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Living Ocean

The purple tremoctopus, also known as the soaring octopus Tremoctopus violaceus, is a fascinating sight! It is also called a carpet octopus or a blanket octopus - depending on what exactly the thin multi-colored membrane between the outstretched tentacles reminds the observer.

In this way, the octopus tries to appear larger and scares away predators. Only female carpet octopuses have a beautiful outfit; males do not need it - after all, they do not grow more than three centimeters, but females reach a meter in length, and together with the bedspread - two meters.

Having no veil and impressive size, male violet tremoctopus are insensitive to the venom of one of the most dangerous jellyfish, the Portuguese man-of-war. That is why they, holding with suction cups, carry with them pieces of the burning tentacles of poisonous jellyfish and, if necessary, fearlessly attack the enemy with them, like a sword. The venom of jellyfish is very strong, it kills fish in seconds!

Here you can see two female Tremoctopus violaceus taken by a diver in the Philippine Islands area

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Living Ocean

The leafy sea dragon is a type of charismatic sea creature belonging to the genus Phycodurus.

Externally, the leafy sea dragon resembles a dragon: it has a curved body and thin processes on which flat fins grow.
It needs these fins to move and camouflage itself with its environment.

The dragon moves only with the help of two of them: the chest and the back. But thanks to its fins, it can reach speeds of up to 150 m/h.

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Living Ocean

🦐 Camel shrimp, Dancing shrimp.

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Living Ocean

Maori wrasse or known as Napoleon fish🐟🐡🐠
This underwater inhabitant can reach impressive sizes - length up to two meters and weight up to 200 kg. Its appearance attracts attention: the colors resemble the luxurious patterns of Iranian porcelain.🧊💎😊

Lives in the waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans.

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Living Ocean

🌊 One of the most ancient creatures of our planet, a sea creature known as the sunfish, continues to amaze scientists, having inhabited the World Ocean for over 100 million years.🐡🌞🐟🦈🌐

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Living Ocean

The ocean is a whole universe, different from ours 🌊💦

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Living Ocean

Great Barrier Reef in Australia 🇦🇺

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Living Ocean

😃Finval 🐋

A species of whale from the minke whale family. It is a close relative of the blue whale and the second largest animal on the planet. Fin whales and blue whales are so closely related that sometimes even hybrids between these species are found.

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Living Ocean


A truly mysterious creature that is unlike any other. Megalodicopia has a huge mouth that allows it to swallow small crustaceans and other creatures from the ocean.

This animal can be considered one of the practically immortal creatures of our planet, since when damaged, a whole individual grows from a tiny particle of its body.

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Living Ocean

😯Mexican dwarf 🦞

A freshwater crayfish found only in Lake Patzcuaro in Mexico. The female grows up to 4-5 centimeters, males - a little less - 3-4 centimeters, males also have larger claws. The orange color of the aquarium crayfish is the result of selection work; in nature, the color of this crayfish is not orange, but dirty yellow or brown. Life expectancy is 1.5-2 years.

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Living Ocean


This is the largest fish that can be found in the waters of our planet. According to official data, its length can reach 4.5 meters and weigh up to 1,500 kilograms.

Did you know these facts about beluga?

- Beluga can live more than 100 years, so it is considered one of the longest-living fish in the world.
- Parents do not care about their offspring. Moreover, they do not mind feasting on their relatives.
- The beluga, like the shark, has no bones, and its skeleton consists of cartilage, which becomes harder and stronger over the years.

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Living Ocean

🌍 Elegant dance

👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋

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Living Ocean

😛 Scallop

Scallops have interesting biological features that allow them to survive in unpleasant conditions.

👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋

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Living Ocean

Just a turtle... or not? 😁🐢

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Living Ocean

😀Giant squid 🦑

Legends and myths about sea monsters mention underwater “battles of the titans” - giant squids and sperm whales. However, some squid can grow to such a size that sperm whales simply cannot catch them.

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Living Ocean

Nautilus Pompilius Nautilus pompilius - yes, yes, the same one! Unless he sings.

But this cephalopod can, by adjusting the amount of ammonia ions in the chambers of the shell, sink or rise - the principle that is used in modern submarines was invented by him hundreds of millions of years ago.

Most modern cephalopods lack shells and have elongated bodies with a small number of cephalic tentacles. At the same time, in the Paleozoic, hundreds of millions of years ago, ammonites and nautiloids flourished, with well-developed external shells and numerous tentacles.

The dominant ammonites in past geological epochs became completely extinct, but a small number of nautiloid species managed to survive and persist in the tropical regions of the Pacific and Indian Oceans. For this reason, nautilus, along with coelacanths, horseshoe crabs and some other species, are called “living fossils.”

Ancient nautiluses grew up to 3.5 m, but today's ones only grow up to 25 cm - but thanks for the fact that they survived!

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Living Ocean

🌍 Pig Island, Bahamas

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Living Ocean

British Columbia, Canada

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Living Ocean

Dancing with sharks🙈🦈
Who would have thought - but this is reality, now I believe in it! 🦈🏊‍♀️🏊🏆

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Living Ocean

😉 The fascinating world of Bigfin reef squid eggs

These eggs, filled with developing squid, display an incredible ballet of movement underwater. These elusive creatures live in the Indo-Pacific region.

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Living Ocean

Charming video with a performing dolphin💿📹🐬🚢🛟❤️

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Living Ocean

An underwater explorer girl who conquers mysterious underwater caves is gaining popularity on TikTok!

She boldly penetrates narrow underwater tunnels to reveal to us the stunning beauty of paradises lost under water👌💎⚠️🌍✨

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Living Ocean

😊Moorish Idol 🐠

An idol is an idol - it must be admired from afar, it cannot be tamed. It is too unpredictable and incomprehensible to humans.

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Living Ocean


A predatory sponge discovered at a depth of 3-3.5 km by marine biologists from the California Monterey Bay Research Institute in 2012.

The body of the lyre sponge is attached to the ground with the help of rhizoids and has from two to six “blades” emanating from the center, which are horizontal branches on which vertical branches are attached.

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Living Ocean

☺️ Strombus

This Strombus is also called the Florida War Shell, because in case of danger it swings its leg, which has a claw, like a fencer with a sword.

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Living Ocean

Have you ever seen a ball of stingrays? There you go, now you've seen it

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Living Ocean

💙 The incredible power of the ocean

Did you know that in the oceans at great depths sometimes underwater waves a hundred meters high occur, but they are not noticeable on the surface?

👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋

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Living Ocean

😍Pisces the architect 👷‍♂️

The architect fish is a small marine fish of the pufferfish family. This species was discovered quite recently, in 2014.

The length of the male architect fish is up to 12 centimeters, while the diameter of the nest he builds can reach 2 meters.

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Living Ocean

😄Angel fish 😇

Where does the fish get this name?

They say that angel fish got their name because of the shape of their fins, which are very similar to the wings of an angel, and when the fish swims down, its silhouette resembles an angel.

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Living Ocean

Hello everyone from the octopus 👋

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