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I'm just here for the Awakening. Co-founder: @WeTheMedia Owner: @ConsciousStrength Head Shitposter: @ClickbaitExpose A link to all of my links 👇

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Jordan Sather

YouTube removes Shawn Ryan's interview with Jim Caviezel citing "community guidelines violations"

Why is Big Tech covering for human traffickers?

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Jordan Sather

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Jordan Sather

I hope you're picking up on my /sarcasm/


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Jordan Sather

They're not saying "Boooo"

They're saying "Truuuuu" for Trudeau

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Jordan Sather

I have a tough time believing this was an accident

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Jordan Sather

Summertime Heat Brings Climate Change Fear Porn On Full Blast

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Jordan Sather

Oh no, Elon out here shilling for aspartame

Well, he'd probably already be on Mars by now if he ate healthier 🤣

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Jordan Sather

"You're going to expose all these RINOs on TV for me, okay Tucker?"

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Jordan Sather

Are Mark Wahlberg and Ashton Kutcher EXPOSING HOLLYWOOD PEDOPHILES?!

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Jordan Sather

When it comes to claims on social media, it's better to assume fake until proven real rather than gullibly believing whatever the post says

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Jordan Sather

Tucker going hard against the RINOs in his Blaze town hall

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Jordan Sather

Locals livestream this weekend chatting, answering questions, and covering the state of Clown World

Sunday @ 11amEST/8amPST

Follow on Locals for access to the stream and updates on all my latest work

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Jordan Sather

Snow White and the 7 politically correct companions

"Disney announced that 'magical creatures' would replace the seven dwarves to 'avoid reinforcing stereotypes'"

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Jordan Sather

Fun show with Justin last night taking a look at the Solar Micronova and cyclical Earth Pole Shift. Super important topic!

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Jordan Sather

I'm making bank off this new Twitter thing

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Jordan Sather

Trump stating he'll likely be indicted and arrested by Jack Smith over Jan 6th

His poll numbers are about to go through the roof (again)

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Jordan Sather

Now they're claiming Trump is hoarding ancient Israeli artifacts at Mar-A-Lago?

Prob Mossad spy devices

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Jordan Sather

NCAA transgender Lia Thomas is now an Antifa stupid soldier

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Jordan Sather

McCarthy: "I think if we had found a UFO, I think the Department of Defense would tell us because they'd probably want to request more money."

Ignorant take on UFOs by McCarthy

The military industrial complex would NOT tell us about these sorts of technologies (zero-point energy, electrogravitics) because public awareness about them would lose the Deep State tons of money

Also - what's to say the military industrial complex hasn't been funneling billions of dollars into their black projects outside the knowledge of the public & Congress?

You don't think those hammers and toilets seats actually cost $10,000, do you?

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Jordan Sather

Climate Denier
Election Denier
Vaccine Denier
COVID Denier

These labels are only given to you from Truth Deniers

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Jordan Sather

"Humans are causing climate change with carbon dioxide!"

Mega lie. Pure propaganda.

Two of the biggest drivers of climate change - volcanoes and Solar forcing - are hardly accounted for in "official" climate models, if at all.

Of course with summer in full swing, the climate change propaganda is being spewed on high like your air conditioner. They're opportunistically using this warm summer to push their propaganda and thus try to get people to accept carbon taxes, green energy B.S., and other communistic aspects of their climate agendas.

Honest science? No - power and control, based on fake science.

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Jordan Sather

In-N-Out banned their employees from wearing masks unless they have a doctors note


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Jordan Sather

Was she supposed to say that "reduce population" part?

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Jordan Sather

Unfortunately using critical thinking and debunking fake news now means you are "being negative" and get blocked for it

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Jordan Sather

More clickbait disinfo from "The People's Voice" website is going viral on Twitter

People's discernment fucking sucks

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Jordan Sather

Clickbaiters are going to get even more bold in hunting for Twitter ad money

The Ashton Kutcher video Matt Wallace posted is from 6 years ago, and he wasn't "exposing the Hollywood trafficking empire"

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Jordan Sather

Joe Biden mobilizing 3000 troops to serve in Europe

No big deal

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Jordan Sather

The FBI got community noted lololol

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Jordan Sather

Biden appeases voters by dangling in front of them the unconstitutional promise of eradicating student loans.

Gets shot down. Blame Supreme Court.

Biden tried it again.

Low information Millennial/Gen Z voters won’t know who the bad guy is here.

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Jordan Sather

The cameras in the White House work about as well as the cameras in Epstein's jail cell

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