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Выпуск открытого игрового движка Godot 4.0
После четырёх лет разработки опубликован релиз свободного игрового движка Godot 4.0, подходящего для создания 2D- и 3D-игр. Движок поддерживает простой для изучения язык задания игровой логики, графическую среду для проектирования игр, систему развёртывания игр в один клик, широкие возможности анимации и симуляции физических процессов, встроенный отладчик и систему выявления узких мест в производительности. Код игрового движка, среды проектирования игр и сопутствующих средств разработки (физический движок, звуковой сервер, бэкенды 2D/3D рендеринга и т.п.) распространяются под лицензией MIT.
Читать: https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=58730
Linux Series: Bash Programming & Operating Systems (Part-2)
Welcome to part 2 of our Linux Fundamentals series! In this section, we will be exploring Ubuntu, one of the most popular Linux distributions.
Throughout this part, we will be diving into the command line interface, a powerful tool that al...
Read: https://blog.muhammadnoorani.com/linux-series-bash-programming-operating-systems-part-2
Linux for DevOps
Linux has been a popular operating system for decades, especially among developers and system administrators. With its flexibility and powerful command-line interface, Linux is a natural choice for those working in the field of DevOps. In this blog, ...
Read: https://arrpit24.hashnode.dev/linux-for-devops
Setup your own VPN server
Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/setup-your-own-vpn-server
Linux Fundamentals
Many events led up to creating of the first Linux kernel and, ultimately, the Linux operating system (OS), starting with the Unix operating system's release by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie (who both worked for AT&T at the time) in 1970. Th...
Read: https://tanmayablog.hashnode.dev/linux-fundamentals
Boot Process in Linux
There are 6 high-level stages involved in a Linux boot process.
BIOS (basic input output system)/UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface)
The major function of BIOS is to load and execute the MBR boot loader.
BIOS and UEFI are firmware interf...
Read: https://linuxwithadity.hashnode.dev/boot-process-in-linux
Linux: Understanding the Basic Concepts of the Command Line
This blog post introduces the basic concepts of the command line in Linux, which are essential for DevOps Professionals and Software Developers alike. It covers topics such as the prompt, commands, options, arguments, wildcards, and pipes with simple...
Read: https://vitika.hashnode.dev/linux-understanding-the-basic-concepts-of-the-command-line
Фукуяма, NAT, TCP и кротовые норы
Данная статья является продолжением темы обсуждавшейся в статье "Философия борьбы с NAT" и так же нацелена на сетевых разработчиков, С++ программистов и просто интересующихся тенденциями развития интернет индустрии. Предполагается, что читатель в общих чертах знаком с моделью OSI, с протоколами UDP и TCP, знает что такое NAT, понимает принципы его работы и конечно же читал предыдущую статью.
Читать: https://habr.com/ru/post/719626/?utm_campaign=719626
Day 7 : Understanding package manager and systemctl
Linux is a popular operating system that is known for its flexibility and customization. One of the key components of Linux that makes it so powerful is its package management system.In this blog post, we'll dive deeper into how package managers work...
Read: https://kunalmaurya.hashnode.dev/day-7-understanding-package-manager-and-systemctl
How to install and use Termux on Android: A beginner's guide
Termux is a potent Android terminal emulator that helps users reach the Linux command-line environment on their mobile phones. With Termux, users can install and run a wide variety of Linux tools and utilities, including text editors, programming lan...
Read: https://techwithdavid.hashnode.dev/how-to-install-and-use-termux-on-android-a-beginners-guide
It's Lin-uxpect-ed (Linux)
Linux is a popular operating system that is free and open-source, which means that it can be used, copied, and modified by anyone. It was developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991 and has since become one of the most widely used operating systems in the wo...
Read: https://abmukherjee.hashnode.dev/its-lin-uxpect-ed-linux
How To Install Node via Ubuntu Terminal
Photo by Gabriel Heinzer on Unsplash
Introduction 👋
This article provides the commands needed to install Node.js on Ubuntu via nvm. Nvm (aka Node Version Manager) is a handy tool that makes it easy to download and switch between versions of Node.js....
Read: https://bobbyg603.hashnode.dev/how-to-install-node-via-ubuntu-terminal-a1ffbef35139
Day 6: File Permissions and Access Control Lists
In Linux, file permissions are a crucial aspect of ensuring that your files are secure and can only be accessed or modified by authorized users.
In this blog, we will explain what file permissions are, how they work, and provide some examples to illu...
Read: https://kunalmaurya.hashnode.dev/day-6-file-permissions-and-access-control-lists
What is real-time Linux? Part II
Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/what-is-real-time-linux-ii
What is real-time Linux? Part II
Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/what-is-real-time-linux-ii
My Journey To DevOps
After completing my graduation, I began my career in the tech industry as a System Engineer. It was during this time that I discovered the power of Linux and fell in love with it. At first, I was hesitant to try Linux, as I was more comfortable with ...
Read: https://muktachhand.hashnode.dev/my-journey-to-devops
Meet Canonical at Embedded World 2023
Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/meet-canonical-at-embedded-world-2023
Basics Linux command
What is Linux?
Linux is a free and open-source operating system (OS). An operating system is software that directly manages the hardware and resources of a system, such as the CPU, memory, and storage. The operating system (OS) sits b...
Read: https://prabhakar810.hashnode.dev/basics-linux-command
Dual Boot com Windows: como resolver o problema de disco em modo 'read-only'
É muito comum que usuários de Linux possuam uma configuração dual-boot no computador, com dois sistemas operacionais instalados em um único disco.
O dual-boot permite que você escolha qual sistema operacional você quer usar em um dado momento, mudand...
Read: https://moonk23.hashnode.dev/dual-boot-com-windows-como-resolver-o-problema-de-disco-em-modo-read-only
Welcome to the official blog of ColdFlameOS!
ColdFlameOS is a groundbreaking new operating system that is revolutionizing the way we work with computers. It brings unprecedented speed, security, and reliability to the digital world, making it easier ...
Read: https://coldflameos.hashnode.dev/welcome
Create stop motion animation with Dragonframe on Ubuntu
Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/create-stop-motion-animation-with-dragonframe-on-ubuntu
Install Microsoft TrueType Core Fonts on Linux
Are you having trouble installing the Microsoft TrueType core fonts on Ubuntu? If so, you're not alone. Many Ubuntu users have encountered issues with the standard method for installing these fonts, which involves downloading them from Microsoft serv...
Read: https://shamnadsherief.tech/install-microsoft-truetype-core-fonts-on-linux
Day 1: Getting Started with DevOps
So, I am taking up this challenge of #90DaysOfDevOps with the #TrainWithShubham Community.
In this blog, I am discussing the :
Introduction of DevOps
Why do we need DevOps?
What are Automation, Scaling, and Infrastructure?
Tools that are going to...
Read: https://mhmdrameez.hashnode.dev/day-1-getting-started-with-devops
Microsoft открыл CHERIoT, аппаратное решение для повышения безопасности кода на языке Си
Компания Microsoft открыла наработки, связанные с проектом CHERIoT (Capability Hardware Extension to RISC-V for Internet of Things), нацеленным на блокирование проблем с безопасностью в существующем коде на языках C и С++. CHERIoT предлагает решение, позволяющее защитить существующие кодовые базы на С/C++ без необходимости их переработки. Защита реализуется через применение модифицированного компилятора, использующего специальный расширенный набор процессорных инструкций (ISA), на уровне аппаратного обеспечения отслеживающих доступ у памяти, проверяющих корректность работы с указателями и обеспечивающих изоляцию блоков кода.
Читать: https://www.opennet.ru/opennews/art.shtml?num=58726
Linux String Substition (sed)
Sed is a computer program that is used to make changes to text files. It reads the file line by line and performs operations on each line, such as finding and replacing text, deleting lines that match a certain pattern, or adding or removing text fro...
Read: https://cdrani.dev/linux-string-substition-sed
Linux commands
Hey 👋 guys , I've covered the majority of the essential Linux commands here, which should be plenty for getting you started.
commonly used Linux commands:
ls - list files and directories
cd - change directory
pwd - print working directory
cp - copy ...
Read: https://indianstudent.hashnode.dev/linux-commands
Website files are not rendering after copied to /var/www/html [Solved]
If you've recently copied some files to the /var/www/html directory on your Apache web server, you might notice that some of the files are not rendering on your website. This can be a frustrating problem, but there are several possible reasons why th...
Read: https://shamnadsherief.tech/website-files-are-not-rendering-after-copied-to-varwwwhtml-solved
Hi 👋there,
Now we are on the Day 4 task
Basic Linux Shell Scripting for DevOps Engineers.
Day 4 Task:
Explain in your own words and examples, what is Shell Scripting for DevOps.
What is `#!/bin/bash?` can we write `#!/bin/sh` as well?
Write a She...
Read: https://techwithsandhya.hashnode.dev/devops90dayschallenge
What is real-time Linux? Part II
Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/what-is-real-time-linux-ii
What is real-time Linux? Part II
Read: https://ubuntu.com//blog/what-is-real-time-linux-ii