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Kottaa kolfaa

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E13 Ref, Populate & Thought process of writing APIs @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E11 Diving into the APls and express Router @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E09 Encrypting Passwords @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E07 Diving into the APis @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E05 Middlewares & Error Handlers @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E03 Creating our Express Server @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E01. Microservices vs Monolith. How to Build a project @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E02 Features, HLD, LLD & Planning @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E12 | Databases SQL NoSQL @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E10 | Thread pool in libuv @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E08 | Deep dive into v8 JS Engine @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E06 | libuv async IO @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E04 | Module.export require @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E02 | JS on Server @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E14 Building Feed API & Pagination @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E12 Logical DB Query & Compound Indexes @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E10 Authentication, JWT & Cookies @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E08 Data Sanitization & Schema Validations @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E06 Database, Schema & Models | Mongoose @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E04 Routing and Request Handlers @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E02 Features, HLD, LLD & Planning @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S02 E00 Introduction to Project @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E13 | Creating a database mongodb @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E11 | Creating a Server @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E09 | Libuv Event Loop @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E07 | Sync async setTimeoutZero code @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E05 | Diving into the NodeJS github repo @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E03 | Lets write code @stormnodejs

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Kottaa kolfaa

S01 E01 | Introduction to NodeJS @stormnodejs

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