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I'm just here for the Awakening. Co-founder: @WeTheMedia Owner: @ConsciousStrength Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose A link to all of my links 👇

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Jordan Sather

Clickbait story about "Bill Gates arrest warrant issued by Phillipines" going viral

Fake News.

"The People's Voice" is a rebrand of a website that used to be called "YourNewsWire" - they post shit loads of disinformation, such as this article about Bill Gates.

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Jordan Sather

FBI Whistleblowers coming forward to the Weaponization Committee

Should be juicy

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Jordan Sather

This tweet is going viral but it's massively misleading.

Leading Report is referring to a statement McCarthy made to FoxNews, which he didn't mention treason or prosecution in.

Leading Report is sometimes reliable with their posts, but also sometimes not - and they usually fail to link the sauce in their posts. They seem to be doing things for the clicks.

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Jordan Sather

Interesting how all these Infowars affiliated individuals are trying to undermine Durham

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Jordan Sather

61 media hacks who peddled the Russia Collusion B.S. and should never be trusted again

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Jordan Sather

Head of Ukraine Supreme Court has been detained, accused of taking $2.7 million in bribes.

Corruption in Ukraine? No wayyy, get outta herrreeee

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Jordan Sather

POV: going broke when you go woke

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Jordan Sather

Fox Insider caught on camera by James O'Keefe's crew admitting that Tucker being fired from Fox was a part of the Dominion Settlement.

"When it’s corporate media you’re beholden to advertisers"

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Jordan Sather

Compare NBC headline w/ CNN's

What's changing at CNN?

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Jordan Sather

Huge for Rumble & the narrative war

iShowSpeed is an idiot YouTuber with LOTS of followers

Swaths of GenZers are about to make their way over to Rumble, where they'll get exposed to plenty of new information

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Jordan Sather

Durham FUD

Poso tries to undermine anons whenever he gets the chance, so of course he's going to spin Durham as a fail


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Jordan Sather

Media Matters Runs Economic Warfare on Truth Tellers, This Time Getting Them Banned From "Buy Me A Coffee"

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Jordan Sather

Over the weekend, a clickbait narrative went viral on social media that George Soros died of a heart attack.

No evidence, of course.

This morning, George Soros tweeted in response to the clickbait.

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Jordan Sather

Also, Warner Bros (which owned CNN) merged with Discovery Inc. in April of last year

A major shareholder of Discovery is a billionaire Trump donor.

Looks like plans have been in the works for a little while to turn CNN around in terms of their extremism and impartiality. If they would have kept going with their anti-Trump extremism, execs know the whole brand would be toast.

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Jordan Sather

The media is absolutely REEEing over CNN and their town hall with Trump last night. Some even want the CNN CEO to resign over it

Just a couple examples 👆 when Rolling Stones is nervous you know you've done a good job

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Jordan Sather

Brazil Feds are questioning Bolsonaro over allegedly faking a vaccination card.

If he did, that would make me love him even more.

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Jordan Sather

Reps. Jim Jordan and Mike Turner want to subpoena the CIA over the "Hunter Biden is Russia Disinfo" letter

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Jordan Sather

New Stack!

On Earth's Magnetic Pole Shift & The Solar Micronova - A Great Video by Ben Davidson

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Jordan Sather

If you haven't cancelled Sports Illustrated yet, it's time to.

They put transgender (biological man) Kim Petras on the cover of their latest swimsuit edition.

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Jordan Sather

American Thinker didn't do much thinking with this article.

The first line shows that: "Many have concluded QAnon was a Deep State intelligence operation to lull Trump supporters into complacency in the runup to the 2020 election and to provide a new pejorative term for the Left to use against the Right."

Many? Many who? Deep State op? Any proof for those claims?

American Thinker apparently isn't smart enough to separate Q's posts, not a Deep State op, with the infiltration and subversion of the Q movement, a Deep State op.

Funny how these critiques of Q never address or look at the legitimacy of the posts themselves, and they seem to forget all the Trump connecting proofs and subtle (or not so subtle) promotion of Q related content by President Trump.

You can tell when people don't do their homework on this subject.

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Jordan Sather

New Product available on @ConsciousStrength - Fur`cumin, pet formula curcumin

Curcumin + glucosamine + chondroitin + brewer's yeast

Great for cats and dogs (esp. older ones) reducing inflammation, strengthening joints, and getting vitamins and minerals from the brewer's yeast

Find it here -

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Jordan Sather

"The IRS on Monday removed the “entire investigative team” from its long-running tax fraud probe of first son Hunter Biden in alleged retaliation against the whistleblower who recently contacted Congress to allege a coverup in the case, The Post has learned.

The purge allegedly was done on the orders of the Justice Department, the whistleblower’s attorneys informed congressional leaders in a letter."

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Jordan Sather

"Still, about 4,300 records remain redacted and are blacked out, according to the CIA."

Trump vows to release everything if re-elected

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Jordan Sather

NBC News headline: "Durham report finds troubling contacts between Trump campaign and Russia"

Absolute 🤡s at NBC

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Jordan Sather

Yesterday, Joe Biden writes an op-ed in the USA Today calling for more gun control. (or... his aides wrote it..)

Today, mass shooting in New Mexico.

Almost as if... some of these mass shootings... are planned... to push... agendas...

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Jordan Sather

Durham released another report today. Main takeaway: no basis for FBI to open Russia investigation into Trump.

We knew that - but the important part is to get normies to know that, which this will help.

Regardless, there's plenty of Durham FUD coming from certain conservative voices today. Probably their handlers telling them to run those narratives.

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Jordan Sather

A few days ago, Media Matters ran a hit piece on citizen journalists using the Buy Me A Coffee crowdfunding platform. They included me in their attack.

This morning, Buy Me A Coffee banned us from their platform.

Economic warfare.

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Jordan Sather

Going live in 15!

Knowledge Based Ep. 27 Thur 7:30 PM ET

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Jordan Sather

One explanation for why CNN did that town hall last night in a way so favorable to Trump, like the whole audience being Trump supporters, could be their new CEO

Christ Licht, became CEO of CNN 1 year ago

Many times has said he wants to move CNN away from being a Trump hating network

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Jordan Sather

Tucker taking to Twitter with a new show soon, the MSM melts down

(Also to note, Elon said content creators who upload to Twitter will soon get advertising revenue on their videos 👀 watch out YouTube)

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