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Living Ocean

Have you ever gotten high too?)

If not, you are missing out on a lot.

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Living Ocean

An axolotl is the larva of some types of salamanders ♥️

The domestic dragon, as it is often called, is popular among aquarists. He is human friendly and fun to watch.

Interesting fact:
The peculiarity of the axolotl is that it becomes capable of reproduction without ever turning into the adult form of a salamander.

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Living Ocean

🥰Whales 🐋

Marine mammals from the infraorder Cetacea, not related to either dolphins or porpoises. Killer whales and pilot whales have the word "whale" in their informal names, although according to strict taxonomy they are dolphins.

Interesting facts about whales:

- The ancestors of modern whales plied the waters of the World Ocean 55 million years ago.
- A thick layer of fat protects whales from the cold, so they are able to swim even in the coldest seas

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Living Ocean

😆Moray eel ✨

A genus of ray-finned fish from the moray eel family. Found in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, widespread in the Mediterranean and Red Seas.

Did you know these facts?

- Chain moray eels can leave the water for half an hour to hunt crabs in spills and tide pools.
- Moray eels are mainly nocturnal and marine creatures. Some species are also found in fairly freshwater areas such as tidal creeks and mangrove forests.

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Living Ocean

The Galapagos penguin is a species of spectacled penguin, the northernmost and smallest species of the genus. It is unique in that its habitat is located just a few tens of kilometers from the Equator - on the Galapagos Islands. The air temperature there is between +18-28°C, water temperature - +22-24°C.

Galapagos penguins nest near the water. The breeding season lasts all year, so one pair can have up to three litters in a year. Galapagos penguins are monogamous. The eggs are incubated by both parents alternately for 38-40 days. Chicks at the age of 60-65 days go to sea with adult birds. To escape the heat, Galapagos penguins dive into the water or stand with their wings spread and leaning forward to protect their legs. Penguins spend most of the day in the water, hunting in schools for small fish and small crustaceans. As ocean temperatures rise, penguins experience food shortages. During this period they feed alone.

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Living Ocean

😲Immortal jellyfish 🧬

Of course, you can kill a jellyfish. And it’s easy to do this without even noticing it. Physical immortality has not yet been found in any living organism on our planet. Most of all jellyfish species live from a few hours to many months before dying, and Turritopsis dohrnii is capable of reverting to a polyp state - the very first stage of the cnidarian life cycle.

Experiments in the laboratory have shown that a jellyfish can begin to “develop” in the opposite direction at any stage of life. Her dome and tentacles stop growing, then various processes and shoots appear on her body, which are overgrown with feeding polyps. As a result, the jellyfish returns to the hydroid stage.

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Living Ocean

😀 Shrimp Corallimorph

This shrimp lives (probably predominantly or exclusively) on the elephant ear Amplexidiscus fenestrafer.

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Living Ocean

😍Baby shark 🦈

Sharks are mostly viviparous, and some of them lay eggs. Like cat sharks, for example. Their eggs are strange, with spiral appendages. They are needed so that the egg securely clings to the algae and does not get carried away by the current.

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Living Ocean

😁Striped platidoras

A species of catfish from the armored family. It was first described by Carl Linnaeus in 1758. Lives in the Amazon, Tocantins, Parnaiba, Orinoco and Essequibo river basins in French Guiana and Suriname.

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Living Ocean

Incredible ice of Lake Baikal.

So transparent that it allows you to see the underwater world in detail.

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Living Ocean

When you come back to work after the weekend and are trying to figure out how to do this very job

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Living Ocean

Whales and dolphins (cetaceans) live in close-knit social groups, have complex relationships, talk to each other, and even have regional dialects—much like in human society.

Cetaceans have sophisticated social and behavioral traits similar to those found in human culture.
Social and cultural traits have been linked to brain size and expansion—also known as encephalization.

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Living Ocean

Amazing 🌟

Human resistance to the power of water elements 🏄‍♂️🌪🌊💥

Breathtaking 🔥

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Living Ocean

💙 Blue Button also known as Porpita Porpita

These marine animals are made up of specialized individuals called zooids that work together to function as a single unit.

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Living Ocean

An octopus is chasing a crab.

The octopus is a typical ambush predator. Its diet includes mollusks, crustaceans, fish, and plankton. It grabs the prey with its hands, then pulls it to its mouth and bites the victim with its beak. In this case, the poison from the octopus' salivary glands enters the wound.

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Living Ocean

👀 Discus fish care for their offspring, like mothers of mammals.

Few fish are distinguished by their ability to care for the younger generation. Most species leave their newly hatched offspring to fend for themselves.

👍 However, discus fish is an exception. Discus fry feed on mucus that the parents secrete around their bodies. This parental care lasts until the fish are old enough to search for food on their own.

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Living Ocean

🥰Octopus 🐙

A widely known cephalopod, distributed in almost all seas and oceans. These amazing animals can take on different shapes and colors, camouflaging themselves with their surroundings. Octopuses are valued among people due to their taste, which is why today there are entire farms for breeding these animals.

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Living Ocean

At first glance it may seem that this is a huge stone washed by a sea wave.

But no, this is a huge school of fish.

If they ask me what a real team should look like, I will show them this video.

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Living Ocean

😄Live fish inside jellyfish 🐠

Despite the fact that the fish is in the body of another creature, it is she who determines the direction of movement and controls the jellyfish.

According to scientists, it is difficult to determine whether the fish are safe or, on the contrary, in trouble.

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Living Ocean

The octopus releases a cloud of ink - this is its way of emergency protection from dangers💥🐙🦑🐟

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Living Ocean

🌍 Blue whale

👉Secrets of the Oceans 🐋

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Living Ocean

Phalium glaucum, common name: gray cap, or glaucus cap

This species of snail lives on sandy bottoms with sea grass meadows, in the intertidal and shallow subtidal zones at a depth of about 10 m.

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Living Ocean

🤔Spotted garden eels - Why is it called so strangely?

Well, first of all, it is clear that “spotted” describes the pattern on the fish’s body.

Secondly, it is called garden because it forms flocks of several hundred individuals. The fish buries itself deep into the sand, leaving only its head on the surface. Thousands of eels peeking out of their holes create the feeling that you are in a real garden, where instead of trees, eels' heads sway in the wind.

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Living Ocean

💛 Thecacera pacifica

This is a species of sea slugs, nudibranchs, and marine gastropods of the family Polyceridae.

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Living Ocean

Deep-sea sea devil.

Their mouth is so large and their body so flexible that they can swallow prey twice their size.

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Living Ocean

The magnificent toadfish Sanopus splendidus is found in the Atlantic Ocean, its size averages from 25 to 40 cm, and its Latin name is derived from the Greek words saino - “shake tail” and pous - leg. These are bottom-dwelling predatory fish that wait in ambush for prey.

These fish belong to the ray-finned family and, unfortunately, to the category of endangered species

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Living Ocean

☺️White dolphin 🐬

A species of dolphin found in the rivers of the Amazon basin.

Did you know these facts about dolphins?

- Dolphins used to live on land, but then they evolved and went into the water. Their fins used to be finger-shaped, scientists have come to this conclusion.
- Dolphins communicate with sounds that are inaudible to the human ear.

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Living Ocean

🤓Octopoteuthis deletron 🦑

When attacked by an enemy, the squid can throw away the tentacle where it has grabbed onto. At the same time, the fallen limb will twitch and glow, attracting as much attention as possible.

Unlike octopuses, which immediately lose the entire tentacle, deletron can discard it in small fragments.

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Living Ocean

😮The largest white shark is Deep Blue 🦈

White sharks, or great white sharks, are among the largest predators on the planet. Their average length is about 5.5 meters, and their weight is about 1900 kilograms. ⁠⁠

Did you know about these facts?

- The frilled shark's gestation period lasts three and a half years - longer than that of the elephant.
- Shark eyes have eyelids, but for some reason these fish don’t use them.
- Sharks know how to block pain impulses so as not to feel pain.

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Living Ocean

Sharktail ray

The distribution area of ​​which covers the warm-water regions of the Indian and western Pacific Oceans (from South Africa to the southeastern part of the Sea of ​​Japan), reaches a length of 3 m and a mass of 225 kg.

Its main food is bottom invertebrates. Reproduction occurs by ovoviviparity.

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