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Speak TRUTH. Every lie will be revealed. Be fearless.

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Lin Wood

The devil and his minions hate me!!!

The devil and his minions hate that God made me the temporary steward of His land at Tomotley, Cotton Hall, Huspa, and Greenview.

The devil and his minions want to take my temporary stewardship over these properties away from me.

I know that God is in control and no matter what the devil and his minions do to me or take from me, my faith and trust in God only grows stronger.

I came into this world naked and I will leave it naked.

Life in earth is a wisp of wind.

I don’t live for this world.

I live for the kingdom in heaven which will be my home for ETERNITY.

Jesus Christ is God.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

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Lin Wood

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Lin Wood

Good morning!

Morgan’s Morning Motley Moo Report:

“Tomotley can’t wait for you to be home - happy Friday 🐮”

Old Glory Report: “Still flying!!!”

Enjoy your day.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

Well, well, well . . .

Time for rest.


A few final thoughts for the day and night:

Did I suffer a loss today before the freemason tribunal or did I emerge victorious???

You decide for yourselves.

Did the enemy destroy me today or do l live another day to do battle with the enemy???

The enemy can take all of “my” money and “my” property.

It was never mine to begin with. All things come from God.

He gives and He takes away.

I love Him when He gives and when He taketh away.

ALL things come from

I had a good day today. I hope you did too.

Press on.

Good night.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

Too often we think of freemasons as being older men.

Do your think that freemasons did not start out as freemasons at a younger age???

The “young” freemasons can be the most deceptive in hiding their freemasonry.

Freemasonry is the veil for the worship of satan.

Don’t be deceived.

I was.

Until I saw and heard the TRUTH.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

Caves in Taiwan.

Caves in Thailand.

For what are they used at this time???

Ask Vernon Unsworth, my former client in the “case” against Elon Musk who was a “caver” who mapped caves in Thailand.

He may know the answer.

Or do the research yourselves and draw your own conclusions.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

Birds of a feather flock together.

Just sayin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

As I sat on the witness stand this week being pummeled by Andrew “Freemason” Beal with all of the sins in my past, I kept thinking, “Does Andrew not know that God has forgiven me for my sins???”

Jesus Christ is God.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

I appreciated my lead lawyer, Chris Harrison’s comments in his closing argument today when he highlighted that Andrew “Freemason” Beal was trying to prove that I was a “crazy” man shouting on the street corner while also contending that I was a major influencer with We the People.

As Chris said, “He cannot be both. Make a choice.”

You cannot sit on the fence.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

The verdict is in.

The jury found that I negligently published one or more statements that Plaintiffs had extorted me.

The jury awarded Plaintiffs $3.75 Million against me for actual damages. And found that I owe them attorney’s fees.

The judge had previously denied my right to a jury trial on the issue of truth or falsity by finding the statements were false as a matter of law.

Truth or falsity in a defamation case is ALWAYS an issue of fact for the jury.

I was fighting with two hands tied around my back.

The jury found that I did NOT publish the statements with actual malice or with a specific intent to harm Plaintiffs.

So the Plaintiffs are not entitled to “presumed damages” or punitive damages.

Their desire to hit me with a verdict of $20-25 Million to destroy me was not fulfilled.

The lions got some bites in today, but they did not devour me in the lion’s den.

I am still standing and will keep fighting on appeal based on clear error in the trial judge’s rulings in the case.

God delivers blessings in disguise.

I praised God for the verdict today.

It was part of His providential will for my life.

The puppies and I do not need a tent yet!!!

I get to return to Tomotley tomorrow to be with them.

There is no place like home.

Thank you for your prayers and support.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

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Lin Wood

Morgan’s Morning Motley Moo Report:

“Playing peekaboo this morning with the moos. Happy Thursday 🐮”

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

Well, well, well . . .

Time for rest.


A few final thoughts for the day and night:

Thank you for supporting me through the persecutions.

I love you.

God bless you.

Press on.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

You have/had to be there at the freemason tribunal in Atlanta against me.

The hand signaling among them is off the chart!!!

The judge’s rulings are almost ALWAYS against me!!!-

Eyes to see.

Ears to hear.

If you were/are unable to be there in person, listen and hear the testimonies of those who were there to see it and hear it.

They saw it.

They heard it.

They know.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

It has been a grueling last two weeks, coming on top of a grueling last 5 years.

I had to attend a hearing before Judge Scott McAfee on Monday of last week in state court followed by 3 days on trial before Judge Michael Brown in federal court in Atlanta.

Then 5 more days on trial before Judge Brown this week.

I slipped in a visit to Tomotley last weekend on Friday to see the puppies before returning to Atlanta on Sunday.

At both trials, the state and federal judges ruled against me at EVERY turn.

What happened to our system of law which requires judges to be fair and impartial and to follow the rule of law???

That system does not exist for me in the state and federal courts of Georgia.

These Georgia judges are something else!!!

Chris Harrison, my lead lawyer in the federal trial (he does not represent me in the other numerous cases against me in Georgia), commented that in his over 20 years experience as a trial lawyer, he had never seen anything like what happened during the entire federal court trial.

I know what is going on in Georgia.

Do you???

It really is good to be back at Tomotley with the puppies with no trials or hearings for at least the next two weeks.

I am exhausted!!!

I can use the break to recover from the persecutions.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

I made it back safely to Tomotley.

Only a few scratches on my legs from the puppies jumping on me!!!

It is good to be back.

Tomotley is a “No Freemasons Allowed Zone!!!”

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

Jury awarded $750,000 against me this morning for WGW attorney’s fees.

I am headed to Tomotley to be with my puppies.

I need a break from dealing with freemasons.

And time to read and meditate on the Word of God.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

I am ready to be back home at Tomotley.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

I believe that sometimes God allows the devil to think he won a battle in earth only to thereafter have the carpet pulled out from under his feet.

God wins every battle for His children in earth.

God always trumps the devil.

Jesus Christ is God.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

So Thankful that the jury saw through the deception of lies presented in the Freemason Tribunal! I’m studying the book of Job this month and in my readings came across the following excerpt from one of Charles Spurgeon’s sermons which truly is applicable to you. Our REDEEMER LIVES, and will clear our name one day, either in this life on earth or in heaven above. God Bless you.
“Beloved, always remember that your Vindicator lives! Do not be too much concerned to clear your own character. Above all, do not attempt to vindicate yours in a court of law, but say to yourself, "I know that my Vindicator lives." When He comes, "then shall the righteous shine forth as the sun in the Kingdom of their Father." His people may now be under a cloud, but, when He appears, the cloud shall break and their true glory shall be seen! The greater the censure under which any of us have unjustly lived on earth, the greater will be the joy and the honor which will be vouchsafed to us in the day when Christ shall clear our character from all the shameful aspersions that have been brought against us! All will be cleared up in that day, so leave the accusations alone, knowing that your Vindicator lives. There is another most comforting thought—that our Vindicator will clear us from true charges as well as false ones. As for the false charges, what do they matter? It is the true ones that really concern us—can Christ clear us from them? Yes, that He can!” 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

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Lin Wood

The character Bribes beat President in 2020???

Are you kidding me???

The character Kabala is running neck and neck with President Trump in 2024???

Are you kidding me???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

Why did Andrew “Freemason” Beal attack me in the WGW trial this week for my Telegram posts about Jeffrey “Pedophile” Epstein, Joey “Pedophile” Bribes, and Mike “Dense Pedophile Traitor” Pence???

Who is Andrew REALLY representing???

And why in the world did Freemason Federal District Judge Michael L. Brown allow such clearly irrelevant questions to be posed to me???

Just askin.’

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

You either walk in the light or you walk in the dark.

You cannot walk in both at the same time.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

It was tough last week and this week to be attacked in court for everything I had done in my adult life that Andrew “Freemason” Beal thought would make me look like “a monster” (his words).

The jury concluded that I was negligent but that I was not “a monster.”

We are ALL capable of negligently running a stop sign. That does not make us monsters.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

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Lin Wood

It appears Andrew “Freemason” Beal is going to ask the jury for an award against me of between $20-25 Million.

Does anyone have a tent for sale or rent that is large enough for 1 adult and 4 puppies???

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

Good morning!

Old Glory Report: “Still flying!!!”

Enjoy your day.

Lin 🙏❤️🇺🇸


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Lin Wood

Jesus Christ walked among those in earth when He first appeared in earth.

Then He was crucified and murdered in earth in the flesh.

He promised to return.

He keeps His promises.

He will return.

Until He returns, He is with us in the form of the Holy Spirit.

Come quickly, Jesus Christ. Come quickly.

Lin 🙏🙏🙏

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Lin Wood

Sounds like the Freemason judge is getting his line of questioning from his pestilent deep state “ILLuminati” handlers, because they’re too scared to face WeThePeople about their mass criminal activities, that’s being called out by a child of Jesus Christ and great American Patriots around the Nation.

Keep on keeping on, Lin! We are ALL here for you. In Jesus Christ’s name we all pray for you. 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

“These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
- John 16:33

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