Channel for lovers of rivers, seas and oceans. Dive with us!
Aurelia ✨
A species of scyphoid from the order Semaeostomeae. It lives in the coastal waters of temperate and tropical seas, including the Black and Mediterranean seas.
Coral castle pillar 👑
This is a living coral reef that is located in the sea off the coast of Miami, Florida, USA. It gets its name from the loose, columnar shape that the corals form. The reef serves as a habitat for various species of marine animals.
Large-spotted sweetlip 🥰
As the fish gets older, the color of the fish changes quite dramatically. Young fish are brown with numerous large white spots. Adults have a light base color with many small brown round dots scattered throughout. The fins are similarly colored.
Bubble Coral Shrimp 🦐
A species of crustacean from the family Palaemonidae, which often inhabits bulbous corals in the coastal waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans. They reach sizes ranging from 2.5 to 5.5 cm and are characterized by their symbiotic relationship with bulbous corals, which provides them with shelter and food.
Idiosepius pygmaeus 🐙
A species of cephalopod mollusks from the family Idiosepiidae. Reaches a length of 2 cm. Idiosepius pygmaeus lives in the tropical waters of the central Indo-Pacific region.
🙂Acentronura breviperula
A species of dwarf tubefish, a member of the family Syngnathidae, seahorses and tubefishes. It is found in the Indo-Pacific region from the eastern Andaman Sea through the Malay Archipelago to the Western Pacific Ocean, and east to New Guinea and the northern Great Barrier Reef.
🧐Tiger cyprea
Cyprus does not pose a threat to most ornamental invertebrates, but there are known cases of its attack on small, delicate sessile animals, primarily soft corals. The transition from eating vegetation to predatory behavior occurs for no apparent reason. Generally cannot be considered safe for a reef aquarium.
😳Cichlazoma “Flower Horn”
A massive, elegantly colored fish obtained by Asian breeders through complex hybridization. An object of constant improvement in color and shape. A physically strong, not always easy-going cichlid, which nevertheless gets along well with comparable or larger neighbors in the pond.
😐Brachygobius doriae
A brackish-water ray-finned fish from the Goby family. Found naturally on the island of Borneo and adjacent archipelagos. Refers to miniature fish with a very interesting coloring: alternating black and yellow stripes on the body.
😊Cardinal fish larvae
These are small, transparent creatures that live in the green areas of reefs. During their development, they undergo a number of transformations before becoming colorful adult fish. When the larvae reach a certain age, they leave the reefs and swim into open waters.
😳Sea spiders
A class of marine arthropods from the chelicerate subphylum. They live at almost all depths, from the littoral to the abyssal, under conditions of normal salinity. Found in all seas. Currently, more than 1000 modern species are known. Sometimes sea spiders are separated from chelicerates into a separate type.
😳Orca (Orca)
This is a mammal from the dolphin family. They live in all the oceans of the world and can reach lengths of up to 9 meters. Also known as "whale killers" due to their hunting habits. Orcs feed on fish, squid, mammals and birds. They are very intelligent and social, living in small groups.
🙂Long-snouted curlew
It grows up to 13 cm, feeds on small crustaceans. An active predator, it hunts from cover in the branches of gorgonians or black corals. The diver should swim up to the large gorgonians and carefully examine the branches - it is very possible that you will meet that gorgonian there
With age, these fish' character deteriorates, they become very aggressive and love to bite. They show their aggression both towards their relatives and towards their neighbors in the aquarium (fish of other species)
😮Moray eels
Huge and sharp teeth help to quickly deal with prey. Almost all moray eels have not one, but two pairs of jaws in their mouths. The first - the main one, with large teeth, is where it should be, and the second - the pharyngeal - in the pharynx area
Elysia crispata from gastropods is not only beautiful in appearance. It is also interesting in its structure! 🦠
The fact is that this citizen knows how to do kleptoplasty. What is this? This is when you eat algae, distribute their green chloroplasts throughout your body, and sit, sunbathe, get energy from the sun.
Webworm 🧬
A representative of marine planktonic polychaetes that lives in open water deep below the surface and well above the seabed. Unlike its bottom-dwelling relatives, the webworm (Tomopteris sp.) is in constant motion. This nearly ethereal worm is a graceful swimmer that “dances” through its aquatic environment by rhythmically paddling its swimming legs.
Juvenile yellow boxfish 💛
It is a small marine fish, yellow in color with black dots, which is found in tropical and subtropical waters. The fish gets its name from its bright color and box-shaped shape. It is a popular subject for aquariums.
Ribbon eel 💙
A species of marine fish known for its unusual appearance. It can change its color and shape depending on age and gender. These fish live in tropical reefs and are popular dive sites due to their beautiful appearance.
They are deep-sea fish characterized by long bodies and long jaws with sharp teeth. They are often called "silver fish". They are found in various places around the world and are important prey for commercial fisheries.
😍Thalassocalyce inconstans
This is the only species of the order Thalassocalycida belonging to the ribbed jellyfish. Thalassocalyce inconstans has an extremely fragile body that disintegrates even with the slightest touch, making it difficult to study individual specimens intact.
😌Epaulette shark
Also known as the ocellated catshark, it is a species of shark that lives along the coast of southwestern Australia. They were named this way because of their protruding pectoral fins, reminiscent of epaulettes. They reach 1.3 meters in length.
🙄Sphoeroides lobatus
A species of the family Tetraodontidae, or puffer fish. Found in shallow coastal waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean from California to Chile, including the Galapagos Islands.
😮Benthic animal sea lily or feather star
Some of the most beautiful representatives of ocean fauna. These bright creatures resemble animated coral clusters, although in fact they are predators and are not averse to snacking on plankton and small crustaceans.
🤓Lysmata amboinensis
An omnivorous species of shrimp known by several common names, including the Pacific cleaner shrimp. It is considered a cleaner shrimp because eating parasites and dead fish tissue makes up a significant portion of its diet.
This species is a natural part of the coral reef ecosystem and is widespread in the tropics, typically found at depths of 5-40 m.
A genus of fish in the cichlid family. They are one of the most popular and most widely distributed aquarium fish. The Latin name comes from πτερος - “wing”, and φυλλον - “leaf”.
🥰Young minnows
These are small fish that often have a mottled, smoky coloration. They live in coastal waters, reefs and mangroves, where they feed on detritus, algae and small invertebrates. Juvenile minnows are similar to adult fish, but have a brighter color
🧐Anemonefish eggs
These are small, yellow or orange oval objects that the male and female fish place in a separate area on the reef, usually on a piece of coral or other hard surface. After hatching, anemonefish larvae spend their first lives hiding at the bottom of the seafloor or in anemones.
🙄Giant Australian cuttlefish
These cuttlefish are famous for their ability to instantly change their color, which most often depends on the mood of the animal or the environment. It also changes greatly in males during the mating season.
This becomes possible due to the presence of pigment in their cells, which is responsible for their stretching or contraction depending on signals coming from the nervous system. During the mating season or during an attack on prey, their color acquires a metallic sheen and is covered with bright luminous dots.
An order of tunicates from the salpa class, including the only family Pyrosomatidae. Marine free-swimming colonial animals. Close to colonial sea squirts of the family Polycitoridae