Channel for lovers of rivers, seas and oceans. Dive with us!
🥒Pink sea cucumber😀
A species of sea cucumber of the genus Enypniastes, family Pelagothuriidae. It lives at depths from 500 m to 5 km. Called "headless chicken fish" in some languages.
🙄Shovel fish
🐠Spadefish has a bright color of orange, pink, red - depending on the subspecies, a flattened body, decorated with black dots as a means of camouflage. Basically, the size of such a fish reaches 80-90 cm in length, and weighs up to 9 kilograms!
🤯Stingrays are extremely curious and smart creatures.
One of two superorders of elasmobranch cartilaginous fishes. Contains four orders and fifteen families. Stingrays are characterized by a strongly flattened body and large pectoral fins fused to the head.
🦈 Any average shark grows up to 7 rows of teeth. Since the mouth is the main weapon of a predator, nature made sure that its falling fangs are replaced with new ones. Thanks to this, sharks can change up to 30 thousand teeth over a lifetime.
Читать полностью…Elegant, beautiful and fantastic - Crown jellyfish! 💜 Such a jellyfish can be found, for example, in the Philippines. They often swim shallowly, so it’s not difficult to admire and photograph them.
Читать полностью…Warty anglerfish.
It lives in the waters of the Atlantic and Indo-Pacific regions.
It is found mainly on reefs at a depth of 200–300 meters.
The color of anglerfish is very diverse: bright red, yellow, black, and spotted.
The skin of anglerfish is devoid of scales, but is covered with moss-like growths, bumps and warts.
The pectoral and pelvic fins have literally transformed into limbs, so that anglerfish walk along the bottom rather than swim.
Whale sharks are not whales, but sharks. And this is the biggest fish in the sea 🌊
Читать полностью…The fascinating process of whale hunting. By group efforts, they drive prey into a circle – usually small fish or plankton, after which they begin to exhale air, locking their "victim" in a seething ring.
Читать полностью…🤩 Pinagor
A species of marine ray-finned fish from the lumpfish family.
"Sea sparrows" can be found in almost all cold seas and oceans - from the Aleutian Islands and the Bering Sea to the coast of Asia and the islands in northern Japan.
🐉 Leafy Sea Dragon
Looking at this fish, you won’t immediately understand: is this a living creature in front of you or an elegant seaweed swimming, driven by the current?
Foreign scientists were so impressed that they gave the fish an epic name - leafy sea dragon.
The harmony of the underwater world fascinates, leaving no chance for feigned indifference.
Читать полностью…🐋 Whales have relatives on land It would seem, why on earth could sea giants and land inhabitants be relatives? However, scientists have found that the closest relatives of whales on land are... hippos! They both descend from a common ancestor who lived on Earth about 54 million years ago. In the process of evolution, these species took different paths, and whales adopted life in the ocean.
National Geographic
The giant pyrosome is a free-floating shell. But this is not an independent organism, but thousands of identical microorganisms forming a colony. They act very harmoniously. The length of such a shell can reach 18 meters and the width - 1.5 meters.
Читать полностью…🧐Black and golden clam
Is a species of sacoglossan marine mollusc. Sacoglossans live by ingesting the cellular contents of algae, hence the adjective "sap sucking". They reach about 4 cm in length.
Sea turtles are able to navigate in space using the Earth's magnetic field and thanks to this ability, after many years they can return to their place of birth.
Читать полностью…🐠 An underwater restaurant at the bottom of the ocean. Would you like to have dinner in such an atmosphere?
Читать полностью…🌅 The Canary Islands, the coastal strip. The greatness of nature in all its glory!
Читать полностью…On the active underwater volcano Axial, located on the Juan de Fuca plateau 500 km from Washington, at a depth of 1554 meters, a collective meal of deep-sea spider crabs (Macroregonia macrochira) was captured. The company slowly ate a dead jellyfish.
Читать полностью…Crabs
They can eat the bacterial film covering rocks, algae, fallen leaves and flowers, bivalves, polychaete worms, starfish, small crustaceans and even octopuses.
Like crayfish, crabs eagerly feast on carrion.
🙄Flying gurnard
The wings of the eastern flying gurnard aren't really wings at all - they're massive pectoral fins that flutter violently when in danger. The fins are dark blue with a bright blue border around the edges.
Tiburonia granrojo, also known as the great red jellyfish, is one of the most remarkable inhabitants of the deep sea. These giants can reach up to a meter in diameter, but unlike jellyfish that live near the surface of the ocean, this species does not have tentacles. Instead, a group of finger-shaped mouth arms dangles under its bulky bell.
Читать полностью…😙 Koi white angel
This is the name of this fish, a relative of the most common carp, carefully bred by Japanese breeders.
🐙 Do octopuses dream?
Scientists are still working to understand how octopuses and other cephalopods sleep, but some evidence suggests they go through REM sleep cycles and may even dream.
😮Actinoscyphia aurelia
A large sea anemone that looks like a Venus flytrap. It closes its tentacles to catch prey or protect itself. This is a deep ocean species.
The Picasso spiny triggerfish is a territorial and rather aggressive fish. Although, in fairness, it must be said that fish direct all their aggressive ardor only towards representatives of their own species.
The fish has an elongated body, strongly flattened laterally. The head is also long, almost triangular in shape, with developed jaws. The dorsal plumage consists of two parts. The dorsal fin is located in the middle part of the body with a spiny ray and is small in size. With this ray, in case of danger, fish cling to the edges of the reef in a crevice and it is very difficult to just pull it out of there. The dorsal fin, located closer to the root of the tail, is long, with rounded edges. The tail is in the form of a truncated semicircle. The abdomen is white, the back is gray-green. On the head of the fish, through the gill cover and eyes, there is a dark stripe with a bluish edging. On the body there are inclined black stripes of varying widths. The size of the fish reaches 30 cm.
A charming family of Humpback whales🐋
They are migratory animals and make long journeys during the mating season or in search of food. They can travel vast distances, traveling from warm tropical waters to cold coastal areas. Some humpback whale populations swim more than 5,000 kilometers.
🐧 Is it just me, or did the penguins from Madagascar end up in real life?
Читать полностью…Dorippe Crab 🦀
Over the years, this species has adapted to carry jellyfish as a shield and disguise. This is how crabs ensure safety from predators.
Dorippe's hind legs have become thinner and twisted with evolution, especially in order to quickly throw poor jellyfish on their backs.
Olindias formosa 🪼
They live off the southern coast of Japan. Jellyfish of this species are characterized by hovering in real estate near the bottom in shallow areas.
In the summer of 1979, during an outbreak of their numbers in Nagasaki Prefecture, several dozen swimmers were burned.