I am not trying to conquer you or control you or make you surrender so why do you let me?
Читать полностью…Why does darkness chase the light if it is its enemy? If hate survived behind the hollow look it casts, I would have known it. It was a silent ache to be whole again, to exist.
Darling, in the wake of everything I went through, I carefully searched the corners of my secrets, tested myself unlike anyone
And I found I am not of substance, I remain the absence of you
Just as the absence of light conceived a child of dark ages,
I was conceived in the void-
A place where the echoes linger like a song, where my whispers are not my own.
Even the nothingness craves,
Even the emptiness desires utter fullness,
And I, a being of the void was caught in the pull of what I lack,
I chase you restlessly so as not to extinguish you,
Not to destroy the beauty you bring,
But to feel for just a moment what it is like to be alive, to be bare.
I know I wasn't born to yearn,
to nurse this hunger,
to stretch my hands towards the light,
But even so, I will chase
For in the pursuit,
in the fleeting touch of your glow,
I remember what it is to exist.
You never know how much you love something or someone until you start to hate it. You can only truly despise something you once loved with every fiber of your being.
~you don't love nor hate. you're dead
"She's the type of girl that can have anybody but can't be had, like a number with a missing digit or a story unwritten. And she left her impression on you like a lipstick on a napkin and in an old song's chorus you'd always know the words to."
-credits to unknown author 💋
I sink deep into the misfortunes of being the one that doesn't trick you. I won't change myself for anyone. I loathed how easily you're manipulated into accepting everything you heard. Did I not make a good enough impression or are you that easily fooled?
I dug deep into the lies that were told like a hot tea that don't go cold. I know myself and that's what matters. I don't explain myself because if you're the one you'd know me by my sigh and my eyes. Was I mistaken about you or were you just mistaken about me?
And the cities you grew up are foreign. The lights have darkness, the streets have loud sadness. Always looking for what's gone while something newer or better is in front of our faces. Resistance is a sign of spirit. Is it fear or self-hate that makes us not fight for the truth?
And history is being made before our eyes, whether for the greater good or built on top of the blood of children, we can't learn to live with change that influences us to change in a gray way for finding comfort means being insensitive and hating it means you're rebellion in a king's world, awaiting for the day they ask for your thoughts and then execute you.
It is unlike you to sway with a ghost, trying to grab hands that don't exist on your waist,
It is unlike your nature to be shaken, trying to cease time where it is now, is a waste,
It's unlike you to imagine pale eyes staring from across the timezones and across a crowded room,
It's unlike you to have one feet in the air, hoping you would still balance the world and all it's doom.
I believe in walking to the other side of this life in silence. Find silence and let it overflow.
Читать полностью…There's a time to walk away from anything or anyone. You'll know it has arrived if you give much more than you receive.
Читать полностью…I used to be your heart, now I am just another pretty face. The reason you survive, the cradle of your life. I remembered you from years ago suddenly this December. Your presence crushed me to the streets as though it hated I forgot you exist somewhere in the universe, breathing and dreaming different dreams.
I used to be your light, now I am just a dying candle. I was the essence of your being, the map of your existence. I remembered you on a random tuesday morning and now it is not so random anymore. Your words and your stares, all those I had locked away returned as though it was envious I was in peace, dangling brighter stars on my brand new sky.
~To Mr. Forgettable
Those that know powerful thoughts by heart, but have never formed their own are pawns in the hands of those powerful people.
Читать полностью…She greets death with a kiss, in love with the treason of altering her soul like the night fall won't pass and crumble the things close to her heart's desire. It is a custom of a woman, to repair what you didn't break, they told her long ago and she treats what she didn't believe in like a myth told to scare small girls with big spirits. They said, if there was a shadow of a doubt in your veins, you must let it be buried formally, in front of everyone that wants it gone. If you have voices of your own too big for your small frame then you will do well to bite your tongue they chanted. And she knew if there was anyone to be scared of, it wasn't them for even the slight change of tone of her wolfy voice shakes something inside them. She knew the only way to control a menace is to weaken it with fear or use the method of pirates and collect the heart of an ocean like an object. They think power is control yet power was the ability to move the ship without lifting a finger.
Preservation is a price too big to pay for someone else's sins.
Aren't you a traitor to yourself if you go against everything you stood for just to get ahead?
Aren't you a banished subject from your own heart if you juggle more than one just to be the one that doesn't get hurt?
I am eternally sorry, for not cherishing the clean air I breathed every day, the ordinary I have long seen as just part of any mortal's journey,
I am eternally sorry, for the pains I have only heard of and crawled in fear, the death that is only a faint fog of insanity in my reality,
I am eternally sorry for the kisses on my cheeks that I had taken as usual, the love that I claimed to be unfazed about has not reached many,
I am eternally sorry for letting the world taint the empathy I nursed, the brutality of the world I still am incapable of accepting in truth with certainty.
If memories are magnified by your eyes, it's your reflection, sweet girl.
If scars are now just a map to your soul, it's because you're yourself, sweet girl.
If your hands are a work of art that create a work of art, it's because you took your time, sweet girl.
If your core doesn't weaver under pressure, it's because you made sure you were safe, sweet girl.
You're here but not at the same time. You stand on the two connected roads with drastically different ends yet you hesitate, taking steps to the other means you can't go back, but do you really want to have that thing lording you for eternity. Our choices are what defines us more than our abilities. You choose, you become what you choose.
You're here in this place but not at the same time. You are the one they regretted because you're unforgettable yet all your charms have dark qualities, not everyone understands or appreciates that kind. You can have influence or credit but not both for you define something or you let it define you.
Your laugh fills the room, living little cracks on walls from the strength of your happiness.
Your sadness is just the same. It has a tendency to take over your surroundings and plunge it to madness.
My lone moments are for my soul. Now I understand what she meant by you're not competing against anyone, just with me, myself, and I.
Читать полностью…I am collecting candles on an evening like their aroma is what brings me back to life. As they weep from the fire that I started, I like to watch them change faces. It is like losing control while still being in control of your fate.
I am gathering a glow on the pitch black world, to fill what I can with peace. As the last flicker of light dies, I wouldn't mind if I let it make me lose control.
Engraved with a pen of dying purpose you seem to completely own the fact that things change and nothing lasts like a lonely noon,
Sleeping peacefully in a graveyard in the remembrance of the wisdom of the crossover stream,
Covered with little patches of me like I am still there in that place that is fragile.