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Jordan Sather

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Jordan Sather

“Obama’s chef couldn’t swim!”

Yes he can. This is from his IG. Don’t think a sarcastic hashtag is proof he can’t swim.

Use your brain, dildos.

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Jordan Sather

CBS reports that Trump could be indicted tomorrow

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Jordan Sather

Could have been sarcasm

I wouldn't exactly classify a hashtag used 301 weeks ago on an Instagram post as proof he can't swim


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Jordan Sather

Facebooks launched text based app "Threads".

TikTok now launching a text function on their platform.

Clearly the Powers that Be are nervous about Twitter going censorship-free and allowing more truth to be shared on there, so they're trying to coax people into going over to controlled text-based platforms where speech is regulated.

The social engineers are still at it.

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Jordan Sather

Totally normal that the Obama family's personal chef went wakeboarding and died near the Obama estate last night, his body found 100 feet off shore.

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Jordan Sather

UFO News Update - Congress UFO Hearing, Chuck Schumer Legislation & Marine Black Ops Testimony

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Jordan Sather

These Democrats REALLY don't want RFK Jr. to speak

They just want to keep censorship him and misrepresenting his statements to defame him

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Jordan Sather

Dems already trying to censor RFK Jr. during his testimony on online censorship

Democrat Rep. Plaskett "Point of order - I know witnesses usually have 5 minutes, but I see 10 minutes for him"

Jim Jordan: "If you want to cut him off and censor him some more, you're welcome to do it"

Plaskett: "ThAt'S noT My JoB, ThAt'S YoUr JoB"

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Jordan Sather

RFK Jr. will be testifying today to the Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government regarding government censorship of online speech.

It starts in about 10 minutes

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Jordan Sather

"There's no money in healthy people, there's no money to be made from dead people either - we need to make people sick and keep them coming back for more and more medications"

- Big Pharma & the food industry

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Jordan Sather

Yeah, I don't think this Pfizer plant had anything to do with their COVID supply chain

Most of the Pfizer COVID vax stock is in Kalamazoo, Michigan

Matt Wallace is a clickbait fiend. He wants that Twitter ad $$$

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Jordan Sather

Tornados are safe and effective guys

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Jordan Sather

The Russia Defense Ministry released a hell of a presentation recently exposing Ukrainian biolabs, claiming the U.S. State Dept. and Atlantic Council are working to censor info about U.S. Military biolabs in Ukraine.

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Jordan Sather

Las Vegas Police search home in connection to Tupac's murder

They'll indict Trump for this, too

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Jordan Sather

Begs even more questions though.

He looks like a pretty good swimmer.

How did he drown then?

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Jordan Sather

Somehow 11 pieces of Hunter Biden's "artwork" was bought by one person for almost $900,000

Money laundering, much?

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Jordan Sather

Did the clot shot claim another?

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Jordan Sather

Gas stoves... then gas generators.... now they're coming after your water heaters, all in the name of "muh climate change".

"Sorry officers, I lost all my gas-burning appliances in a tragic boating accident."

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Jordan Sather

Also - isn't it weird that these elites who are "so concerned about climate change and rising sea levels" will buy mega mansions right on the ocean?

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Jordan Sather

Medical Freedom Under Attack - Chlorine Dioxide Users Persecuted

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Jordan Sather

Three of the people testifying at next week's Congressional UFO Hearing are going to be Ryan Graves, David Fravor, and David Grusch.

Graves and Fravor were Navy pilots who saw the unidentified craft in those black & white "GoFast" videos the NYT published.

Grusch is our recent "intel whistleblower" (who witnessed nothing firsthand, all secondhand testimony)

I don't think we're going to learn anything new or groundbreaking during next week's hearing, although the MSM will probably spin it as such.

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Jordan Sather

RFK JR: "I was the first person censored by the Biden administration... after I announced my presidency I was subject to a new form of censorship, targeted propaganda where people apply pejoratives like anti-vaxxer, racist, anti-semitic.. they're applied to me to silence me."

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Jordan Sather

Representative Tim Burchett will be holding a press conference today unveiling the names of who will be testifying at the House Oversight Committee's UFO Hearing happening on Wednesday next week.

I'll be covering this UFO Hearing live on Badlands Media @officialbadlandsmedia

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Jordan Sather

Pfizer pfucked around and pfound out

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Jordan Sather

Take meds for childhood obesity, not diet, exercise, or getting outside - medication.

And they’re pushing LONG TERM medication

Fuck these “experts”

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Jordan Sather

One Pfizer plant down, 57 to go

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Jordan Sather

Order out of chaos.

The French govt. used the recent riots in France as an excuse to approve legislation allowing police to remotely tap into the cameras, microphones and location services of phones and other internet-connected devices of their suspects.

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Jordan Sather

A Pfizer plant was destroyed by a tornado in North Carolina today.

Hopefully a bunch of vaccines were destroyed.

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Jordan Sather

The amount of fake, sensationalized shit that goes around the "truth" movement is incredible

Much of the time they use the exact same disinfo tactics that the mainstream media does

Tough to find out what's real in this world of spin

More views does not equal more truth

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