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Conoce toda la verdad sobre la experimental "vacuna" Covid, que ha provocado la muerte de cientos de miles de personas y lesionado gravemente a millones... Https://

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The Eagle flies free

La mayoría de los estadounidenses son "anti-vacunas"
The Majority of Americans Are "Anti-Vaxxers"

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The Eagle flies free

El tratamiento que algunos están recibiendo provoca pruebas de picos falsamente positivas?
Is The Treatment Some Are Getting Triggering False-Positive Spike Tests?

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The Eagle flies free

Un estudio 'inquietante' muestra que los componentes de la vacuna de ARNm contra la COVID persisten en la sangre hasta 28 días •
‘Disturbing’ Study Shows COVID mRNA Vaccine Components Persist in Blood Up to 28 Days • Children's Health Defense...

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The Eagle flies free

EXCESO DE MUERTES: Las lesiones y muertes por la "vacuna" Covid no se contabilizan en los datos oficiales
EXCESS DEATHS: Covid vaccine injuries and deaths under counted in official data

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The Eagle flies free

Miles de expertos en salud piden el cese inmediato de las vacunas genéticas de ARNm "inseguras"
Thousands of health experts call for immediate halt to 'unsafe' mRNA gene-vaccines

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The Eagle flies free

Una mirada más cercana a los datos de la República Checa confirma que las vacunas de ARNm son demasiado mortales para usarse.
A closer look at the Czech Republic data confirms the mRNA vaccines are too deadly to be used

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The Eagle flies free

Un valiente soldado alemán encarcelado en 2024 por negarse a vacunarse contra el Covid A Brave German Soldier Imprisoned in 2024 for Refusing Covid Vaccinations

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The Eagle flies free

New FDA guidance for pharma on "countering misinformation" online

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The Eagle flies free

US Infant Mortality Increases for First Time in Decades: CDC Report | The Epoch Times

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The Eagle flies free

Richard Hirschman sigue encontrando coágulos aterradores...
Richard Hirschman keeps finding terrifying clots

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The Eagle flies free

Ensayos clínicos de vacunas infantiles: no hay ensayos a largo plazo controlados con placebo
Clinical Trials of Childhood Vaccines: No Placebo-Controlled Long-Term Trials

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The Eagle flies free

Sorprendente' riesgo 620% mayor de miocarditis después de las vacunas COVID de ARNm...
‘Stunning’ 620% Higher Risk of Myocarditis After mRNA COVID Vaccines • Children's Health Defense

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The Eagle flies free

¿Mass Bidenization? Connecticut sees explosion of deaths involving 'senile degeneration of the brain not elsewhere classified'

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The Eagle flies free

La demanda del Fiscal General de Kansas contra Pfizer utiliza evidencia clave obtenida por ICAN
Kansas Attorney General’s Suit Against Pfizer Uses Key Evidence Obtained By ICAN - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network

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The Eagle flies free

Las vacunas causaron 17 millones de muertes durante la pandemia y 4 conclusiones más del mayor estudio sobre exceso de mortalidad hasta la fecha...
Vaccines Caused 17 Million Deaths During Pandemic Plus 4 More Takeaways From Largest Excess Mortality Study to Date • Children's Health Defense

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The Eagle flies free

La "brecha de realidad" de la embolia pulmonar
The pulmonary embolism "reality gap"

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The Eagle flies free

Un estudio de Oxford deja al descubierto la terrible decisión de vacunar a los niños contra el Covid –
Oxford Study Lays Bare the Terrible Decision to Vaccinate Children Against Covid – The Daily Sceptic

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The Eagle flies free

Más datos sobre la persistencia de los ácidos nucleicos...
More Nucleic Acid Persistence Data - by Anandamide

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The Eagle flies free

Incluso cuando se trataba de niños, el gobierno alemán ignoró a sus propios científicos e impuso mandatos estrictos de vacunación contra el COVID....
Even When It Came to Children, German Government Ignored Own Scientists to Impose Strict COVID Vaccine, Mask Mandates

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The Eagle flies free

Reproductive toxicity and the mRNA vaccines – HART

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The Eagle flies free

Eliminación de productos de vacunas de ARNm de Covid: una revisión de la evidencia científica, regulatoria y clínica.
Shedding of Covid mRNA Vaccine Products - A Review Of The Scientific, Regulatory, and Clinical Evidence

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The Eagle flies free

14-Year-Old Forced to Get Pfizer Shot Should Be Allowed to Sue Board of Education, CHD Tells N.C. Supreme Court • Children's Health Defense

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The Eagle flies free

El enigma de Mitrídates...
The Mithridates Conundrum - by Marc Girardot

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The Eagle flies free

Un gran estudio coreano recomienda monitorear la autoinmunidad de los pacientes vacunados con ARNm
Large Korean Study Recommends Monitoring mRNA Vaccinated Patients for Auto-immunity

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The Eagle flies free

Estudios científicos sobre las lesiones causadas por las vacunas...
Scientific Studies on Vaccine Injuries - KC’s COVID Facts

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The Eagle flies free

Una empresa de autovacunas cambia de marca después de que ICAN diera la voz de alarma - ICAN - Informed Consent Action Network

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The Eagle flies free

El regulador australiano de medicamentos deja constancia de que las inyecciones de ARNm de Pfizer 'no están contaminadas'...
Australian drug regulator goes on record: Pfizer mRNA shots 'not contaminated'

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The Eagle flies free

Informes de autopsias en VAERS y eventos adversos asociados relacionados con la causa de la muerte
Reports Of Autopsies In VAERS And Associated Adverse Events Linked To Cause Of Death

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The Eagle flies free

‘He Suffered Greatly’: Parents of Student Who Died After Pfizer Shot Speak Out • Children's Health Defense

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The Eagle flies free


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