The race for 2024 has already begun in Colorado’s 3rd District.
This is going to be one of the most closely-watched races in the nation - so I need you to help me ensure we have the resources to win!
Click below & donate to my campaign!
Bloomberg now says that the odds of a recession are at 100%.
I’m so shocked that the White House changing the definition didn’t fix the situation! 🙄
So much for the economy being "strong as hell", Joe.
The GOP majority needs to investigate the DOJ, but that’s just the start.
We need to fire the political actors within the DOJ, and we need to impeach AG Garland.
Anything less will not restore the confidence of the American people in this agency.
They are trying to take our guns!
Freedom wins!
Thank you for all of your support.
I love and appreciate all of you and promise to work as hard as I can to help get our country back on track!
We're less than a week out from primary day - votes are already being cast!
Help me win this race & continue to fight for our rights. When we're in a majority next year, Biden's agenda is going to screech to a halt!
Donate today - help this campaign win!
The Senate has a compromise on gun control.
We don't compromise on the Constitution.
We don't compromise on our Second Amendment.
If you vote for gun control, you are not on the side of Ameirca.
My primary in Colorado is only a few weeks away.
I need all your help to ensure that the liberals don’t steal this seat in the primary.
Will you chip in $25 today and help us win?
The whole "DaNgErOuS tO oUr DeMoCrAcY" crowd needs to get it through their minds that America is a Constitutional Republic.
Читать полностью…The founders celebrated their freedom after they declared it and before they had it. Then they went and got it.
Today, I'm declaring victory in the 2022 midterms. Now let's go get it!
Chip in today so we can WIN!
Today is a critical fundraising deadline. Chip in to ensure a fearless conservative can continue fighting for you!
British Airways and Virgin Atlantic have officially become the first airlines to lift mask mandates!
Why are we getting shown up by Canadian truckers and now British airlines?
Pelosi’s minions released a 2,700+ page omnibus spending bill after midnight that we will consider today, ~15 hours later.
At a time of record inflation and wasteful spending, the proposed solution is spend, spend, spend and another $1.5 trillion bill that no one will read.
We have people running the federal government who I wouldn’t even trust to run a lemonade stand.
Читать полностью…I told you all year, the Left would do everything that they possibly could to get rid of me.
As this race comes down to every last vote, I need you to help us ensure we have the resources to finish what we started!
Pitch in right now:
I've been all over the district this week meeting with constituents.
We're going to win this race, but the liberal media is doing EVERYTHING they can to stop me!
I need my grassroots supporters to help me FIGHT BACK. Pitch in $5 to the campaign right now!
Blaming GOP Governors for shipping the illegals into sanctuary cities is hysterical.
The GOP governors don’t want them here, the people leading the sanctuary cities do.
How come Bowser and Adams aren’t THANKING these Governors for their generosity?
We’re barely 100 days out from November 8 and I need your help!
The Left is trying so hard to stop my re-election since they know in a GOP majority I will go to war against their radical agenda.
Chip in $5 so they won’t succeed in getting rid of my voice!
It took MAGA to end Roe vs Wade.
The old establishment way of "let's never offend anyone" could never have done it.
Boldness and truth produce the greatest victories!
I will not let these false smears from left wing political operatives go unanswered.
The law on this type of defamation is clear and this conduct will be subject to civil and criminal penalties.
I don’t think people are fully understanding the severity of what a Ministry of Truth organized by DHS truly means.
This is Stalin level.
This is Mao level.
This is the hill to die on.
Netlix is projected to LOSE 2 million subscribers & CNN+ can't even reach 200,000.
The correlation between companies going woke & then broke is a new law of physics at this point.
The socialist nation of France held elections yesterday.
In that election there was no mail-in voting, early voting or use of voting machines.
There was a mandatory proof of ID to vote.
Why can’t we get that basic election security here?
We’re less than 48 hours from our Q1 fundraising deadline.
I need your help to shatter fundraising records so we can SECURE CONSERVATIVE VICTORY in November!
Chip in TODAY! 👇
Our country may seem to be lost, but the faith that I have in the American people has not wavered one bit.
We will be stronger than ever before after this awful President and his enablers.
We will come back and no one will get in our way.
One week ago today, I spoke at @CPAC where thousands of patriots gathered together.
Even in these dark times, I have so much hope for America because We the People are hearing the truth and rising up!
Every word you heard from Joe Biden was a lie.
We expected bad, but the #SOTU is worse than we ever could’ve imagined.
Let’s take our country back in 2022 - donate today and help us ensure victory!
We need school choice AND we need to take back our schools.
It’s not one or the other.