English Spoken Course
دورة المحادثة باللغة الانجليزية عن بعد:
مميزات الدورة
👌 تدريب على المحادثاتConversations
👌تدريب على Pronunciationالنطق
👌تصحيح النطق.
👌متابعة مستمرة مع المتدربين
👌خصوصية الكاملة للمشترك.
⭕️المشترك يحدد الوقت المناسب له
😌 الدورة تتيح لك اكتساب المهارات الاربعة بسهولة
🇸🇦شهادة حضور معتمدة من التعليم
تلغرام 📧
📲 للتواصل واتساب
English Spoken Course
دورة المحادثة باللغة الانجليزية عن بعد:
مميزات الدورة
👌 تدريب على المحادثاتConversations
👌تدريب على Pronunciationالنطق
👌تصحيح النطق.
👌متابعة مستمرة مع المتدربين
👌خصوصية الكاملة للمشترك.
⭕️المشترك يحدد الوقت المناسب له
😌 الدورة تتيح لك اكتساب المهارات الاربعة بسهولة
🇸🇦شهادة حضور معتمدة من التعليم
تلغرام 📧
📲 للتواصل واتساب
🚩 تنبيه ‼️‼️
⚜️ عندك عقدة من اللغة الانجليزية وماعندك زمن تمشي معاهد وتتعلم عندنا ليك الحل
✨ اقوى كورس لتعلم اللغة الانجليزية اون لاين عن طريق برنامج zoom بتيح ليك تحضر المحاضرات مباشرة صورة وصوت من البيت من الشغل من اي مكان وكأنك قاعد في القاعة الحقيقيه.
✨ وماكدا وبس جميع المحاضرات بتسجل وبتم ارسالا ليك عشان تقدر تراجعه في اي زمن واساتذنا خطيرين وطريقتنا في التدريس ممتعه جدا ومركزين على speaking بنسبة 90%.
فقط لو جبتا صحبك/ صحبتك حيكون عندك تخفيض 10% انت وهو.
⚜️ اتواصل معنا عن طريق الواتساب او الاتصال
⚡️Further reading on the uses of the Simple Present Tense⚡️
🌟We use the Present Simple Tense when we want to talk about fixed habits or routines – things that don’t change. (permenent situation)
♦️I live in the countryside. (Permanently / in general / all the time / this action/fact won't change or finish).
🌟We use the Present Continuous Tense to talk about actions which are happening at (or around) the present moment, but will soon finish. (temporary situation)
♦️I am living in the city. (Temporarily / currently / only for a period of time / this action/fact will change or finish soon).
أفضل قناة لوظائف السعودية 🇸🇦
تفيد كثييير ناس 🌟
-وظائف لحاملي الثانوية
-وظائف بدون خبرات سابقة
-وظائف متعددة للرجال والنساء
-وظائف بتخصصات مختلفة ومتعددة
انضموا للقناة مفيدة جدا ↙️
الحسابات التعليمية📗📕
نسعد بمتابعتكم
حسابات القناة علي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي
تويتر 🔺
وعلى انستغرام 🔺
وعلى سناب شات🔺
وعلى فيس بوك🔺
علي تيكتوك🔺
و علي تلغرام🔺
⚡️Further reading on the uses of the Simple Present Tense⚡️
🌟 1. repeated actions (every day, always, often, sometimes, never)
♦️My friend often draws nice posters.
♦️I never drink orange juice.
🌟 2. things in general
♦️Honey is sweet.
♦️Cats drink milk.
🌟 3. fixed timetables, scheduled events
♦️The plane flies to London every Monday.
♦️We have English lessons on Tuesdays and Fridays.
🌟 4. sequence of actions in the present (first – then, after that) ♦️First I get up, then I have breakfast.
♦️After school I switch on my computer, then I check my emails and after that I play my favourite game.
🌟 5. instructions
♦️Open your books at page 34.
♦️Don't shout at me!
🌟 6. with special verbs – which are normally not used with the Present Progressive (These verbs express states, possessions, feelings etc.) be, believe, belong, hate, hear, like, love, mean, prefer, remain, realize, see, seem, smell, think, understand, want, wish
♦️He doesn't like fish.
♦️She believes in life after death.
🌟 7. In exclamatory sentences beginning with "here" and "there"
♦️Here goes your husband!
♦️Here comes the bus!
🌟 8. in broadcast commentaries
In broadcast commentaries on sporting events, the simple present tense is used instead of the present continuous tense to talk about activities in progress.
♦️He catches the ball.
⚡️Further uses of the Present Continuous Tense.⚡️
The Present Continuous is used when we talk about something which is happening now (or around now).
🌟 1. actions happening at the moment of speaking (now, at the moment)
♦️Peter is reading a book now
♦️She's listening to the radio.
🌟 2. fixed plans or arrangements in the near future
♦️She is going to Basel on Saturday.
🌟 3. temporary actions
♦️His father is working in Rome this month.
► Verbs that express states are normally not used with the Present Progressive. If they are used, watch the difference in meaning.
♦️They love being together. (They are not together now.)
♦️They are loving being together. (They are together now.)
🌟 4. actions happening around the moment of speaking (longer actions)
♦️My friend is preparing for his exams.
🌟 5. trends
♦️More and more people are using their computers to listen to music.
🌟 6. repeated actions which are irritating to the speaker (especially with always, constantly, forever)
♦️Andrew is always coming late. (I don't like this.)
اذا حبيت توصف شئ انه رائع
استخدم awesome
That's awesome
هذا رائع
Awesome idea, I love it
فكرة روعة ،حبيتها
Awesome weather
طقس رائع
تم فتح التسجيل فى دورة :
English Spoken Course
دورة المحادثة باللغة الانجليزية عن بعد:
Intermediate and advanced level
مميزات الدورة
⬛️تدريب على المحادثاتConversations
⬛️تدريب على Pronunciationالنطق
⬛️تصحيح النطق.
⬛️50 دقيقة
⬛️3 أيام فى الاسبوع.
⬛️ السبت والاثنين والاربعاء
⬛️ 15 يوم بالشهر.
⬛️محادثات صوتية عبر قاعات صوتية
⬛️خصوصية الكاملة للمشترك.
⭕️المشترك يحدد الوقت المناسب له.
⬛️الدورة تتيح لك اكتساب المهارات الاربعة بسهولة
Just for intermediate and advanced level
⬛️رسوم بسيطة جدا.
🕜ملحوظة توجد شهادة حضور معتمدة من التعليم برسوم اضافية
🔶 للإستفسار والتسجيل 🔶
➡️ التيلجرام
⚡️Further reading on the uses of the Simple Past Tense⚡️
♦️1. actions finished in the past:
a. I visited Berlin last week.
b. Tom graduated last year.
♦️2. past habits or routines (repeated actions in the past):
a. I drank milk every morning when I was a child.
b. She watched TV in the evening when she was a child.
♦️3. series of completed actions in the past (successive actions):
a. On Sunday, my brother and I went to a nice lake. There, we met our friends. We swam in the warm water and played volleyball in the afternoon. Too bad that we had to go home in the evening. We didn't want to go to school on Monday.
♦️4. duration in the Past (especially with "for" and "all"):
a. I lived in Brazil for two years.
b. He worked for Microsoft for seven years.
♦️5. past facts or generalizations:
a. She was shy as a child, but now she is very outgoing.
b. He didn't use to like pizza before he tried it at McDonalds.
♦️6. in the second conditional, to express unreal or imaginary situations that may not happen:
a. If I were rich, I would travel abroad.
b. If I won the lottery, I would buy a car.
♦️7. together with the Past Progressive/Continuous – the Simple Past interrupted an action which was in progress in the past:
(While past continuous, past simple)
(When past simple, past continuous)
a. While they were having dinner, I arrived home.
b. When I arrived home, they were having dinner.
1st action → Past Progressive → were playing
2nd action → Simple Past → arrived
♦️8. when a sentence contains two clauses in the past simple, REMEMBER that the "when-clause" happened first before the second clause:
a. When I arrived, the teacher started the lesson. (I arrived first, then the teacher started the lesson)
b. I arrived when the lesson finished. (First, the lesson was finished, then I arrived).
These are all the uses of the Simple Past Tense.
Enjoy it! Good Luck!
قصص قصيرة مترجمة ثنائية اللغة لتعلم اللغة الإنجليزية بالصوت والصورة Learn English through story Level-1 | English story
سهلة مناسبة للمبتدئين
princess and the pea
الأميرة والبازلاء". 👇👇
⚡️Further reading on using adverbs of frequency with the Present Continuous⚡️
We can use "always / consntantly / continuously / continually / forever and other similar adverbs" with the Present Continuous to show our ANNOYANCE / ANGER / COMPLAINING because of something that happens regularly.
♦️She always comes late. (we are just stating a fact about her without telling what we feel about that habit)
♦️She is always coming late. (we are stating a fact about her and expressing our annoyance of this habit)
♦️Christina always leaves her dirty clothes on the floor. (this a fact about her / we have no emotions about that)
♦️Christina is always leaving her dirty clothes on the floor for me to pick up! Who does she think I am? Her maid? (We are very annoyed)
كود خصم اي هيرب (CLP6055)
يوفر اي هيرب لكل عملائه من كل دول العالم مجموعة من أفضل العروض والخصومات الرائعة على جميع المنتجات الطبيعية الأمنة والخالية من أى مواد كيميائية.
English Spoken Course
دورة المحادثة باللغة الانجليزية عن بعد:
مميزات الدورة
👌 تدريب على المحادثاتConversations
👌تدريب على Pronunciationالنطق
👌تصحيح النطق.
👌متابعة مستمرة مع المتدربين
👌خصوصية الكاملة للمشترك.
⭕️المشترك يحدد الوقت المناسب له
😌 الدورة تتيح لك اكتساب المهارات الاربعة بسهولة
🇸🇦شهادة حضور معتمدة من التعليم
تلغرام 📧
📲 للتواصل واتساب
🌐Give my regards to your father.
بلغ تحياتي/ سلّم لي على والدك.
🌐If you are going to the beach, count me in.
لو أنت ذاهب للشاطئ اعتبرني رايح معك.
🌐Take it from me, Ali will be a famous doctor one day.
خذها مني / صدقني ، سيكون علي دكتور مشهور يوماً ما.
🌐He is with a customer at the moment.
إنه مع زبون حالياً.
🌐The system is down at the moment.
النظام لا يعمل حالياً.
🌐I can't access my email.
لا أستطيع الدخول إلى بريدي الإلكتروني.
🌐Nothing like that comes my way.
لم يسبق أن مررت بنفس التجربة/ لم يسبق أن حدث معي.
🌐We are matching today.
لابسين نفس الشي اليوم.
🌐Tom has no idea what to do with all the junk in his garage.
لا يدري توم ماذا يغعل بكل هذه الخردة التي في كراجه.
🌐She doesn't allow his children to eat rubbish food.
لا تسمح لأطفالها أن يأكلوا وجبات غير صحية.
🌐My son likes fizzy drinks.
يحب ابني المشروبات الغازية.