Channel for lovers of rivers, seas and oceans. Dive with us!
🤨Tasmanian Thymichthys politus
The red hand fish or Thymichthys politus is what biologists call it; it does not swim, but moves along the bottom using modified fins that look like arms. Due to his mohawk-like crest, he looks like a real punk with bulging eyes.
😊Orca 🐳
The killer whale (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale belonging to the family of oceanic dolphins, of which it is the largest member. It is recognizable by its black and white patterned body.
🙄 Cleaner shrimp 🦐
The general name for floating decapod crustaceans of the class of higher crustaceans that cleanse parasites from other organisms. This is one of the types of symbiosis. In this case, the fish gets rid of parasites, and the shrimp receives food. Sometimes on coral reefs, thanks to cleaner shrimp and other cleaners, places appear - “stations” where animals accumulate, trying to get rid of parasites.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
😲In fact, cuttlefish is not a fish.
Although in English it is called “cattle fish”. It is a cephalopod and belongs to the same class as octopuses and squids. They can control buoyancy even better than divers, thanks to a peculiar calcareous inner shell filled with gas.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
😃 Bubble eye is a type of goldfish
One of the artificially cultivated decorative breeds of aquarium “goldfish”, a representative of the carp family.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
Iguanas do not breathe underwater, but they are able to hold their breath for long periods of time. Depending on the species, iguanas can stay underwater for 30 to 60 minutes. In some cases, iguanas can hold their breath for up to four hours.
Читать полностью…🥒Pink sea cucumber😀
A species of sea cucumber of the genus Enypniastes, family Pelagothuriidae. It lives at depths from 500 m to 5 km. Called "headless chicken fish" in some languages.
🙄Shovel fish
🐠Spadefish has a bright color of orange, pink, red - depending on the subspecies, a flattened body, decorated with black dots as a means of camouflage. Basically, the size of such a fish reaches 80-90 cm in length, and weighs up to 9 kilograms!
🤯Stingrays are extremely curious and smart creatures.
One of two superorders of elasmobranch cartilaginous fishes. Contains four orders and fifteen families. Stingrays are characterized by a strongly flattened body and large pectoral fins fused to the head.
🦈 Any average shark grows up to 7 rows of teeth. Since the mouth is the main weapon of a predator, nature made sure that its falling fangs are replaced with new ones. Thanks to this, sharks can change up to 30 thousand teeth over a lifetime.
Читать полностью…Elegant, beautiful and fantastic - Crown jellyfish! 💜 Such a jellyfish can be found, for example, in the Philippines. They often swim shallowly, so it’s not difficult to admire and photograph them.
Читать полностью…Warty anglerfish.
It lives in the waters of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions.
It is found mainly on reefs at a depth of 200–300 meters.
The color of anglerfish is very diverse: bright red, yellow, black, and spotted.
The skin of anglerfish is devoid of scales, but is covered with moss-like growths, bumps and warts.
The pectoral and pelvic fins have literally transformed into limbs, so that anglerfish walk along the bottom rather than swim.
Whale sharks are not whales, but sharks. And this is the biggest fish in the sea 🌊
Читать полностью…The fascinating process of whale hunting. By group efforts, they drive prey into a circle – usually small fish or plankton, after which they begin to exhale air, locking their "victim" in a seething ring.
Читать полностью…🤩 Pinagor
A species of marine ray-finned fish from the lumpfish family.
"Sea sparrows" can be found in almost all cold seas and oceans - from the Aleutian Islands and the Bering Sea to the coast of Asia and the islands in northern Japan.
😳Comb jellies
Their bodies consist of a jelly-like mass lined with one layer of cells on the outside and another on the inside.
A distinctive feature of ctenophores is the “combs” of cilia used when swimming. The comb jelly does not have tentacles, but swims, capturing large prey with its mouth. Almost his entire body is a pharynx.
😲 Beroe forskalii
A genus of ctenophores from the tentacleless class. Beroe does not have tentacles, but swims, capturing large prey with its mouth. Almost his entire body is a pharynx. The comb jelly has adaptations for changing color when the illumination of the environment changes, which is due to the presence in the integument of the animal of small cells filled with a dye and capable of stretching and contracting.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
🤩Sea scallop.
Scallops are a family of marine bivalve mollusks from the order Pectinida. There are about 250 species distributed in the world's oceans.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
😲 Cetacean fish
A small deep-sea member of the ray-finned fish family, which includes the better known tuna, swordfish, salmon, cod, and lanternfish. In addition to being rare, they are difficult to identify because they completely change body shape three times during their life cycle. causing each to be erroneously identified as an entirely different species.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
The largest jellyfish
The Arctic cyanide is the largest jellyfish of all that live in the waters of the World Ocean. The record specimen of this species had a dome diameter of 2.3 meters. But the most impressive thing is that the length of its “tail” exceeded 36 meters! But scientists note that extremely rare specimens have a diameter of about 2 meters.
The usual size of representatives of this species is about 60-70 centimeters.
👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋
A fish with a flashlight on its head is called a sea devil.
She has a very repulsive appearance, which does not prevent her from eating meat of this species. In European and Asian countries, this fish is considered a delicacy. She received such recognition for her high taste qualities.
🐠 An underwater restaurant at the bottom of the ocean. Would you like to have dinner in such an atmosphere?
Читать полностью…🌅 The Canary Islands, the coastal strip. The greatness of nature in all its glory!
Читать полностью…On the active underwater volcano Axial, located on the Juan de Fuca plateau 500 km from Washington, at a depth of 1554 meters, a collective meal of deep-sea spider crabs (Macroregonia macrochira) was captured. The company slowly ate a dead jellyfish.
Читать полностью…Crabs
They can eat the bacterial film covering rocks, algae, fallen leaves and flowers, bivalves, polychaete worms, starfish, small crustaceans and even octopuses.
Like crayfish, crabs eagerly feast on carrion.
🙄Flying gurnard
The wings of the eastern flying gurnard aren't really wings at all - they're massive pectoral fins that flutter violently when in danger. The fins are dark blue with a bright blue border around the edges.
Tiburonia granrojo, also known as the great red jellyfish, is one of the most remarkable inhabitants of the deep sea. These giants can reach up to a meter in diameter, but unlike jellyfish that live near the surface of the ocean, this species does not have tentacles. Instead, a group of finger-shaped mouth arms dangles under its bulky bell.
Читать полностью…😙 Koi white angel
This is the name of this fish, a relative of the most common carp, carefully bred by Japanese breeders.
🐙 Do octopuses dream?
Scientists are still working to understand how octopuses and other cephalopods sleep, but some evidence suggests they go through REM sleep cycles and may even dream.