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😆Cellular moray eel
Cellular moray eels are found throughout the tropical Indo-Pacific basin: in the Red Sea, off the coast of East Africa, on the southern tip of the Japanese islands and south to the coast of Australia
🥰Zebra angelfish
The zebra angelfish is similar to the silver angelfish, but has more vertical stripes that extend to the tail of the aquarium fish. The stripes of angelfish look like blades of grass; this color helps the fish hide from its enemies.
😄Whale shark
The largest species of shark currently existing, as well as the largest living fish[6]. Its maximum size reaches at least 12.65 m, possibly up to 18 m and even 20 m.
🤩Platax bat.
A very interesting and unusual sea fish that has gained popularity among aquarists all over the world. It has a very unusual body shape, somewhat reminiscent of a bat with spread wings. The color of the laterally flattened round body is predominantly black with a white vertical stripe.
😮 Sailfish on the hunt
When swimming fast, the large fin folds into a special recess on the back. When making sharp turns at high speed, the fins rise sharply.
Architeuthis (giant squid) is the largest squid in existence.
The maximum officially recorded length of the giant squid is 16.5 m.
Interesting fact
Even the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle made records that mentioned a sea monster. It was finally possible to verify that the giant squid was not an invention of seafarers in 1861. At that time, French sailors found part of a dead animal and brought it to the mainland for study.
⚒ Hammerhead sharks
The hammerhead shark will hunt almost any prey it can lay its hands on.
They often prey on stingrays and sharks of other species that are smaller than them. Cases of cannibalism have also been recorded among them, when larger individuals ate smaller ones.
🙄Hairy frog fish.
The hairy fish can move along the bottom on its fins, which is why it is nicknamed the “frog fish.” Considered carnivorous - feeding on small fish and other marine life
😦Titicaca Whistler
A species of tailless amphibians from the family Ceratophryidae. Endemic to Lake Titicaca. For breathing, it mainly uses its skin, the folds of which increase the respiratory surface.
🥸Feeding a whale shark 🦈
A large pelagic shark from the family of rhincodontidae, or whale sharks of the order Wobbegongidae. The largest species of shark currently extant, as well as the largest living fish. Its maximum size reaches at least 12.65 m, possibly up to 18 m and even 20 m.
😳Comb jellies
Their bodies consist of a jelly-like mass lined with one layer of cells on the outside and another on the inside.
A distinctive feature of ctenophores is the “combs” of cilia used when swimming. The comb jelly does not have tentacles, but swims, capturing large prey with its mouth. Almost his entire body is a pharynx.
😲 Beroe forskalii
A genus of ctenophores from the tentacleless class. Beroe does not have tentacles, but swims, capturing large prey with its mouth. Almost his entire body is a pharynx. The comb jelly has adaptations for changing color when the illumination of the environment changes, which is due to the presence in the integument of the animal of small cells filled with a dye and capable of stretching and contracting.
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🤩Sea scallop.
Scallops are a family of marine bivalve mollusks from the order Pectinida. There are about 250 species distributed in the world's oceans.
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😲 Cetacean fish
A small deep-sea member of the ray-finned fish family, which includes the better known tuna, swordfish, salmon, cod, and lanternfish. In addition to being rare, they are difficult to identify because they completely change body shape three times during their life cycle. causing each to be erroneously identified as an entirely different species.
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😍Saw-nosed stingray.
A family of stingrays from the order Sawfish. The most noticeable feature is the long flat outgrowth of the snout, framed on the sides by teeth of the same size. These outgrowths are located in one row on each side and give the snout a saw-like appearance.
Blue whale
A marine mammal from the cetacean infraorder, belonging to the minke whale family of the baleen whale order. The largest whale, the largest living animal, and also probably the heaviest of all animals that have ever existed on Earth. Its length reaches 33 meters, and its weight can significantly exceed 150 tons.
Moray echidna
Despite their formidable reputation, moray eels are usually non-aggressive and only attack in self-defense. They are quite common in marine aquariums, although they require a large volume and are difficult to maintain.
😮Ocean sunfish 🐟
One of the two heaviest known bony fish in the world, the other is the southern sunfish (Mola alexandrini) of the same genus. Adults typically weigh between 247 and 2000 kg. This species is native to tropical and temperate waters throughout the world.
😯Leopard shark 🦈
A species of the genus of baleen cat sharks of the cat shark family. It is endemic to the coastal waters of South Africa. These common bottom-dwelling sharks can be found in depths greater than 100m on rocky reefs, sandy bottoms and kelp beds.
😕Mustachioed nurse shark 🦈
The only representative of the genus of baleen nurse sharks of the family of nurse sharks of the wobbegong-like order. It lives in the Atlantic Ocean and in the eastern part of the Pacific Ocean at a depth of up to 130 m. It reproduces by ovoviviparity.
🤓An amazing representative of siphonophores
Siphonophores are ocean-dwelling animals whose body is a colony of jellyfish. Today, about 175 species of these creatures are known, some of which reach a length of 40 meters, making them the longest aquatic animals on the planet.
Octopuses are considered by many zoopsychologists to be the most “smart” among all invertebrates in many respects: they are trainable, have a good memory, distinguish geometric shapes - a small square is distinguished from a larger one; a rectangle placed vertically from a rectangle placed horizontally; a circle from a square, a rhombus from a triangle. They get to know people and get used to those who feed them.
Читать полностью…🤨Tasmanian Thymichthys politus
The red hand fish or Thymichthys politus is what biologists call it; it does not swim, but moves along the bottom using modified fins that look like arms. Due to his mohawk-like crest, he looks like a real punk with bulging eyes.
😊Orca 🐳
The killer whale (Orcinus orca) is a toothed whale belonging to the family of oceanic dolphins, of which it is the largest member. It is recognizable by its black and white patterned body.
🙄 Cleaner shrimp 🦐
The general name for floating decapod crustaceans of the class of higher crustaceans that cleanse parasites from other organisms. This is one of the types of symbiosis. In this case, the fish gets rid of parasites, and the shrimp receives food. Sometimes on coral reefs, thanks to cleaner shrimp and other cleaners, places appear - “stations” where animals accumulate, trying to get rid of parasites.
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😲In fact, cuttlefish is not a fish.
Although in English it is called “cattle fish”. It is a cephalopod and belongs to the same class as octopuses and squids. They can control buoyancy even better than divers, thanks to a peculiar calcareous inner shell filled with gas.
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😃 Bubble eye is a type of goldfish
One of the artificially cultivated decorative breeds of aquarium “goldfish”, a representative of the carp family.
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