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Living Ocean

The sea spider 🕷

Giant sea spiders live in the polar Arctic and the Southern Ocean, some of them exceed 30 cm in length.

Experts suggest that perhaps sea spiders grow to such sizes because of "polar gigantism", a rather mysterious phenomenon that has not yet been fully studied.

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Living Ocean

An unusual sponge harp 🧽

It is a mysterious marine predator. It clings to the sediment of the seabed and hunts, gluing small underwater inhabitants to its sticky tips.

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Living Ocean

Hitchhiking is developed not only on land 🚗

While diving in the Monterey Bay off the coast of California, small crabs can often be seen sitting on their backs or clinging to the bellies of sea cucumbers, moving with them.

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Living Ocean

A savory snack 🪼

Moon jellyfish bloom in early spring in the Red Sea and during this period serve as an important food source for sea turtles, reef fish and many other species.

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Living Ocean

Fan corals 🪸

Elegant structure, considerable size and different shades of color from white and yellow to dark red and purple.

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Living Ocean

Hawkfish 🐠

A small species of hawkfish found on tropical reefs in the Indo-Pacific region from the Maldives to the Caroline Islands and Samoa. Sometimes it can be found in the aquarium trade.

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Living Ocean

Over the Atlantic Ocean 😍

These views are always breathtaking.

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Living Ocean

Flower Hedgehog 🌸

It is considered very dangerous because it is capable of delivering extremely painful and medically significant bites when touched.

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Living Ocean

Bull shrimp tangaroa 🐟

This species is a commensal with alpheid shrimp, with fish and shrimp sharing a burrow.

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Living Ocean

Spanish Dancer 🕺

Not only does it crawl under the seabed, like most other nudibranchs, it also swims despite many threats.

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Living Ocean

Harlequin Crab 🦀

The crab got its name because of the variety of bright color combinations on its shell, reminiscent of a harlequin costume.

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Living Ocean

Tetraodon fish 🐟

Their teeth grow like rabbits, and they must be ground down.

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Living Ocean

"The look of sweet lips" 👀

When you come across a group of these fish, all together they stare at you.

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Living Ocean

Sailboat 🦪

It is a marine animal from the class of mollusks, which has the ability to move due to a sail-like organ.

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Living Ocean

Blue-spotted stingrays 💙

Blue-spotted stingrays are bottom-dwelling animals that prefer to live in shallow water, in thickets of algae and corals. They feed on fish, crustaceans and shellfish.

These stingrays are considered safe for humans, can be quite sociable and curious.

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Living Ocean

These are Opisthognathaceae, a family of ray–finned fish. Their males carry eggs in their mouths.

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Living Ocean

Sneezing seals is the cutest thing in the world 😄

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Living Ocean

You have never seen such a beautiful tornado!

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Living Ocean

What do these crabs do? 🦀

It is believed that by rolling balls, crabs make a fence or protection for their house.

In fact, crabs suck out microparticles of food from the sand, like all sorts of small pieces of algae and thereby roll it into balls.

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Living Ocean

The subtleties of nature never cease to amaze 🦀

Take a close look at the complexity and accuracy of this reef crab during feeding.

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Living Ocean

Green sea snail 🐌

This tiny marine clam has everything to go unnoticed in seawater.

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Living Ocean

Macrotritopus dephilippi 🐙

A small species of octopus, marine cephalopods of the order Octopoda.

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Living Ocean

Mantis shrimp 🦐

Lysiosquillina lisa has the same fishing technique as mantises from the insect kingdom.

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Living Ocean

Blowfish 🐡

Not everyone will be able to see such a sight, in front of you are the kids from the squad of blowfish.

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Living Ocean

Barracuda 🐟

The Famous Terrible Streamlined Sea Hunters

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Living Ocean

Eschmeyer's scorpion fish 🦂

This fish got its name due to its external resemblance to a scorpion.

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Living Ocean

Crocodiles 🐊

They swallow small stones to improve digestion.

Swallowing stones, known as "gastroliths," is beneficial for crocodiles that consume their prey whole, or for animals with shells and bones.

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Living Ocean

Goldfish 🐠

The maximum length of goldfish is 15 cm, and they feed on lettuce and nettle leaves, bloodworms, earthworms cooked in a special way.

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Living Ocean

Incredible shrimp disguise 🦐

The amazing ability of some small shrimp to disguise themselves and blend into the environment to avoid danger from predators.

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Living Ocean

A huge humpback whale 🐋

Despite its size, the humpback whale tries to stay in offshore waters. At a modest depth, there is what he consumes for food.

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