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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

🔵 04.2023

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

✈️ About
Released: 2001
Genre: R&B/Soul

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📱 02.05.2024

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📅 05.05.2024

Jonli ijro, "Ovoz" loyihasidan yozib olingan.

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Jonli ijro + orkestr

🎧 @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Jonli ijro + orkestr

🎧 @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

ℹ️ About
Released: 1991
Artist: Gipsy Kings

(Amor mio))

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Ilk bora: /channel/MarGiLonRap/1035

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📱 30.12.2021

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📱 01.05.2024

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📱 12.04.2024

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📱 Barchaga mashhur boʻlgan qismi: 0:34

Artists: Ark Patrol, Veronika Redd
Released: 2015
Album: Soundcloud EPs

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📱 Love the Way You Lie
Song by Eminem

Album: Recovery
Artist: Eminem
Featured artist: Rihanna

"Love the Way You Lie" is a song by American rapper Eminem featuring singer Rihanna from Eminem's seventh studio album Recovery (2010). Skylar Grey wrote and recorded a demo of the song alongside producer Alex da Kid. Eminem wrote the verses and chose Rihanna to sing the chorus, resulting in a collaboration influenced by their past experiences in difficult relationships. Recording sessions were held in Ferndale, Michigan, and Dublin, Ireland. Backed by guitar, piano and violin, the track is a midtempo hip-hop ballad with a pop refrain, sung by Rihanna, and describes two lovers who refuse to separate despite being in an abusive relationship.
“Love the Way You Lie” is Eminem’s biggest-selling single ever, with over 12 million copies sold in the US alone. The track also went 14x Platinum in Australia and was the UK’s best-selling song for 2010. It is also one of the most viewed YouTube videos of all time, with 2.28 billion views as of September 2021.

Released: June 18, 2010
Recorded: 2009–2010
Genre: Hip hop, pop
Length: 4:23

📱 Qoʻshiq matni theradius/mQd9tAHDyr">bu yerda

📱 @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

3. Poetic Rizz - La leçon particuliére | (Piano versiya)

🎧 @KinoVat – #music

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Tanlov boʻlishi uchun 3 xil versiyada joyladik:

1. Francis Lai - La leçon particuliére (Rasmiy Saundtrek)

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Talablarga binoan 😁

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA


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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

🗓 28.05.2024

Musiqa sodda, Yoʻnalish esa Muhammadziyoga oʻxshash, Aytish uslubi ba'zan Ravshan Komilov ))
Bir soʻz bilan Cocktail 🍸

📱 @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Jonli ijro

🎧 @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

🎧 @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

🎧 @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Obie Trice, Real Name, No Gimmicks

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📱 28.08.2017

Ummon guruh sifatida tarqab ketishidan oldin chiqqan soʻnggi qoʻshiqlaridan.

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

📱 21.11.2013

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

🍿 Alvido sevgi filmi uchun ishlangan saundtrek.

Ishlab chiqilgan yil: 2006
Davlat: O'zbekiston
Janr: Melodrama

Iroda Nosirova, Jo'rabek Esonov, Nigora Karimboyeva, To'xtamurod Azizov, Barno Qodirova, Fatxulla Ma'sudov, Gulchehra Ibrohimbekova, Zafar Asqarov, Lola Ergasheva, Zebo Navruzova..

🎥 Syujet: Joʻrabek kambagʻal boʻlgani sabab sevgan qiziga uylana olmaydi, keyinchalik boy-badavlat boʻlib oʻsha qizni otasini bankrot qilib bor budini tortib oladi, maqsad oʻch olish va oʻz muhabbatini qoʻlga kiritish edi)

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Ne sabab surding xayol,
Oshufta yor etdingmi yor, etdingmi, yor?
Ul bilan aylab visol,
Qalbing bahor etdingmi yor, etdingmi, yor?

📱 @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

theradius/mQd9tAHDyr" rel="nofollow">https://teletype.in/@theradius/mQd9tAHDyr

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Artist: Savai
Album: Savai Instrumentals
Released: 2011

↪️ @MargilonRap

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

2. Lavern x Francis Lai - La Leçon Particulière (Official Visualizer)

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@KonstaTime MUHOKAMA

Javob:  La leçon particulièr

Musiqa muallifi: Frensis Lai
Chiqarilgan sana: 1968-yil

The Provate lesson ( frans. La leçon particulière ) — 1968-yilda Mishel Boisrond tomonidan suratga olingan va Natali Delon, Renaud Verli va Robert Xosseyn ishtirok etgan fransuz dramatik filmi. U Fransiya Alp tog'laridagi Parij va Avoriaz atrofida suratga olingan.

🤩 "La lecon particulière" qo'shig'i TikTok va Instagram kabi ijtimoiy media platformalarida qayta jonlanishi tufayli yaqinda yana mashhur bo'ldi. Ushbu platformalar ko'pincha eski qo'shiqlarni virusli tendentsiyalar, muammolar va musiqani qisqa videolarga qo'shadigan foydalanuvchilar tomonidan yaratilgan kontent orqali ommalashtiriladi.

🌐 @KinoVat – #music #soundtrack

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