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Living Ocean

😳Black spotted puffer fish

This is a species of fish from the tetradon family, which usually lives in sea and salt waters. The black spots on their white or gray body give them a unique appearance.

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Living Ocean

☺️Australian snake-necked turtles

These are unique turtles that get their name because of their long, flexible neck, which they use to hunt their prey.

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Living Ocean


A genus of marine ray-finned fish from the family Liparidae of the order Scorpiformes. Bottom fish that live in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. They are found both in coastal shallow waters and at depths of more than 7000 m.

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Living Ocean

😊Sepioteuthis sepioidea

This is a species of sea squid that is found at depths of up to 200 meters. Can reach up to 25 cm in length. Sepioteuthis sepioidea has a flexible body, sufficient speed and mimicry abilities, which makes it adapted to life in the open sea.

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Living Ocean

😲Scyllarides latus

This is a species of sea crayfish, also known as visor lobsters, that are found along the North American Atlantic coast, the Caribbean islands and the Gulf of Mexico. They have a flat shell that covers their body and strong claws used for defense and hunting prey.

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Living Ocean

😶‍🌫️ Can be glued to a vest

An unusual catch has gone viral on Chinese social networks - a fisherman caught a “reflective” hairtail fish.

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Living Ocean

😱 One Japanese fisherman caught an “alien”

This monster is a false sand shark, which is also called a crocodile shark. Her jaw extends like a xenomorph's.

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Living Ocean

🐙 Squidward is late for work

Octopuses can not only swim, but also “run” along the ocean floor.

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Living Ocean

🐋 Manta ray, or giant sea devil

This is the name of a species of stingrays whose sizes are incredibly large. They can reach 7-8 meters in width, and their weight is sometimes 2-3 tons.

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Living Ocean

🙂Lamprologus multistriped

One of the most contrastingly colored known, widespread and at the same time the smallest shell lamprologus. In spacious aquariums it can coexist without conflict with other fish of similar sizes and habits.

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Living Ocean

😳Shark remora

A species of ray-finned fish from the genus remora of the clingaceae family. One of two species of clingaceans found in Russian waters.

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Living Ocean


They are carnivorous predators that hunt, kill and feed on other fish. The most common dishes on their menu include siphonophores and jellyfish. Although these two species are the preferred food, sunfish can also be classified as generalist predators that are not averse to feeding on small fish, crustaceans, squid and salps. Sometimes eel can also be part of your diet. Sunfish are not dangerous to humans.

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Living Ocean

😦Echidna nebulosa

A species of ray-finned fish of the moray eel family. Distributed in tropical and subtropical waters of all oceans. Maximum body length 100 cm. Marine bottom fish. They feed on crustaceans and fish.

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Living Ocean

😐Dogtooth tuna

It is a freshwater fish found in tropical and subtropical waters. This is a large, predatory fish that can reach impressive sizes. It is a popular target for fishermen and is also used as a game fish.

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Living Ocean

Salarias ramosus
A species of crested blenny from the western central Pacific Ocean. From time to time, he infiltrates the aquarium trade. This species can reach a length of 14 centimeters

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Living Ocean

😐Shark Ray

Also known as the shark ray, it is an amazing and mysterious creature of the deep sea. The shark ray has a unique body shape that resembles a combination of a shark and a ray.

Having caught prey with their wide, crossbow-like jaws with rows of sharp teeth, shark rays press the victim tightly to the sandy bottom and deal with it with a couple of quick and powerful blows.

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Living Ocean

🥰Ranchu hitam

It is a species of fish from the goldfish family that originates from Japan. He is known for his handsome appearance as well as his calm disposition. Ranchu hitam is black in color which makes it unique. These fish are a popular choice for aquariums and ponds.

underwater world

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Living Ocean

🤓Chromodoris bullocki

This is a marine mollusk from the family Chromodorididae. It lives on the reefs of the central and western Pacific Ocean. Its bright color serves as a means of protection against predators.

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Living Ocean

😍Tetra Congo

Congo is widespread in nature and is not endangered. It was described in 1899 and given the scientific name phenacogrammus interruptus. Found in Africa, in Zaire.

Prefers to live in acidic and darkish water. The fish live in schools; they feed on insects, plant debris and larvae.

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Living Ocean

🙄Cheilopogon pinnatibarbatus

A species of flying fish that has a circular global distribution in tropical and subtropical seas. It is an epiplegic species that feeds on zooplankton and small fish and is capable of jumping out of the water and gliding along the surface.

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Living Ocean

🙂Broomtail Wrasse

This is a species of marine fish that lives in tropical and subtropical waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. The fish has a long body and an elongated snout, and the tail fin resembles a broom - hence the name. It feeds on small fish and invertebrates.

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Living Ocean

😳Ancylomenes pedersoni

Transparent small shrimp that often live among sea anemones. They are found in the Pacific Ocean, from the coast of California to Costa Rica.

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Living Ocean

🤓Glossodoris rufomarginata

This is a colorful sea fox that lives in the tropical waters of the Indo-Pacific region. It is often found together with the emperor shrimp Zenopontonia rex, which lives on its body. Together they create an amazing organic union.

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Living Ocean

😍Janolus capensis

This is a type of sea snail or nudibranch. It is a large and very beautiful snail that can be found off the coast of South Africa. The snail has a white body and purple outgrowths.

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Living Ocean


A species of aquatic mammal, the only one in the dugong genus from the dugong family. There are no other modern representatives of the family left, but one that was exterminated in the 18th century belonged to it. Steller's cow. The dugong is listed as vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. The name "dugong" comes from the Malay duyung, meaning "sea maiden"

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Living Ocean

🙄Gymnothorax favagineus

This is the larger and less aggressive moray eel of the Indo-Pacific region. Commonly found on continental coral reefs and outer slopes. It can be found at depths of up to 35 meters.

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Living Ocean

😮Black Sea scorpionfish

This is a sea fish that lives in the Black Sea and is considered one of the most dangerous for humans. She possesses deadly weapons - poisonous spines on her back and fins, which can cause severe pain and, in rare cases, death.

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Living Ocean

😦Crab vampire

A genus of tropical small freshwater or land crabs, usually less than 10 mm across the carapace. They live and reproduce on land with the larval stages inside the egg. Their range extends from India through Southeast Asia, to the Solomon Islands and Hawaii.

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Living Ocean

😍Baby lionfish

Lionfish is a generalized name for a group of fish in the scorpionfish family, which includes more than a hundred species. Until recently, the habitat of lionfish was limited to the Indo-Pacific. They can be found in the Red Sea, the coastal waters of China and South Africa, the southern Japanese islands, Malaysia, Australia and Polynesia. Where lionfish live at depths from 2 to 50 meters

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Living Ocean

The spotted spheromy has a peaceful character and gets along well with many aquatic organisms of the marine aquarium

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