education, simply.

nb: series will continue like that, every weekend, on x.

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Joe Miler

It's never being left to randomness of buying and selling. There is no support and resistance in the marketplace. These are all notions that promote the idea of free trade. When it comes to the truth of the markets: It's complete and utter control and manipulation. It's a very simple approach. It's about price: It's the open, the high, the low, and the close of the daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly bars. It's not support nor resistance what is moving the price order flow. It's all about where the money is. The retail textbooks will never teach you this: Price moves to where the money is. And the money is at the levels where most retail traders have their entry and stop loss orders - just to get harvested by the smart money during false moves and false breakouts.

- ICT.

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Joe Miler

suicide is not an option.
thread on x.

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Joe Miler

quite a number are excited about this. looks good.

blow this up y'all, let's have as many persons participate.

head to x, and retweet. 🚀

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Joe Miler

how about a free live session here on telegram this november?

2 days.
2-3 hours each day.

freely offered.

excited about that?? react with an emoji, let's see. 😎

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Joe Miler

"The hard, cold reality of trading is that every trade has an uncertain outcome."

- Mark Douglas

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Joe Miler

friends, kindly subscribe.
spread the news round too. JM is coming to youtube. :).

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Joe Miler

when a concept, marketed as a mystery is sold as knowledge to you, there you find a fraud trying to do a sales pitch to you in the future.

run, my friend.

the markets are already clearly explained. nothing is new.

there are no glorified theory anywhere.

stay w the basics.

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Joe Miler

sometimes, the market rewards you for doing the wrong thing... and you may suffer for that long enough, because you wouldn't have learnt to trade rightly, and in the right environment.

focus on the process of trading like a monk - a strategic, disciplined, rule based, well-thought and laid out actions that leads to mastery in the final analysis, coupled with ruthless execution when you see your edge without second guessing.

don't settle for less. do it right.

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Joe Miler

dollar Index. 1d.

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Joe Miler

early morning my time, friends. ❤

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Joe Miler

excited friends? this will hold in the 3rd week of november -

. 17-18th.
. 2-3 hours/day.
. live market analysis.
. top down analysis.
. live market execution of trades (with the right environment)
. q&a.
. education, simply.

plan ahead. 🖤

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Joe Miler

thread on x. read up for more context.
education simply..

(also like, and retweet. the least you can do for me sharing free value. thanks in adv.)

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Joe Miler

bookmark this.

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Joe Miler

Today is the most important day of your analysis. You have the luxury of stillness. No changing ticker to entice you into or out of a trade idea. The market is closed ... learn to enjoy analyzing it on the weekends. This is where the professionals glean fresh perspectives.

You want to study what took place between the start and close of the previous week's Price action. Refer to the points of engagement you had in your trade entries and exits. Identify your mistakes, note them, do not build negative alters on them and energize them with regrets.

Simply note them. Annotate your charts with the hindsight benefit and record that and only that. No negative adjectives or toxic comments about the incorrect views. Where you had the trades "correct", you equally avoid adjectives about them. Annotate the charts move on.

When emotions are permitted: On the weekend when the market is closed. Reflecting on adherence to your trade plan for last week... regardless of outcome. When you avoided overtrading or allowing social media or your teacher to influence your independent thoughts. Be proud.

You are too new at this to appreciate how little you are getting it "wrong" if you consider your entire career. So don't dwell on normal snares and developmental milestones along the way. You won't get here without personal scars and war stories or your own... like all Heros.

Reward yourself in meditation with positive self talk. Things like: "I am so proud of my efforts & focus last week. I may be new at this or learning a exciting new analysis concept right now... but I am excited & motivated to see the results of my study & efforts!" No fear.

Do not reflect internally or outwardly about your performance... with any negative adjectives. Pain is an instructor. It was given to us as a means of telling us what not to do, or alert us that there is something wrong. Do not invite it in your development. It will come later.

Learning in a controlled condition of Demo only is the only vacuum this can be done. You learn to focus on the process... not the effects of profit or loss. Only emotionless development like this - will yield those results. Do not rush this stage for pursuit of "profits".

When you have submitted yourself to this portion of time & process - you will be equipped to endure the normal & unavoidable periods of getting it wrong. This is where normal losses manifest & they need not derail you or cause you to abandon your method or approach. Experience.

This thread is all you need as it relates to Trade Psychology. No need to buy books on it anymore. I condensed it I to a few actionable tweets and it works. No book tells you this. You're welcome.

What excuse or barrier is significant enough to stop you from learning how to trade for a living? That is the lie standing in front of you and it's only given strength & significance by you. I don't believe it can stop or hold you back... so why are you allowing it to?

Think about it... Understand this. No one believed I would be good at this. Not one family member told me I would get here. Not one friend, not one co-worker. No one comforted me when I failed and lost annual salaries in real money. No one told me to "keep going Michael".

Why would you expect others to cheerlead you on, doing what they fear to do themselves? You might actually succeed and remind them of the prison they willfully stay in with an open door in front of them. Be confident & determined - trust yourself. It's the only way you get it.

Now... it's Saturday. Don't waste it.

// Rant End.


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Joe Miler

nfp news release.

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Joe Miler

a lot of persons definitely interested. let's get this done.

dates will be announced soon.
should be around the 3rd week of November. Plan ahead.

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Joe Miler

thank you everyone to 2,000 followers. documenting my journey till we get to 100,000 followers and more.

hit the follow button, and keep sharing.

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Joe Miler

perspective matters.
like, and retweet for others to learn. also, hit the follow button for more.

education, simply.

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Joe Miler

for you.

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Joe Miler

The Journey - Trading Motivation.

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Joe Miler

success isn't linear.

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