Topics: aesthetics & quotes, spirituality, gardening, homesteading, traditional gender roles, homemaking, arts & crafts, recipes, tutorials, nutrition, folklore etc. Homeschooling channel:
Gardens should be colorful with many different plants and trees, so little animals like hedgehogs, squirrels and many insects can live there. The trees will also provide shadow, where you can stay during hot summer days.
Читать полностью…Portable soup. Very interesting recipe, would you try it? 🍲
Читать полностью…Autumn 🍂🍁 is the perfect season for knitting, crochet🧶 or embroidery. 🪡
Читать полностью…Beautiful and elegant. 🎀
Recipe for apricot jam 🍑
3,5 kg apricots
1 kg sugar with pectin 3:1
1 tbsp lemon juice
Recipe for strawberry jam 🍓
1 kg strawberries
333 g sugar with pectin 3:1
1 tbsp lemon juice
My recipe uses 3:1 sugar. (I previously also shared a recipe for strawberry jam without pectin sugar. ➡️ /channel/justasimplelife/207?single )
Industriousness means you are willing to work hard, not only in your vocation, but in everything you do. If something is worth doing, do it with pride and to best of your ability. Set your goals high and become a person of excellence, mediocre acts are not acceptable.
Читать полностью…When we eat meat, we also consume the life energy of the animal. It should therefore be a matter of course that we show ourselves thankful for it and do not waste anything.
In earlier times, when people slaughtered farm animals or hunted game, every part of the animal was used.
The fur or the skin was used to make pelts and leather, feathers for pillows or arrows, the tendons for bows, the tallow for frying, soap making or skincare, the meat and organs for food and the bones were boiled to make bone broths, or grinded along with claws and hoofs to make fertilizer.
This way nothing was lost and people showed respect for the animal.
We must not forget about this, when we buy meat today. Unfortunately a lot of food is wasted these days. It doesn't have to be like that.
Most young people who grew up in cities have gotten too used to comfort. They never learned basic skills to survive in the wild. Getting food, building shelter and starting a campfire are not things that are taught in schools. Most of the time, they are not even aware of edible wild herbs. In an emergency, we cannot count on these city dwellers. As long as it is still possible, we should learn skills that could ensure our survival.
Читать полностью…The inscription, roughly translated from the Elder Futhark to German to English, reads “Rootless Trees Always Fall”
Читать полностью…There were times,
they rejected you,
but you were never gone.
Now we thrive,
from our hearts,
with our gods.
This land,
our ancestors,
our home.
Flower fairies by Cicely Mary Barker an English illustrator. I think this is a wonderful way for little children to learn about flowers. For adults as well, because I personally don’t know the names of all the different flowers
Читать полностью…This kind of environment is the best for your brain and soul (Switzerland 🇨🇭)
Читать полностью…In Norse Myth, Ask and Embla are the man and woman who are protected inside of the World Tree so that they can survive Ragnarök and repopulate the Earth. It occurs to me that this is a profound metaphor for those of us resisting the poison dart. Just as Robin Hood’s men sought shelter in Sherwood, we can find shelter in what is NATURAL. This new “vaccine” is untested bio-tech and unlike any vaccine used on humans before. It is unnatural. Best advice I can think of is hunker down and have faith in nature. If something catastrophic happens to much of humanity, Ask and Embla will be you and I and us. Those of us who kept our genes intact. If our genes are intact and we work to preserve our culture, we can replenish and rebuild.
Читать полностью…Natural Yule Decor
Not everything must be perfect to be beautiful. It's more about accepting the past and making the best of the present and what you have now.
Читать полностью…The meaning of a simple life lies in growing healthy food, living close to nature and spending a lot of time with the family. It's the little things that make you happy. The joy is great when you have achieved something and you can reap the rewards of hard work.
Читать полностью…Tools for cooking jam & canning 🥄
- twist-off jars & lids (use new lids every time or make sure your old ones are clean and close well!)
- "Weck" jars with glass lids, rubbers inserts, metal clips
- jar grabber
- pot for cooking and a large pot for canning
- cooking spoon
- knife
- funnel
- dish cloths
- cake ring
- thermometer
- optional: blender
You can not force a tree to grow, or a flower to bloom, it simply does when the conditions are met. Neither can you force happiness or love coming to you. Only if you are patient, honest and generous will you attract good things.
Читать полностью…Today was the first time we made our own candles and it was definitely not the last time because the kids had so much fun.
Art is important. It speaks directly to us without using words. With ugly art you can make people depressed and angry. Art in subways etc is used to program a population in the same manner as ads do. Create more beautiful art and share it everywhere. Print out posters of beautiful classical art and you will see it will get torn down as "hatespeech". Every act of beauty is a revolt against the modern world.
Читать полностью…Often times, fears keep us from doing what it takes to achieve our goals. It can be the opinion of one's own family or friends, the worry about not being understood, provoking arguments with others or forfeiting certain comforts of life.
As long as we are not ready to overcome these hurdles, we will always be in the shadow of those people who have dared to change things.
We will convince ourselves that these people had different living conditions, so they could become great. But this is only half the story. They also had fears and were initially unsure about their future. But at some point they were tired of only complaining about their misery and decided to change something about it. We can do the same.
“The old forefathers lived in their posterity, filled them out with their will, and wrought their achievements through them anew. A scornful reference to the departed actually strikes a living soul; for whereas the soul transmigrant merely repeats itself, and, saves itself by again and again coming into existence when he slips from one body into another, the kinsmen actually are their fathers and their fathers' fathers, and maintain them by their being. Since it is the same soul which animated the ancestors and which now makes bearers of honour and frith out of the living generation, the present does not exclude the past. The identity of hamingja which bears the clan includes all the departed.”
-Vilhelm Grønbech
Culture of the Teutons
Your diet is not only what you eat. It is what you watch, what you listen to, what you read, the people you hang around…be mindful of the things you put into your body emotionally, spiritually and physically.
Читать полностью…Zucchini are fast growing, and provide high yields. They prefer sandy loam with a pH of 6.5-7.5. grow them in full sun and water 1-2 inches per week.
In the South, two crops can be planted a year, but more temperate zones are better suited to one crop per year. May is the best time to plant them in these more temperate zones.
In order to plant, sow the seeds 1/2in deep and 3-4in apart, in rows 2-3 feet apart. Thin to 6-8in apart latter in the season.
In 7-8 weeks, the zucchini will be ready to harvest. It's best to take the smaller ones 6-8in in length, as they taste better than the bigger ones. If lots of food is what your going for, you can grow them slightly bigger than that. In order to harvest, cut the stem 1-2in above the zucchini. They should last 1-2 weeks in the fridge, although there's many ways to preserve them.