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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

DevFest Hong Kong 2020 Day4 will start 10:30AM today!
(Cloud & Kotlin)

Please RSVP on the https://gdg.community.dev/e/my3p6r/ and get the livestream link!

GDG Hong Kong @GDGHongKong,DSC CityU,DSC HKU,DSC HKUST, Women Techmakers Hong Kong

Hong Kong Kotlin User Group @KotlinHK, TensorFlow Hong Kong @TensorFlowHK

香港資訊科技界工會 @HKITWU

Special Thanks
Google Developers
Google Developer Groups Taiwan
(GDG Taipei, GDG Hualien, GDG Taoyuan, GDG Tainan, GDG Hsinchu, GDG Kaohsiung, GDG Taichung, GDG Cloud Taipei, GDG Cloud Kaohsiung, Women Techmakers Taiwan)

#GDGHK #DevFest
#DevFestHK #Kotlin

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

DevFest Hong Kong 2020 Day3 will start tomorrow 9:45AM!
(DevFest Taiwan Livestream & Women Techmakers)

Please RSVP on the https://gdg.community.dev/e/my3p6r/ and get the livestream link!

GDG Hong Kong @GDGHongKong,DSC CityU,DSC HKU,DSC HKUST, Women Techmakers Hong Kong

Hong Kong Kotlin User Group @KotlinHK, TensorFlow Hong Kong @TensorFlowHK

香港資訊科技界工會 @HKITWU

Special Thanks
Google Developers
Google Developer Groups Taiwan
(GDG Taipei, GDG Hualien, GDG Taoyuan, GDG Tainan, GDG Hsinchu, GDG Kaohsiung, GDG Taichung, GDG Cloud Taipei, GDG Cloud Kaohsiung, Women Techmakers Taiwan)

#GDGHK #DevFest
#DevFestHK #Kotlin

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

DevFest Hong Kong 2020 Day1 will start today 10:30AM!
Please RSVP on the https://gdg.community.dev/e/my3p6r/ and get the livestream link!

GDG Hong Kong @GDGHongKong,DSC CityU,DSC HKU,DSC HKUST, Women Techmakers Hong Kong
Hong Kong Kotlin User Group @KotlinHK, TensorFlow Hong Kong @TensorFlowHK
香港資訊科技界工會 @HKITWU
#GDGHK #DevFest
#DevFestHK #Kotlin

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

Not only a long weekend holiday, there is also 4days DevFest! exciting October!!

DevFest Hong Kong 2020 will start from next Saturday, 10 October, two weekends ONLINE! A total of 24 Talks! 3 hands-on workshops! Covering ML, Web, Android, Flutter, Cloud, UX, Kotlin, Google Assistant, Map!

Free online event. Stay tuned for the Livestream link to be announced later next week.

Website: https://gdg.community.dev/e/my3p6r/

Save the dates! Stay Hungry! See you online! 🤤

#GDGHK #DevFest
#DevFestHK #Kotlin
@HKITWU @KotlinHK @TensorFlowHK

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

== GDG Devfest Hong Kong 2019 CANCELLED ==

Due to the current condition of Hong Kong, we are sorry to announce that our GDG DevFest Hong Kong 2019 has been canceled.

We have not taken this decision lightly, and have kept hope until last week that the situation would improve (enough) so we could still hold a great event. Our participants and speakers Safety is always our top priority, therefore, we unfortunately have to make this tough decision.

We hope we will see you soon.

GDG Devfest HK Organizers' Team

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

olegosipenko/kotlin-when-statement-when-expression-oh-my-or-how-we-created-our-custom-detekt-rule-6f27e80bedaf" rel="nofollow">https://medium.com/@olegosipenko/kotlin-when-statement-when-expression-oh-my-or-how-we-created-our-custom-detekt-rule-6f27e80bedaf

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

Kotlin/Everywhere Hong Kong 第二彈

我們特意邀請了台北亞太智能機器(APMIC)的宋豐价(Dave Sung)來分享使用Kotlin Coroutines在Android App處理API的心得,還有活躍於Developer Coummunities的OurSky分享Kotlin實現Microservices的實戰經驗!

聽完Talk隨即有Codelab即場練手,學用Kotlin寫native mobile app!


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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

在香港重新成立的 Google Cloud 社群:GDG Cloud Hong Kong (https://www.meetup.com/GDG-Cloud-Hong-Kong/),歡迎大家多多交流

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group


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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

Here is our FB page https://fb.me/KotlinHK

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

Welcome all to join our Kotlin Group

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

Mary Grygleski talk is now on stage

Go & Join: https://gdg.community.dev/e/my3p6r/

GDG Hong Kong @GDGHongKong,DSC CityU,DSC HKU,DSC HKUST, Women Techmakers Hong Kong

Hong Kong Kotlin User Group @KotlinHK, TensorFlow Hong Kong @TensorFlowHK

香港資訊科技界工會 @HKITWU

Special Thanks
Google Developers
Google Developer Groups Taiwan
(GDG Taipei, GDG Hualien, GDG Taoyuan, GDG Tainan, GDG Hsinchu, GDG Kaohsiung, GDG Taichung, GDG Cloud Taipei, GDG Cloud Kaohsiung, Women Techmakers Taiwan)

#GDGHK #DevFest
#DevFestHK #Kotlin

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

DevFest Hong Kong 2020 - Day 2 is live now! Grab a coffee and tune in! 👩🏻‍💻👨🏻‍💻
Please RSVP on the https://gdg.community.dev/e/my3p6r/ and get the livestream link!

GDG Hong Kong @GDGHongKong,DSC CityU,DSC HKU,DSC HKUST, Women Techmakers Hong Kong
Hong Kong Kotlin User Group @KotlinHK, TensorFlow Hong Kong @TensorFlowHK
香港資訊科技界工會 @HKITWU
#GDGHK #DevFest
#DevFestHK #Kotlin

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

Coming 2 weekends online DevFest Hong Kong 2020 with GDG, DSC, WTM !
RSVP now! https://gdg.community.dev/e/my3p6r/

GDG Hong Kong @GDGHongKong,DSC CityU,DSC HKU,DSC HKUST, Women Techmakers Hong Kong
Hong Kong Kotlin User Group @KotlinHK, TensorFlow Hong Kong @TensorFlowHK
香港資訊科技界工會 @HKITWU
#GDGHK #DevFest
#DevFestHK #Kotlin

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group


DevFest Hong Kong 2020下星期六10月10日連續兩個weekend ONLINE! 共24個Talk! 3個hands-on workshop! 涵蓋ML, Web, Android, Flutter, Cloud, UX, Kotlin, Google Assistant, Map!

Free online event.留意 Livestream link下星期稍後公佈.


Save the dates! Stay Hungry! See you online! 🤤

#GDGHK #DevFest
#DevFestHK #Kotlin
@HKITWU @KotlinHK @TensorFlowHK

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

本年度 GDG DevFest 將於11月23日於香港城市大學舉行。今年我們將兵分四路,帶來超過20個環節,涵蓋Cloud Technologies,Machine Learning,Mobile及Web等不同範疇。

GDG DevFest, our annual developer conference for the developer community, will be held on 23-Nov in City University of Hong Kong. This year, we have one more track compare with last year. We have 4 tracks and over 16 sessions covering areas of Cloud Technologies, Machine Learning, Mobile, Web, and more.

#devfest #gdg #GoogleDeveloper
#devfesthk #gdghk #google
#CityUCS #CityU

Agenda: https://devfest2019.gdghk.org
登記 Register: https://devfesthk2019.eventbrite.com/

Venue Sponsor:
** Department of Computer Science, City University of Hong Kong

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

聽日Kotlin活動貼紙剛到手! 大家去Eventbrite報名未?
"Kotlin + springboot + k8s = microservices" - Elliot Wong,OurSky,香港
"When coroutines meet RESTful API in Android app",Dave Sung,APMIC,台北
Codelab: Build an e-commerce Android app with Kotlin and Material Design
近日香港人比較忙,但希望大家仍能抽空來學習,特別是支持這個時勢還敢來香港的台北講者Dave,他特意即日往返香港,真係好感動! Talk環節去到3pm,然後就開始Codelab。 如果大家趕住有事做,歡迎聽完Talk早走。
今次Codelab係做MDC-101 & 102 & 103 Android Kotlin,如果早走join唔到codelab, 可以自己網上搵返。有問題在group問返。

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group


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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

A series of Kotlin Seminar & Codelab is comming Soon~

31-Aug Kotlin/Everywhere Hong Kong: A day of Kotlin
14-Sep(TBC) Kotlin/Everywhere Hong Kong: Part 3
12-Oct(TBC) Kotlin/Everywhere Hong Kong: Part 4

報名及詳情,請留意HK Kotlin User Group及GDG HK的page。

Organize by GDG Hong Kong
Support by Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong

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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group


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Hong Kong Kotlin User Group

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