I published the podcast with Jason Verbelli on Substack as Part 3 of my Free Energy Files series since it was relevant to that topic
Societal Predictive Programming w/ Dru (Ep. 21)
Video Channels:
► Rumble ➡️ https://rumble.com/v4b06iu-societal-predictive-programming-w-dru-ep.-21.html
► BitChute ➡️ https://www.bitchute.com/video/0b29gDZkg4Q5/
Podcast platforms:
► Podbean ➡️ https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-jifiz-156d128
► Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/societal-predictive-programming-w-dru-ep-21/id1596765098?i=1000643996510
Now the Derek Johnson defenders are coming out
"Don't you dare touch my precioussssss"
Clickbait of the Week! - Derek Johnson is a Piece of Shit, Dom's Tunnel Movie, MedBeds, GoodLyinTV, UFO Grifts (Greer, Shurka, Danaan)
Stream starting in 10min
Rumble - https://rumble.com/v4b09gr-cbotw-derek-johnson-is-an-asshole-doms-tunnel-movie-medbeds-goodlyintv-ufo-.html
Dlive - https://dlive.tv/JordanSather
Foxhole/Pilled - https://pilled.net/foxhole/53365
Feeding the Trolls | Ep. 1
Manny Waks isn't even from New York, his testimony is related to events that happened in Melbourne, Australia.
How is it relevant to throw his video into this documentary about tunnels in New York?
Plus, nearly every large metropolis has tunnel systems underneath it. And the whole recent Chabad tunnel fiasco in New York didn't have child trafficking going on.
Human trafficking = necessary to expose, but not in shoddy, clickbait ways like this.
Dom is acting like he's doing so much to "expose human trafficking" - when in reality... he's not doing that much. Just fabricating empty conspiracies for popularity. Nasty grift from a lazy "reporter".
🚨BrEaKiNg NeWs!🚨
Live in 5
Rumble - https://rumble.com/v4alcl8-1.31-chyna-hackerz-qanon-killer-podesta-fani-2a-news-diversity-equity-imbec.html
Dlive - https://dlive.tv/JordanSather
Foxhole/Pilled - https://pilled.net/foxhole/53365
The nameless, faceless sock puppets are triggered when I call them out on their bullshit
So they attack me with lies and try to rile up their lemmings in a cult-like fashion
No, I never voted for Obama
No, I'm not a Mossad agent
DOQHolliday and Ariel are clowns. Not surprising that they pump JFK Jr. and NESARA nonsense, and carry water for clickbaiters like Juan O Savin and Derek Johnson. My clickbait exposés must be pissing some networks off.
It's easy for these keyboard warriors to hide behind sock puppet accounts. Too scared to show who they really are.
Feminism & Manosphere Cultures Are Both Destroying the Youth
What kind of asinine headline is this from the New York Post?
The dude made no mention of "QAnon" is his video, yet they decide to slap that Strawman term into their headline. "QaNoN aLiGnEd cOnSpIrAcY ThEoRiEs"
Propergander at it's finest
MK Ultra patsies being activated just as Congress is working to pass an "Anti-Militia" legislation, making formations of such groups illegal nationwide
And also just in time for the Border demonstrations
Live in 5
Rumble - https://rumble.com/v4a5qk3-1.29-taytay-trumps-vp-war-with-iran-fulton-hack-soros-french-revolt-climate.html
Dlive - https://dlive.tv/JordanSather
Foxhole/Pilled - https://pilled.net/foxhole/53365
Workout Programming for Older Busy Dudes (FULL BODY)
YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DyJFs9Yx_6o
Rumble ► https://rumble.com/v4a50fw-workout-programming-for-older-busy-dudes-full-body.html
Free Energy and the Problems with Mainstream Physics w/ Jason Verbelli (Ep. 22)
Video Channels:
► Rumble ➡️ https://rumble.com/v4b3h7f-free-energy-and-the-problems-with-mainstream-physics-w-jason-verbelli-ep.-2.html
► BitChute ➡️ https://www.bitchute.com/video/peNtq3DLzF6Z/
Podcast platforms:
► Podbean ➡️ https://www.podbean.com/eas/pb-yxwii-156d63a
► Apple Podcasts ➡️ https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/free-energy-and-the-problems-with-mainstream-physics/id1596765098?i=1000644033219
Also on Substack ➡️ https://jordansather.substack.com/p/the-free-energy-files-pt-3-the-searle
Enough shit stirring for tonight, see you guys in the morning. Releasing a couple podcasts first thing in the A.M.
Читать полностью…Yes Derek Johnson is a pile of human garbage, and I mean that.
"OhhHhhh but he just looks at laws and executive orders!"
No - he MISINTERPRETS and MISCONSTRUES them, and bullshits his audience all the time.
Now he's trying to go after a legitimate Space Force Captain by exposing his former address, his wife's name, the phone numbers of his commanders trying to get him fired, and saying he needs to be investigated and arrested.....
...all because this SF Captain respectfully questioned Derek Johnson's claims in a TikTok video a year ago. Said nothing bad about Derek, just said that a video clip of him going viral was misinformation. But now Derek is trying to ruin the guy's life, and he's even getting death threats, because Derek is a bitch about it.
Derek is the most sensitive, self-conscious douchebag. "I'm A rEtIrEd VeTeRaN." You were medically discharged after 2 years you jackass.
& his braindead cult eats up everything that Mr. Cringe Cowboy says.
I don't feel bad about typing this post.
👆That was a fun video to make. Hope you got some laughs out of it, I definitely chuckled a few times while editing it
Clickbait Streams and Feeding the Trolls videos should be (will be) weekly shows
Speaking of which, spending this morning prepping tonight's Clickbait of the Week @clickbaitexpose
Estimated delivery - 5pmPST/8pmEST
Deconstructing Vegan Argument: "Eating Meat Is Animal Cruelty!"
YouTube ► https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mp5L-nBE4cM
Rumble ► https://rumble.com/v4atdhf-deconstructing-vegan-argument-eating-meat-is-animal-cruelty.html
Dom Lucre releases his "Tunnel Investigation" short film.
But for 6 minutes of this film, Dom Lucre "interviews" an Australian man named Manny Waks who gives testimony of child abuse he received when part of an ultra-orthodox synagogue.
Dom and his production team took Waks video and fabricated a set to make it look like Waks was talking to Dom. Manny Waks is disgusted how his testimony was used in this film. He had never heard of Dom Lucre before. How disgusting to make this man's vulnerable testimony and slap it into this shoddy production.
Dom has a history of stealing content and acting like it's his own.
This whole film appears to be a massive money and clickbait grift. Who cares about the truth when you want to be popular, right Dom Lucrative? Engagement is all that matters!
AP ran a hitpiece on "MedBeds"
Now you see why it's important to not only expose mainstream media propaganda, but also the conspiracy propaganda being injected into the "truth" movement
I talked about this a couple days ago - https://rumble.com/v4a4ven-competing-narrative-pendulum-beating-msm-propaganda-and-conspiracy-clickbai.html
Anti-Gen Flynn Shills Are Coming Out Of The Woodwork
Patsy Activated? "QAnon-Aligned Militia Leader" Kills Father & Calls for War on Govt.
Rumble ► https://rumble.com/v4ak9qo-patsy-activated-qanon-aligned-militia-leader-kills-father-and-calls-for-war.html
BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/video/kaDi9fDOyyA9/
Here's the story on Congress' bill to "make militia activity illegal nationwide"
They introduced this bill a couple weeks ago
What timing for this Justin Mohn feller to kill his dad, call for deaths of federal officials, and claim he's a militia leader...
More on the story
"Mohn referred to himself as a militia leader and called his father a traitor to the country for being a federal employee for 20 years.
Mohn says his father was a federal employee for 20 years and refers to him as a traitor, calling for the death of all federal officials, attacking President Joe Biden's administration, the Black Lives Matter movement, the LGBTQ community and Antifa activists. YouTube removed the video, which is more than 14 minutes long, hours after it was posted."
MSNBC’s Joy Reid caught on hot mic: “Starting another fucking war!”
When even MSNBC is sick of Joe Biden's shit, you know things are bad.
Competing Narrative Pendulum (Beating MSM Propaganda & Conspiracy Clickbait)
Rumble ► https://rumble.com/v4a4ven-competing-narrative-pendulum-beating-msm-propaganda-and-conspiracy-clickbai.html
BitChute ► https://www.bitchute.com/video/Kc8Xa8ragVJj/
"Aw jeeze, we lost all of our data about the 2020 rigged election and Fani Willis' bullshit lawsuit against Trump in that cyber attack!"
You can already smell the excuses coming....