مساء الخير
أهلا وسهلا بكم
اعرفكم معاكم المدربه اريج مدربه الحاسب الالي آو بالاصح مدربه برامج الأوفيس .
دربت اكثر من 1000 متدرب ومتدربة الحمدلله أساعدك توصل لهدفك الإتقان واكتساب اهم المهارات في سوق العمل بشكل ممتاز وبأسهل الطرق .
اكتشفت الاغلب ما عنده فكرا كامله عن اهميه برامج الاوفيس ومعالجة النصوص وغيرها الكثير…..
برامج الاوفيس او التدريب على الحاسب الالي هوا …
ليش مهم اتقن الحاسب الالي وايش بتفيدنا ؟!
لأن معرفتك و إتقانك لمثل هذه البرامج يزيد من فرص حصولك على وظيفة او العمل اون لأين و سهولة تخطى المقابلات الشخصية ولأنها من اهم المهارات المطلوبه في السيره الذاتيه .
وهدفنا نعلمك اكثر واقوى المهارات المطلوبه اللي تطورك على الصعيد الشخصي او الوظيفي وبشكل جداً مميز
هدف القناة تعلمك بالمجان وبأقل قيمه
قريباً بتنزل فديوهات شرح ومواد تدريبيه ودورات مجانيه تقدر تطبقها وتطور من مهاراتك 💪🏻☑️
انضم في اهم القنوات اللي تفيدك
كن معنا لنسعد بتطورك🥹♥️
*عرض خاص*
✅✅تم فتح باب التسجيل للدورة الأكثر طلباً: دورة اللغة الانجليزية الشاملة للمحادثة
باحدث مناهج اللغة الانجليزية
سلسة headway
- مدة التسجيل: حتى اكتمال العدد
- يوجد شهادات حضور
_مدة الدورة شهر ونصف
- بادر بالتسجيل فالمقاعد محدودة
_الدورة عبر تطبيق زووم بث مباشر
- للتسجيل راسلنا على
هذا الحساب
⚡️Further reading on the differences between the Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses⚡️
Let's consider these two sentences:
1- I have played tennis for five years.
2- I have been playing tennis for five years.
Both sentences are correct and ALMOST mean the same thing. The only difference is that we use:
1- The Present Perfect (Simple)
"I have played tennis for five years."
to put emphasis on the action, and we use:
2- The Present Perfect Continuous
"I have been playing tennis for five years."
to put an emphasis on the duration of the activity.
(Present Perfect Continuous is used to focus on the action and not on the completion of the action. The Present Perfect Simple, on the other hand, focuses on the completion and result of the action).
*عرض خاص*
✅✅تم فتح باب التسجيل للدورة الأكثر طلباً: دورة اللغة الانجليزية الشاملة للمحادثة
باحدث مناهج اللغة الانجليزية
سلسة headway
- مدة التسجيل: حتى اكتمال العدد
- يوجد شهادات حضور
_مدة الدورة شهر ونصف
- بادر بالتسجيل فالمقاعد محدودة
_الدورة عبر تطبيق زووم بث مباشر
- للتسجيل راسلنا على
هذا الحساب
الحسابات التعليمية📗📕
نسعد بمتابعتكم
حسابات القناة علي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
تويتر 🔺
وعلى انستغرام 🔺
وعلى سناب شات🔺
وعلى فيس بوك🔺
علي تيكتوك🔺
و علي تلغرام🔺
🔺علي يوتيوب
⚡️Further Notes on the differences between the Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses⚡️
♦️(1) When we want to express, ask or tell "how long" or the "time duration" of an action, the Present Perfect Continuous would be more natural:
a - He has been learning English since 2002.
b- They have been watching TV for two hours.
Some verbs express "state" not "action"; therefore, we use the Present Perfect Simple not the Continuous which "State Verbs" that we have discussed earlier in our course:
a- We have known each other since 2002.
b- I have had a car for two years.
To conclude:
- Dynamic implies change (action)
- Stative implies no change (state)
1. Most verbs in English are dynamic: work, live, eat, etc.
2. A small group of verbs are stative: (know, understand, etc.).
3. Exceptions to the rule: some verbs can be used in a dual sense i.e. a stative or a dynamic sense:
"be": although "be" is generally stative it can have a temporary dynamic sense: My boss is being nasty.
The verb <live> can be used in a stative sense when it means to "stay" or "be alive" i.e. a state: He didn't live to see the realization of his dream. All other meanings are dynamic.
The verb "come" is another example compare:
I come from Germany (stative: I am from Germany)
I am coming from Germany (dynamic: travelling).
It measures four metres. (stative)
He is measuring the car. (dynamic)
4. Sometimes you make a stative verb dynamic to add emphasis only:
I hope she...
I am hoping she.... (dynamic: hope very much).
Final Note:
The verbs "live", "work" and "smoke" are usually said to be treated as stative verbs not actions.
♦️(2) In negative sentences, it's more natural to use the Present Perfect Simple not the Present Perfect Continuous. If you remember, the Present Perfect Simple expresses an action that has started and finished or never happened before. The Continuous expresses an action that has started before now and has been continuing up until now.
So, there is no need to focus on the duration of a verb that is has not happened at all:
- I have not played music before. (correct)
- I have not been playing music before. (unnatural)
⚡️Further reading on the differences between the Present Perfect Simple and Present Perfect Continuous Tenses⚡️
(1) I have been playing tennis for five years.
The tense is the Present Perfect Continuous Tense. The time phrase indicates the duration (five years). The combination of the tense and the time phrase forces us to read it as: "I have been playing tennis for five years now." This gives us the reading that the activity has been going on for five years up until now. It also implies that the activity is likely to keep continuing, at least in the immediate future.
(2) I have played tennis for five years.
The tense is the Present Perfect Simple. The time phrase is, again, "for five years". However, the sentence is different from (1). It doesn't force us to read the time part as "for five years up to now".
It's unclear exactly when exactly in the past the speaker has played tennis. All we know is that it happened before now, at least five years but before now not up to now. (In other words, it's possible to read the sentence as "At some point in my life, I've played tennis for five years.") It's unclear whether it has ended or not. It's also possible that it's been continued up until now, and possibly will continue into the future. The speaker says nothing explicitly, so we have a wider range of possible readings.
Having said that, the preferred reading, out of context, is: "I have played tennis for five years now." Which means nearly the same thing as (1). When we read both alternatives as "for five years now", the difference is very little. To demonstrate such a small difference, these examples can be helpful:
How long have you been playing tennis?
I've been playing tennis for five years.
Do you know how to play tennis?
Of course, I've played tennis for five years.
⚡️Further reading on the uses of the Present Perfect Continuous Tense⚡️
♦️1. Unfinished Actions with concentrating on the Duration from the Past Until Now:
(We use the present perfect continuous to show that something started in the past and has continued up until now. "For five minutes," "for two weeks," and "since Tuesday" are all durations which can be used with the present perfect continuous.):
a. We have been waiting here for two hours!
b. She has been working for that company for three years.
♦️2. Finished actions:
(Actions which have recently stopped (though the whole action can be unfinished) and have a result, which we can often see, hear, or feel, in the present. We don't use a time word here.):
a. I've been running, so I'm really hot.
b. It's been raining so the pavement is wet.
♦️3. Recently, Lately:
(We can also use the present perfect continuous WITHOUT a duration such as "for two weeks". Without the duration, the tense has a more general meaning of "lately." We often use the words "lately" or "recently" to emphasize this meaning.):
a. Recently, I have been feeling really tired.
b. She has been watching too much television lately.
Remember that the present perfect continuous has the meaning of "lately" or "recently." So, f you use the present perfect continuous in a question such as "Have you been feeling alright?", it can suggest that the person looks sick or unhealthy. A question such as "Have you been smoking?" can suggest that you smell the smoke on the person.
Using this tense in a question suggests you can see, smell, hear or feel the results of the action.
♦️4. Repeated Actions:
(We use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense for repeated actions to say for how long the action has been occurring i.e. with mentioning the duration of repetition):
a. I have been getting this magazine every week for a year.
b. She has been going to school every morning for two months.
♦️5. Action Continuity rather than Action Completeness:
(Present perfect continuous is used to focus on the action and not on the completion of the action. The Present Perfect Simple, on the other hand, focuses on the completion and result of the action):
a. She has been writing a book. (focusing on the action of writing - the book may (not) have been finished)
a. She has written a book. (focusing on the result - the book has been finished)
b. They’ve been negotiating the contract. (focusing on the action, it’s not important if it’s finished or not)
b. They’ve negotiated the contract. (focusing on the result, the negotiation has been finished)
♦️6. Temporary Actions:
(When the action/event is more temporary we often use present perfect continuous. When it is more permanent we often use present perfect simple.):
a. They’ve lived in Italy for many years. (Present perfect simple)
b. I’ve been living here for a month. (Present perfect continuous)
⚡️Further reading on the uses of the Present Perfect Tense⚡️
♦️1. to indicate completed actions in the very recent or immediate past:
a. She has just gone out. (She is out now, not at home!)
b. I have just eaten. (I don't feel hungry now. I have just finished eating!)
♦️2. an action completed in the past whose effect lingers in the present (Here, we usually concentrate on the effect (which can be still noticed in the present) more than the action itself (which happened in the past):
a. Oh! I have cut my finger. (S/He may be bleeding now! A cut can clearly be seen in the finger)
b. She has not tidied her room yet. (Her room is not tidied. The room is totally messed up)
♦️3. We can also use the present perfect to talk about something that happened recently, even if there isn't a clear result in the present. (This is common when we want to introduce news or new information. (We often use the words 'just / yet / already / recently'.) However, the past simple is also correct in these cases, especially in American English:
a. The Queen has given a speech.
b. The Mayor has announced a new plan for the railways.
♦️4. unspecified time before now (We use the present perfect to say that an action happened at an unspecified time before now. (The exact time is not important)
a. I have never known him to be angry.
b. I have been to the USA twice.
(Notice: You CANNOT use the present perfect with specific time expressions such as: yesterday, ago, last week, or when I was a child, etc. But we CAN use the present perfect with unspecific expressions such as: ever, never, once, many times, several times, before, so far, already, yet, etc.
♦️5. long actions which started in the near past and went on until very recently. (whether they are finished or unfinished actions, states or even habits (we usually use stative verbs in this case and "since" & "for" are often needed):
a. He has lived here since 2002. (long action)
b. I have known her for 10 years. (stative verb)
♦️6. life experience or accomplishments. These are actions or events that happened sometime during a person's life. We don't say when the experience exactly happened, and the person needs to be alive now. (We often use the words 'ever' and 'never' here):
a. He has done a lot of interesting things in his life. (He is still alive)
a. He did a lot of interesting things in his life. (He is dead)
b. I have never seen a real lion.
♦️7. with an unfinished time word/phrase (this month, this week, today). The period of time is still continuing:
a. I have not had any coffee this morning. (It is still morning)
a. I did not have any coffee this morning. (Maybe it's afternoon or evening now, but not morning)
♦️8. change over time:
a. The government has become more interested in recycling resources.
b. Every country has developed its code of laws over hundreds or thousands of years.
♦️9. multiple actions at different times (We also use the present perfect to talk about several different actions which have occurred in the past at different times. Present perfect suggests the process is not complete and more actions are possible).
a. The army has attacked that city five times.
b. She has talked to several specialists about her problem, but nobody knows why she is sick.
No value for some messages and conversations if not answered directly because the feelings that were the moment of sending does not always last ..
لا قيمة لبعض الرسائل والمحادثات إذا لم يتم الرد عليها مباشرة لأن المشاعر التي كانت لحظة إرسالها لا تستمر دائماً..
صباح الخير
اول قناه لتعليم الحاسب الالي في الاعمال المكتبية
الاغلب يبي يتعلم الحاسب ومهارات الحاسب
من أهم المهارات المطلوبه في سوق العمل
- معالجه البيانات.
-اتقان الاكسل.
-مشاريع البوربوينت وغيرها الكثير .
بالإضافة قريبا جداً سنقوم بعمل دوره مجانيه لمهارات الحاسب الالي يشرفنا حضورك معانا 🤍
انضم معانا في قناه تدريبات الحاسب الالي.
*عرض خاص*
✅✅تم فتح باب التسجيل للدورة الأكثر طلباً: دورة اللغة الانجليزية الشاملة للمحادثة
باحدث مناهج اللغة الانجليزية
سلسة headway
- مدة التسجيل: حتى اكتمال العدد
- يوجد شهادات حضور
- بادر بالتسجيل فالمقاعد محدودة
_مدة الدورة شهر ونصف
_الدورة عبر تطبيق زووم بث مباشر
- للتسجيل راسلنا على
هذا الحساب
الحسابات التعليمية📗📕
نسعد بمتابعتكم
حسابات القناة علي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
تويتر 🔺
وعلى انستغرام 🔺
وعلى سناب شات🔺
وعلى فيس بوك🔺
علي تيكتوك🔺
و علي تلغرام🔺
🔺علي يوتيوب
اول قناه لتعليم الحاسب الالي في الاعمال المكتبية
الاغلب يبي يتعلم الحاسب ومهارات الحاسب
من أهم المهارات المطلوبه في سوق العمل
- معالجه البيانات.
-اتقان الاكسل.
-مشاريع البوربوينت وغيرها الكثير .
بالإضافة قريبا جداً سنقوم بعمل دوره مجانيه لمهارات الحاسب الالي يشرفنا حضورك معانا 🤍
انضم معانا في قناه تدريبات الحاسب الالي.
⚡️Further reading on the uses of the Past Continuous Tense⚡️
♦️1. an action GOING ON at some time in the past (the time of the action may or may not be indicated):
a. It was getting darker.
b. They were watching TV all evening.
♦️2. to indicate that a longer action in the past was interrupted by a shorter action. The older and longer action is in the past continuous and the newer and shorter one is in the past simple. (Remember this can be a real interruption or just an interruption in time):
a. I was watching TV when she called.
b. The light went out while I was reading.
♦️3. for persistent habits in the past (to concentrate more on the continuity of the habits that they were more than usual):
a. She was always watching TV.
b. They were always arriving late.
♦️4. Parallel Actions: (When you use the past continuous with two actions in the same sentence, it expresses the idea that both actions were happening at the same time or simultaneously):
a. I was studying while my mother was making lunch.
b. They were eating dinner, discussing their plans, and having a good time.
♦️5. Atmosphere or Background actions (We often use the past continuous to describe the atmosphere or background actions at a particular time in the past):
a. The sun was shining when I went out.
b. When I walked into the office, several people were busily typing, some were talking on the phones, the boss was yelling directions, and customers were waiting to be helped.
♦️6. Repetition and Irritation with "Always": (The past continuous with words such as "always" or "constantly" expresses the idea that something irritating or shocking often happened in the past. The concept is very similar to the expression "used to" but with negative emotion) (See also: using "always" with the Present Continuous):
a. She was always coming to class late.
b. He was constantly talking. He annoyed everyone.