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Living Ocean


This is a ray-finned marine fish of the order Perciformes, which is found on coastal reefs in the western Pacific Ocean. Feeds on bottom invertebrates.

The sweetlip has a massive head with a small mouth and large eyes. Fish meat is tasty, lean, suitable for preparing first and second courses. The fish is also called the sea grunt.

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Living Ocean

🤫Spotted wobbegong

They are found in the Indo-Pacific region off the southern and eastern coasts of Australia at depths of up to 218 m. The maximum recorded length is 320 cm. They have a flattened and wide head and body. The head is framed by a characteristic fringe formed by skin flaps.

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Living Ocean

Tumbleweed tentacle.

Male octopuses fertilize the female with the help of a hectocotylus, a tentacle that stores spermatophores. With the help of this process, the male transfers the seed from his mantle cavity to the mantle cavity of the female. This process is especially interesting in Argonaut octopuses. They separate their hectocotylus and send it off to fertilize the female on its own. Initially, such “tumbleweed” tentacles were considered parasites and identified as a separate species.

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Living Ocean

Ascidia 😮

This species is very different from most tunicates.
It has been spotted at depths of 1,200 meters, its stem lifts it up to 38 centimeters above the seabed, and its body can reach 10 centimeters in length.

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Living Ocean

😀 Manta rays

Manta rays turn over quite often in order to clean their gills of contamination.

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Living Ocean

😁Seals 🦭

A family of predatory mammals from the order Pinnipeds, suborder Caniformes.

Interesting Facts:

- The body weight of these mammals varies from 40 kg to 2.5 tons, and in length they can reach from 1 to 6 meters.
- Seals are always sensitive to sleep; they wake up several times to inspect the territory.

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Living Ocean

Tourists accidentally walked into a whale's lunch break.

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Living Ocean

😆Sperm whale 🐳

These are one of the most ancient marine inhabitants of our planet. The fossil remains of their distant ancestors, the squalodont toothed whales, are about 25 million years old. Judging by their powerful jaws with huge, highly developed teeth, these giants were active predators and fed on large prey - primarily their closest relatives - small whales.

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Living Ocean

😁Chaetoderm 🐠

It has extensions on the sides and edges of the body, which are part of the fish's camouflage. Chaetoderma feeds on algae and small marine invertebrates and crustaceans.

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Living Ocean

😁Australian sea lion 🦭

A large representative of the eared seal family, living on the southern and western coasts of Australia.

Did you know these facts about sea lions?

- Animals are excellent swimmers. If necessary, they can reach speeds of over 50 km/h!
- An interesting fact is that the sea lion can not only swim quickly, but also has great endurance. During his travels, he is able to swim across not only the sea, but also the entire ocean.

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Living Ocean

The marine iguana looks menacing...

But it is not at all dangerous for humans. It feeds mainly on algae in the intertidal zone, biting them off the rocks 🙌

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Living Ocean

🐡 Long-spined hedgehog fish, this species has very powerful jaws. Thanks to them, she can easily bite through even a turtle shell.

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Living Ocean

There are fish that try to stay away from jellyfish. And there are some fish that, on the contrary, hide in jellyfish to protect themselves from predators. Of course, such a formidable bodyguard will not work for free. The fish feed the jellyfish with plankton. As a result, everyone is happy!

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Living Ocean

🐋 This is the moment when a beluga whale returns a phone to a man who accidentally dropped it into the waters of a Norwegian harbor

Beluga whales are considered the most intelligent inhabitants of the ocean: they are very smart, enjoy contact with humans, and easily learn the most incredible tricks.

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Living Ocean

What beauties! 🥰 🐬

According to the latest scientific data, dolphins have a “vocabulary” of 14,000 sound signals, which allows them to communicate with each other as productively as possible and provide timely help to everyone in need.

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Living Ocean

😀Marine iguanas sneeze salt

Yes, you read that right! Marine iguanas actually secrete salt through their nose. Because they spend their time swimming in the salty sea, they absorb large amounts of salt. Unfortunately, this poses a health hazard as salt water in the body can cause dehydration. Therefore, they need to somehow get rid of excess salt.

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Living Ocean

😉 Sand shark

They silently sneak up on their prey. But when you look at them closer, it makes their hunting behavior much more ferocious.

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Living Ocean

Flower cuttlefish 😍

They move in the water like oceanic ballerinas.
The skin of cephalopods contains many chromatophores with pigment cells, which flowery cuttlefish easily manipulate depending on the background environment.

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Living Ocean

The weight of an adult humpback whale reaches 25-30 tons.

Real giants!

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Living Ocean

Sea lights 🔥

The name comes from the fact that they glow at night thanks to bioluminescence generated by the bacteria in their bodies.

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Living Ocean

Did you know that the sex of turtles is determined by temperature? 🐢

Unlike humans, in whom sex is determined at the fertilization stage, in turtles sex is determined after fertilization, at the incubation stage. During the incubation period, turtles bury their eggs in the sand. The warmer the weather, the warmer the sand and therefore the higher the likelihood of baby turtles being born. This phenomenon is called temperature-dependent sex determination

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Living Ocean

It is believed that by rolling balls, crabs create a fence or protection for their house. In fact, crabs suck out microparticles of food from the sand, like all sorts of small pieces of algae, and thereby roll it into balls. So it's like eating sunflower seeds, for example.

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Living Ocean

☺️Marianna fish 🐟

Named after the Mariana Trench, where this fish likes to be most of the time. All specimens of Mariana snailfish were recorded at depths from 6900 to 8000 m. This is the deepest-sea fish that has been found on the ocean floor

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Living Ocean

😆Have you seen a crab swim? 🦀

There is a separate family of swimming crabs. The last pair of limbs has a specific structure (flattened), allowing the crabs to actively swim in the water column.

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Living Ocean

😀This is a transparent surgeon fish 🐟

It is only transparent when young, later it will become a regular black and blue fish.

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Living Ocean

A family of piranhas having lunch.

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Living Ocean

Dugong with a stuck Remora.

The dugong, often called the sea cow, is a large marine mammal belonging to the order Sirenia, which also includes manatees. Dugongs have a streamlined body with a whale-like tail. They can grow to approximately 3 meters in length and weigh between 250 and 900 kilograms. Their skin is thick and smooth, usually gray or brown. Dugongs are found in warm coastal waters from East Africa to Australia, including the Red Sea, Pacific and Indian Oceans. They prefer shallow, sheltered bays, mangrove channels and seagrass beds, which are their primary feeding grounds.

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Living Ocean

Space nudibranch.

Nudibranchs are an order of marine gastropods from the subclass Heterobranchia. Structural features include the absence of both a shell and a pronounced mantle. Some species are poisonous and brightly colored. All nudibranchs are hermaphrodites. Very picky about food.

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Living Ocean

Red scorpion fish.

This is an unusual marine predator that feeds on a variety of marine animals. It lives near the seabed, where it blends in with its surroundings and stalks its prey.

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Living Ocean

🐡 Chaunokops spend their entire lives lying on the bottom of the ocean and waiting for at least something to eat to swim by.

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